BREAKING: Live Action launches new investigation on late-term abortions
Video #1: Infanticide in the Bronx: Abortion survivors dunked in poison
UDPATE, 9:42p: Also the New York Times.
UDPATE, 6:40p: Melinda Henneberger at the Washington Post is reporting on this story, as is The Daily Caller, Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review Online, PolicyMic, Fox News, and Hot Air.
5:54a: Today, Live Action is launching a new investigative video series on late-term abortions in America: “Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry.”
Was Kermit Gosnell an anomaly? Not if the findings in Live Action’s first released video are any indication.
Dr. Emily’s Women’s Health Center is a late-term abortion clinic located in the Bronx section of New York City, where a wincing 41% of pregnancies end in abortion. A Live Action investigator who was 23 weeks pregnant – with a potentially viable baby – visited this mill for shocking results.
The abortion counselor is caught on tape describing in gruesome detail how the baby is removed and instructs the investigator to “flush” the baby down the toilet if he or she is accidentally delivered at home before the final stage of the two-day abortion procedure.
“If it comes out, then it comes out. Flush it. … If anything, you know, put it in a bag or something or somewhere and bring it to us.”
When Live Action’s undercover investigator asks what happens if the baby is born alive, “twitching, or something like that,” at the clinic, the counselor says the baby will be put in a solution, which “will make it stop.”
“The solution will make it stop. It’s not going to be moving around in the jar … that’s the whole purpose of the solution…. It’ll automatically stop. It won’t be able to [breathe]…not with the solution.”
The “solution,” as described by the counselor, who agrees it is a “toxic” substance, is likely formalin, a tissue preservative made of formaldehyde, a poison.
“We have that to keep it clean, and, you know, ’cause by the time it gets to the lab, it sill needs to be freshly, you know….”
The counselor also falsely claims that laminaria – seaweed sticks that are inserted into the cervix to dilate it – will kill the baby.
The seaweed is where the heartbeat – that’s what kills the heartbeat as well…. they’re toxic.
The counselor warns the investigator not to call the hospital if her baby is delivered at home, falsely claiming the hospital wouldn’t accept her anyway.
‘Cause we started it first, the hospital won’t take you. They won’t touch you, either, because we started it. So whoever starts it has to finish it.
A second counselor gives contradictory information, telling the investigator it’s all a matter of location, that the baby must be killed “inside the body,” because were that same baby “outside the body… he has to resuscitate it; he has to send it to the hospital. That’s the law.”
Here’s Live Action’s first video…
The New York Post is featuring this story at the top of its home page.
The horrors of late-term abortions exposed by the Gosnell story were only the beginning. Stay tuned.
And we have the hide to tell other countries we are shocked by the treatment of their children and thus their children should be available to us for adoption. Give me a break.
INB4 Edited videos! Lies! etc.
You have a point. Abortion “counselor” Heather Whatever must be some $5.00/hour performer.
To JDC, when you accuse someone of such a massive lie you should have some evidence to back up your claim. Where is the evidence? This (and many similar videos) has been examined by experts and found to be genuine. What do you know that the experts don’t?
Sullying the author’s integrity without reason shows the same callous disregard for her reputation as the receptionist showed for the lives of the babies being killed in that place.
It’s ok, JDC is only being sarcastic before the pro-choicers comment the same way.
JDC is being sarcastic just like I am in responding to his post. More than a few people have mistaken my sarcasm for the real thing in the past. Its easy to do on the internet.
I was hearing a “counselor” who was very confused about the actual procedure they’d use. She was describing a mash-up of vacuum aspiration, D&E, and labor induction abortion methods all together.
To me, the story here is that they have a “counselor” just making stuff up when she doesn’t know the answer. And frankly, to a LOT of prochoicers, THAT would be a lot more shocking and a lot less palatable than the idea that if a 23-weeker comes out “twitching” they’d put it in a jar of “solution.”
I think we need to not go off half-cocked here. That “counselor” was clueless and THERE is your story. The woman has been there for 11 years and STILL can’t describe the abortion method that they use to a patient who asks about it.
I don’t know how the mom did it. I don’t think I could sit there with my baby moving inside of me and pretend to be okay with all this… I’m glad we can expose the industry but yikes!
Thanks ninek and Mary. For the record,INB4 indicates that a certain comment is inevitable and that the person using INB4 is commenting before it happens.
This was the first thing I watched when I woke up this morning because I knew Live Action was releasing it. My heart broke when I heard their words. Then the commenters on YouTube who saw nothing wrong with it made me sick.
