Stanek to testify for nationwide 20-week abortion ban
Sponsor to show reality of late-term abortions
Tomorrow pro-life Republican Congressman Trent Franks will hold a hearing in the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, where he is chairman, on the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, of which he is lead sponsor.
And now that bill has grown by leaps and bounds. Reported the Washington Post today:
Franks’ bill, which originally would have imposed the 20-week ban only in the District of Columbia, over which Congress has some jurisdiction, was expanded after the Gosnell case.
… expanded to a nationwide ban on abortions after 20 weeks.
I received a call yesterday asking if I might be able to testify, and I was happy to be in a position to do. It was before this very committee I testified in 2000 and 2001 about live birth abortions at Christ Hospital. My testimony tomorrow will make a link between infanticide and late-term abortions.
Congressman Franks is planning to show the photos taken by former employees of late-term abortionist Douglas Karpen of older babies he allegedly killed after delivery.
Jill, Thank you for testifying! I will be praying for you and the others testifying, and for the hearing in general. I pray that God will use your testimony and that of others to touch the consciences of all those listening. Thank you for all you do on behalf of the unborn.
God bless you as you battle the forces of evil. Will definitely be praying for you & watching if it’s on CSPAN. Isaiah 51:16 says: I have put my words in your mouth. I have covered you with the shadow of my hand.
Jill, In light of the Kermit Gosnell case your efforts to pass the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act now looks prophetic. While people like Obama who stood against you ‘look the other way’ and try to ignore it. I will pray for your success in protecting helpless children; both born and unborn.
Thank you Jill, you and these hearings and everyone involved are in my prayers. A 20 week abortion ban nationwide would be an awesome step in the right direction, and do serious damage to attempts to legalize infanticide.
Hallelujah – if God be for us, who can be against us? You are covered in prayer Jill – go in the strength of the LORD! LL <3
It will be refreshing to see someone not plead the fifth, but plead the case for young, innocent lives. It will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Let’s see if they can handle it. And better yet, act on it!
When Planned Parenthood told the Florida legislature that they were uncertain of the status of born alive babies it would seem they have disqualified themselves from any federal monies. What exactly is the difference between their statement then and the reality of the horror stories we are now seeing?
This story made me wonder immediately where Trent Franks stands on redefining marriage, though I had a feeling I knew what his beliefs on that issue would be before I even looked it up. Not surprisingly, it sounds like he’s uncompromising on the truth of that issue as well.
Thank you all for the encouraging words, prayers, and scripture reminders. I covet them. Just got in to DC. Night night… :)
All the best tomorrow. What a privilege to get to speak on behalf of the voiceless. (Mark 7:31-37)
(As an aside, if Mr. Franks has another opportunity to question Mr. Holder do you think you could suggest, if it is appropriate, that he ask Mr. Holder directly about the Karpen case. He did such a good job the first time around holding Mr. Holder accountable and raising prolife issues, it would be great to see what questions he would ask Mr. Holder if he is given a follow-up chance.)
You are covered in prayer Jill!!!
Praying for you Jill! Ps 119.46 came to mind… “I will also speak of your testimonies before kings and shall not be put to shame”.. God has given you favor to speak before “kings”. I know He will give you the words to say. You are a light on a hill!
Sending up prayers for you, Jill. Best wishes.
Prayers sent your way Jill! God called you to do this job. No doubt in my mind! Keep exposing the evil of abortion.
@ Jill Stanek: If a baby survives an abortion, should it be MANDATORY that he or she be placed for adoption?
If not, why should a baby be sent home with a woman who was unwilling to carry to term?
From what I’ve read, you did a good job. Congratulations, Jill.
Congratulations Jill!!! You go girl!!!!