Archbishop calls Planned Parenthood a modern-day Judas
We do come here to judge the unconscionable greed behind the doctors, nurses and supporters of Planned Parenthood, who, for 30 pieces of silver, offer a quick fix to such women, rather than helping than helping them find a real solution to their problems.
~ St. Paul and Minneapolis Archbishop John Nienstedt, at the annual Good Friday prayerful protest at Planned Parenthood in St. Paul.

“You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.” ~John 11:50~
Just as “Roe” was badly decided, Caiaphas chose wrongly for Israel. The legal fiction that the preborn aren’t persons compares to the curtain in the temple that was torn down by the earthquake after the death of Jesus on the Cross. Before He expired on the Cross, Jesus asked God the Father to forgive those who were crucifying Him, for they “….know not what they do.” We as a nation can’t afford to hide behind the curtain of legalism any more; each abortion puts us all at the foot of the Cross, witnessing the death of the Innocent.
Ted Kennedy was solidly pro-life. Then, switched to being solidly pro-choice. Possibly when the money and political power became evident.
Jesse Jackson was solidly pro-life. Then, switched to being solidly pro-choice. Possibly when the money and political power became evident.
You can google either religious man’s name and “pro-life,” and supporting quotes will be easy to find.
It is all about the money and political power. Besides abortion, everything else PP does can be done without much additional difficulty, if any, at any of many healthcare settings. And, that happens all of the time. Birth control pills, pregnancy testing, STD testing, Pap smears, clinical breast exam, and whatever else clinical is done at a PP clinic is very routine healthcare.
The rhetoric of PP makes it sound like these services cannot be accessed anywhere if PP were to disappear. If they were to disappear, the clients could steer business to other providers who could perform those tasks and benefit from the client support. There are plenty of federally-qualified health centers and ob/gyn practices all over the place.
So, outside of abortion, there really is not much need for PP clinical care.
The same case can be made for their se xed efforts. The basics of the plumbing, and teaching about relationships, etc., is very mundane and covered in many workbooks and curricula. Teachers in public and private school can handle these tasks without much additional training, and so can various staff at various health care settings.
This is why PP has to fight for their life to retain abortion. They need their various ridiculous arguments defending abortion -the business of killing innocent children before they are born – in order to keep the money and political power.
Will PP eventually meet the equivalent of Judas’ end? Total collapse even with RvW intact… The pressure needs to be kept on this dishonest “organization” and every aspect of their dishonorable operations exposed. The political landscape, as evident, re-adjusts to these exposes and thus the demise of PP, given their defensive mode, is very tangible.