Live Action “Inhuman” video #4, Carhart: Preborn babies “like meat in a crock pot”
Today, Live Action released the fourth video in its new investigative series, “Inhuman: Undercover in America’s late-term abortion industry.”
This video features one of the stars of this year’s Sundance Film Festival, late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart.
Today’s video begins a shift in the “Inhuman” conversation from the atrocity of illegal infanticide to the atrocity of legal late-term abortions. As pro-life Democrat Kirsten Powers wrote at The Daily Beast on May 6:
What we need to learn from the Gosnell case is that late-term abortion is infanticide. Legal infanticide. That so many people in the media seem untroubled by the idea that 12 inches in one direction is a “private medical decision” and 12 inches in the other direction causes people to react in horror, should be troubling….
Gosnell is accused of aborting infants past the 24-week limit in Pennsylvania. But those same deaths – if done in utero – would have been perfectly legal in many states….
But medical advances since Roe v. Wade have made it clear to me that late-term abortion is not a moral gray area, and we need to stop pretending it is. No six-months-pregnant woman is picking out names for her “fetus.” It’s a baby. Let’s stop playing Orwellian word games. We are talking about human beings here.
Indeed, the investigator in the Carhart video was 26 weeks pregnant. Carhart told her he couldn’t legally commit her abortion in Nebraska but to head over to his Maryland clinic, where he could. Was it unusual that she was aborting a perfectly healthy 6-mo-old, she asked? No, said Carhart, she was his fourth that week.
Carhart, pictured top left, is infamous for several reasons, most recently in the death of one of his patients, Jennifer Morbelli.
Morbelli’s death amazingly coincidental
In LA’s video Carhart lies to say Morbelli’s death was coincidental (at 8:59 on the video). She may have died the morning after the abortion of her 33-wk-old baby, but her death had nothing to do with the abortion.
The coroner would beg to differ, citing Morbelli’s abortion as a cause of death.
Crock pots, pickaxes, and drill bits
In LA’s video Carhart describes the late-term dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion procedure in the most vulgar of ways. Explaining that the investigator’s 26-wk-old baby would be “mushy” at the time of delivery due to the fact s/he had been dead for 2 to 3 days, Carhart graphically expounds (beginning at 4:45):
Carhart: It’s like putting meat in a crock pot, okay? It gets softer. It doesn’t get infected or–
Woman: OK, so the dead baby in me is like meat in a crock pot.
Dr. Carhart: Pretty much, yeah, kind of much – in a slow cooker….
Woman: But if we run into trouble … for some reason, I’m not able to deliver, you’ll be able to get it out in pieces.
Carhart: Take it out in pieces…..
Woman: What do you use to break it up? Just–
Dr. Carhart: A whole bunch of–
Woman: You’ve got a toolkit.
Dr. Carhart: A pickaxe, a drill bit, yeah (laughs).
Fingers, friends, and fruit
The classy doctor on sexual activity following an abortion (at 2:15)…
Carhart: And there are no restrictions afterwards. Except for nothing in your vagina for three weeks. As I tell everybody, that includes fingers, friends, and fruit, ok? [laughs]
Do-it-yourself hotel room abortions
If this isn’t cause for an investigation by state regulators in Maryland, I don’t know what is.
After warning the investigator not to call 911 if she senses something amiss in her hotel room, Carhart incredibly states he sets mothers up with self-delivery packs. Completing late-term abortions in hotel rooms must certainly violate all sorts of OSHA and state health and safety laws. And how would hotels like the thought of abortions being completed on their premises? Blood in the bed, babies in toilets, really? Beginning at 7:04 on LA’s video:
Woman: What happens if I deliver at the hotel?
Carhart: Well, we came and helped her clean up the mess, and took the sheets to the clinic, and washed them, and sent her back to the hotel, and she was fine.
Woman: OK, just stay there, or come, we’ll figure this out, OK. But if I do end up going into labor like this woman, you come help clean it up.
Carhart: We’ll come get, yeah, yeah but–
Woman: You’ll take the baby away.
Carhart: Yeah, we’ll come and help.
Woman: OK.
Carhart: We’ll give you, we’ll give everybody a little pack to put stuff in in case it does happen, but as I said–
Woman: A pack?
Carhart: A pack of little drapes and sheets and gloves and all those things, that if you had to do something then you could.
