Pro-choice couple goes around mocking pro-life protests
The duo creates homemade signs that have literally nothing to do with abortion, instead the posters are meant to deride the pro-lifers’ mission with senseless signs like “I Like Turtles,” “Jesus Slays” or “Honk if You’re Horny.”
… In one blog post, the pro-choice wife is pictured holding a sign that reads “Bring Back Crystal Pepsi,” as a cluster of pro-lifers stand behind her ostensibly praying. Under the picture, the bloggers posted a snarky comment saying that angering the pro-life protesters was a “Victory.”
~ The Daily Caller describing the antics of a pro-abortion couple mocking pro-life protests via their Tumblr account, July 23
Seems like these two have lots of time on their hands. Seems like something high school kids would do.
How silly they look and sound. How completely clueless. Cause Crystal Pepsi has so much to do with child killing.
We will know victory!! NOTHING will stop our mission for life!
Cute, young pro-abortion activists? — I thought they were extinct!
Compared with the massive turn-out of pro-life protesters in New Orleans, these kids are of no consequence.
Here is the story: Daily Caller is hoping to incite more young hipsters to waste their time thus. Pro-borts are desperate to recruit young help from among the children they didn’t conceive and didn’t kill.
Hipsters are all about irony. And nothing says “ironic” more than young people celebrating the legalized killing of young people.
That “Crystal Pepsi” sign is making me thirsty.
“If the world hates you, you must realise that it hated me before it hated you.” John 15:18
I wish they’d bring back Crystal Pepsi too! I never tried it when it was out because I was too focused on the Dew. Was it any good?
“Seems like something high school kids would do.”
That’s not fair. Most high school kids are more mature than that.
I’ve always wanted to try “new Coke”. Apparently it tasted better than “classic” Coca-Cola, but everybody hated it because it just wasn’t Coke.
If we prolifers are so violent, why haven they been attacked or even killed by now?
Distracting from the real issue is just par for the course for abortion fans.
Frankly, pro-lifers are used to mockery. It’s not really a big deal to us. It won’t stop us or change what we do or what we believe.
Mockers and scoffers have been around for a very long time, and they still haven’t come up with anything new. I can’t imagine having such a vapid existence as to have little better to do than mock people who are against killing children.
If the “difference” they want to make in this world is standing for turtles and Crystal Pepsi, then it’s their existence and their choice.
Pro-lifers are praying for the right of others to exist. Even the mockers and scoffers.
This couple looks pretty young.
It’s nice to see a young couple not being afraid of making a marriage commitment. One of them will probably see the light on the abortion issue and hopefully bring the other one around!
I kinda like this couple…
Okay, so I missed this, but back in mid-February there was a spoof article on a well-known spoof site about Crystal Pepsi being re-released. In the original spoof article it references its target audience:
“The clear soda will be available in lesser grocery stores and select convenience stores, primarily concentrated in low-income markets and the south.”
A place not unlike the Raleigh, North Carolina area…Humm. I suspect Tina and Grayson view the pro-lifers there like a bunch of inbred religious idiots given to turtle handling and such. Or at least (by the looks of their tumblr site) they seek to project that kind of image onto the prolifers with these subtle references.
The fact that that sort of slanderous message went viral within the choicer community means it likely rings true within the hearts of many. They want it…need it…to be true so one can dismiss the whole thing. It makes willful ignorance so much easier to maintain.
This couple really needs prayer.
Id probably snicker to myself and grab a gaphic abortion sign and stand right beside her. Hey shes allowed to be ridiculous so id just show her that Im not intimidated.
Please check our jails, full of undesired children.
And I ask, where were of those pro-life people, when the child was abused and neglected. Did you come to console them, to protect them? if no, stop your meddling in other people’s life or foot the bill and take care of the kids.
Pilar, I am a child welfare social worker. I work with abused kids every DAY. If I didn’t care about them I wouldn’t be in this field because I sure don’t make lots of money. I am also an adoptive mom.
In the ten years I have been in this field three things have struck me: 1) the amazing resilience of these children; 2) that even the most abused child often still loves his or her parents; and 3) That I have NEVER heard one of these kids say “Gee, I wish I would have been aborted.”
Oh that’s funny, Pilar.
Actually, many of the “undesired children” in jails really weren’t undesired AT ALL. Big assumption there.
