imageby Sarah Cleveland

Shortly after graduating from college and obtaining my board certification to become a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer nearly 10 years ago, I was asked to fill in for a tech at a nearby OB/GYN office. I was honored by the request and accepted the offer.

When I arrived to work, I noticed there was an amniocentesis scheduled that afternoon. (In short, an amnio is a quick procedure that samples the fluid surrounding a baby in utero for further testing on the pregnancy.) And although I had assisted in dozens of procedures during clinical rotations in college, I had never before assisted with a live amniocentesis. And I was nervous about doing it. I knew the risks to the baby and momma (increased risk of miscarriage and uterine infection, albeit still low).

But what I didn’t anticipate was what I was actually going to see on the screen.

The afternoon came and pregnant Momma and in utero Baby arrived with Father, on time. We prepped and sterilized the surface of Momma’s belly as the OB doc got the long needle and syringe ready to sample the fluid. I placed the transducer over the uterus and saw a baby ~18 weeks gestation on the screen. He was kicking, playful, and happy. Then the doc inserted the needle.

Immediately, the baby knew something was in his space, that something was different. As I held the transducer to guide the needle to a safe area away from placenta and away from Baby, I saw Baby dart away from where we were in the uterus and move as far away as possible to the other side of the womb. He stopped kicking and playing.

Then the heart rate. His little heart rate sky rocketed. He was scared. In fact, I am convinced he was terrified.

After only about 20 seconds of withdrawing fluid, the needle was out. Procedure done. The doctor cleaned up and exited the room while I watched Baby for a few minutes longer, while the parents conversed with one another. The baby slowly, eventually, came out of the corner and the heart rate came down a little. It was time to stop scanning, and I said good-bye to the family.

Please think about this. This baby reacted this way when an instrument was introduced into his home – and this instrument’s intent was not to harm him. The baby was not the target, nor was the needle going after him. The needle never once touched him.

Then consider this: So what of it when something bigger than a needle is inserted into the uterus? What then, when the target is the baby? When a trained professional is aiming to remove this little guy, sometimes piece by piece, from the safety of his home? Image the terror he must feel when being pulled away from it. Image the physical pain that sometimes comes with it.

Let me be clear. It is neither the fear nor the baby’s pain that makes abortion the evil that it is. It is not because I could see the panic or because he had distinct and formed features that make it evil.

imageAbortion is evil because it destroys a child. It is evil because it murders a human being created in the image of God Himself. And I will fight against it until it is totally and utterly abolished.

Jill note: Sarah is in the hospital at this moment delivering baby #3 by c-section! Please join me in praying for their safety.

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