Woman: OK, so if for any reason I did, you’ve given me–
Carhart: You’ve already got the stuff to take care of it.
Woman: A bag to put the baby in, OK.
And so we’ve come full circle, back to the days when women underwent abortions in hotel rooms. How far toward “safe” has abortion come? Not far. This Washington Post photo is of Carhart in a Maryland hotel room with his wife, but it works well with the concept that he is prepared to complete abortions in hotels…
Throwing Tiller under the bus
Another abortion death not Carhart’s fault, he says, was Christin Gilbert’s.
Gilbert (pictured right) was a 19-yr-old pregnant mother with Down syndrome who died on January 13, 2005, after a 28-week abortion at George Tiller’s clinic in Wichita, Kansas. In the edited LA video (at 2:35), Carhart says she was not his patient. In LA’s raw footage Carhart expounds (at 1:24:25):
Carhart: And the Christin Gilbert thing on the internet was not my patient. I ended up seeing her in the h–
Woman: Who’s Christin Gilbert?
Carhart: Oh if you go on the Internet eventually you’ll find it, she was a 19 year old mentally handicapped girl from Texas that Dr. Tiller had operated on, and she happened to come back to the clinic on a day that I was covering for him, but it was four days after, she had what’s called post-partum HELLP syndrome, which happens very, very–you’ve heard of eclampsia with women–
Woman: Yeah.
Carhart: Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, well if it happens before delivery the cure is delivery, and it usually is never a problem, but if it happens after delivery, nobody has been cured from it…. But the “Anti’s” just deciding to blame me for it, because Tillers’ dead, why blame him. [laughs]
Tiller was murdered on May 31, 2009. Nice of Carhart to throw his dead friend under the bus. And also to lie about the cause of Gilbert’s death, which the coroner concluded was, “Complications of therapeutic abortion.” Furthermore, to state no mother who develops HELLP syndrome after delivery “has ever been cured” is ludicrous. In fact, the mortality rate is 1%.
Operation Rescue has much more on the death of Christin Gilbert.
Will America be repulsed by these revelations about Crock Pot Carhart and late-term abortions? Previous “Inhuman” releases showed willingness by personnel at abortion clinics in New York =, in Washington, D.C., and Phoenix, Arizona, to either kill abortion survivors outright, or let them asphyxiate. Can we begin the road back to decency and sanity?
nothing really surprises me any more around this topic
There’s a special place in hell for demonic folks like this. They will give an account to the LORD for all of the evil that they never repented of. LL
Jesus tells us to pray even for our enemies, but these kind of remarks from a man who murders babies for a living make that right up next to impossible. He almost sounds like he thinks every child’s death is a victory agains the ‘antis.’ Lord, please protect women and children from this man! We ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.
This is the hardest part about being pro-life. More difficult than contemplating the murdered children or looking at the faces of women who are tortured in body and soul…. even more difficult that facing the unmasked anger and even violence from viciously pro-abortion partisans.
This is listening to the face of evil — someone who enjoys killing and gets paid for it, feeling no twinge of remorse.
For all of us — someday — there will be a Nuremberg-like trial where “It was legal, and women wanted it!” will not be an adequate defense. The Judge may respond, “But as long as you did it to the least of these little ones, you did it to Me.”
I didn’t want to read this post because I figured I’d regret it. I was right. “Meat in a crockpot”.
Carhart actually made a similar meat in a crock pot about aborting babies once before, so I don’t know if this is some kind of sick fantasy of his or what, but it’s horrid.
This “man” (using the term as loosely as I can) has killed two women, and a number of babies, some outside the womb like Gosnell, yet he continues to practice. Just another reason I’m not optimistic about justice in the Gosnell case.
Apparently the laws and rules don’t apply to the abortion industry. Of course that’s been obvious from the start, since Roe v Wade was passed based on lies and is also not constitutional.
Jennifer Morbelli’s death was “due to or as a consequence of Amniotic Fluid Embolism following Medical Termination of Pregnancy.”
“The complication, which occurred when amniotic fluid was pushed into the woman’s bloodstream, can occur during or after abortions, natural deliveries or Caesarean sections”
“Steven H. Eisinger, an obstetrician and clinical professor at the University of Rochester’s medical school (who provides expert testimony in litigation involving obstetric complications, including deaths), said the complication involving amniotic fluid in the blood is often related to the clotting problems that occurred”
“Some medical journals even refer to amniotic fluid embolism as an “anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy,” said Steven H. Eisinger
Therefore, stating that Jennifer death was due to a ‘botched abortion’ is like claiming that someone who dies of anaphylactic shock from a peanut butter sandwich has died from a ‘botched peanut butter sandwich’.
