Pro-life blog buzz 4-8-14
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN.
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- Bound4Life reports:
In January, the owner of the only abortion clinic in Flathead County, Montana was told that she had 90 days to move her business off of the premises. Little did she know the new owners of the building where her clinic was located were Michelle Reimer, Executive Director of pro-life pregnancy center Hope Pregnancy Ministries, and her husband.In a statement, Reimer told Democracy Now that the building was purchased as “a stand for the pro-life position in a legal, peaceful and non-confrontational way, purchasing the building in order to advance the cause of life.”Certainly Genesis 50:20 applies! “You planned to harm me. But God planned it for good. He planned to do what is now being done. He wanted to save many lives.”
- Coming Home quotes an article by Wesley J. Smith about Oxford bioethicist Julian Savulescu’s proposal of making babies via IVF, screen for intelligence, and only implant those who possess a certain IQ. Coming Home suggests a new meaning for Ph.D:
If we are to salvage a crumbling western civilization, then the formation of our young in universities and colleges will need to be done by Ph.D.’s who understand and live the three cardinal virtues of academics: Prudence, Humility, Decorum.
- Big Blue Wave cheers and adds, “Promote that Bishop!” He would be Bishop Thomas Paprocki, who has given his blessing to the pastor of pro-abortion U.S. Senator Dick Durbin’s home parish in Springfield, Illinois, to withhold Holy Communion, in accordance with canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law. This is important to show him the seriousness of his actions and to restore him spiritually.
- Josh Brahm is asking us to start thinking ahead for next year’s March for Life and consider how we can use our signage and chanting more effectively:
I would just really love for the people of the pro-life movement to be represented as what they hopefully are, caring and thoughtful. I don’t think that is necessarily what is being seen now.
- Down on the Pharm posts “Adams’ abortion commentary,” a satirical take on why abortion good, or was it?
Adam tried to go farther and crazier than the abortion supporters of today to elicit the laughter from his peers. The problem is that being crazier than the abortion extremists is impossible, and that’s what has some people wondering if Adam was kidding.Decide for yourself…
- Kansans for Life applauds Senator Pat Roberts for his proposed legislation, “Repeal Rationing in Support of Life Act.” See video here.
Mary Kay Culp, executive director of Kansans for Life, stated, “Obamacare authorizes Washington bureaucrats to create one uniform, national standard of care that is designed to limit what private citizens are allowed to spend to save their own lives. We commend Senator Roberts for his bill and his consistent leadership to end Obamacare’s rationing.”
- American Life League advises you to be careful what you sign. Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment may sound like it has your best interest at heart, but ALL advises that it is another of several laws being proposed to further strengthen the ability of the hospital or long term care facility to make your signature mandatory, and even allow physicians to sign for you if they think it is in your best interest. Even more frightening is that these are being given to those not terminally ill. The words “cost savings” are becoming a familiar sound bite.
Anyone else think of Kids in the Hall when they see that Flathead County story, or is it just me?
I’m crushing your head?
Durbin needed this wake up call. I hope this is a teachable moment for him.
Bishop Tomasz Paprocki has been a pillar for the Polish community and other ethnic groups in the Windy City’s south-west curia. Well respected, old-school and unwavering in upholding the Catholic doctrine. He will most certainly rise through the ranks.
Will McAllister get disowned by his church too?
What are you babbling about “reality?” The dust has settled on that “controversy.” Exodus continues to thrive. No harm to either party. I’d like to know whatever happened to that 22 year-old dumbbell who posed as a 16 year-old? I bet he faded into obscurity after those 15 minutes of “fame.” Good enough for me….
Durbin is not being disowned. He can continue to attend mass but will not be given the Holy Communion.
What are you babbling about “thomas r.”?
The McAllister situation is current. Right now. What’s exodus got to do with it?
Keep up.
Canon 915: Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.
There are canons (rules) that prevent the pastors from naming the reasons for Durbin’s penalty; he is entitled to his good name and reputation. However, we can guess from his public record that this is a result of his public support for abortion.
Canon 1398: A person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.
This rule covers those who enable the abortion industry — by giving enthusiastic support to Planned Parenthood or earning a 100% rating from NARAL. We can guess that Durbin has been informed that his “manifest grave sin” is causing death and ruin among the people, and so he has been invited to repent — and told to avoid the Eucharist until he has done so.
When such a man persists in grave sin and still tries to take Holy Communion as if he were in good standing, only then is the excommunication made public.
We do our best to save a man, but we can’t make him listen if he doesn’t desire salvation.
Thomas R., don’t feed the troll.
“reality:” ” What are you babbling about “thomas r.”?
You don’t keep up with Christian radio. This was a 2010 McAllister.
