Puppies and sheets: Going great lengths to hide the reality of abortion
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Abortion proponents have been known to try to censor pro-lifers from showing the reality of abortion depicted in photos of the victims.
But there has been a recent surge.
It’s interesting to me that showing abortion victim imagery generates so much negative energy from the other side. What’s the problem with owning what they support?
On March 4 abortion proponents “erected a wall of censorship” around a Justice For All display at the University of Georgia according to The Daily Caller:
To prevent members of the campus community from actually seeing the images, students from two pro-choice groups – the Women’s Studies Student Organization and Sexual Health Advocacy Group – stood around the display holding up sheets.
They also held vulgar signs, so becoming.
To be clear, the pro-abortion effort was not simply to counter one expression of free speech with another view. It was to suppress the other’s view. Their rationale? Again quoting The Daily Caller:
Danielle Duncan, one of the pro-choice activists, said the pro-life display constituted “hate speech,” because it could trigger negative emotions to people who saw it.
If this is how hate speech is defined, then there is pretty much no such thing as acceptable speech. But the First Amendment wasn’t written to protect speech everyone agrees with. That sort of speech needs no protection. It was written to protect speech people might disagree with, find offensive.
At any rate, it’s hateful to show what they support? Do they realize how ridiculous and hypocritical they are?
At Norman High School in Norman, Oklahoma, abortion zealots took a different tactic, mockery, when faced with abortion victim imagery displayed by Abolish Human Abortion’s Project Frontlines. According to okcfox.com, February 28:
“Talk to your family, not these yahoos!”
“Know your audience!”
“May the fetus you save be gay!”
These signs of protest aren’t for the passersby at Norman High School. They’re signs protesting the protestors right across the street….
“It’s ridiculous, they shouldn’t be doing this at a school,” said Ryan Steinmeyer, a Senior at Norman High. “If they want to voice their First Amendment rights, I am too. And my First Amendment protects that.”
Steinmeyer says his fellow students are trying to run them off and confuse them with satire. The message he chose is simple.
“I want everyone to know that the Star Trek sequel wasn’t really that great!”
Others are following suit. One student held up a sign stating he misses the TV show Firefly. Another student held up a sign stating he needed a dollar for a bus ticket.
Actually, showing the reality of abortion is perfectly suited for a high school, because high school students get abortions. They should know who they’re aborting. It’s called education.
At Paschal High School in Ft. Worth, Texas, pro-choicers took yet a different tack to oppose the display of abortion victim photos by Project Frontline. According to the Star-Telegram on February 28:
Iris Hayes, a 17-year-old Paschal senior, stood nearby Thursday with a poster bearing images of puppies.
“I don’t agree with the posters,” she said.
She and two Texas Christian University students stood next to anti-abortion activist James Lewis, 25, with their own signs showing both kittens and puppies. They said they brought out pleasant images to make their point: They said they don’t believe a high school campus is the appropriate place for graphic images of abortions.
“Iris,” an interesting name for someone who doesn’t want others to use theirs. And accompanied by two students for a Christian university? Shame on these abortion enablers. Do they also oppose the crucifix? It’s graphic, too.
And countering abortion with puppies? How utterly offensive and degrading to these poor dismembered children.
School officials appear to respect constitutional rights:
[W]rites principal Terri Mossige in a Feb. 26 letter to the Paschal High School community… “As United States citizens, we have the chance to see our rights in action every day. Paschal High School is a microcosm of our society and is not exempt from these situations. However, we can take positive steps to mitigate the distractions and discomfort that might result from these experiences.”
Students who said they were bothered by the exhibitions were referred to school counselors or intervention specialists, Mossige said.
[Top photo via thefire.org; second photo via georgiatipsheet.com; third photo via okcfox.com; bottom photo via star-telegram.com]
“I’m always blown away by the blindness that can be so offended by photos of abortion victims and those who show them, and recognize the photos are so disturbing as to potentially require counseling after viewing, but yet not be horrified by the atrocity being committed against helpless, innocent babies in the photos”
James 1:8 (KJV)
8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
It is that simple.
But I thought shame is only brought on by wanting to convert to a religion, isn’t that what abortion fan Amanda Marcotte says? There wouldn’t be any negative feelings, she says. How can these images cause discomfort? Isn’t abortion all about liberation and autonomy and empowerment? Why would one need to talk to a counselor? Tell me why, abortion fans, why would pictures of reproductive justice make anyone feel bad?
