BREAKING: Biola apologizes, endorses use of graphic abortion images
Biola president Dr. Barry Corey, pictured right, has issued a public letter of apology for retaliatory actions staff members of his Christian university took against pro-life student Diana Jimenez in June for showing graphic images of abortion on campus:
For actions on our part that were perceived to be heavy-handed and retaliatory, I have apologized to her and stand by this apology publicly. I acknowledge and regret our errors, and steps have been taken to correct them….
In so many ways, Diana is the kind of student with the deep Christian convictions I hoped to see when I came to Biola six years ago. In her convictions about saving the unborn, she represents what Biola is about—the desire to speak up against injustices that break the heart of God. Like Diana, Biola is and has been passionately pro-life.
A campus security guard was caught on video threatening to have Jimenez arrested, and the director of the nursing program, Dr. Susan Elliott, ordered her staff not to write letters of recommendation on Jimenez’s behalf.
Going a step further, Dr. Corey outlined in his letter a plan to educate all Biola students via the student newspaper, chapel services, and public displays on campus about the importance of showing the graphic reality of abortion.
In addition, Dr. Corey and his staff are working to ensure all Biola curricula is infused with pro-life teaching:
This year we are accelerating our work and adding leadership to our academic team for the specific purpose of making sure our stated values and theological convictions are evident in our curriculum and learning outcomes and of making changes where we see learning outcomes are not evident. This relates to the sanctity of life, as it is one of our six theological distinctives. We desire that each student graduating from Biola understands and can articulate the biblical message of the sanctity of human life, so that students demonstrate these values in their own communities….
We have begun to consider additional ways to emphasize the tragedy and trauma of abortion so that our students not only embrace the convictions those like Diana champion but also understand there’s help for them in times when they need it.
Dr. Corey’s letter brought tears to my eyes. It is a beautiful Christian example of how to respond when error is recognized and forgiveness and repentance are sought.
For the past seven weeks pro-life leaders John Ensor, M.Div., President, Passion Life Ministries; Scott Klusendorf, M.A., President, Life Training Institute; and Marc Newman, Ph.D., President, Speaker for Life – two of whom are Biola graduates – have been working with Biola to craft a better pro-life policy. As they wrote in a press release today:
Ultimately, the problem at Biola was not about the university’s statement of faith regarding the sanctity of human life. The real problem at Biola was that a fourth-year nursing student could complete that program, yet remain totally unaware of the grisly reality of abortion or the persuasive arguments that support a pro-life perspective. It took exposure to those images, displayed at a student-sponsored pro-life event which drew only a handful of participants, to awaken her to the need to rouse her fellow students to action. And if Diana’s ignorance of abortion was typical in Nursing, what about students in Music, Communication, English, or Biblical Studies?
The trio is hoping to work with Biola and other Christian universities on a larger plan:
We would like to see Biola, and other like-minded universities, take a further step to integrate an inter-disciplinary minor in Applied Bioethics to further equip and professionalize the next generation of pro-life advocates and ministry partners. Such a move takes time, but we are willing to work with Biola – or any interested Christian university – to create and implement such a minor. In fact, we already have a curriculum outlined.
I commend Dr. Corey and Biola for their examples of Christian maturity and the leadership role they are embarking upon among Christian institutions of high learning to stop the atrocity of abortion. I concur with Ensor, Klusendorf, and Newman:
Because of these extraordinary and unprecedented steps, we believe Biola deserves the whole-hearted support of the pro-life community. Few Christian universities take their Biblical convictions concerning life as seriously as does Biola. It is our fervent hope that these collective actions of confession and repentance will prove to anyone with doubts that Biola is a champion for Life. We ask for prayer and for reconciliation between Biola and the wider pro-life community. Our prayer is that God would empower us with a spirit of grace as we seek to work together toward our true task: to save the lives of unborn children created in the image of the God we serve.
