UPDATE 2/24, 4:30p: World Magazine has picked up on this story, quoting from my blog post.

UPDATE 2/20, 7:10p: Ricki Lake has chimed in on Twitter:


2/20, 5:38p: A release date has not even been set on Ricki Lake’s upcoming documentary on the dangers of hormonal contraception, called Sweetening the Pill, but feminists and liberals are already trying to flush it. Here’s the Perez Hilton headline that goes with the gif above…


Then there’s Jezebel, with a title that lives up to its namesake…


How could anyone who purportedly has the best interest of women at heart have a problem with this:

In the fifty years since its release, the birth control Pill has become synonymous with women’s liberation and has been thought of as some sort of miracle drug,” said Lake and [film director Abby] Epstein. “But now it’s making women sick and so our goal with this film is to wake women up to the unexposed side effects of these powerful medications and the unforeseen consequences of repressing women’s natural cycles.”

Objectively speaking, in this day and age of fit and organic lifestyles, an unvarnished look at artificial steroid pills, rings, patches, and implants – all uniquely created to alter a woman’s reproductive cycle – would seem like a great thing. The term “reproductive healthcare” loses much of its meaning if hormonal contraception is to be blindly accepted.

But the pro-abortion movement is inextricably invested in The Pill, both financially and philosophically. Contraceptive services account for 34% of Planned Parenthood’s business, and hormonal contraception accounts for 57+% of all contraceptives Planned Parenthood sells. Which is why Planned Parenthood loves The Pill:

The pill has made a tremendous impact on the lives of women and men around the globe. It is one of the most transformative medical breakthroughs of the past 100 years.

planned-parenthood-pill-costume-apSuch crow to someday eat.

Much of Planned Parenthood’s history is linked to The Pill:

In 1948, Planned Parenthood had awarded a small grant to Gregory Pincus, a research biologist who undertook a series of tests leading to the development of the birth control pill….

In 1961, Estelle Griswold, president of Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, opens a birth control clinic to dispense contraceptives and to put the state’s ban on birth control to the test. Her act of civil disobedience is rewarded: In 1965, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Griswold v. Connecticut, removes one of the last serious barriers to family planning when it strikes down state laws prohibiting the use of contraceptives by married couples.

Incidentally, it was within Griswold v Connecticut that the Supreme Court found a “right to privacy,” which led to the Roe v Wade decision 8 years later.

19c255e0cc487f28097742f2e5bc5a7aThose who launched the sexual revolution in the 1960s are now in charge of our political system, and they are equally invested in contraceptives. They have no fallback plan. In fact, they’ve doubled down - use not one form of birth control, but two! They reject the only foolproof means of avoiding pregnancy, abstinence.

This will be Lake and Epstein’s second documentary, a natural fit with their 2008 film, The Business of Being Born, which explored reasons why the United States maternity system has resulted in the second-highest infant mortality rate among developed nations. The team also produced the documentary, Breastmilk.

sweeteningthepill__140212213840-275x424Sweetening the Pill will be based on the upcoming book by Holly Grigg-Spall, Sweetening the Pill: How We Got Hooked on Hormonal Birth Control, to be released in 2015.

Lake is certainly not known as a conservative stalwart. They won’t be able to attack her there, although they’ll find something to go after her for – many somethings, I’m sure.

But this film will hurt the other side. The more they protest and defend The Pill, the more they will be eyed with suspicion. If nothing else, common sense says hormonal contraceptives can’t be good for you. This film will provide evidence that resonates with women.

For more information on the deadly harms of hormonal contraception, check out links here, here, here, and here.

[Pill/Planned Parenthood photo via Pundit Press]

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