Whoops! Planned Parenthood shows photo of abortion victim on Facebook
File this one in Planned Parenthood’s “whoopsie” folder to be sure.
Nevertheless, up on Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio’s Facebook page at the moment is a photo of an abortion victim, along with half an “ABORTION IS MURDER” sign. Note the “like’s” are all by pro-lifers. Click to enlarge…
The event being promoted by Planned Parenthood was a Columbus, Ohio, stop this morning of the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” bus tour, featuring pro-abortion Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Obviously there to greet Pelosi were pro-life activists, including Created Equal, which noted on Facebook, “How can women succeed so long as we kill them in the womb?”
Here’s a photo of the larger scene, posted by Created Equal. Click to enlarge…
I’m betting the photo will be down shortly. But pro-life activists should save a screen shot for the next time Facebook censors them for showing the reality of abortion.
UPDATE 6/3 6:40a: PPAO has defiantly left the photo up, choosing instead to delete pro-life comments. Meanwhile, far more people have “liked” this post than any of PPAO’s others this year.

Jill, did you also notice the sign they are behind in a photo of the Cincinnati Gay Pride Parade? It says “Pride. No Matter What.” How terribly apt. Pride… no matter how many are raped, abused, killed, hurt, sterilized, lied to, or otherwise wounded. Pride, NO MATTER WHAT.
KUDOS to Created Equal
Did you notice the awning on the Ohio Theatre in the background? It says something about the Holocaust and Liberators Memorial. How apropos.
Their advance team definitely could have done a better job of picking a spot.
A good point to keep in mind. When we stage a public event, be sure that we can control the background.
Pro-lifers have little to fear. It is often good to have pro-choicers nearby — Let them demonstrate how unruly they behave, and how few they are. But be sure that we can clear the space, in case they get too loud or violent.
“When Women Succeed, America Succeeds”
Really. So, the only way for women to “succeed” and to achieve equality is to be able to kill our children in utero. We’ve heard it all before.
Fighting against nature must really get tiresome.
good times! that’s what that those big PP’s at PP gets for claiming the voice of women.