Stanek Sunday quote: “You have judged and murdered people who aren’t guilty”
You have judged and murdered people who aren’t guilty. And they weren’t even opposing you.
~ James 5:6, New International Readers Version
[Photos (click to enlarge) via’s “abortion gallery”]
Golly, what could possibly be chaotic about murdering an innocent child?
Is this the human version of pet shaming?? That meme has really taken off.
Well there you have the flip side…abortiion without apology.
I feel like making a meme for my daughter, who also got pregnant at 17. She, too, is married to the father of her child. It has not always been easy for her fledgling family financially, but when she gazes into her son’s eyes, she knows having him was one of the best decisions she ever made.
I wonder where the decision to have your child killed ranks with the decision to marry your girlfriend before she is even old enough to vote.
The ironic thing here is saying the abortion kept them from having to raise a child when they didn’t want to. Was this before or after they realized they were killing a child, or did they know it all along?
So their child would be a senior in high school now. Think of all the memories they’ve missed–prom, graduation, heading off to college…So very sad.
And the clinic escort–wonder how many times you’re cursed in the minds of the women you ushered into the clinic as they grieve for their babies?
Good point sydney. Missed out on hugs and kisses. First birthday party. Sad that one could remain so selfish after all these years and so hard of heart. Its a me me me world to many.
Chaotic? They need to make up their warped minds. If its not a human being who on earth would care?
Though they may be clueless now, when these women stand before the Lord Jesus Christ to give account for their lives, their hearts will be violently seized with indescribable heart-wrenching guilt, remorse, grief and regret, unless they repent.
They will stand with the innocent blood of babies, slaughtered without mercy, dripping from their hands. Their hate-filled, murderous hearts, in all their selfish cruelty will be fully revealed, juxtaposed against the Love emanating from the Lamb, slain from before the foundations of the world. Jesus Christ willingly died and paid the price for their sins and mine and now our Precious Savior requires that we follow His example, take up our cross and follow Him. We need to warn the wicked and proclaim the good news of the redemption that’s available in Christ.
In the end, each of us will choose whom we will serve, either the Lord Jesus Christ or our own selfish desires. And the Righteous Judge will administer the consequences of our choices.
This made me so sad. No one is ever prepared to have a child. Wanted or “unwanted” babies are always a blessing. Those women have bought the lies of the abortion industry and have lied to themselves. My prayers go out to those women. May their hearts be softened.
All we can do is pray for them.
My reaction to the lady who feels her abortion is one of her “proudest” decisions is that she should probably aim a tad higher in life. None of the things that I am proud of in life have involved harming another living creature.
As for Megan: you should definitely make that meme. I know a lot of pro-life facebook groups and the pro-life subreddits would probably be glad to help it go viral. :-D
The ‘chaos’ would be the need to negotiate the gauntlet of self-appointed arbiters of how people should live their lives. That’s why clinic escorts are sometimes needed to assist women.
And the clinic escort–wonder how many times you’re cursed in the minds of the women you ushered into the clinic as they grieve for their babies? – my bet is hardly ever.
The word on the sign is ‘best’, not ‘proudest’.
and yet he husband’s “not in the picture”… sounds like the premise for R V W: a fabrication.
Ed H.
Thank you. They will one day KNOW exactly what they have done.
I am praying that they repent. That they are convicted by the Holy Spirit of their murderous deeds and ask for forgiveness. Ask for God’s healing in their lives.
NOBODY is beyond the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
I have had to pray and ask God’s forgiveness for the thoughts I have had about the
“receptionist” the “counselor” the “nurse” and the “doctor” who LIED. Flat out lied to me about everything. The reality of my baby at 10 weeks along, the video I was made to watch of a clump of cells, the excruciating pain of the procedure, the risks I was never told about, the lies that I could not be a good mother, the good doc who didn’t even talk to me………..I had to let all of that go and pray for them.
Part of the healing process and life after abortion.
Reality waxes hysterical about a “gauntlet of self-appointed arbiters of how people should live their lives”. Well how about that gauntlet who arbitrate IF people (unborn people that is) should live their lives at all? Such is the arrogance of the deathscorts. Carla, I’m so sorry you experienced that – prayers!
My observation is accurate, not ‘hysterical’.
Well how about that gauntlet who arbitrate IF people (unborn people that is) should live their lives at all? – there is no such gauntlet. It is individuals making individual decisions and acting on an individual basis.
The escorts aren’t making the decisions.
Thank you. I battled rage for years. Rage at those that pretended to “care” about women and “trust” women until after they paid, had their abortions and were shown the door.
I miss you Janet!!
