New Stanek poll: My pick for 2016 GOP presidential nominee is…
I have a new poll question up:
My pick for 2016 Republican presidential nominee is…
Yes, it’s early! But the field is vastly populated with hopefuls, and it’s not too soon for pro-life voices to be heard.
Choices in alpha order are: John Bolton, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, and Scott Walker.
Vote on the lower right side of the home page, but make comments here, not there.
Our previous poll question and responses were:
So the vast number of pro-lifers responding to this poll thought regulating abortion clinics helps in the fight to stop abortion.
Of the options given, I guess I’ll go with Scott Walker. But, I will add in that it’s too early to say.
Nice line-up. I am not interested in playing arm-chair politics, but any of these would be superior to Hillary.
Scott Walker has been great for pro-lifers in Wisconsin. When a pro-life leader in the Assembly was having trouble getting the Republican brass to move on a measure to defund Planned Parenthood, Scott Walker said, “Let me see what I can do about it, administratively.” He discovered that he was able to quietly remove the lion’s share of funding from PP without having to involve the legislature.
This was in the midst of the riots and union protests here in Madison, so there was fear and pressure to calm things down. Walker is both smart and courageous.
But I don’t think there is any buzz in Wisconsin about his wanting to run for the presidency. Perhaps some national Republicans are urging him to do so?
“I am not interested in playing arm-chair politics, but any of these would be superior to Hillary.”
True, but that’s setting the bar pretty low.
Sarah Palin? How about some Pro-Life women. Marsha Blackburn? Say yes for more Pro-Life women nominees!
The only one I can stand out of the choices is Bush, and I honestly don’t think anyone from that family would have a chance at the presidency.
I had to look up who John Bolton is.
My thoughts:
I live in Wisconsin, so I’ve got to throw Walker out – he’s been a train wreck as a governor economically.
Santorum and Rick Perry aren’t smart enough.
Cruz, Paul, and Rubio would crash the country.
On that list, I’d be okay with Christie the most. He’s got his problems, but he’s also more moderate then the rest, and has more experience than most of them.
Dr. Ben Carson is my favorite pick.
Whoever Ex-GOP hates the most — that’s the best one for the job.
I really, really, really hope it’s Cruz. And maybe they could nominate Palin for a second attempt at the vice-president role. Or bring back Santorum.
Del -
I don’t hate any of them – but my least favorite would be Sarah Palin. From the list? Ted Cruz. So please, run with them.
Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin, and Nikki Haley.
Santorum will be my top choice – authentic, principled, articulate….and an outstanding prolife record! I hope he runs! Would love to see that beautiful Santorum family living in the White House!
The innocent-unborn have no greater advocate, than Rick Santorum, making the passionate case for them and for the loving support of their mothers.
johno, I would have been happy to list Palin or Blackburn, but they haven’t entered the waters or been rumored.
Without a doubt it has to be Rick Santorum. No contest. There is no one more comprehensively conservative, qualified, experienced, authentic, principled, tested, prepared, and ready to serve than this man who is Reagan 2.0. On the issue of life, there is no greater friend and hero to the unborn and their hurting mothers than Rick Santorum. This speech in Iowa was just prior to the caucus sealed the deal for a good many caucus voters that Rick Santorum truly belongs in the White House. Please watch all the way through the end for the excellent Q & A too. This is well worth your watch.
I would be thrilled with Rick Santorum or Mike Huckabee but have reservations that either of them will throw their hat into the ring. LL
Yes, I think I’ll change my mind and put Santorum first. From what I’ve read, it’s not like he’s adding much value in his current role. He displays frothing loon on a wider range of topics than what I’ve heard Cruz opine, hence even more likely to lose an election.
Reality –
Concerning Santorum, those Republicans who are anal about making sure all the conservative boxes are checked will surely find him acceptable.
Santorum = guaranteed win for the Democratic candidate.
I think you are right Ex-GOP. That’s the beauty of it. The more boxes he ticks for republicans the more he crosses for democrats and swing voters.
Where is Sara Palin? She or Nikki Haley are my top two choices and you don’t even have either listed. Of all the choices on there I can only go along with Cruz, Walker, or Paul. I could support Rick Perry solidly, but Jeb Bush, Bolton, Huckabee, etc. forget about it.
“Where is Sarah Palin”?
