Pro-life blog buzz 8-6-13
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Kansans for Life points out that when the cameras stopped rolling, Planned Parenthood dramatically scaled back not only their rhetoric but their lawsuit against the newly-passed Pro-Life Protections Act. PP has changed its tune and is amending its original suit to:
1. withdraw opposition to the statement “abortion terminates the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being”;2. withdraw opposition to the information about the pain-capability of the unborn child; but
3. retain opposition to a requirement that each clinic’s online home page feature a hyperlink to the state’s informed consent website.
- Live Action encourages pro-lifers to join various pro-life leaders this Thursday, August 8, at a March on the Media rally to denounce the media blackout on abortion. We have all seen the wall-to-wall coverage of other stories involving deaths, but when it comes to abortion, the same media turns a blind eye to it.
Lila Rose of Live Action, Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life, and our own Jill Stanek will be among those at the rally in D.C., while others will be conducting a social media rally on Twitter.
- Life Training Institute uses the movie 42: The Jackie Robinson Story to explain why men in particular should involve themselves in the abortion debate.
- Big Blue Wave suggests the “big tent” is needed in the pro-life movement, so that people of differing faiths (or no faith) feel welcomed in protecting the preborn.
- Albert Mohler believes the U.S. fertility rate is taking “baby steps forward to 1.90 per woman in 2013, up slightly from 1.89 in 2012. Last year’s figure was the lowest recorded in 25 years.” He writes:
As recent cultural discussions have made fully clear, Americans differ on the meaning of children. Not everyone sees children as gifts to be received with great joy. But no other response will do when thinking in accordance with what Scripture clearly reveals. While it is undoubtedly true that congregations offer a family-friendly context that supports parents and parenthood, that context is surely formed and the children in them nourished by the joy and thanksgiving of parents and the beliefs that the congregation holds and teaches.In other words, worldview matters.
- Clinic Quotes shares a statement from former abortion worker Jewels Green, who reveals how abortion clinics determine the age of aborted children:
Tiny feet were measured beside me more times than I can count. Measuring tiny feet was how abortion facilities matched pre-abortion estimates of fetal age with the reality after death. The age determined by the measurement of the tiny feet was the age put on the forms that I completed for the state Department of Health abortion statistics.
[Photos via Live Action and Clinic Quotes]

Oh, good grief, those tiny feet! (And I mean grief literally.) Those beautiful perfect little feet. I love my kids’ feet – clean, stinky, tired, wiggly. Tears.
Precious feet.