People are in jail because of choices they make in life – NOT because they were all “undesired.” And even if they were undesired by their parents, what that shows is not that they were undesirable and deserving of death by abortion, but instead it shows the shortsightedness and shallowness of the parents. If anything, the “undesired children” in prison shows a failure on the part of the parents to actually parent. How many little boys grew up with their daddies in prison? How many grew up completely fatherless, not knowing who or where their fathers were? Those were the choices of the parents, not the children. And frankly, YOU are the problem for acting like these “undesired children” have no value because they have committed crimes.
By the way, since abortion was supposed to be such a panacea for our societal ills including child abuse and crime (it’s been legal since 1973, ya know, and we’ve disposed of about 55 million “undesired children” since that time in the U.S. alone), why do we still have child abuse and crime?
Why doesn’t China, with their One-Child Policy, have zero crime? I mean, hey, they’ve gotten rid of WAY more kids than we have. The whole freaking world should be crime free, frankly, if abortion really solved the problems of child abuse and crime due to “undesirability.”
“Those pro-life people” are in the prisons ministering to those “undesired children” through things like Prison Fellowship. They are in the women’s prisons providing post-abortion healing groups. They are running AA groups and Celebrate Recovery groups in churches throughout the country. They are feeding, clothing, and sheltering the “undesirable” homeless. They are running ministries like Teen Challenge, to help those “undesired children” to overcome addiction and lead productive lives.
It’s people like YOU, Pilar, who can’t see the value in every single human being on this planet, who labels certain people “undesired.” You are the problem, and you are ignorant and ridiculous.
Hey Pilar did it ever dawn on you that not all people in prison were abused. Lets take Amy Grossberg and Brian Peterson. Both kids came from a wealthy suburb in NJ. Privledged to the hilt with loving parents cars and acceptance to colleges. Beautiful clothes etc. Amy hid 9 months of pregnancy from everyone but Brian. She had no idea she had pre eclampsia. She went into labor and called her bf Brian. He picked her up and pleaded with her to allow him to take her to a hospital. She refused and said “No I cant let my parents find out.” Brian went to the Comfort Inn and there they were 2 frightened 18 year olds and this baby was coming. Amy delivered a 6 pound 2 ounce full term boy and screamed for Brian to “Get RID of IT!” Brian was freaking out and ran to his car to get a garbage bag on that frigid night. He wrapped the baby in towels as Amy ripped the umbilical cord with her hand. Brian put the body in the trash bag and threw it into a dumpster. He and Amy cleaned up and drove away as Amy asked “Where did you put IT”? When Brian said the dumpster she was satisfied. Amy tried to get back on with her college life but she began to suffer violent seizures. After being hospitalized her secret was discovered. She went to prison and shattered her life as well as her parents.
Amy only did 2 and 1/2 years because her poor parents drained their bank account and borrowed $ from family and friends to keep it that way. Brian served less time because despite making 2 abortion appts. Amy refused to go saying “What if I get an infection…my parents will find out.”Neither of these 2 were ever abused. They were spoiled. To date Peterson has moved to Jupitar Fla. and Amy runs a greeting card company with her parents in NJ. To date Amy accepts no responsibility and neither deadbeat parent or grandparent has even visited Baby Boy Grossbergs grave. He died in 1996. Now feel free to refute me!
Great posts kel and phillymiss!! I know plenty of men and women who are in prison for poor choices and they are a FAR cry from being unwanted. Heck my friend has a drug problem and her mom is upset with her but she is with her every step of the way! I love how the borts just sling it out there but once taken to task they slink away!!!
Also one of my favorite TV shows is Forensic Files. Men kill their wives. Women kill their husbands. Kids kill their parents. The motive is generally GREED not being an unwanted child. So thats really all I have to say. Also another top motive is jealousy. A love triangle.
Don’t forget that many people in prison are mentally ill. They are often there because no one knows what to do with them. Its sad.
Its interesting that Amy Gross berg never married or had children. I wonder if her boyfriend did.
the pro-choice wife is pictured holding a sign that reads “Bring Back Crystal Pepsi,” as a cluster of pro-lifers stand behind her ostensibly praying.
Praying for or against Crystal Pepsi?
Why don’t folks like pilar apply the same philosophy to the illegal immigrants: take them into your own homes, or send them back. Even if I did take that side, I would still be more merciful than an abortion advocate in that I’m saying to let them live.
Sigh. But the pro-abortion hypocrites can never look at themselves honestly. Deflect! Talk about nonsense! Hold signs about soft drinks!
