by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • Live Action’s Lila Rose has been named one of the 25 Most Influential Washington Women under 35. In fact, she’s the youngest. Congratulations!
  • 40 Days for Life reports four more abortion center closings in Virginia, California, Washington and Ohio. The group is also gearing up for their fall campaign and will host a webcast tonight (July 16) on what they’re doing to prepare.
  • Euthanasia Prevention Coalition reveals that multimillionaire physician Dr. Chai Patel, “who oversees 230 nursing homes in Britain, is calling for establishment of suicide clinics” – purely for humanitarian reasons, of course.


  • Culture Campaign says the abortion-supporting Democratic Party will attempt to turn Texas blue by winning the votes of Hispanics. But in doing so, they are asking pro-life Latinos to align themselves with the party that supports the killing of a large number of Hispanic preborn children:

    Of those 77,152 babies aborted in Texas, 24,457 (or 31.7 percent) were non-Hispanic white babies, 19,152 (or 24.8 percent) were non-Hispanic black babies, 29,576 (or 38.3 percent) were Hispanic babies, and 3,967 (or 5.1 percent) were babies of other races or ethnicities.

  • At National Review, Michael J. New says that 2013 isn’t far behind 2011-2012 in terms of record-setting pro-life gains at the state level.
  • At Catholic Sistas, Martina has a detailed personal account and great photos of the events taking place during the vote on SB 1 at the Texas Capitol. She also points out media error, where a pro-choice protestor was incorrectly identified in a photo as “anti-abortion” during his arrest.
  • Americans United for Life was featured in two recent Bloomberg Business Week articles.
  • The Guiding Star Project features a post from a Natural Family Planning advocate who explains how she copes with society’s views on welcoming the possibility of having a large family.


  • At Coming Home, Dr. Gerard Nadal grieves Ireland’s decision to legalize abortion in some cases – including when the woman threatens suicide – and examines the role of the Church as the debate and vote unfolded:

    Central to this debate has been the assertion that abortion has become possible only because the Catholic Church has lost its hold on the people of Ireland. It is a point of agreement between both sides in this debate, albeit for different reasons.

    Dr. Nadal sees the significant drop in church attendance and the secularization of society as contributors.

  • Judie Brown details the issues raised by American Life League regarding Catholic Relief Services’ questionable connections and financial donations to organizations that remain “at odds” with Catholic teaching – including those involved in training of abortionists in Cambodia.
  • Josh Brahm posts a video on how to communicate with excellence on the issue of abortion, with “6 Tips for Arguing with Analogies Clearly”:


    [Photos via and Huffington Post]

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