The one you are referring to now, let me understand – you are giving the same weight to a public figure supporting abortion to one who kisses a staffer. Oh please….
These two are not equal in the final outcome: kissing another who is not your spouse is reconcilable and does not end the life of another human being but abortion is not reconcilable in that it ends the life of another human being.
So what do you think of the video about the abortion speech?? Satire or not??? I say satire and it is pretty good.
You don’t keep up with Christian radio. This was a 2010 McAllister. – no I certainly don’t keep up with christian radio. Yet the story you refer to was more widely newsy than just on christian radio, so I was well aware of it. Why you grabbed onto an old mcallister debacle rather than the current mcallister debacle I don’t know.
The one you are referring to now, let me understand – you are giving the same weight to a public figure supporting abortion to one who kisses a staffer. Oh please…. – you think that what was caught on video is all that has happened? How sweet! And you think personal infidelity isn’t as bad as letting others make their own choices? Durbin doesn’t do abortions, McAllister did do…..
These two are not equal in the final outcome: kissing another who is not your spouse is reconcilable and does not end the life of another human being but abortion is not reconcilable in that it ends the life of another human being. - aren’t they both immoral? Aren’t they both against commandments? Are you espousing moral relativism? McAllister committed infidelity, Durbin has not committed any abortions. Do you think people who support choice yet have no involvement in the abortion industry commit greater sin than a mass murderer?
“…you think that what was caught on video is all that has happened?”
Do you have a crystal ball “reality?” McAllister himself and that staffer will speak to that, NOT YOU. So unless you have some evidence that there is more there than just kissing, than I suggest you defer your judgment being the “reality” that you claim to be :)
Our common future depends on being accountable for the actions of others. Supporting “choice” to abort is in itself the same as supporting the demise of new life. One does not have to have personal engagement in the act.
Those that drive the getaway car from a murder scene are as culpable in their participation in the murder as the actual killer.
Again Thomas R., we don’t need to feed the troll.
How else will he learn JDC? He hangs out with us. May as well educate him since its obvious he needs good dosage of daily reality :)
Do you have a crystal ball “reality?” – nope, but nor am I blind. One kiss, the only kiss and it’s a kiss like that?
McAllister himself and that staffer will speak to that, NOT YOU. – nor you. But will they speak to that? I won’t hold my breath.
This guy campaigned on being a devout christian.
Our common future depends on being accountable for the actions of others. – you wanna be accountable for my actions? I don’t wanna be accountable for yours.
Supporting “choice” to abort is in itself the same as supporting the demise of new life. – yet a kiss isn’t infidelity. When does it become so? A bit of groping? Touching of specific body parts? Aren’t there those who consider even thinking of others to be immoral.
I haven’t been feeding the troll ;-)
“Supporting “choice” to abort is in itself the same as supporting the demise of new life. – yet a kiss isn’t infidelity. When does it become so? A bit of groping? Touching of specific body parts? Aren’t there those who consider even thinking of others to be immoral.”
Oh this is ridiculous. Of course any manner of sexual-tinged kissing (as in, not a simple kiss on the cheek for those weird people who greet people like that lol) is infidelity. And there is “emotional infidelity” as well, as in carrying on an emotional affair behind your spouse’s back when you know that the level of attachment is inappropriate and would hurt your spouse, it doesn’t even have to involve sex (that’s how my wife’s cheating started though it did eventually involve sex). Infidelity is awful. But supporting the death of innocent children is worse, if it’s necessary to make a hierarchy of these things.
Did I ever make a statement discounting infidelity? Where Jack. What I said is that we do not know what else transpired btw the two. True? For the nth time, please don’t put words in my mouth!!!!
Leave that discussion to McAllister and his wife Jack. I’m sure there is an unwritten code in that marriage that will decide its fate.
I would expect to at least be able to hug if we met Jack :-)
For goodness sake Thomas, I was responding to Reality, I only skimmed the rest of the convo. I was not reading into anything you said. And it’s a bit hypocritical of you because you put words in my mouth all the time.
Lol Reality I seriously hate hugs and kisses and the like. If we ever meet in person I will give you a nice handshake haha,
as long as you hug your children Jack, I will be ok :-)
Of course I hug my kids! When my wife was pregnant with our firstborn I read all the parenting books and they were very clear that kids require physical affection from their parents, and not giving them physical affection or abusing them can cause serious issues like attachment disorders and the like. I don’t want them to have the issues I have. And anyway, my kids wouldn’t let me not hug them if I tried, they see any moment not cuddling as a moment wasted lol.
Well its late at night Jack and I had that Manhattan :)
My apologies for not reading the whole sentence. You are my hero (for the moment). Carry on……