by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • ProLifeBlogs features a post by LifeSiteNews which reports pro-choice violence against a woman participating in a peaceful Life Chain in Toronto. Faye Arellano was attacked and beaten by a knife-wielding man, who was arrested. During the Life Chain, Faye “held a rosary in one hand and a sign in the other which read: ‘Life, the first inalienable right.”


  • Down on the Pharm comments on California Governor Jerry Brown’s (pictured left) signing into law a bill that will allow non-physicians to perform abortions in the state:

    We know already that abortionists who are physicians have a poor performance record. It would be irrational to expect that people with less medical training would have a better safety record than those who have to undergo four years of medical school and four years of residency.

    Pro-lifer Wynette Sills, who is participating in 40 Days for Life in Sacramento, addressed the passage of this law on Facebook – citing scientific facts and posting photos of actual fetal development – and was temporarily blocked from posting on the social media site for a comment that read, “Debi, become informed. Human life begins at conception and every abortion kills a human being. Know your science, rather than just respond with emotions.”

  • Right to Life of Michigan “circulated petitions throughout the summer to initiate Abortion Insurance Opt-Out legislation. More than 315,000 signatures were submitted to the Secretary of State’s office today sending a strong message to Michigan lawmakers that abortion is not health care”:

    Michigan’s Constitution allows the people of the state to initiate legislation through a petition; 258,088 signatures of registered voters needed to be collected in 180 days to initiate the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. Signatures for the NO Taxes for Abortion Insurance petition drive was collected in less than 4 months. After the Board of Canvassers verifies the signatures, the legislature will have 40 calendar days to respond.

burning bldg

  • Secular Pro-Life says pro-choicers often ask pro-lifers, “If you had the choice to rescue either an adult or ten frozen embryos from a burning building, which would you choose?” But this question actually proves nothing about the value of human life:

    Consider it like a case of triage. Two people are in mortal danger and a doctor can only save one. The doctor will save the person with the greatest chance of survival. Does that mean the other person is less valuable than the person she saves? Of course not. But if she tried to save the person with the most extensive injuries, she may end up losing both. In this case, since the fate of the embryos is uncertain (nor could it ever be certain), saving the adults would be morally justified because they have a 100% chance of survival if you rescue them.

    Choosing who to save does not equate to the intentional killing of embryos.

  • Albert Mohler discusses the addictive nature of pornography and how it “hijacks” the male brain:

    In Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain, [William] Struthers presents key insights from neuroscience that go a long way toward explaining why pornography is such a temptation for the male mind.

    “The simplest explanation for why men view pornography (or solicit prostitutes) is that they are driven to seek out sexual intimacy,” he explains. The urge for sexual intimacy is God-given and essential to the male, he acknowledges, but it is easily misdirected. Men are tempted to seek “a shortcut to sexual pleasure via pornography,” and now find this shortcut easily accessed.

[Photos via Bloomberg and Flickr]

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