One final note, according to the pro-life groups’ press release, several weeks ago the Biola administration overturned nursing Elliott’s directive.
I am also told Dr. Elliott has retired.
Awesome. :)
Well I am glad they didn’t get defensive and blame Diana but admitted their errors AND are looking to correct it. Praise the Lord for that!!
And Diana…way to go!!! Pleasing God was more important to you than pleasing men and God has used you in a big way.
I cannot say this strongly enough: WAY TO GO BIOLA!!!!! I am confident that you have pleased God in a very big way.
Thank you Dr. Corey, Biola and Diana!!
Totally classy and gospel-centered approach.
Great news!
Way to stand firm, Diana! You are a shining example, and I’m glad this reversal and apology came sooner rather than later. Prayers for you.
This is good news. I thought Biola was going to become the next Georgetown. Congratulations Biola leadership and the 3 pro-life leaders for steering Biola in the right direction. I hope more schools implement the new curriculum.
Way to go Diana.
Well done Dr. Corey! May God bless you for your humility and courageous leadership. Having been a pro-life leader for 25 years it is rare to see such a fine example of Christian leadership.
Thank you Biola! Thank you Diana!
wow, I’m pretty sad that the head of nursing program is actively hostile to the pro-life cause! Especially when she is training people to SAVE lives. I was a member of Students for Live in my Biola days.
Thank you, Dr. Corey. God bless you. You are an example to all of us who trust in Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. I pray that this step you have taken will be instrumental in turning the tide among all of us in the Christian community, who have been passively content to sit back while SOME fight for life, when it needs to be ALL of us doing our part (Judges 19-20, especially, 20:8-11). And beyond this, we need to be simultaneously reaching out with grace-filled compassion to the wounded fathers and mothers who survived the trauma of abortion. As Nancy put it, ”While it takes the blood of Jesus to deliver us from guilt, it takes the acceptance of others to deliver us from shame,” The Jericho Plan by David Reardon, Phd, p. 76.
I am also told Dr. Elliott has retired.
I hope she enjoyed a nice party with a pretty cake, as a vibrant Culture of Life is restored to Biola University.
Thank you, Dr. Corey! We hope that Biola will pursue establishing the Applied Bioethics minor degree program — Biola could become a shining challenge to some infamously lukewarm Catholic universities. (As an embarrassed Catholic, I’d like to see that.)
Wonderful! Truly wonderful!
Some pro-life students at the University of Cincinnati (where I go) did that and there was a lot of controversy so then the feminists on campus (supported by a Planned Parenthood near the school, we suspect) decided to put up “vagina billboards”. It was in violation of local obscenity laws, but UC’s president, Santa Ono, encouraged it!
Most of the other students I heard talking about it thought it was really disgusting and embarrassing, but UC supported it, and the sheriff said he was going to leave the decision to the university. (Apparently the job description of sheriff doesn’t include enforcing the law anymore.)
I won’t be convinced unless a pro-life view becomes a requirement for all university staff, and anyone who can’t commit to that is shown the door.
This a great victory, Ty Diane Sellers and Del, great points of advocacy.
As pertains to the directly above comment, though, that was my first thought-this leaves room for discussion on the issue. Being since the term pro-life was hijacked by those who can’t NOT be titled pro-life(anyone on the medical, beauty, or religious life), the new term has to be applied, which is anti-abortion. There are people who are pro-life who also think death is pretty ok, too-I mean, as long as your not the one being assaulted in any way shape or form, and you can ‘stay positive’ people are considering themsselves ‘pro-life.’ – as in ‘not taking sides’! Since abortion directly equates to HUMAN ABORTION / DEATH, the distinction must be made clear-we are not only for life, we are against death. Taking it one step further, and following through with this dictum: Since we are aware that “The choice,” = human suffering, we are also, anti-“choice”, as it pertains directly to it’s usage in the women’s liberation and sexual liberation movement-more specifically, human abortion.