Pilar, I was an undesired, unloved, abused, and neglected child. Dont believe I got so much as one hug from my mother as a child, but plenty of beatings. She would have aborted me if she had been able. And let us not get into how horrible my father was.
And yes, I was a criminal. A lot of children treated badly end up criminals. Mostly drug and theft crimes. But unless you think that the preemptive death penalty is an appropriate punishment for petty criminals I suggest you stop wishing for the deaths of children born into less than ideal situations like I was.
Oh. And one side effect of being abused and undesired by your parents is little sense of self worth, so I hope you feel wonderful about how you make people feel with your callous attitude towards those born to people who didnt want them or hurt them. I am really glad you feel the same way about the “undesirables” that the parents did, that’s lovely.
Just stop calling for the deaths of those who dont have parents who love them. FFS. Get over yourself. Criminals, unwanted people, unloved people, drug addicts, and abused people don’t deserve to be constantly used as examples of people better off dead.
Try some empathy. Imagine never being wanted by your mother and she punishes you for that every day, and your father abuses you in the worst ways possible, and you end up an addict before you’re even a teenager, but you eventually clean up and do okay now. But people like you sit around on your privileged, probably solid middle class safe background and talk about how people like me should have been dead before birth, that unfortunate conception circumstances means that we were always worthless.
I’m so mad I’m probably not making sense. I’m just so sick of people with my background being used as the go to case for killing off babies.
Hey Jack,
You show once again you’re only deluded politically, not when it comes to the Life issue. ;)
8 likes Brian married a Jersey girl and moved to Florida. He is childless and Amy still lives with her parents. There was an excellent book written called Always In Our Hearts by Doug Most. I just skimmed it to try to keep my post short. I remember that media circus and the book covers everything from the hidden pregnancy and Amys unwillingness to do anything one way or another. She kept writing letters to God to make her pregnancy go away. Police took those from Amys dorm.The state wanted her put to death. 3 Of her lawyers quit when her mom violated the gag order in a Barbra Walters interview. But if you read the book Brian really tried to get her help but she swore him to secrecy so he was immature in love and torn. I doubt either have any future plans for children.
I agree with hans 100% :)
And Grossberg was like the 90s Casey Anthony. People gathered around the Delaware courthouse yelling ” Kill her kill her!” She would be escorted in a bullet proof vest. Amys a convicted felon now so mom and dad bought her her own greeting card company. Its called Just Because. Many people have boycotted it. What more can she do with her life with a manslaughter abuse of a corpse and lying to law enforcement charges? And her mom and dad wanted her totally exonerated! Without a wealthy mom and dad her goose would have been cooked.
Deluded, I am glad you weren’t aborted. And you’re fine just the way you are!
Deluded me too. Like a woman who used to post here said “I dont care if someone doesnt want me…I WANT ME!! Your kids want you. I believe wanted or not by parents we can all feel unwanted at some points in our lives. My dad adored me and died. My mom adored me and shes now in a nursing home in TN with dementia. My husband wanted me and died. Its been rough. My new husband loves and wants me so I try to press on for him and my kids. Life isnt a bed of roses for any of us. It can get very dark and sad. It can also be happy. We just take it as it comes.
“Neither of these 2 were ever abused. They were spoiled.”
I’ve seen spoiled kids turn out way worse than abused kids. Or the kids who are doted on one day and ignored the next or shipped around to other people while the parents are off on cruises. Maybe no physical bruising but a lot of bruises we don’t always see. I think spoiling a kid is a form of abuse even though those parents don’t see it that way and react when Princess gets in trouble, “But I gave her everything she wanted!” Exactly. But not much of what she needed.
Maybe this couple was treated that way growing up, who knows? My guess is there is probably an abortion(s) in one or both of their backgrounds. Maybe their own parents are pc and reminded them how they were chosen children. Maybe a child they conceived together was aborted and is the glue that binds them. We don’t know but I’m sure they have a story a bit deeper than just liking turtles and Crystal Pepsi.
Underneath all of this couple’s snark, there is a lot of hurt I think. They should know that prolifers love both born and preborn folks and that includes both of them.
If they find themselves here reading our thoughts (and I bet they do), I want to welcome them and let them know that they will find some really great people here — some of the smartest, funniest and compassionate people you will ever meet. See above for some great examples!
