Live Action “Inhuman” investigative video #5: hotel room abortions
Today Live Action released the fifth in its “Inhuman“ investigative video series on late-term abortions in America.
LA’ new video exposes an abortionist at Southwestern Women’s Options abortion clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico, admitting that part of the process of a late-term abortion may be delivering one’s expectantly dead baby alone in a hotel room (beginning at 3:55) – but in that event, for goodness sakes, don’t call 911….
SWO’s Albuquerque mill aborts healthy babies up to 28 weeks, or 7 months gestation, well into the third trimester. At this age a baby is almost 15 inches long and weighs 2-1/4 pounds. The likelihood of survival is 90-95%.
SWO will also abort this late for “fetal indications,” aka sick or impaired baby, and “maternal indications,” aka sick or impaired mother.
The lateness of the pregnancy, potentially exacerbated by health issues of either mother or baby, would make it imperative that a pregnant mother be closely monitored throughout her abortion.
But SWO, like all other late-term abortion clinics in the U.S. of which I’m aware, doesn’t provide 24 hour care. The policy of late-term abortion clinics is to send mothers to hotel rooms each night during the 3-4 day process.
In SWO’s case, according to LA’s new video, both a counselor and abortionist Carmen Landau (pictured right) told the 27 weeks pregnant investigator to sit on the toilet in her hotel room if delivery was imminent and call them. Landau reiterated not to call 911 (not on video but in the transcript).
This practice of letting a mother deliver a 7-mo-old baby alone in a hotel room is obviously dangerous.
Moreover, these late-term abortion clinics are certainly violating scores of OSHA and local, state, and federal codes and laws in regard to universal blood and body fluids precautions and removal of corpses. Imagine if hotel owners knew? Or you, the next occupant of such a hotel room? But it’s all done in secret. From the SWO transcript:
Counselor: The doctor knows to come straight in, uhmm we’re, we don’t, uhmm, we don’t talk to the front desk, we don’t do anything like that, we just go straight, like we’re guests, to your room. OK. So we don’t cause a commotion or anything, they’re just gonna come straight in calmly, and you’re just going to sit on the toilet with a towel –
Woman: Oh good.
Counselor: And whatever. Don’t look down, don’t look, even if you’re concerned you’re going to be on the phone with someone, and if you have any concerns like, “Oh, I feel like this is happening, and I wanna look or I’m worried,” they’ll talk to you –
Woman: They’ll tell me what to do?
Counselor: Yes.
Woman: OK good.
Counselor: They’ll know exactly what to do –
Woman: Good.
Counselor: And you just stay there until the doctor and nurse get there. OK?
Woman: OK.
Counselor: So no action from you other than to sit on the toilet and be on the phone.
Woman: Good. And I’m, and I – I was talking to the nurse about this, if, even if it’s the middle of the night like I don’t, I don’t call 911 or anything.
Counselor: No you’ll call us. Because, uhmm, if you were to call 911 or an ambulance or anything then that would kind of make it a little complicated. But also, you know, we’re ready for this we’re, we’ve done this before (laughs) –
Don’t forget, LA’s “Inhuman” video #4 revealed Maryland abortionist LeRoy Carhart going so far as to say his clinic actually gives mothers “a little pack to put stuff in in case [a hotel room abortion] does happen… a pack of little drapes and sheets and gloves and all those things, that if you had to do something then you could,” and that his people wash the bloody hotel sheets.
One final note, SWO also has a clinic in Dallas, Texas, which aborts up to 24 weeks, and which it describes as a 3-day process.
Texas legislators are taking a second pass at enacting abortion laws that include abortion clinic regulations that would raise their standards to the level of ambulatory surgery centers. The effort failed the first time because a pro-abortion mob shut down proceedings.
Abortion proponents long ago abandoned the “safe” and “rare” part of the now antiquated motto of wanting abortions to be “safe, legal, and rare.”
In an effort to get abortion legalized, Ms. Magazine published a photo (against the family’s wishes) in 1973 of Gerri Santoro, who died alone in a hotel room in 1964 after an illegal abortion when she was 6-1/2 months pregnant.
The abortion movement has come full circle, now advocating hotel room abortions in the name of keeping it legal.
It was never about safety.
It’s always about profit.
(Sarcasm alert) Yesssss! This is what we need more women sitting on toilets in hotel rooms bleeding, gagging, cramping their babies out, expelling and pushing out their babies. It’s all good. It’s all about “pro-choice”, “reproductive freedom” “women’s healthcare” and “women’s right to choose”. This is truly sick in more ways that one. God help us.
I worked in TRUE women’s healthcare and can tell you that any procedure to electively force a properly embedded baby out of a woman’s sealed uterus before it is time for that baby to be born full-term is a bloody, gory, excrutiatingly painful, nauseous, revolting, disgusting, dangerous and potentially deadly mess. (Of course it is meant to be deadly for the baby but can be for the woman as well).
There is a normal process that is designed to end a pregnancy at term, it is a lot of hard work, it ends the gradual, healthy, natural process of labor with something called CHILDBIRTH (a normal, healthy female body function) and results in a healthy, living BABY. Women deserve better than abortion and of course innocent babies do too).
Although the Geraldine Santoro death photo is one of the most powerful and sad photos I’ve ever seen — and as a true crime writer I have seen a multitude of sad photographs of victims both male and female — it does not and never has represented to me a reason abortion should be legal. I see it as representing the vulnerability specific to being female.
