by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN.

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  • Bound4Life reports:

    In January, the owner of the only abortion clinic in Flathead County, Montana was told that she had 90 days to move her business off of the premises. Little did she know the new owners of the building where her clinic was located were Michelle Reimer, Executive Director of pro-life pregnancy center Hope Pregnancy Ministries, and her husband.In a statement, Reimer told Democracy Now that the building was purchased as “a stand for the pro-life position in a legal, peaceful and non-confrontational way, purchasing the building in order to advance the cause of life.”

    Certainly Genesis 50:20 applies! “You planned to harm me. But God planned it for good. He planned to do what is now being done. He wanted to save many lives.”

  • Coming Home quotes an article by Wesley J. Smith about Oxford bioethicist Julian Savulescu’s proposal of making babies via IVF, screen for intelligence,  and only implant those who possess a certain IQ. Coming Home suggests a new meaning for Ph.D:

    If we are to salvage a crumbling western civilization, then the formation of our young in universities and colleges will need to be done by Ph.D.’s who understand and live the three cardinal virtues of academics: Prudence, Humility, Decorum.


  • Big Blue Wave cheers and adds, “Promote that Bishop!” He would be Bishop Thomas Paprocki, who has given his blessing to the pastor of pro-abortion U.S. Senator Dick Durbin’s home parish in Springfield, Illinois, to withhold Holy Communion, in accordance with canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law. This is important to show him the seriousness of his actions and to restore him spiritually.
  • Josh Brahm is asking us to start thinking ahead for next year’s March for Life and consider how we can use our signage and chanting more effectively:

    I would just really love for the people of the pro-life movement to be represented as what they hopefully are, caring and thoughtful. I don’t think that is necessarily what is being seen now.
  • Down on the Pharm posts “Adams’ abortion commentary,” a satirical take on why abortion good, or was it?
    Adam tried to go farther and crazier than the abortion supporters of today to elicit the laughter from his peers.  The problem is that being crazier than the abortion extremists is impossible, and that’s what has some people  wondering if Adam was kidding.Decide for yourself…


  • Kansans for Life applauds Senator Pat Roberts for his proposed legislation, “Repeal Rationing in Support of Life Act.” See video here.

    Mary Kay Culp, executive director of Kansans for Life, stated, “Obamacare authorizes Washington bureaucrats to create one uniform, national standard of care that is designed to limit what private citizens are allowed to spend to save their own lives. We commend Senator Roberts for his bill and his consistent leadership to end Obamacare’s rationing.”
  • American Life League advises you to be careful what you sign.  Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment may sound like it has your best interest at heart, but ALL advises that it is another of several laws being proposed to further strengthen the ability of the hospital or long term care facility to make your signature mandatory, and even allow physicians to sign for you if they think it is in your best interest.  Even more frightening is that these are being given to those not terminally ill. The words “cost savings” are becoming a familiar sound bite.
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