Isn’t it ALWAYS the fault of prolifers????? LOL
“the gauntlet of self-appointed arbiters of how people should live their lives “–thats a good one Reality. I could care less how people live their lives as long as it doesn’t include killing children. Eat twinkies and smoke, watch Oprah, do a host of things I wouldn’t recommend. Totally okay. Not my place to judge. But you intend on doing harm to your child? Yeah–sorry, not going to let you kill in peace.
That being said, when I stand at the clinic I don’t stand there screaming and yelling. I tell the women facts about fetal development and offer help. Sometimes the women take me up on the offer–babies are alive today because of the network of help available. Sometimes they shun me and walk into the doors and kill their child. Then they leave crying or looking enraged a few hours later. It is very sad.
There is a PASS website where women who have had abortions can talk to each other and comfort each other. It is not anti or pro-abortion. It is neutral. You’re not allowed to lecture the women for aborting nor tell them it is no big deal and they shouldn’t care. The women are allowed to just vent and unload all the sorrow they feel. Some are now pro-life. Some are still pro-choice. But all mourn. And you’d be surprised Reality how many HATE the escorts who took them into the clinic, or the nurses and doctors who aborted their child. Even the pro-choice ones seethe with hate for those who made it possible to abort.
You’ve chosen one particular cause over a myriad of others. That’s fine. It doesn’t mean you’re not a self-appointed arbiter of how people should live their lives. I’d be a self-appointed arbiter of how people should live their lives if I felt inclined to do a bit of sidewalk counselling outside Chick-fil-A.
And you’d be surprised Reality how many HATE the escorts who took them into the clinic….. – given that all escorts do is provide safe passage for women who may or may not be availing themselves of a lawful service do you have any links via which I can achieve this surprise?
Exactly. I had murderous rage. I HATED them all for the lies they told when THEY knew the TRUTH. They knew. They KNOW THE TRUTH about fetal development, THEY KNOW THE TRUTH about what abortion does to an innocent human being and lie everyday ALL day to sell abortions. They prey on women in a time of desperate need.
I repented of my hatred and began to see that those in the biz need our prayers to leave. They need our prayers to see the error of their ways. My hatred was murder in God’s eyes.
There is no safe passage at the gates of hell.
And any woman that believes that paying someone to rip her child out of her womb in bloody pieces is “the best thing I’ve ever done” is in serious denial and living a lie.
Cognitive dissonance.
The killing continues so we can live the way we want.
And the other woman?
WAS an escort? Wonder if she stopped? If she did I wonder why?
The tone of my post above was deliberately harsh to try and bring clarity and a sense of urgency to the ongoing genocide. It was designed to help expose the web of lies you fell victim to Carla.
Abortion is but one of many of satan’s grand deceptions. At one time or another we have all been deluded into doing things of which we are now ashamed.
One aspect of the Heavenly Father’s awesome plan for redeeming mankind that is tremendously rewarding is the way He allows us to fight for justice and the establishment of His Kingdom in the area of our former victimization and woundedness. Carla you are a great champion for mothers and their children. Your powerful testimony gives you a depth of compassion and empathy that magnifies your effectiveness in this great spiritual war.
The Apostle Paul said in 1Co 9 that he had “become all things to all men, that by all means he might save some.” But he could not become a post-abortive mom like you Carla.
I praise God for all of the great work you have done for hurting moms. I believe in Heaven we will have an opportunity to remember and celebrate the victories we were able to achieve by His grace.
Keep up the great work Sis! Your rewards will be eternal!
“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” Mt 25:40
Well the lady above didn’t say “the best thing I’ve ever done”. She said ” one of the best decisions we have ever made”. Either way, there’s no evidence that in her case she is in serious denial and living a lie.
Maybe the escort got fed up with the constant harassment and/or no longer felt safe. Maybe she moved. Maybe she got another job.
So, Reality is presuming that the “chaos” to which the escort refers is the walk to the front door of the abortion facility. Perhaps, the chaos is the situation in which the mother found herself when she chose to abort her child, in which case remove the chaos instead of the child.
The non-self-appointed arbitrators of other people’s lives won’t bother to stand in between the Gosnell like facilities and their clients, abusive parents and their children, batterers and their spouses, old men and their multiple child brides, slave owners and their slaves, etc. Since that is how some people choose to live their lives, that makes it okay to not care about a fellow human being.
Perhaps, the chaos is the situation in which the mother found herself when she chose to abort her child, in which case remove the chaos instead of the child. - not always possible. Besides, it may be too late.
The non-self-appointed arbitrators of other people’s lives won’t bother to stand in between the Gosnell like facilities and their clients, abusive parents and their children, batterers and their spouses, old men and their multiple child brides, slave owners and their slaves, etc. – plenty of self-appointed arbiters to do that. Like the Westboro folk or those who used to be against the Vietnam war. Or. as I said, I would be if I did some sidewalk counselling outside a Chick-fil-A. Pick your cause. You may be right, you may be wrong.