And the claim that “If Mrs. Morbelli had not sought an abortion from LeRoy Carhart, she would be alive today.” is spurious given that what happened can occur during or after abortions, natural deliveries or Caesarean sections.
Why isn’t there transcript of where Carhart says “Well if it comes out alive, I have to send it to the hospital…..There’s just absolutely no option.”
In the extended transcripts, he also offers the women alternatives, including keeping the baby, adoption and foster care.
Reality, what is your evidence that Jennifer Morbelli would have definitely suffered an amniotic embolism had she carried her baby to term and delivered her at a hospital via natural birth or C-section?
Yes AFE is a “natural” complication, but you have to look at other circumstances. Jennifer’s body was unnaturally forced into an early labor. Just poking the needle through her uterus and amniotic sac to still the baby’s heart could introduce amniotic fluid into her bloodstream. What drugs were given and how well supervised was Jennifer? At anytime during the abortion process the physiological chain of events for DIC could have started.
Bloodclots can occur naturally without surgery. Let’s say a surgeon takes every precaution against blood clots. The patient develops a blood clot that proves fatal. Now, is the surgeon responsible? Did the surgery trigger the blood clot or would the patient have gotten it anyway? You could make a case either way and never really know. I believe the same is true where Jennifer is concerned.
Where Carhart could certainly be held liable, IMO, is in the fact his patient could not contact him, or an associate, when she developed complications. Precious time was lost and what chance Jennifer had was as well. I can’t imagine any surgeon skipping town after performing such a high risk procedure on a patient without some kind of coverage or sticking around him/herself to monitor the patient’s condition. In fact I’ve never heard of anything so appalling and unethical and I know of no other type of surgeon who does “circuit” surgery or clinic or hospital that would permit it.
Jennifer’s family was advised not to go to the ER. They couldn’t contact Carhart. We can only imagine their terror as Jennifer deteriorated. They were in an unfamiliar city, what’s going on, where the he## is Carhart, we’re not supposed to go to the ER but contact him, who BTW is already on the other side of the country.
Finally Jennifer is brought to the ER. Now, I’ve worked ER and believe me its not a simple matter of looking at a patient and instantly determining the problem and treatment. It can be a lot of hit and miss, good guessing, process of elimination, and sometimes just dumb luck. Also, it takes time.
The ER staff has a dying patient, they can’t reach her “doctor”, and I use that term very loosely, a very distraught family to provide information, and they have to determine exactly what’s going on, and very little time to do it in. Also, she was likely in full blown DIC which means she was bleeding everywhere she can bleed and the ER staff was helpless to reverse it at this point. As I said REality, precious time was lost.
Whether Jennifer would be alive today or not is at best speculation. Whether precious time was lost that may have spared her life is not speculation, and for this Carhart should definitely be held accountable.
Wow. Reality, you have sunk to a new low. I mean, really, lowest of low. You are actually on a thread, whose headline repeats your hero’s remarks comparing a human being to meat. You must have such a deep and unexamined bitterness in order to keep coming here week after week to poke at the ‘antis.’ It’s a terrible shame. You could be anyone you want to be, but you want to roll in the mud with people like Carhart, Gosnell, and Mengele. You once expressed some negative feeling because you think I slighted you in some way on a thread some time ago. But rolling in the mud with these ghouls? You volunteer for it, repeatedly. You want me to treat you with human respect, but you side with a monster who considers human children nothing human at all. This is your life. Wow.
I just can’t believe, still, that Carhart wasn’t speaking to a fellow abortionist, but to a pregnant mother!
Reality, are you employed in the abortion business? In what capacity?
Reality is a sad, sad person.
JoAnna, what is your evidence that Jennifer Morbelli would not have suffered an amniotic embolism had she carried her fetus to term and delivered at a hospital via natural birth or C-section?
You’ll note that I didn’t claim that she definitely would have. I stated that the claim “If Mrs. Morbelli had not sought an abortion from LeRoy Carhart, she would be alive today.” was spurious because we know that “The complication, which occurred when amniotic fluid was pushed into the woman’s bloodstream, can occur during or after abortions, natural deliveries or Caesarean sections.”