Thank you for pointing out the irony of these hotel room deliveries in comparison to Gerri Santoro’s death, Jill. Her picture is haunting, and should serve to move people to fight the ugliness and violence that is abortion, not abortion laws.
“Don’t look, don’t look.”
I should have counted the number of times I heard this in the video. Make sure these women never find out the truth, right?
An excellent post. Honestly PLL this situation is beyond appalling.
Let’s see, a woman alone, sitting on a toilet in a hotel room talking to a nurse as she delivers her dead baby. What could possibly go wrong? This is women’s healthcare?
Don’t call 911. I imagine that would be a tad embarassing so its better that precious time be lost when it counts the most. Just ask the family of Jennifer Morbelli.
Does the local health dept. have anything to say about this? I mean, are these rooms properly cleaned and sanitized before the next unsuspecting customer uses the room?
Don’t look because an unfortunate side effect would be to see your dead baby in the toilet.
Call us(NOT 911)and we will retrieve your dead baby out of the toilet.
Women are as safe as
The more things change, the more they stay the same. This is what I personally experienced 43 years ago. The only difference is the chemical being used.
In the original film version of “Alfie,” the sexual game-player Alfie has impregnated a married woman whose husband is away from her at the time. She aborts because there’s no way to pass a baby off as her husband’s. Alfie stops by the apartment after the abortion. She is recuperating. He looks at the room behind the curtain.
“Don’t go in there!” she shouts.
He goes in there. The audience isn’t shown what he sees — but we know that he looks at a dead fetus in a bucket.
Alfie bursts into tears.
He goes in there. The audience isn’t shown what he sees — but we know that he looks at a dead fetus in a bucket.
Don’t be silly – he looks at a pregnancy in a bucket. It’s a pregnancy that comes out in an abortion. Just like the counselor on this phone call said.
Oh, is it “pregnancy?” Gosh, I’m still using “products of conception.”
How shall I describe my brother or sister? “Jim, meet Clara! She and I were both products of conception in the same uterus. Neat huh?”
Seriously, I wish I had the time and resources to call and record hotels that are situated around businesses of abortionists like Carhart. “Hello, I’d like to book a room to kick back in while I have my abortion. That’s cool, right?”
“So, if the abortionist’s staff comes in and washes all your sheets, that’s ok with you, right?”
“What the..why?!”
“Well, they say I might expel the pregnancy into your toilet and that I should leave my door unlocked..”
“Is this a prank?!”
“…and to sit on the throne with my phone. So, can I both leave the door ajar AND put out the do not disturb sign? I’d hate to startle the maid..”
“I’m sorry, I have to get my manager..”
“Wait! What kind of movies do you have for abortion clients to watch while we wait?”
“er…” click!
Ninek: That was LOL priceless!!! Whoever lives near one of these places should try this out. LOL!!!
Hi Mary. How are you doing? You are right this is beyond appalling it is truly barbaric, dangerous and major malpractice. It is an art for experienced nurses to learn to do an accurate EBL (Estimated Blood Loss) on a normal laboring and PP woman but to do this over the phone for an aborting woman (while she is being told “don’t look, don’t look”); their is no way they can get a reasonably accurate EBL, the outcome can be deadly. Can you imagine telling the OB and charge nurse when the patient comes through ER after she almost hemorrhages to death ”We don’t have any idea of her EBL, the woman on the phone from the abortion clinic told her “don’t look, don’t look” that it was too hard for her to look”. Good grief, these people are not pro-choice they are pro-death at any cost, even if it cost the woman her life. The potential complications from this can be so severe even if she survives.
@ Prolifer L: Are you referring to the psychic complications if she does look and sees what she just glopped into the toilet?
Both actually Denise but mainly the potential physical complications I don’t have the time right now to list the complications of PPH but have to go right now so if Mary or someone else can answer your questions that is fine but I will be out for a while. Take care.
Hi Denise,
If anything, doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics, etc. would want to know the extent of a patient’s blood loss and this would require information from the patient or someone with them. The woman should be told to carefully observe blood loss, not pretend it isn’t happening. If you were discharged from the hospital after surgery or being treated for injuries, hospital staff would certainly advise you to observe blood loss and report if it is excessive or you are concerned about it.
There is a danger here of PPH or hemorrhage occuring while the fetus is still in her. The placenta could be retained after fetal expulsion. The uterus could fail to properly contract after the expulsion of the fetus for a number of reasons. She could go into DIC, the condition that killed Jennifer Morbelli.
If early labor must be induced in a woman for any reason, it should be done under the strict supervision of a doctor and qualified L&D staff, nurses like Prolifer L and Jill Stanek in a hospital equipped to handle any complications.
To induce an early labor in a pregnant woman then tell her to go sit on a hotel room toilet while the “nurse” speaks to her on the phone…. well Denise, I just can’t find the words. Let’s just say a third world hospital I did some training in had higher standards.
It is easy to see why Southwest Women’s Options botched 14 abortions. This is barbarism disguised as medicine.
“It is easy to see why Southwest Women’s Options botched 14 abortions.”
Honestly, with practices like this, I’m surprised it’s only 14.
Hi Denise. Mary did a good job answering some of the possible physical complications. Did you have other questions? It is truly dangerous to have a woman in a hotel room unattended trying to abort a baby talking to someone on a telephone. Talk about “a war on women”, this definately qualifies. And they say prolifers “don’t care about women”? Thanks Mary for your response. These guys qualify as butchers as far as I am concerned and I agree with JDC I am surprized they only have 14 botched abortions on the record. It probably is a lot worse in reality.