“Students who said they were bothered by the exhibitions were referred to school counselors or intervention specialists”
They should be bothered. When I first saw the graphic reality of abortion, I was bothered so much by it that it drew me into pro-life work – providing help to a LOT of girls who were high school-aged and pregnant.
So spare me the puppies. If high schoolers are old enough go to Planned Parenthood for their “reproductive health needs”, then I think they’re old enough to face the reality of what reproductive “choice” looks like. Put on your big kid pants and own it.
There was a news report about malnutrition in Afghanistan on the BBC the other night – I was forced to endure video of hungry or starving children – it’s really outrageous to subject me to these disturbing images – have they no concern for my feelings?
Exactly Joshua,
I remember being traumatized by pictures of the Vietnam War. To make matters worse, the whole point was to traumatize people! Sure wish there were people protecting my sensibilities by putting sheets up around those pictures.
Such insensitivity!
We have been talking lately about puppies…which everyone wants to protect. It reminded me of an event in TN about a vet being prosecuted for doing to puppies what is done to babies in later term abortions.
It’s a twisted world we live in when unborn puppies are valued more than unborn humans.
Apples to oranges. I really dont like animals and although Ive had them in the past I will never have another. So looking at a pic of a puppy or kitten is pointless to someone like me. Go ahead and try to hide your sins. God knows what you did.
Which side of the debate is cruel?
The one that shows pictures of dead babies while opposing their killing or the one that opposes showing the pictures but defends their killing?
-Randy Alcorn
Deflect. Deflect. Deflect.
Show photos of mutilated puppies and WATCH the outrage and contempt and movement to go after the ones RESPONSIBLE for the mutilations of puppies!!
Good grief. What the world do proaborts believe human beings killed via abortion look like?? Yes these innocent babies have hands, fingers, toes, feet, legs, heads and faces!! Not to mention ribcages and internal organs and some that you can tell what sex they are!
God help us.
I actually think its the ones who are out there with signs that encourage me the most. The fact that they react SO STRONGLY to the graphic imagery that they feel the need to stand there with a sign of puppies shows how uncomfortable abortion images make them. It is a sign they still have a functioning conscience. God-willing they will finally be honest about why they feel so disturbed and seek to end the killing of unborn children not protect it by holding up sheets and signs.
That’s an excellent quote, Carla. I’m definitely saving that one.
Randy Alcorn speaks with such clarity and truth. I quote him often!
Randy Alcorn has literally the most terrifying fictional books I’ve ever read. I’m serious, those books gave me nightmares. He’s a good plot creator and he’s great at description, the only thing lacking is his characters (they are flat and stereotypical).
But anyway, on topic, I think that students can counter protest with their silly signs all they want, but it shows a real lack of intellectual integrity to actively try to cover up their opponents displays. If you’re so terrified of people seeing your opponent’s view, it certainly seems like your own viewpoint could use some examining.
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
? George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings
But I don’t really like the targeting of high schools for this. I don’t understand why those particular high schools are targeted? Both Oklahoma and Texas have parental notification and consent, so these kids can’t run off and have one without their parents say so. I don’t understand why those particular schools need to be protested. Not that I like high school protesting at all.
Can you think of any of those titles Jack?
I read quite a bit of Randy Alcorn. Heaven. The Treasure Principle.
Two of his books sit right by my computer. Why Prolife? and Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments.
And I totally agree with you Jack.
What are those that are proabortion so AFRAID of??
There are lots of things I don’t like to see, but I don’t want them censored. I’m getting off topic here, but I get really upset by photographs of lynchings. They not only took place in the South but in the Midwest and North too — there was a famous lynching in Coatesville, not far from Philadelphia. African Americans, of course, were the primary targets, but Latinos, Italians, Native Americans, and even Jews were lynched (google Leo Frank lynching for a particularly terrible story about a Jewish man who was lynched for a murder he almost certainly didn’t commit).
We’ve talked on this site about the murder of Emmit Till, the 14 year old boy who was beaten, tortured, and killed for the “sin” of whistling at a white woman. By the time his murderers were done with him, his face was unrecognizable. But his mother insisted on an open casket so the world could see what was done to her son.
