Tracy WeitzThe Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation has quietly hired Tracy Weitz, PhD, MPA, to head its domestic operation.

STBF is the charitable giving outlet for 83-yr-old Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the world, with a net worth of $63.4 billion.

Originally the Buffett Foundation, STBF was renamed by the billionaire in honor of his wife after she died in 2004.

STBF is currently ranked #14 in the Top 100 U.S. Foundations by Total Giving. STBF’s focus is population control. According to Buffett biographer Roger Lowenstein, Buffett has a “Malthusian dread that overpopulation [will] aggravate problems in all other areas – such as food, housing, even human survival.”

That dread has transcended into aggression against procreation. As of December 31, 2012, STBF had given away $367 million to “support[] the most radical aspects of the population control movement,” says Population Research Institute, with ready examples:

  • $2 million… to fund clinical trials of Mifepristone (RU-486)
  • $2 million… for the distribution of quinacrine hydrochloride, a chemical with [sic] sterilizes a woman by burning her fallopian tubes… illegal in the U.S., but is used, often coercively, in Vietnam, India, and other nations
  • $20 million grant to International Projects Assistance Services (IPAS) which manufactures and distributes manual vacuum aspirators, used for performing abortions in the Third World

Of course, another STBF benefactor is Planned Parenthood. In fact, STBF is among the abortion giant’s “top contributors,” according to Wikipedia, which reports PP received $3.8 million from STBF in 1999 alone. Access Philanthropy reported in 2006 that ”[m]ore than 100 PP affiliates received grants [from STBF] ranging from $5,000 to $500,000 during the last three years.”

Weitz is a a good fit to further enable STBF to push population control in the U.S. via abortion.

According to, ”Weitz [was] the woman at the Bixby Global Reproductive Health Center, University of California San Francisco who orchestrated the medical research project which ended in legalizing non-physician abortions.”

The project overseen by Weitz was Health Workforce Pilot Project, known as HWPP #171. Beginning in 2007, HWPP #171 launched a study that had nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician assistants from Planned Parenthood and Kaiser Permanente commit abortions and then compare complications to abortions committed by doctors.

As Life Legal Defense Foundation reported, the project was shady to begin with, and the results were not good:

The project reported in December 2011 an 80% increase in complications when Non-physicians performed surgical abortions. No explanation was given as to why complications increased.

Nevertheless HWPP #171 was used to propel legislation in California, allowing nonphysicians to commit 1st trimester aspiration abortions, which Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law in October 2013. (The state had already made it legal for nonphysicians to commit medical abortions in 2003.)

It was hoped that these steps in California to surmount the problem of scarcity of abortionists would spread, as Laura Jimenez, executive director of California Latinas for Reproductive Justice made clear when Brown signed AB 154:

We are proud that California is the only state in the nation right now that is passing proactive legislation to improve access to abortion, and we hope that this law can further efforts to expand access to women throughout the country.

With Weitz now in charge of STBF’s domestic purse strings, that expansion attempt is game on.

As Weitz’s bio states, her “current research focuses on innovative strategies to expand abortion provision in the U.S.”

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