Oh, and Grayson, your hair is awesome and Tina your clovers aren’t all that bad — they’re unique!
And I am still mad.
And I have no idea what Crystal Pepsi is.
You have every right to be mad! Abortion makes me mad too! Abuse and neglect make me mad! It’s okay for us to be mad and only matters how we channel our anger. I think this couple is mad and sad and probably doesn’t even realize it – yet. There was a period when I couldn’t feel much and went through life as a zombie because I buried and denied my emotions.
I bet this couple would be fun to be around. Other than the disrespectful sign about Jesus and the self-degrading sign about honking, they seem to have a pretty good sense of humor.
As far as Crystal Pepsi. I don’t think we missed out on a whole lot. :) Now when I was a kid there was a soda called Jolly Good which had a joke on the inside bottom of the can! Those were the days.
Yeah you are right Prax. I try to channel my anger into working with abused and addicted teens and pro-life stuff. I just wish I could turn off the rage switch in my head that goes off when people use the better aborted than abused or a criminal line. It is really hard not to say rude and nasty things when people are literally saying it would have been better if you died before you were born.
Jack im glad youre not dead! Youre very smart and great at debating. I did hear a sad story not long ago from a paramedic who found a 70 year old woman hanging dead. Poor soul probably felt unwanted. I took care of a man in his 90s who hanged himself in a nursing home with his belt. It happens. And Prax I agree that Grossberg and Peterson had too much. Amy was terrified to tell her mom she was having sex yet she kept doing it trying to be very careful. She was a straight A student and then came the day when her period. She was indeed pregnant and couldnt tell her parents. Even during her college physical her mom came in the examination room with her. He asked about her period. She said “Im on it right now.” She was almost 4 months pregnant! The doctor felt her tummy as she lay flat. She figured she was busted. Okay sit up he said. Hed missed it! She couldnt wait to tell Brian the secret was safe! She feared the doctor would test for pregnancy so she promised to provide a urine sample at a later date. Mrs Grossberg took Amy to a pediatrician. He also caught some heat because he should have told mom that her daughter was an adult and should be seeing a regular doc. Also maybe starting to see a gyn.
Hey Jack. I am sure glad you were not aborted. You are making a difference in the world to those who need to know they are not an accident, a mistake or a lost cause. God has a plan for your life and for everyone who will ask him. Jeremiah Chapter 1 “Before you were formed in your mother’s womb I knew you” and Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to proper you never for your destruction or to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.”
Death in their mother’s womb is not the answer, never was, never will be. Death will never solve child abuse, poverty, crime, unplanned pregnancies, deformities, drug abuse, alcoholism, illness, etc. it only causes more pain, more suffering and more death not just physically but also spiritually.
God bless all of you prolifers, you too Jack and I continue to pray for all the pro-aborts including our president (I pray it is not too late for him to turn from death to life and that he is not a reprobate that has rejected God so much that he refuses to be reached by the redeeming amazing grace Christ).
As the author said…moms trying to keep this girl a baby. Why is your mom going into an exam room at 18 yrs old when you could drive yourself? Then after trashing the baby she went to her afternoon class the next day. Temps outside dropped to below 0 and Amy made a call to Brian that evening. He asked how she was feeling. She replied “A little sore and tired but Im fine.” Little that would be her last phone call to Brian until they saw each other in court. The placenta hadnt even been delivered.
Crystal Pepsi was white like Sprite.
And Jack when my husband died of a drug OD you were the first one to understand about his addiction. You were there and I needed you to talk to! I am very greatful to all of the pro lifers here who understood. It will be 17 months on the 28th and I was recently hospitalized for depression. Its a rough rd. without him. Ive remarried but just like you cant replace one child with another you cant replace one husband with another.
And Jack not a day goes by where my heart doesnt sink over him or I have uncontrollable fits of crying or deep dark despair. Its like being in the pit of hell but this was all meant to happen in my life. My nnew husband is so good to me. Im getting comfortable with him. Im blessed. I dont care about your mistakes or how rotten you feel about yourself. You have helped this lady ( me ) a lot.
And prolifer L…i typed something to you the other day about little Cooper Harris but it went to moderation which was my own fault. I asked that my post be deleted cuz of numerous typos. i use a small phone so once i hit post im screwed. Once i asked mods to delete it kept my stuff in moderation but thhey fixed it. I was simply saying 22 weeks or 22 months whats the diff? They googled hot car death child free life and living in prison. Isnt that what abortion is all about minus the prison time? A child free life. I believe mom knew her hubby was a cheater and Cooper was in the way. They could have given him to a relative or called DHS or a fire dept. Did they want little Coopers life insurance that bad?
