1275590085Abortionist Emil Felski kills babies at the Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando clinic.

But Felski also has his own private ob/gyn practice in Casselberry, Florida, where he also covertly commits abortions.

Pro-life activists often pray and protest at Felski’s office, to let his patients and the public know about his side job, and to encourage him to stop murdering babies.

On October 1, Felski was not happy when spotting two pro-lifers holding signs as he came to work (in what looks like a Corvette).

As the video below shows, Felski stopped his car on a 6-lane highway to first snap photos of the pro-lifers and then abscond with the “Repent Dr. Felski!” sign….


The pro-lifers called police, who came and retrieved the bent sign from Felski. Good for them, the pro-lifers are pressing charges….


Pro-Life Action League posted a piece earlier this week proving one reason these protests are effective.

ChastineRecall the name Cheryl Chastine? When late-term abortionist George Tiller’s Wichita, Kansas, clinic reopened earlier this year, pro-lifers learned she was hired as a circuit rider abortionist. I took part in one of several PLAL protests are Chastine’s (pictured right) Oak Park, Illinois, private practice.

So on September 30, PLAL reported:

When Total Wellness moved to their new location in July, Chastine did not go with them. Clearly, Total Wellness recognized that employing an abortionist – and, as a result, the reality that our regular protests would continue to be regular – was a liability they could not afford….

[O]ur sources in Wichita tell us that Chastine is now the only doctor doing abortions there, and that “business” is slow.  And what’s more, since she lost her family practice position at Total Wellness this summer, it appears she’s not working anywhere in the Chicago area.

chastine-protest-flyerLet this serve as a cautionary tale for other doctors thinking they can get away with “quietly” doing abortions.  Sooner or later, we’ll find out you’re doing abortions, and you’ll be protested, and the “stigma” of abortion will be attached to you.  It will most definitely make your patients uneasy, and you will lose business.

Think about it, Doc: Is it worth it?

Ideally, doctors should refuse to perform abortions because – at the risk of stating the obvious – killing babies is wrong.  But if moral reasons aren’t enough, we’ll settle for a doctor refusing to do abortions out of concern for his own self-interest.


On a side note, Felski appeared in the movie, Parenthood….


I’m reminded of Planned Parenthood abortionist Timothy Liveright, who appeared in the movie, Blue Valentine. It would not surprise me in the least to learn Hollywood agents call Planned Parenthood for referrals.

[HT: Michele Herzog; photo of Chastine flyer via Pro-Life Action League]

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