Men were the primary victims of lynching, but women were also lynched too, as the horrific story illustrates:
After her husband’s murder, Mary, who was eight months pregnant, vowed to avenge those who killed her husband. For her remarks, a mob of several hundred white men and women determined they would “teach her a lesson.” Turner’s ankles were tied together and she was hanged upside down from a tree, doused with gasoline and and burned. After her clothes burned off and while she was still alive, a man sliced open her abdomen with a hog splitting knife. Her unborn infant fell from her womb, gave two screams, then had its head crushed by mob members who stomped on it.
When I first read this I cried, but it’s not so different from a partial birth abortion is it?
I agree with Carla and Jack. Why are they so upset at seeing what they fervently support?
I can hardly bear the photos of atrocities we have committed. Truly. Images have been burned in my brain for days, weeks and months. They tear me up inside. I understand what you are saying. I really do.
Oh Phillymiss… that’s awful. I hate images of lynching as well. I vividly remember the first time I did a study on Civil rights. The pictures, even just of KKK members and burning crosses, were burned in my mind and I had nightmares about them. So horrifying.
The same actually goes for child labor. And the Holocaust. Pictures are so powerful.
And yeah, they just look scared of what they have to say. “Look over here! Look over here!!!! PUPPIES!!!!!!!!”
Carla, I wasn’t talking about Alcorn’s non-fiction books (I actually don’t think I’ve read any of them), I was talking about his fiction books he writes. I read one, don’t remember the title, which was similar to the Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis, conversations between demons and such, that seriously traumatized me lol (I have a serious phobia of hell, I’ve mentioned that before, I have a lot of nightmares about being in hell). I also remember another one where I think the guy died and was in hell or purgatory or something like that, and I found that one terrifying too. Alcorn certainly uses vivid imagery to describe things like hell and I really can’t deal with it well lol, it’s my problem not his, he’s a decent writer except for his characterization in my opinion.
Phillymiss I get what you’re saying and I’m horrified by pictures of lynchings too. I know it’s probably on a more personal level for you than it is for me, but the ones that really get me are the ones where all the white people including children are standing around smiling while black men are hanging dead behind them. It’s seriously disgusting what white people did to black people in those years, it’s as bad as any other atrocity.
I have a terrible reaction to aborted baby pictures because I was taken to protests when I was really young, like four or five at the oldest when my mother first made me go, and I knew my mother had wanted me aborted so as a kid I’d look at the pictures and realize that’s what my mother wanted to have done to me, and I knew that she still wished she could have done so. I really will have panic attacks if I see them in real life, and even on the internet I have to scroll down real quick to avoid looking at them. But I wouldn’t dream of telling other pro-lifers that they can’t use them (though I think people use them badly often and they may do more harm than good in some situations). And I certainly wouldn’t try to steal them or destroy them or cover them up just because I’m weak about it. That’s just ridiculous, we’re all entitled to free speech and freedom of expression, if I don’t want my right to speak my mind and talk about pro-life and other issues in a way that I want, I’d certainly never take it from someone else. I wouldn’t even take the pro-choicers right to protest the way they want, they have the same civil rights that pro-lifers do. Apparently they don’t want to respect pro-lifers civil rights though.
You know, every time I see a pic like this, with the pro – abort protesters, I can only think about how much their “strategy” must back fire on them.
Think about it. If you were walking on campus and saw a bunch of people trying to block some display with sheets and dumb signs, wouldn’t you want to know what all the fuss was about?
Lord Foulgrin’s Letters
But can someone explain to me why these pro-lifers are protesting these high schools? Did something happen at these schools or something? Like I said, these are not states where teens can get abortions without parental consent, I don’t understand the goal in protesting the schools. I’m really protective of kids and I don’t want any girls in those schools who may have already had an abortion feel bullied or scared or anything like that, I want them to see the pro-life movement as a safe place. Don’t school protests hurt that goal?
Thanks I didn’t know the titles. Yeah those books are terrifying. I felt like sick to my stomach for days after reading them.
Oh my goodness Jack. I’ve had nightmares of hell and death and dying and all that – still do sometimes! Won’t go into it, but I went through some dark stuff around that. And so I usually steer clear of books that focus on demons/hell. I never read those Left Behind books. I skimmed the first chapter of one of teen versions and had nightmares just from that. LOL issues are fun. :P
But I don’t know why they are protesting schools either and I’d have the same reticence as you. If I was a girl who’d had an abortion at high school, I’d need friends, not pictures of aborted babies. But I don’t know. I feel like such a vulnerable place (high school) needs more of a message of hope from pro-lifers. there’s a time and a place for pictures.