Then perhaps you should focus on chasing Carhart for lack of patient care Mary. Because chasing him for supposedly botching an abortion isn’t supported by the evidence.
Pretty much the same low as usual from you then ninek? Carhart was explaining that a dead fetus wouldn’t start to decay because the environment it was in was like that of a crock-pot. I’ve heard doctors couch things in eyebrow-raising terms on a few occasions. The woman supposedly asking for an abortion laughed.
“people like Carhart, Gosnell, and Mengele” – speaking of new lows.
“I just can’t believe, still, that Carhart wasn’t speaking to a fellow abortionist, but to a pregnant mother! ” – She laughed quite often during the tape actually.
“a monster who considers human children nothing human at all” – the way he spoke about the whole process didn’t indicate such.
No, I have nothing to do with the abortion industry.
Nooo, I’m quite a happy person. I’m an optimistic person.
Carhart has no problem comparing the baby to ‘meat in a crock pot’ (hard to even type :() because he sees people like that. I wonder what drives him to tear human beings apart on a daily basis. What is it that makes him so hate mankind as to want to physically destroy us like that. Is it a babies thing? A women thing? Or a self-hatred thing?
Whatever it is, he is perpetuating the cycle of hurt. Not only in the physical and immediate capacity, but in both creating the anxiety and depression issues that these women are likely to face and then denying the existence of PAS. I am seriously wondering what kind of a obstinate or stupid mind it takes to deny that after pregnancy, a hormone drop can cause serious depression, but take away the baby and you’re just running through a field of daisies!
Carhart’s jokes about the baby are just plain sick, but his denial of the risks are downright dangerous and scary.
Pray for him, because the only way that he will turn from this is through God’s intervention. Nothing on earth could do it, without God’s involvement.
I don’t plan to “chase” Carhart for anything and you’re only restating my point. It would be up to her family to consult a lawyer, as well as the legal and medical authorities to act.
When watching the video, notice that little pause and stumble in LeRoy Carhart’s voice as he is about to tell a lie. Furthermore, he takes zero responsibility for the deaths of two women and the attempted suicide of a 16 year old girl. Frankly, his attempt at humor is creepy. Abortion supporters like to say “Trust Women”. What I wonder is why women trust anyone like Carhart. No wonder legitimate medical professionals shun abortionists.
I fail to see what he did wrong. I’ve been referring patients to Carhart since I lived in Omaha. Patients love him. Carhart fully went over all aspects of informed consent including how he was going to euthanize her baby and remove it in the event induction failed. His humor is rather dry. Sorry hes a respected doctor and not a comedian. In Pennsylvania where you cant find a clinic to perform after 21 weeks, patients sometimes drive to Germantown and they have only reported wonderful things physically and emotionally. Keep your head up Dr. Carhart. We love u!
Look into his eyes of evil. His soul is dead.
A pawn of satan.
Omg …just Omg. Fruit lol??? That’s not appropriate. It would be like your dentist telling you not to give oral sex to a man after a dental procedure. Guys seriously reality is just a troll. He’s not smart enough to be in the medical procedure. He bears ignoring. Abortion is just wonderful to reality in any way shape or form. I’m willing to bet he coerced a woman into an abortion at some point and weaseled his way out of child support. He’s just here for shock value and to taunt pro lifers. I don’t really even read his posts anymore as he’s as crazy as Carhart.
Oops above post medical profession. reality is some young kid or man playing games. Id kick the troll off the blog.
What point do you want to make reality ? Kill babies . No God? Okay you’ve made your point now find a hobby. Go to Amanda Marcottes blog where people will all agree with you. You’re a fake and a fraud.
Do NOT engage Reality. Let his nastiness stay with him.
Just leave him where he is, alone.
NepaSoldier meet Reality.
You two should get along quite nicely.
Ty courtnay he’s just a troll spewing crap all over this blog. He loves abortion abortionists and hates pro lifers and women. He’s some high school punk here to try to rattle us. I skim his posts cuz they are pointless and stupid. I have
I have yet to hear him say sorry about Jennifer M …..he doesn’t care!!! An abortionist to reality can do no wrong. His attitude about Jennifer ….Oh well she would have died either way. WOMAN HATER!!!
Not my blog but he should be blocked from further posting. He’s a troll. Just IMO.