She’s sitting on her front porch, watching for Putin.
Palin doesn’t see a job through Samuel. And she makes more money through ‘writing’ and being a celebrity. So you’d need to be veeeeery careful about who the vice-president was.
(she’d stand less chance than santorum anyway)
Santorum as the republican nominee would mean the democrats wouldn’t even have to TRY. They could fart Yankee Doodle in to the microphone at the debate and still win in a landslide.
WHY ohhhh WHY – year after year – decade after decade – do we refuse to think outside of the box and look at someone who hasn’t spent their entire career being a politician (aka professional liar, lobbyist, and generally a scum bag) who is GLUED to their party? We are just running in circles. Bouncing back and forth. If we elect a far-right wackadoo like Santorum now, that means a far-left wackadoo in 4 years. I really wish there was a MAJOR paradigm shift when it comes to this stuff.
My vote is for someone actually ELECTABLE – pretty much what Amanda said. Although I’m a far right wackadoo myself, someone with my beliefs will never get elected president again. NEVER. Mark my words. I’d be a happy stooge if I’m wrong. Christie might have the proper appeal, and he should perhaps run with Susanna Martinez for the demographic points. I dislike politics; don’t know why I dabble in it.
I voted for Rick Santorum, but you knew that. ;-)
Rick Santorum!!!
OR my governor Scott Walker. :)
We got suckered by the whole “electability” schtick last time. We couldn’t have any of the leaders that we wanted, because Romney was more “electable.” Fat lot of good that did us — He couldn’t beat Obama, the weakest candidate to win re-election since Truman. And all Obama had to do was threaten America that Romney was going to take away their birth control.
Republicans need a candidate with solid integrity, with a record of standing on solid principles. If a ticket lead by someone like Ryan or Walker doesn’t win, it is because America really doesn’t want a balanced budget. And when we collapse under our debt, we will know that we chose debt over balance.
Meanwhile…. I would prefer a President with a real resume of political experience. Preferably someone with some executive-level leadership. America desperately needs a leader who understands fiscal balance and international leadership…. and has the ability to communicate this clearly to Americans, without that slick Obama spin. Bill Clinton did it all — and even with a bit of awareness that abortion should be rare. He signed the Defense of Marriage Act, too. He brokered the lasting peace in Northern Ireland — an accomplishment worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, which he did not receive. His comeback after the 1994 midterm defeat was political brilliance…. He worked with the Republicans that we sent to Washington, and achieved a balanced budget.
I did not appreciate Bill Clinton as much as he deserved. Is there any hope that an intelligent, moderate Democrat can appear from nowhere like Clinton did and lead America well?
Hillary is a life-long professional political gold-digger. Obama was an inexperienced Washington outsider. It is a loss, both ways.
Santorum has my vote. I believe this is still a Christian nation and if people would get out and vote – he has a great chance of winning.
Whoever the media and the liberals HATE the most and try to SMEAR the most could be good.
Food for thought.
Dr. Ben Carson for me.
Hi Thomas R,
Del ~ Though I spoke of the electable quality above, I pretty much agree. But I meant actually electable. Romney?! Please. I like Santorum’s values, but he doesn’t appeal to the majority. Try to prove me wrong. People other than “us” think it’s a vote for Ned Flanders, seriously. He was the target of my electable rant. We have a shot with savvy folks like Walker. Dr. Carson? Yes please.
What about Louisiana’s Governor Bobby Jindal? I haven’t “followed” him for very long, but I like a lot of what I have seen. He has executive experience, and seems to lack a lot of baggage that other candidates have. He is certainly pro-life.
We need a fresh face on the national stage, in my opinion.
Rand Paul won at the Conservative Political Action Conference, slaughtering everybody else.
He favors a pretty-much “hands off” policy as far as Putin and the Crimea.
Executive experience nowadays is not truly a prerequisite for the job Kim P. They all end up with half dozen advisers during the run for office and twice as many after the win…
Thomas R: Executive experience nowadays is not truly a prerequisite for the job Kim P. They all end up with half dozen advisers during the run for office and twice as many after the win…
Absolutely and unequivocally agree! The way our federal government has been for the past 100 years or so, if anything – I think executive experience or even prior experience may be contra-indicated. : P
Anyone with a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare will win easily in 2016.
truth -
Given that, it looks like Hillary in 2016…
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