Leroy-CarhartOn April 22, Brendan O’Morchoe of Students for Life of America wrote at LifeSiteNews.com about his experience of finding himself on the same plane as late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart:

Last Saturday, I was boarding a flight coming home to Virginia from Omaha, Nebraska…. It is the moments like what happened on my flight Saturday night, confronted by evil, that keep me going.

When I sat down and looked across the aisle, I saw none other than notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, on his way to kill late-term babies at his facility in Germantown, Maryland. I was face-to-face with a man who has killed thousands upon thousands of babies with his own hands, who is responsible for the deaths of at least two women and who has so callously defended his business. And I had no idea what to do.

What do you really say to someone like that? How can you reach him?

I wasn’t sitting close enough to have a conversation with him (the aisle and a woman I assumed to be his wife were between us, but we were in the same row) and felt he would shut me down right away anyway. I knew I couldn’t sit that close to a man who represented so much evil. My entire body was shaking uncontrollably.

So, I asked to be moved up a couple rows where I couldn’t see him, but he could still hear me and I prayed out loud for his conversion and an end to abortion for the next two hours. When we landed, I waited for him to walk past and called his name. He looked me right in the eye and I said, “LeRoy, we’re all praying for you.” He mumbled something incomprehensible and stalked off, but I knew I had got to him.

I have had two similar experiences of being thisclose to Carhart, once at a press conference and once in an airport. Neither time did I speak to him.

At the press conference I was more conflicted about the possibility of his somehow reaching out to shake my hand and thinking I couldn’t do it. WWJD? I had no idea what to say to him.

At the airport Carhart passed by me so quickly I didn’t have time to think. Replaying the event in my mind, I’ve always, perhaps oddly, thought the thing to do would have been to point my finger at him and yell, “LeRoy Carhart, late-term abortionist!” which almost seems funny when I type it. My viewpoint was no justice, no peace – nowhere.

I wrote on the blog about sitting next to then-Planned Parenthood of Illinois CEO Steve Trombley on a flight from Chicago to Dallas, where my attempts to converse fell flat.

crichards1A close friend of mine in the movement told me of recently fetching a cab at Washington Reagan Airport only to look up once inside to see Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards also waiting for a cab five feet away.

The moment passed quickly for my friend as well. She has replayed it in her mind and wondered if she should have rolled down her window and said something to Richards. Richards would have recognized her. And then, my friend wonders, what should she have said?

(My friend’s takeaway was noting Richards hard at work texting on her iPhone even while waiting for her cab. My friend gained new resolve to never waste a moment either.)

So, what would you say to an abortionist if happening upon one? Or perhaps you’ve spoken to an abortionist? I know sidewalk counselors do all the time.


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[HT: Secular Pro-Life via Susie Allen]

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