But maybe I’m just a coward. Pictures affect me deeply (was it on this thread or another that I talked about this?) and so while I think seeing them is good, I dont’ like to dwell on them or have them shoved in my face alot. Otherwise, panic attacks/nightmares will ensue. I don’t know. Maybe Jack and I just need like visual filters or something haha
There was a news report about malnutrition in Afghanistan on the BBC the other night – I was forced to endure video of hungry or starving children.
Joshua, you might try asking whoever turns the TV on for you to show you how to turn it off.
Because there are no bubble zones around schools…yet.
“Look over here! Look over here!!!! PUPPIES!!!!!!!!”
“I don’t hear a train, do you? Sing LOUDER!”
There should ALWAYS be post abortive resource materials available whenever they show these photos.
They are not protesting the schools.
They seek to educate.
You can also ask that whoever forces anyone to look at these displays of aborted babies to also show them how to look in the other direction.
Trying to hide the other side with sheets? What happened to free speech?
Showing those pictures where most are fakes (http://www.lifeandlibertyforwomen.org/truth_about_photos.html) and knowing that most abortions are medical is just another way of the “pro life” hypocrites to make women feel bad about their choices. You really can not handle women being independent, can you?
Oops I did it again, I mentioned that awful word (ch**c*). It will not happen again.
Show us the REAL photos of innocent human beings who have been killed via abortion Christine!!! Give us the REAL thing. You guys constantly scream FAKE but produce nothing. Put up or shut up.
btw I thought you were leaving here for good. Hows that working out for ya?
You really can’t handle the truth can you?
Own it.
Sure Christine,
And we know the Holocaust never occurred and the “horrific” medical experiments done in the Nazi concentration camps were actually medically necessary and humanely performed on people truly in need.
Sure glad to get the facts straight on that! Just check out google for any number of impeccable sources if you don’t believe me.
My mom didn’t need to snuff me to be independent.
Why not let anti-child porn advocates use child porn images to make their case? Oh, because they would be too graphic! But, of course, the answer would be that they are against the law, even though the intent isn’t the same.
But, many antiabortion advocates use late term aborted fetuses and stillborn photos to give the illusion that all abortions are the way–even though 92% or so of abortions are in the first trimester.
I know it’s probably on a more personal level for you than it is for me, but the ones that really get me are the ones where all the white people including children are standing around smiling while black men are hanging dead behind them.
Deluded, they even made postcards of the lynchings, some still exist today. What kind of depraved mind would do such a thing? And these evil people probably went to church on Sunday. The U.S. post office finally refused to deliver them. I think I mentioned where my Dad grew up in Perry, Florida, there was a live oak (I don’t know if it’s still arond) that was rumored to be a “lynching tree.”
Show us the REAL photos of innocent human beings who have been killed via abortion Christine!!! Give us the REAL thing. You guys constantly scream FAKE but produce nothing. Put up or shut up.
I remember awhile ago some news outlets published some horrible photographs of Syrian children who had been killed by chemical warfare and many people said that they were fake. Some people even said that the kids were “sleeping!” I guess that’s what people do when they can’t handle the truth.
But, many antiabortion advocates use late term aborted fetuses and stillborn photos to give the illusion that all abortions are the way–even though 92% or so of abortions are in the first trimester.
Abortion advocates use pregnancies resulting from rape or incest to justify ALL abortions, even though these count for 1 to 2% of all abortions performed.
“May the fetus you save be gay?” That would be fine with me! I’m not comfortable protesting in front of a clinic, but I’m also not comfortable with stereotyping any group
I say as Merit, since the vast majority of abortions are done medically, which results in something like a heavier menstruation, most of the photos of an abortion would be like a photo of a used Tampax. And most (but not all) late abortions are for health reasons, but that might be irrelevant to a “pro lifer”?
However, we were told this was another of our lies: ”
Following the debate, the Illinois Republican told reporters that abortion was (long quote starting here): “absolutely” never medically necessary to save the life of the mother because “with modern technology and science, you can’t find one instance,” according to WGN “This is an exception that opponents of life through out there to make us look unreasonable,” Walsh explained. “There’s no such exception as life of the mother. And as far as health of the mother, same thing. With advances in science and technology — health of the mother has become a tool for abortion for any time under any reason.” (end of quote, source, of course: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/10/19/rep-joe-walsh-no-abortion-exceptions-because-pregnant-women-dont-die/ Talking about war on women…?
