by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • Wesley J. Smith reports on Belgium’s legalization of child euthanasia. Part of the reason it was legalized was because “doctors were already doing it even though it was against the law. This is typical euthanasia metastasizing: Doctors break the guidelines and then the answer is to expand the guidelines rather than punish the doctors.” Should we really then expect any safeguards or restrictions to be obeyed?
  • ProLife NZ discusses arguments against abortion from four corners: medical, philosophical, biblical, and legal. A must read.


  • At National Review, Alec Torres describes the less-than-free speech granted to a Students for Life group at the University of Alabama:

    Bama Students for Life had reserved the display case from January 8 to February 7, but when students walked by on February 6 they found the case empty. They were not informed that the display would be taken down, nor do they know when it vanished.

“You guys were lucky to get it up there as long as you did,” an administrator told President of Bama Students for Life Claire Chretien when she inquired about the missing poster. “If we get a complaint we have to take it down. If it upsets somebody we have to take it down.”

Alliance Defending Freedom is assisting in the group’s appeal. Their display is pictured at left (click to enlarge).

  • Pro-Life in TN reports that a judge reduced the fines on an Illinois abortion facility from $36K down to only $77 because the owner claimed she was closing the facility, and that $77 was all she had left in her bank account. Not surprisingly, she was lying. The IL Department of Health found a lengthy list of infractions in the first inspection it conducted in 15 years, including delaying CPR on a patient that subsequently died. The owner reopened under a slight name change using the same website, address, etc. In Illinois, clearly abortion is legal, but not safe for women.
  • Stand True advertises pro-life internships and ministry opportunities for students.



  • Secular Pro-Life notes that NARAL is apoplectic over President Obama’s nomination of Judge Michael Boggs, a pro-life Democrat, to the federal bench. Ilyse Hogue of NARAL has even gone so far as to say that because of his pro-life views, Boggs is “anti-American”:

    According to NARAL, when Boggs was a Georgia state legislator more than a decade ago, he “tried to channel funds to anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers and make a parental consent law even more extreme.” In oldspeak, that means that Boggs 1) supported the creation of a Choose Life license plate, which facilitates pro-life people donating their own money to pro-life causes, and 2) supported a requirement that minor girls be accompanied to the abortion facility by a parent. It’s worth noting that this parent-must-accompany rule is designed to combat sexual abuse.

So the pro-choice lobby is twisting the facts, which is hardly news.


  • Suzy B shares SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser’s comments on perinatal hospice made last fall. Families like that of Zion Isaiah Blick, who lived for ten days following birth, deserve support from perinatal hospice groups:

    Where a lethal fetal anomaly does exist, patients and their families can and should be offered the compassionate, ethical option of perinatal hospice to support them. Studies have shown that carrying a fatally ill child to term rather than performing a late abortion does not result in increased maternal mortality. On the other hand, it brings comfort to parents who can indeed parent their child as long as time permits. Perinatal hospice also allows families to mourn, the same way in which we would allow families with an adult member for whom treatment has become futile. There are now at least 127 perinatal hospices in the United States.


[SFL display photo via National Review]

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