Pro-life blog buzz 7-16-13
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Live Action’s Lila Rose has been named one of the 25 Most Influential Washington Women under 35. In fact, she’s the youngest. Congratulations!
- 40 Days for Life reports four more abortion center closings in Virginia, California, Washington and Ohio. The group is also gearing up for their fall campaign and will host a webcast tonight (July 16) on what they’re doing to prepare.
- Euthanasia Prevention Coalition reveals that multimillionaire physician Dr. Chai Patel, “who oversees 230 nursing homes in Britain, is calling for establishment of suicide clinics” – purely for humanitarian reasons, of course.
- Culture Campaign says the abortion-supporting Democratic Party will attempt to turn Texas blue by winning the votes of Hispanics. But in doing so, they are asking pro-life Latinos to align themselves with the party that supports the killing of a large number of Hispanic preborn children:
Of those 77,152 babies aborted in Texas, 24,457 (or 31.7 percent) were non-Hispanic white babies, 19,152 (or 24.8 percent) were non-Hispanic black babies, 29,576 (or 38.3 percent) were Hispanic babies, and 3,967 (or 5.1 percent) were babies of other races or ethnicities. - At National Review, Michael J. New says that 2013 isn’t far behind 2011-2012 in terms of record-setting pro-life gains at the state level.
- At Catholic Sistas, Martina has a detailed personal account and great photos of the events taking place during the vote on SB 1 at the Texas Capitol. She also points out media error, where a pro-choice protestor was incorrectly identified in a photo as “anti-abortion” during his arrest.
- Americans United for Life was featured in two recent Bloomberg Business Week articles.
- The Guiding Star Project features a post from a Natural Family Planning advocate who explains how she copes with society’s views on welcoming the possibility of having a large family.
- At Coming Home, Dr. Gerard Nadal grieves Ireland’s decision to legalize abortion in some cases – including when the woman threatens suicide – and examines the role of the Church as the debate and vote unfolded:
Central to this debate has been the assertion that abortion has become possible only because the Catholic Church has lost its hold on the people of Ireland. It is a point of agreement between both sides in this debate, albeit for different reasons.Dr. Nadal sees the significant drop in church attendance and the secularization of society as contributors.
- Judie Brown details the issues raised by American Life League regarding Catholic Relief Services’ questionable connections and financial donations to organizations that remain “at odds” with Catholic teaching – including those involved in training of abortionists in Cambodia.
- Josh Brahm posts a video on how to communicate with excellence on the issue of abortion, with “6 Tips for Arguing with Analogies Clearly”:
[Photos via and Huffington Post]
Folks, this is off-topic again, but I thought you might want to see this pic from my daughter’s wedding last month. I think this is so beautiful!
Hi phillymiss. I could not open the pic it says password protected but I still want to extend best wishes and blessings to the bride and congratulations to the groom. God bless you phillymiss and your entire family.
Given that the mooted replacement for Rick Perry is even more barking mad, the democrats have a good prospect of at least increasing their vote.
“the significant drop in church attendance and the secularization of society as contributors” – is this happening because people are wandering into the 21st century or are people wandering into the 21st century because this is happening?
What does “wandering into the 21st century” mean?
Are you hinting at the is/ought fallacy in the idea of inevitable progress — which needs to be selective and ad hoc in what it observes/prescribes?
“What does “wandering into the 21st century” mean?” – recognising/learning/adopting the advances in science, general knowledge and social progression.
“Are you hinting at the is/ought fallacy in the idea of inevitable progress — which needs to be selective and ad hoc in what it observes/prescribes?” – are you able to load a much bigger presupposition into such a relatively short sentence?