And to someone here who said choice = abortion, that is about as stupid as your choice = birth. Choice = birth or abortion.
And these pictures are not nice, but I once saw heart surgery live. That does not like nice either. To anyone unprepared for it, it can sure look scary. But I would not protest outside a thoracic surgery dept with such graphics.
Protesting with these pictures is not information as someone claimed (in another debate). It is harrassment.
You can bet your bippy I would protest a doctor who was deliberately killing his or her patients, cardiac or otherwise. And remember folks, you have to be born to have a bippy to bet. Unborn humans are denied ALL of their choices. All abortions target a small human being. Saying that most abortions are done on smaller humans than the ones usually pictured is hardly a justification for murder.
We defend pre-born girls from being killed for being girls.
We defend pre-born with Down’s Syndrome from being killed for being handicapped.
We defend pre-born Black children from being killed due to race or economic distress.
If there is ever discovered a genetic marker for homosexuality, we will defend the unborn gays from being killed for being gay.
We defend innocent life. That is what we do. We will donate and sacrifice and endure persecution to save their lives and protect their mothers from abuse.
Christine, 11:00am
You remind me so much of the people who “knew” the pictures of the Vietnam War were all staged, or at least exaggerated. Certainly we didn’t do things like that! War is neat, clean, and noble, especially when we engage in it.
Definitely all part of an anti-American communist plot!!
Some things just never change.
Speaking of war on women, what do you think of gender selection abortions that specifically target females? Certainly you vehemently oppose these as do all abortion advocates, right?
I am just wondering — Is there any other sort of social message that receives this much persecution and censorship?
Westboro Baptist comes to mind, but they are a rogue group that enjoys being protested. Are there any movements or messages that enjoy popular support and endure persistent persecution?
I haven’t seen anything like this since the early Civil Rights Movement and desegregation efforts, when crowds of white mommies would exhibit disgusting behaviors while protesting a few Black children attending the public school.
It seems that whenever someone brings a message of real HOPE — but it involves some CHANGE from the status quo — then the defenders of the status quo will react violently.
We saw this with the early Christians. They posed no threat to the Roman Empire, but they did ask the culture to change. And the culture did change, in spite of persecution to stop it.
The Abolitionists of pre-Civil War times suffered the same. As a culture, we are glad that we ended the practice of slavery. But those who were vested in slavery at the time did not suffer the change light-heartedly.
The Civil Right Movement is part of living memory. We are glad to end segregation, and Jim Crow laws, and racial bigotry. But at the time, people reacted violently to change.
So it is with the Pro-Life Movement. We will be happy to be a Culture of Life once again, and we will look back on this era as a national shame. But for now, there are cultural zealots who resist change. They react foolishly, –like that porn-star professor in the other story, and these people holding up puppies and sheets.
Killing innocent human beings when they are smaller is so much…..better?! Makes more sense??
Dead is dead merit. No matter where you are in your fetal, infant, toddler, teenager, adult, senior citizen development.
Merit and Christine,
We are waiting for THE REAL photos of those innocent human beings that have been aborted! Give us the real thing.
I think it is quite rude sending a picture of a used Tampax, but since most “pro lifers” are men (and almost all of the leaders) you can ask your wives. They might find your request odd, but marrying one who devotes his life to oppression of women is odd too, so I guess you mate well.
And my intention was to leave but it is a bit like watching a horror movie: you really do not want to watch, but still you do it.
Do you object to men supporting abortion? Do you object to men performing abortions?
Also, would you tell us if you oppose sex selection abortions that target mostly females?
“I think it is quite rude sending a picture of a used Tampax, but since most “pro lifers” are men (and almost all of the leaders) you can ask your wives. They might find your request odd, but marrying one who devotes his life to oppression of women is odd too, so I guess you mate well. ”
You should, you know, research false claims before you make them. :)
So scream FAKE, give me a a link to some website that screams FAKE and when asked for the REAL photos of abortion victims go on about tampons?!
Nice try Christine.
Still waiting.
You must be privy to the real photos of innocent human beings that have died via abortion. Produce them.
“May the fetus you save be gay?” That would be fine with me! I’m not comfortable protesting in front of a clinic, but I’m also not comfortable with stereotyping any group
Yeah, what is the big deal? I’m past childbearing age, but if I have a grandchild that’s LBGT, it wouldn’t matter to me at all; I wouldn’t love him or her any less.