I beg of all of you, do NOT speak as if that counselor was actually giving facts about what they do with the aborted babies — “twitching” or not. She obviously had no idea what she was talking about and was just pulling stuff out of thin air. PLEASE! Everybody’s running with this and I feel like an air traffic controller watching pilots heading straight toward a mountain. I want to scream.
Why would you assume that one thing she says is accurate when we know that most of what she said was downright nonsensical? The seaweed is toxic and is what stops the heartbeat? A 23-week fetus is removed with suction? They have to have the fetus “clean” when they send it to pathology? PLEASE! This is as if the receptionist at a trucking firm started just trying to describe what she thinks the mechanics do when she’s never even set foot in the garage.
I do have to wonder whether this is the sort of information that most abortion counselors have? It does seem to be a completely disjointed description of a number of different forms of abortion, and one would expect that an abortion counselor would know what the actual procedure entailed. You know, besides killing ‘it’.
Also, did anyone else catch that the counselor stated that it hasn’t happened in like forever that an abortion resulted in a live birth, but then seemed to know exactly what the hospital would say (and does say) when it happens?
Ditto what Christina says. Carhart, Gosnell, PP, I see a pattern here. Don’t go to an ER! Call my horse business! Save it in a bag so we can make money again..
MaryRose brings up a good point — the “Don’t go to a hospital; they’ll make you take it home.”
There is a TON of damning stuff in that video. Infanticide simply isn’t one of them. The big story here is that this counselor contradicts herself, says nonsensical stuff, and just overall doesn’t have a clue even though she’s evidently been working there for 11 years now.
Giving inaccurate information to patients. Trying to scare patients away from going to the hospital. Not having a protocol in place for if you go into labor / expell the fetus at home. THOSE are something we have clear evidence of. We have ZERO evidence of infanticide from this video.
Let’s not bear false witness against this clinic. What we have is bad enough. Go with THAT.
I agree that there is a ton of damning stuff in the video, but disagree that infanticide isn’t one of them. The simple callousness of the counselor in regards to the baby that might be born alive is indicative of the organization. Elephant in the room, so is the fact that this is all about abortion, but clearly there is a large number of Americans who simply haven’t been swayed by the horror of abortion itself so we are forced to bring it to the reality-that this is horrific once it occurs outside of the womb, so why is it okay inside?!
The fact of the matter is, this woman is referring to all things they actually do. She doesn’t understand the reasons or the details well, but she knows that they do this or that. So the reality is, they probably do put born infants into a toxic solution.
I do agree, however, that there is a lot in this video by which to be horrified. The poor understanding of the clinic worker, the disregard for the living human being, from openly talking and joking about “killing it” to suggesting that the mother place her child in a bag or flushes him/her down the toilet should she give birth at home. The blatantly bad medical advice, telling this woman not to even call the hospital (keep it quiet, keep it quiet). I seriously question the legitimacy of the claim that there hasn’t been a live birth in a long time, too.
These sorts of exposes are the stuff of nightmares. But at least they bring honesty to the debate. Would this be legal if we could see it? No.
“The solution will make it stop. It’s not going to be moving around in the jar … that’s the whole purpose of the solution…. It’ll automatically stop. It won’t be able to [breathe]…not with the solution.”
So I guess that’s The Final Solution we’ve heard about before?
Christina, I hear you that the counselor gave wildly inaccurate information that should be accentuated. Maybe I’ll write a post about it. I do also agree with MaryRose that infanticide is part of things.
Wow, they do such good work as reporters, but are crap at publishing their work. Wish Live Aedia would do the follow through and complete their work. Alot of people will defend them just to defend them, and say their great and follow through on their promises, but alot of the groups I talked to, and including myself, have stated clearly that they made requests for LIVE ACTIONS advocacy bulletin, and never received it. So… I love ’em but want more. I am sad they are too young ignorant or arrogant to realize their potential worth in the Christian media market. They could make some serious cash, (get alot of donations – and sell t-shirts and other knick knack type stuff) if Lila Rose and her reporting business would incorporate with some distributers and publicists and they would be better organized as a result of filling out their dance card, so to speak.
I mean, especially since they are the only real media outlet covering the story, they need a distribution arm.
The Abortion Abolitionist term comes to mind, as I have already heard alot of older LIFERS talk about how ‘Choice’ allows for slavery. If the mother wants to kill her baby, fine–she has legal owner ship (as opposed to guardianship) the state law and the constitutional law on this has been overruled by the supreme court r v w 1973 ruling, basically saying slavery is ok-since we don’t know if the human is cognitive–since we now know for certain is is, beyond reasonable doubt, it is in fact slavery.
