Pro-life blog buzz 11-15-13
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Clinic Quotes shares an admission from the pro-choice side regarding post-abortion trauma:
Rosemary Candelario, director of Massachusetts Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, on why pro-choice groups often claim that abortion does not contribute to emotional trauma for women:“I think the fear in the [abortion rights] movement is if we admit abortion is hard for some women, then we’re admitting that it’s wrong, which is totally not the case. I’ve heard from women who are having problems dealing with their abortion who are still ardently pro-choice.”
- Down on the Pharm discusses the latest sexual research which shows how women (surprise!) don’t actually benefit in any way from casual sex.
Funny… that’s not what the latest (and tasteless) ProgressNow Colorado ads promoting Obamacare (sample pictured left; click to enlarge) seem to portray.
- Abortion State gives the firsthand account of being investigated by the Department of Justice simply for attempting to contact abortionist Julie Komarow, M.D., for an interview regarding her involvement with reported wrongdoings at Planned Parenthood. Komarow had previously sought legal action (unsuccessfully) to prevent her name from being mentioned in the interview, and when the writer attempted to contact her for a comment via email, landline and cell phone, she filed a restraining order for harassment.
Soon, the DOJ began monitoring the writer’s blog and treating the case as a possible FACE Act (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) violation, which could result in heavy fines and jail time. The writer was not contacted to ask about his intentions prior to opening a federal case.
- American Life League’s Judie Brown asks why, in this sex-saturated culture where chastity is mocked and maligned despite rising STD rates, it is the baby who is deemed the enemy of the feel-good culture:
… [I]n order for the abortion cartel to continue raking in the money, is has to create at least one, if not two, generations of individuals who will suffer anything for the cause of sexual relations. This is why one-third of Americans today have a sexually transmitted disease.Professor emeritus James V. Schall, S.J., commenting on the statistic and the money spent on preventive treatments, opined, “Not only are there these diseases with us but also the millions of abortions which are also the results of failed ‘sexual transmission’ techniques that were designed to prevent the conceptions of children. Contraception methods and sexual education programs have not worked. In fact, they seem to have made the problem worse.”…
That baby, or any preborn human being at any stage of his development, is not anyone’s enemy. Each is a flesh and blood human being just like you and me.
The enemy is the force in society that will not rest until every expectant mother detests her child and wants nothing more than to kill him.
- RealChoice takes a look at some pro-choice state license plates. For some reason, they just don’t seem as pleasing as the pro-life ones.
- Expose Abortion has many quotes from former abortion workers whose stark revelations shine a light on the mindset of the abortion industry. Former abortion provider Kathy Sparks is quoted as saying, “I remember one of the doctors stating that he could do three abortions in ten minutes and make the same amount of money as delivering one woman full term.”
- Family Research Council blogs about the mayor-elect of New York City, who has declared war on non-profit pregnancy resource centers who provide services that are free and confidential. Bill DeBlasio shows his true liberal colors – seeking to deny true choice in communities while promoting only one “choice” – abortion.
- Veteran pro-life educator Scott Klusendorf of Life Training Institute has must-read advice for new pro-life speakers.
- At Catholic Vote, Michael New points out that many factors could be at fault for Ken Cuccinelli’s failed run for governor of Virginia – however, his pro-life stance isn’t one of them.
- Live Action releases video of an Albuquerque late-term abortionist at Southwestern Women’s Options explaining the procedure and bragging that people come to Albuquerque from everywhere, due to their lax abortion restrictions. Beautiful Albuquerque, you deserve better than being the late-term abortion capital. November 19th is your chance to speak.
@ the Down on the Pharm article
Do most women orgasm for sex with their long term partners? I don’t think statistically they do.
Saying that casual sex isn’t fufilling to women is only significant if committed sex IS physically fufilling for women
I think the stats say that only about 5% of women never have orgasms ever. What you’re thinking about is orgasms through vaginal penetration alone, which only like 25% of women do routinely regardless of whether it’s a casual fling or sex with a husband.
When passing on the Kinsey orgasm “research”, I chose to emphasize that women, who are having casual sex, are serving men as they were programmed to do. It was interesting that the organization which helped fuel the “sexual revolution” has found that the free sex isn’t benefiting women efficiently in the orgasm department.
If Shannon had followed the links, she would know that the Kinsey Institute ‘study’ found that three fourths of the women reported an orgasm from the last sexual encounter with a committed partner.
The casual sex partner isn’t as likely to know or care how to please a woman, plus it physiologically takes a little longer to accomplish that goal. I’ve since added a link to another article, indicating that porn use has aggravated this problem.
Past research has indicated that married people have been getting the most and the best success sexually.
It appears that lately women are living with low expectations.
Hi pharmer,
I actually really appreciate your response. I didn’t see the second article just the first. I don’t agree with most of what is printed on this site but I think this article is really important and it’s something I wish pro-lifers/conservatives would focus more on this issue because it is a winning issue and would help a lot of people.
Pro-lifers often don’t talk about ‘pleasure’ with sex and it hurts their ability to be a sex authority. As a young twenty-something I really wish someone would address the issue: there is an expectation that you are supposed to have sex, most of the men you are sleeping/with expected to sleep with were raised on porn and casual sex. Their casual sex partners act like porn stars, and their girlfriends are expected to act like thier casual sex’s all a bit of a mess.
Shannon, there are plenty of people out there to discuss sex and pleasure. That’s a saturated field.
The burning issue for pro-lifers is respect for human life. We know that if people are accustomed to killing their own offspring, prior to, during or shortly after birth, we won’t be able to expect humans to stop killing each other through gang violence, terrorism and wars among nations. Only after humans get the idea that killing is abhorrent, will the point be reached that each one is treated with dignity throughout life.
One more reason that pro-lifers don’t discuss sexual pleasure a lot is that we hate to brag…….. we’re so good at it. ;-) ;-) Things are very relaxed and nice without the background tension that comes from abhorring the possibility that a baby could be made. Porn is very fake, and persistent use is linked with sexual failure. Those problems are beginning to be addressed in research, and there are a number of interesting TED talks on it.
I have sympathy for you, and my own kids, and others who are dealing with the present dating scene. Probably the best way to navigate is to not worry about service of expectations when dating. Save the service for altruistic endeavors. Only people who like you for YOU are worth any date time at all.
I’d like to add that the Seventeen Magazine is not helping young women to be thoughtful about sexuality either. Have you ever seen the garbage that’s in there? Our culture is focused on raising girls to strut their stuff as early as possible.