You should, you know, research false claims before you make them. :)
Right Deluded, I would say 2/3’s of the posters on this board are women. But from watching television you would think that most prolifers are men. The media likes nothing more than to get a nice juicy Catholic or fundamentalist middle-aged white guy to talk about abortion when there are plenty of women out there who can speak articulately about the prolife cause.
Christine, I join Carla in waiting for the REAL pictures of abortion that you and your ilk can provide.
Oh, and one more question: would it make ANY difference to you if it were proven to you that the pics posted above in the post were genuine?
A used Tampax? Haven’t you ever seen women post pictures of miscarried 1st trimester babies? They definitely don’t look like used Tampaxes. Also, at the age where they would be unrecognizable, women can’t even tell they’re pregnant yet. So there’s that.
But why don’t you find a comparable picture to a real abortion – same age of gestation as any of the supposed fake ones…. let me know how that works for y’all.
Bless your hearts.
“Bless your hearts.”
Southerner code detected, will go over heads. Lol.
As I said most abortions are medical resulting in a heavier menstruation, thus the tampon. Ask your wives for a look next time she is on a period.
Sex selective abortions are not beautiful, but the core is if she CHOOSES or not. In that case, who am I to judge? I do not think many women do those of their own free will, but what women wants has never bothered a true “pro lifer” before
I’m like, literally the only male commenting on this thread Christine. Your comments are cracking me up though.
Sex selection abortions aren’t beautiful? They’re just little more than a bloody tampon aren’t they?
So you have no problem with the deliberate destruction of females for no other reason than they are females. You support this War on Women and sexism at its most vile.
Thank you for clarifying that.
Mary, do you suppose “not beautiful” is equivalent to George Orwell’s “doupleplus ungood”???
Christine says: “most abortions are medical”
Not according to Guttmacher. http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html
Besides if it wasnt killing a human being why would you want to keep it rare? Do we say Lets keep root canals safe legal and rare? Bay High School educated me plenty on abortion.
Southerner code detected, will go over heads. Lol.
Exactly. I’m a ninja. A southern ninja. Y’all. ;)
All of JFA’s images come from the Center for Bioethical Reform. The photographs critiqued by that Life and Liberty for Women site are not the ones used in the display discussed above.
I was just going to link to that Navi!!
An ABORTIONIST authenticates the photos.
Hmmmmmmm. The one that does the killing actually tells the truth.
The fact that early abortions look like a heavy menstruation cycle doesn’t make it a fact that an early pregnancy can end in menstruation.
The fact that the aborted looks like some kind of mushy blood indicates fact more about the violence of the abortion procedure than the nature of the thing being aborted. Alot of humans have violent deaths where their corpse is beyond recognition by sight, it doesn’t mean that a human death has not occurred.
This is Bethany’s baby miscarried at 6 weeks. Bethany was a moderator here.
Her baby is named Blessing. Look at her hands and fingers. Legs and feet. Her face.
Not a tampon. A child. Bethany’s child.
PS This post STILL has the most hits we have ever had and Bethany still receives emails from women thanking her.
Where did Christine and her bloody tampon talk go????
I may regret this, since it might simply be troll-food (God grant that it isn’t), but:
Christine wrote:
[…] since the vast majority of abortions are done medically, which results in something like a heavier menstruation, most of the photos of an abortion would be like a photo of a used Tampax.
I see. So… abstracting from the fact that “tidier” pictures would indeed be less likely to move a viewer to see the horror of killing one’s offspring, please do tell me: how many abortions are performed at an age where a human body is definitely recognisable, even by your standards? One hundred thousand per year? Two hundred thousand? I would suppose 8 weeks would be far enough along for you (since the offspring then has easily distinguishable fingers, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, heartbeat, etc.)? Numbers, please… since I’m very curious how many abortions at those ages would be “acceptable” to you.
And most (but not all) late abortions are for health reasons, but that might be irrelevant to a “pro lifer”?
Apparently, the “late abortions” (to what age of the offspring do you refer, I wonder?) which were not done “for health reasons” (you mention that “not all” are done for such reasons, whatever those might be) are irrelevant to the particular “pro-legal-abortioner” to whom I’m now speaking. Correct?
[quote from Rep. Walsh about no abortions being medically necessary]
Talking about war on women…?