I was hearing a “counselor” who was very confused about the actual procedure they’d use. She was describing a mash-up of vacuum aspiration, D&E, and labor induction abortion methods all together.
She wasn’t a counselor. LiveAction posted a full transcript of the video, and in it the woman–who clearly should not have been giving out any information–identified herself as the person who takes patient histories. I’m really surprised that LiveAction posted the full transcript, incidentally, because the actual counselor asked repeatedly if the woman really wanted an abortion, told her to go home if she wasn’t sure, and encouraged her to leave the clinic to talk it over with a friend. If the patient had been real, the counselor would have lost the clinic $1,500. It really goes against the entire narrative that LiveAction usually tries to sell.
Is that the intent of the videos?
To show that this “whatever she was” made sure mommy wanted a late term abortion?
To show that this “whatever she was” didn’t lose any $$$ for the mill?
I LOVE when folks come here and talk about EVERYTHING but what the content is about and are not in the least bit HORRIFIED that she instructs a mother to flush IT down the toilet.
Keep deflecting.
LisaC – why are you surprised about the entire transcript being posted? Pro-lifers do not have to worry about creating a narrative – the reality is children are killed by choice – and at every stage of fetal development. They are innocent human beings who do not deserve execution because of where they are – they have the right to life at every stage of development.
What the video and transcript depicts is what is considered normalcy in the abortion industry – to confirm that Gosnell is not an outlier, but one of their own.
Is that the intent of the videos?
Of course not. The intent of the video is to get Live Action’s name in the news. According to their 990s (which are available for free through Guidestar), Live Action took in just over a million dollars in revenue in 2011, and spent barely half of it ($517,416). It’s hard to justify continually soliciting donations if they don’t produce something in return.
Revealing the true ugliness of the abortion industry?
Turning public opinion against Planned Parenthood?
Your comment was all about what this “counselor” was saying about the mommy taking some time to “think it over.”
You glossed over the fact that she told this mommy to flush IT down the toilet.
Any thoughts on that LisaC???
“Any thoughts on that LisaC???”
Judging by the fact she has yet to respond 3 days later, I guess the answer is no.
Judging by the fact she has yet to respond 3 days later, I guess the answer is no.
I have a job, y’all. It places demands on my time.
You glossed over the fact that she told this mommy to flush IT down the toilet. Any thoughts on that LisaC???
Two thoughts, actually. The first is that the staffer did not appear to think that the IT she referred to was a living baby, given that she followed up by saying that the woman still had to come to the clinic to make sure everything was out. The second is that I find it impossible to take an adult who uses the word “mommy” seriously.
Mind you, I’m not saying the staffer did nothing wrong. She clearly should not have gone beyond her job, which was taking the patients’ medical histories. Counseling on the procedure should have been left to the counselor.
LisaC – why are you surprised about the entire transcript being posted? Pro-lifers do not have to worry about creating a narrative – the reality is children are killed by choice – and at every stage of fetal development.
I was surprised that the whole transcript was posted because LiveAction, like most pro-life organizations, currently claims that they don’t think women who have abortions should be held legally accountable. (I’m sure they’ll change their tune if abortion is ever outlawed.) They typically resolve the inherent conflict between “abortion is killing” and “women shouldn’t be prosecuted” by claiming that women who have abortions are too victimized, misinformed, or stupid to be held responsible for their actions. The full transcript demonstrated that the woman was neither misinformed nor victimized.
Nice try.
You do not get to assume anything about what the staffer thinks or doesn’t think. What do you think flush IT down the toilet means????
If IT is NOT a living baby what is IT??
You can’t take me seriously because I used the word mommy? Seriously?
A woman who is pregnant with a baby is a mother, mom, mommy. A woman that delivers a child that is dead or died is still a mother, mom, mommy.
Good grief.
Does an innocent human being die in an abortion? Yes or No.
Is the innocent human being ALIVE before being killed in an abortion? Yes or No.
You do not get to assume anything about what the staffer thinks or doesn’t think. What do you think flush IT down the toilet means????
Of course we have to draw inferences about what the staffer thinks. That is how pronouns work. “It” means what the speaker intends it to mean, not what the listener wants it to mean.
You can’t take me seriously because I used the word mommy? Seriously?
Partly because of that. Also because you labor under the delusion that other people are obliged to adhere to what you say they do and don’t get to do.