So, Reality, if you have no evidence that Jennifer’s fate would have been the same regardless of when she aborted/gave birth, you shouldn’t make that claim.
Mary Rose’s comments were spot on. I personally know a woman who survived an amniotic embolism that occurred while she was in labor with her daughter. The difference is, she was in a hospital and was able to receive IMMEDIATE emergency care, and her daughter was delivered by emergency C-section less than 10 minutes after the embolism occurred. If Jennifer had been able to receive immediate emergency care (for example, if Carhart had not told her to stay away from the ER, or if she had indeed carried her daughter to term and given birth in a hospital setting), she may have survived the event (unless it occurred due to Carhart’s direct incompetence, in which case it would not have happened at all and she would still be alive).
From the way you describe Carhart, patient abandonment is only a minor flaw in an otherwise sterling character and career.
My personal opinion Heather, is that your pathetic, baseless slurs are a more accurate reflection of you than of me. I love women. That’s why I stand up for their freedoms, including their reproductive rights.
Oh, and:
Reality says:
February 10, 2013 at 11:00 pm
A tragic loss of a young woman.
Reality says:
February 10, 2013 at 11:26 pm
The loss of a vital young woman is always tragic Carla, no matter the circumstances or causes.
I’m far from alone Courtnay. The stats provided on this very site say so.
So, JoAnna, you make the same mistake twice. As I said the first time round – “You’ll note that I didn’t claim that she definitely would have. I stated that the claim “If Mrs. Morbelli had not sought an abortion from LeRoy Carhart, she would be alive today.” was spurious because we know that “The complication, which occurred when amniotic fluid was pushed into the woman’s bloodstream, can occur during or after abortions, natural deliveries or Caesarean sections.”
So, again, what is your evidence that Jennifer Morbelli would definitely not have suffered an amniotic embolism had she carried her fetus to term and delivered at a hospital via natural birth or C-section?
I know you all automatically detest Carhart and think he’s a monster but I agree with NepaSoldier. What I saw and heard on the tape and from further reading of the parts not shown in the highly edited piece, Carhart demonstrates care, consideration and clarity in the care of his patient.
I do not detest Carhart. I detest what he DID. Big difference there.
I do not think he is a monster. I think he is soul sick after years and years of killing.
I pray that he repents before he dies.
The coroner said Jennifer Morbelli died from the abortion.
And he is utterly despicable for saying a woman committed suicide because of her first child out of regret for not aborting it and not because of the child she had just aborted.
Then he has the nerve to talk about the positive effects of abortion and how it loves and honors your dead baby (and oops he called the baby a baby).
Yes, you are quite right Carla. You called him a butcher.
You have definitive evidence to disprove what Carhart said about the young lady’s suicide Victor?
Do you consider patient abandonment to be ”care, consideration, and clarity in the care of a patient”?
I did?
I consider all abortionists to be butchers now that I think about it. They butcher babies because they are butchers like the butcher that butchered my baby.
All abortionists are front alley hack butchers.
Do I hate them? No.
Do I hate what they do? Yes.
Do I pray for them? Yes.
None of the pro-choicers find “meat in a crockpot” to be a disgusting metaphor for an aborted late-term baby?
Honestly Jack?
I don’t think any of the proaborts here find anything disgusting about abortion. We are the disgusting ones silly. :)
If they do find anything disgusting they would never admit it.
People in the medical field call all sorts of conditions weird, off the cuff things. Burn victims are routinely called “crispy critters”. I suppose if you know someone who was burned you would find that appalling. Old school saline abortions were “candy apples”. Since you believe unborn children are due rights based on moral or ethical grounds I suppose this is all shocking. Truth is any woman who requests time with her baby after the procedure is granted that time. Baptism, cremation and even burial serviced are arranged. Aren’t u guys complaining we treat them like trash?
See what I mean?
He was trying to give a clear explanation of why the dead fetus wouldn’t immediately start rotting Jack. Yes he could have said it another way but you’ll note the lady almost prompted him to repeat it. She also laughed. As I said earlier, I’ve had doctors say worse.
How would you have put it?
“People in the medical field call all sorts of conditions weird, off the cuff things. Burn victims are routinely called “crispy critters”. I suppose if you know someone who was burned you would find that appalling. Old school saline abortions were “candy apples”. Since you believe unborn children are due rights based on moral or ethical grounds I suppose this is all shocking. Truth is any woman who requests time with her baby after the procedure is granted that time. Baptism, cremation and even burial serviced are arranged. Aren’t u guys complaining we treat them like trash?”