This is pure histrionics from you, of course; but do think reasonably, for a moment: Rep. Walsh is Catholic, and he knows the difference between an early, emergency C-section (where the intentional “end” of the procedure is not “a dead child”) and a direct, willed abortion (where the specific intention is to kill the child). Health reasons (and there are some legitimate ones, though not nearly as many as popular culture might think) are sometimes valid reasons for the former; nothing is a valid reason for the latter. I’ve heard Rep. Walsh speak on this matter; I know that he knows this difference. He would’ve been better advised to *clarify* (especially when being recorded) for an audience which is ignorant of this distinction, but… so be it.
And to someone here who said choice = abortion, that is about as stupid as your choice = birth.
Carla was (unless I’m mistaken) referring, among other things, to the fact that so-called “pro-choice” people are usually quite unsupportive (to put it mildly) of Pregnancy Care Centers, information about abortion alternatives, etc.; they usually seem content only when “choice” means “abortion will never go away”.
Choice = birth or abortion.
Just so (though see above, re: Carla’s meaning), in this particular case. We simply maintain that some choices are evil (such as rape, murder of adults, murder of born children, murder of unborn children, torture, etc.), and that “it’s a choice” doesn’t justify anything, whatsoever.
And these pictures are not nice, but I once saw heart surgery live. That does not like nice either. To anyone unprepared for it, it can sure look scary.
Try a mental exercise, eh? Suppose you’re shown an abdominal surgery (live, in full-colour, on a video feed), with all sorts of vivid camera angles, etc. I’ll gladly admit that this could make many people squeamish. All right, so far?
Now, consider two possible follow-up scenarios, and contrast them:
1) You are told that the patient is a woman who’s been properly sedated, and where the operation is provably medically necessary (to remove a tumour, or some such thing).
2) You are told that the “patient” is a woman who’s being tortured to death (as punishment for anti-state activities, etc.), and who has temporarily passed out from the pain (but who is expected to wake again soon), while medical personnel take the opportunity to study the effects of unsedated dissection on an adult female.
Tell me: would you have any difference in reaction, between these two scenarios? I rather think I would; the second (in addition to having all the gruesome visuals of the first) would have an added element of HORROR which the first would never recreate… true? This shows, I think, the absurdity of comparing the intentional dismemberment of an unborn child with an operation, or any other licit medical procedure.
It’s nice to see the debate is heating up more and more… Of course they want to censor abortion photos. If abortion is for rape victims and “‘poor’ black women” or any women that the liberal elite specify as “needing” abortion, then they will have to do everything within their power to convince their minions they best not see what’s down the river their being up into. (Being “sold down the river” is a very old southern saying. It alluded to the fact that the deeper south you went, the more dire the conditions were (for the slaves). Don’t be a slave people. Abortion is a NO.
Why are my comments in moderation? What did I say wrong? Alec dropped the f bomb and the comment stayed on the blog. Many have made far worse comments yet they stand. Im beginning to think this is personal!
these students speak as educated fools aka “sophomores”. discuss with the anti birth evolutionists among them, birth’s relation to survival of the fittest. a species that doesn’t reproduce will not survive. the population must be replaced with fertile couples to continue the culture. even their own pc culture must do this. it has been said that by 2050 Germany will be an islamic republic because Germans are being outbred by muslim immigrants. who do you want America’s population to be by 2050 ??
Years ago I had a miscarriage. The foetus was approximately 12 weeks gestation. It didn’t look like a baby to me but a few years later some students where I worked put up a graphic and bloody poster of the mutilated body of what looked to me like a full term baby , with the strap line and info that this was what the abortion of a 12 week old foetus looked like. I was horrified and traumatised. I didn’t know at the time that they hadn’t done their homework and were merely junior students of ”media” rather than having a solid medical/biological background. Realising that later actually made me more contemptuous of them. A few more years on and my life was saved by a consultant who aborted my dying baby, another few years and I carried a baby to term but we were saved by an emergency section, they managed to resuscitate this one. The next baby arrived safe, well and uneventfully. My youngest child survived three almost miscarriages – and I enjoyed three blood transfusions! – and arrived with the gift of a partial hysterectomy and seven weeks on SCBU! The point is that nature and knowledge should be used together and tailored to the requirements of the situation. And each one is different. One pro lifers horrific poster could be another woman’s cherished lost baby. I would never, ever force someone into an abortion, but it frightens me that people who never met me could wish me dead and my three beautiful children never to have existed.