Congratulations to Diana Jimenez.
Of course, by “Pro-life”. I meant someone who believes in the sanctity of innocent human life from conception/fertilization to natural death, so opposes both induced abortion and active euthanasia. I’m well aware of liberal weaseling, e.g. “Of course I believe in the Resurrection of Jesus” (sotto voce: “I mean that His teachings live on in the lives of his disciples.”).
This is great!
I just hope that they show compassion to women considering abortion and support students who may be faced with this decision… That is a huge weakness on far too many Christian campuses. The staff and faculty bury their heads in the sand about the sex lives of their students, and don’t provide enough support for unplanned pregnancies despite the fact that Christian students tend to use protection less than others. It’s great that they want everyone to know the truth about abortion, though. I just hope that it’s the whole truth, and not a lopsided “Save the babies” view.
Save the babies, yes, but save the moms too.
This is such great, uplifting news. And happy to hear Scott Klusendorff is involved in improving Biola’s pro-life policies… his trainings have been instrumental in my own walk as a pro-life Christian.
Well done, Diana, for standing for the unborn, and going God’s work on Biola’s campus. How wonderful to see such great fruit produced.
@LibertyBelle — when you save the babies, you also save the moms… save them from a lifetime of regret. Motherhood after birth is challenging and hard, but there are many Christian organsiations ready to help mums that need the support.
God bless you Dr. Corey,
I am a leader in the Pro-Life community out of Sacramento California. Your humility and leadership in how you handled this controversy is a great example of Christian humility and true repentance. Your courageous stand and actions will I believe result in setting an example for others. May the Lord bless you and Biola University for your faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ and His word. May your schools commitment to Life have a ripple effect in the Christian community.
I have trained and worked with over 400 youth over the years and Biola University will be at the top of my list of recommendations for the students we work with in choosing a University for their further education.
Your servant in Christ,
John Ficker
American Missionary
SOOOO happy to hear that Biola has had a change of heart. Diana STAND STRONG and THANK YOU for being such an example of strength and courage. I hope all is going well for you! God Bless!
A great example of real manhood: having the integrity and intellectual honesty to admits one’s faults and apologize for them. A terrific example for the students at Biola.
I absolutely love that the University has taken such a strong stand and has publicly admitted errors. I just want to say that although the images were honest and I agree with them. I have friends who were uncomfortable due to the fact that they had gone through with an abortion and it was a regret they had to relive. Not saying they should have been banned just wanted to share as some people were very overwhelmed by the images.
Great work, Diana!
Why wasn’t Elliot fired?
Thank you for publishing this article. As parents of 2 Biola graduates, we were very disheartened by the original report. To see Dr. Corey respond in this manner, and to do it relatively quickly was very good to see. We are tremendously encouraged by his actions and we were glad to see the director of the nursing program do the right thing and retire. Thanks also for your blogging and support to the pro-life movement.
She should have been fired before she retired, imo.
I’m guessing she would have a few stories to tell if she were though.
The way this story was portrayed was unbalanced and without context. Yes, Susan Elliot was an idiot. She didn’t like the way this student was conducting herself, but Dr. Elliot is clearly prolife and vocal in this belief. The greater issue is that when this student was given clear instruction where and when it would be most appropriate to display these graphic images, she lawyered-up, threatened a law-suit, and was disrespectful and disobedient to University governing authorities who clearly were seeking a thoughtful solution. Dr. Corey is the larger person here. When will Diana apologize for her actions (portrayed here, by so many who do NOT know the accurate story, as without fault).
Kudos to Dr. Corey for his leadership. Diana should take a lesson. The cause of Christ needs people who the right things in the right ways.
Luke, are you saying Biola apologized even though they felt they were in the right and because a lawsuit was threatened? Are you accusing Biola of being untruthful?
Biola is trying to dig out of the hole they made. You should be grabbing a shovel to help them.