I know that people in the medical field use “gallows humor” to deal with the things they see, you know, to lessen the horror. I can’t imagine a reputable doctor making those comments in front of a patient or family member, though. And nothing you say will probably change my mind on that one, so it’s a useless argument.
Abortion clinics treat unclaimed aborted fetuses like trash, sorry, “medical waste”. The fact that wanted babies aborted for medical reasons are given funerals if their parents want them doesn’t change that.
I see what you mean Carla. :/
“He was trying to give a clear explanation of why the dead fetus wouldn’t immediately start rotting Jack. Yes he could have said it another way but you’ll note the lady almost prompted him to repeat it. She also laughed. As I said earlier, I’ve had doctors say worse.
How would you have put it?”
In some alternate universe where I would be giving late term abortions and joking about them? I dunno.
But seriously. “Meat in a crockpot”. That’s just gross. Meat in a crockpot is gross in the first place, comparing a baby’s corpse to meat in a crockpot is gross too. Makes me gag.
If you listen to the full conversation Jack, it is obvious that it is not his intent to compare a dead fetus to the meat in a crock pot on a qualitative basis. His intent is to help his patient clearly understand why the dead fetus wouldn’t start to rot.
“Meat in a crockpot is gross in the first place,” – I guess that’s your starting point.
“In some alternate universe where I would be giving late term abortions and joking about them? I dunno.” – That wouldn’t be necessary but if you found yourself explaining to someone why a dead fetus doesn’t immediately start to rot inside the woman, how would you put it?
‘Joking’ about them? It was the lady who laughed.
I don’t think you’re disgusting Carla. Maybe a lot of other words starting with ‘d’, and even some other letters of the alphabet :-)
I know he wasn’t comparing the aborted baby to meat on a qualitative basis, I’m not entirely stupid, it was a metaphor. I contend it’s a gross metaphor and a reputable doctor wouldn’t have used it in front of a patient, no more than a doctor would tell the parents of a burn victim that their skin was cracked and blistered like meat on a kabob, or something.
Reality and NepaSoldier,
I’m still waiting for you to comment on the Carhart’s abandonment of Jennifer.
I’m just going to remind people that feeding trolls is bad.
Maybe once there’s independant confirmation of what happened rather than claims from the usual suspects Mary.
Talking to reality is a waste of time.
LOL. Nice try. Check google or bing and you will find any number of sources saying the same thing.
However, let me make it easy for you. Show me your source that says Carhart stayed in town, responded promptly to the first call Jennifer’s family placed, and agreed to meet Jennifer and her family at the nearest ER so as to thoroughly inform the ER staff and support Jennifer’s family. Being he didn’t have admitting privileges there would be little else he could do. I would also accept a source that says an associate was available, that does not include the ER doctor or any doctor on call who was called in to treat Jennifer.
Show me this source Reality and you will have won your argument.
The argument will be ‘won’ when there is an evidence based determination Mary.
The mother committed suicide after the abortion, not after the first baby was born.
Just as Morbelli died from the abortion, not the pregnancy. She didn’t die after the pregnancy but after the abortion. And that’s what the coroner said.
Since both women died after the abortions, the burden of proof is on those who say they died of any other cause. I’m waiting to hear that proof, but I’m not holding my breath while I wait.
“The mother committed suicide after the abortion, not after the first baby was born” – that statement doesn’t identify the cause.
“Just as Morbelli died from the abortion, not the pregnancy. She didn’t die after the pregnancy but after the abortion. And that’s what the coroner said” – no evidence to claim that the abortion was ‘botched. If she’d died from the same causes during delivery I doubt you’d claim the delivery was botched.
“Since both women died after the abortions, the burden of proof is on those who say they died of any other cause.” – actually its not. The burden of proof is on what actually caused their deaths, not the circumstances.
“I’m waiting to hear that proof, but I’m not holding my breath while I wait” – see this? This is me not turning blue. Why am I not turning blue? Because I won’t be holding my breath waiting for you to prove that the young lady suicided because she had an abortion or that Jennifer’s abortion was botched.
If Carhart did not abandon his patient then the evidence is out there. Let us know when you find it Reality.