Pro-life blog buzz 12-24-13
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Live Action remarks on a blog, written by an abortion facility worker, that chastises pro-lifers for taking pictures of aborted babies and “exploiting” them. The worker believes that, in contrast, the clinic treats aborted aborted children “respectfully”:
In my clinic, we wash off the tissue and examine it. It is treated respectfully and put with the woman’s first name into a container. We show it to patients if they ask to see it, and make sure they understand which part is the sac (later the placenta), which part the pregnancy if visible (after 9 weeks), and which part the lining of the uterus. People have been known to pray over it, write notes for inclusion, “baptize” it, etc etc.Some clinic staff have also been known to say a little prayer over it – thanking it for its sacrifice so that the woman could continue on the path she was on.
That just makes it all better, then, doesn’t it? Premeditated murder spun as the “self-sacrifice” of the preborn child. Delusional.
- Judie Brown discusses Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) and warns that what can seem like patient-friendly forms might become your death warrant:
POLST is no different than any other end-of-life care form, signed by someone who has the best intentions for his care being given in accord with natural law ethics, but overseen by another individual whose perspective is driven by motives that are not at all wholesome. - Americans United for Life lists five takeaways from the recent annual report released by Planned Parenthood:
1. Abortion remains a central component of Planned Parenthood’s business.2. After bullying the Susan G. Komen Foundation into lowering its grant standards and receiving “an outpouring of public donations,” Planned Parenthood’s “breast health services” continued to plummet.
3. Life-ending drugs and devices are a growing portion of Planned Parenthood’s “contraception” services.
4. Taxpayers continue to heavily subsidize the nation’s largest abortion chain.
5. The abortion chain is spending millions to “refresh” the Planned Parenthood “brand.”
- Josh Brahm posts a video on how to address those on opposite sides of the abortion debate. Are “pro-life” and “pro-choice” the correct terms to use? Why is this important?
[Photo via]
The worker believes that, in contrast, the clinic treats aborted aborted children “respectfully”:
In my clinic, we wash off the tissue and examine it. It is treated respectfully and put with the woman’s first name into a container. We show it to patients if they ask to see it, and make sure they understand which part is the sac (later the placenta), which part the pregnancy if visible (after 9 weeks), and which part the lining of the uterus. People have been known to pray over it, write notes for inclusion, “baptize” it, etc etc.
Some clinic staff have also been known to say a little prayer over it – thanking it for its sacrifice so that the woman could continue on the path she was on.
How is the facility worker treating the unborn child respectfully when he/she cannot even refer to the unborn child as a human being? The worker still refers to the embryo or fetus by the generic terms: tissue, pregnancy, and it. Furthermore, for the child to make a “sacrifice” means that the child chose to do so by his or her own volition. Sacrifice is not your life and limbs being taken from you.
Re: the unborn child “sacrificing” his or her life, I’ve seen that theme before, and it always reminds me of Lord Farquaad from Shrek, who sends his soldiers to rescue the princess with the heartfelt pronouncement “Some of you may die. But it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make.”
(For those who haven’t seen the movie:
Child sacrifice…how low can we go?
Susie Allen it IS child sacrifice on the altar of “sexual freedom”, “women’s reproductive healthcare” and a so-called “woman’s right to choose” to mutilate and kill her unborn baby. BTW abortion is NOT healthcare and never will be. God destroyed whole nations for child sacrifice to the god Molech in the Old Testament. What a sorry state of affairs we are in today. Christian prolifers many of you may already understand that the enemy (satan) has always tried to destroy the promise, purpose and plan of God through destroying the ”seed of the woman”. Think about the story of Moses when Pharoah told the midwives to destroy the Israelite baby boys and the story of Jesus our Savior when Herod ordered the children 2 years old and younger be slaughtered. Abortion has as hisman, who used to post here years ago, said in his Abortion poem “the claws of satan all over it”. Through Christ he is defeated and we are more than conquerors. I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas.
I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas.
Hey Prolifer, Christmas is on my calendar until January 6th. On that day the two priests from my parish will come to our house for dinner, although I often joke with them that they are missing the third wise man so we always have an empty chair just in case :)
Hey Thomas R. How are you? I think it is awesome that you celebrate Christmas until Jan. 6th. How come? It’s great you are having your parish priest over for dinner. What a nice way to celebrate Christ birth. It’s always nice to have you post on this blog, you really get the spiritual significance of the prolife cause. “Jesus said “I have come to give you life and that more abundantly”. Happy New Year!!!
I do have a question. How do you “treat respectfully” a baby that you just intentionally killed”? What a crock you prayed over the baby you just sacrificed by killing him or her.
Worked in OB rarely did we have a baby die, in utero or a newborn, we definitely handled the babies respectfully because we ALWAYS tried to save the baby’s life if it was possible, that is the ONLY way to handle it “respectfully”. You respect LIFE.