
Last week I hypothesized that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s announcement that it was closing three clinics in Texas had nothing to do with new pro-life Republican laws and funding cuts, as it claimed.

Rather, I wrote, ”was this really an attempt to erase dots between the shutdowns and PPGC’s problem with Medicaid fraud?”


Thanks, Chris!

So as it turns out, according to a press release today by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott:

After a whistleblower lawsuit was filed alleging improper billing practices by Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, an investigation was opened by the Texas Attorney General’s Office and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission’s Office of Inspector General. The State’s investigation revealed that PPGC improperly billed the Texas Medicaid program for products and services that were never actually rendered, not medically necessary, and were not covered by the Medicaid program – and were therefore not eligible for reimbursement. For example, state investigators determined that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast falsified material information in patients’ medical records in order to support fraudulent reimbursement claims to the Medicaid program.

Under the agreement announced today, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast must pay $1.4 million to resolve the Medicaid fraud enforcement action.

PPGC is denying everything. According to DallasNews.com:

The allegations in this complaint are baseless and we are ending this case as a practical matter. Continuing this litigation in the hostile environment for women’s health would have ensured a lengthy and costly process that would have distracted our energies and required us to share the private medical information of thousands of women. We are ending this lawsuit in order to devote all of our time and energy to delivering high-quality, affordable health care.


PPGC didn’t suddenly decide to settle the litigation. It knew last week when it floated its ruse that this was all coming down. Will MSM circle back to connect the dots? Betting not.

Now it makes more sense that PPGC would close its almost new $1.5 million Lufkin clinic – just about what it needs to repay the government.

[HT: LifeNews.com, Saynsumthn’s Blog; graphic via ketknbc.com]

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