Since that is how some people choose to live their lives, that makes it okay to not care about a fellow human being. – most people care to some extent or other. In the case of pro-choicers, we care very, very much about the women who are our fellow human beings.
That whole mother’s body and control over what’s in it is not why pro-aborts kill unborn children; it is just a way they try and justify their ‘right’ to kill unborn children. Most pro-aborts, if they were ever punished with a baby, would just as soon kill their born children too if they could legally get away with it.
Escorts at abortion facilities may some day be as helpless as the child in the womb, and at that point will she have “self-appointed arbiters of other people’s lives” standing in judgment on whether she should be getting appropriate assistance, or will she be assisted to suicide herself? Will there even be a choice on her part in the matter? Ironic, then, that “My body, my choice” will become a matter for others to arbitrate, based on one’s appearance and convenience.
If that’s the kind of statement you wish to be known for truthseeker, that’s your choice.
That’s not how euthanasia works Doc Kimble.
Women are getting away with killing their BORN children….Amy Grossberg Prom Mom Jessica Coleman Audry Iaacona Elizabeth Johnson Casey Anthony
Dearest Ed,
Your comments made me cry. Thank you my sweet brother in Christ.
I thank God for the three babies and their mothers(that I know of)who chose LIFE after hearing my story. Six people saved from abortion!!
To God be the glory for His mercy and grace and redeeming the pain of abortion!!!
Fight on Ed!!!
I like this!!!
You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.
James 5:6
No matter the “abortion pride” of those who are unashamed…..the end result is the same. My child died in my abortion the same as the BEST DECISION mom.
Well lets hope decision mom repents one day.
I was watching the show Lock Up. This guy killed his wife and 2 kids. During the interview he said ” I aint a bit sorry and id do it again. I aint got no remorse so call me what you will.” He was due to be executed and as he was exercising he said “I wish the state would just hurry up and execute me. A deals a deal. The segment ended and one month later thisţman was granted his wish.
I am pointing out once again that she may not be sorry.
“most people care to some extent or other. In the case of pro-choicers, we care very, very much about the women who are our fellow human beings.”
I’ll say “reality” that this ”caring” involves a very destructive way of showing it. For once instead of making your signature generic statements, you may want to actually let all of us know HOW YOU “PRO-CHOICERS” CARE? Give some concrete examples. Oops I forgot – you don’t have any substance to back this assertion up…
No she’s not Heather.
One day she will be.
It breaks my heart that some women will NEVER see their little ones even though they wait for their mommies in heaven.
Just as someone on the Amy Grossberg comment section said…Amy goes on with her life as her little one turns back into dust. She shows up at fundraisers for needy children. Amy has convinced herself that nothing more happened to her full term baby but a miscarriage. Its obvious that others support her line of thinking. However as many of us left comments we were united on one issue…Why is this woman out of prison???
Just as Elizabeth Johnson killed baby Gabriel. Shes getting out of prison. When the little guy would cry she would yell at her boyfriend “Can you shut that thing up?!!” 5 Short years in jail and now probation. Are you kidding me?
Again, I would point out that the lady said “one of the best decisions we have ever made”, not “the BEST DECISION”.
I’ll say “reality” that this ”caring” involves a very destructive way of showing it. – far from it “thomas r.”. Caring for and helping women retain their hard-fought freedoms are constructive ways.
For once instead of making your signature generic statements, you may want to actually let all of us know HOW YOU “PRO-CHOICERS” CARE? Give some concrete examples. Oops I forgot – you don’t have any substance to back this assertion up… – your failure to keep up or to ignore the information I have provided on several occasions is your problem, not mine.
“He went with me.” Wow, what a guy, huh?
“We just celebrated our 18th anniversary.” Yeah, remind me to send a gift.
(MemyselfandI rolls her eyes)
And their family is missing one very important person who was denied his/her God given right to life.
What a handsome young man he might be or beautiful young woman!!!
Handsome or beautiful inside and/or out! (Yes, of course some people who were aborted would have turned out not to be good people, but that’s the way it is in any population of course)
Breaks my heart.
My daughter would be 22. If I could go back to that mill I would. I would save her life and mine from abortion. But I can’t. So I keep telling my story.
So many families are missing children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews……abortion affects us ALL!!
Caring for and helping women retain their hard fought freedoms . . .
Freedom means being free to do the right thing. Directly taking the life of another member of the human species especially when you have other recourse is never the right thing to do. It is objectively wrong. Abortion does not make women free. It is enslavement to different master, only some are in denial to what chains bind them.