I think when Tina comes to the realization of how truly sexist abortion is, she’ll eventually come around. Right now, they both are enjoying being in the spotlight too much and aren’t really thinking about the seriousness of the children who have lost their lives or about to lose their lives to abortion. You cannot both support peace and support abortion. Abortion is violent and violence begets more violence.
Tina needs to check out the to come to grips with how on the whole women/girls are coerced to abort and Grayson should come here and try to defend If a man supports you killing the child you and he made together, he doesn’t really love you. Truth hurts and abortion kills.
Thanks, DLPL, for the work you do with abused and addicted persons. It is so important! Alcohol and drug abuse can cause very foggy thinking and once people sober up, they may realize they were wrong on a few other issues as well.
Thinking of you heather. Addictions are hell not only on the addicted but those around them. My husband just lost a great friend to alcoholism; he was in his early 40s. They didn’t talk much in the last years because all he wanted to do was get drunk. He was one of the smartest men my husband knew but he allowed his addiction to take over and wouldn’t get help.
Sending much love and peaceful thoughts your way heather. The work you do is so important too! You make the world a better place.
I miss Lemon Pepsi. I prefer my Pepsi almost flat, (Shaken AND stirred, if you will.)
Oh yeah, I also vote for being glad you’re not dead, Jack, The only ones who “need to be dead” are the terrorists and murderers you see in the headlines every day.
Thanks prax….my first 2 children lost their aunt. to alcoholism at 49. She developed esophogeal and stomach cancer. She left behind 3 sons and guess what? When she was younger she had a late term abortion. Her husband divorced her and took custody of the kids. She died in a nursing home
My husband liked the drink but soon that became the gateway to drugs. It was heartbreaking. Its hard to convince people that he really was a wonderful caring unselfish giving loving man. He is terribly missed. Once the drugs took over he was 52. He would cry like a baby and say “Im sorry Im so effed up. I cant stop.” “I love you and my son and my kids but I just cant get it together.” I didnt know what more to do. His brother told me his disease was progressing. Treatment didnt work therapy didnt work prison didnt work. I know a young girl who had a long term bf and she found him dead on the couch with a needle in his arm. She was planning to marry him and she was just crying to a friend of mine the other day. He died last month so her hell has just begun. God bless.
I miss vanilla pepsi. As ive stated above I believe crystal pepsi was the color of sprrite but tasted like Pepsi.
And one final note on the Grossberg Peterson case. Nobody claimed that babys body for 4 weeks. Amy claims she had a miscarriage and nobody attended the funeral of the baby except the funeral home employees. What a sad world. The judge told Amy she was self absorbed and selfish. She cried. Gee wonder where she gets it. While Amy was being lead away to do her time her mom stood upţand yelled “Dont worry we will appeal”!
Also baby boy Grossberg was buried in a donated casket. RIP baby boy. Seems nobody wanted him at all.
People here would have taken that baby boy. It can indeed be a sad world. I do believe many people who have chosen/supported a child being aborted do often turn to alcohol and drugs and years later realize they can no longer find their way out. I know my ex has a few abortions in his past and I’ve often wondered if that’s why he turned so heavy to alcohol and became so abusive (although I know he saw and was abused as a child as well which he needed help for but wouldn’t get). He keeps his living children at arm’s length. I think he is afraid of getting too close and/or feels a lot of guilt about his Life choices. So much so that he denies to others that he’s paid for abortions and that he pushed me to abort.
My oldest already drinks a lot and he’s only 24. He has a heart of gold and I don’t want him to drink his life away like so many of our relatives have. Please keep him in your prayers. God bless you and your family too, heather.
“And Jack when my husband died of a drug OD you were the first one to understand about his addiction. You were there and I needed you to talk to!”
“I dont care about your mistakes or how rotten you feel about yourself. You have helped this lady ( me ) a lot.”
Little bit ashamed to admit it but I’m in tears. I’m glad I could help. My two goals in life (once I got clean and actually decided to have a future) are to be a good dad and raise my kids to be healthy and safe, and try and affect everyone I meet (online and in person) in a positive way, make their lives better even if it’s only a little thing I can do.
I have a lot of problems with mental illness (which anyone who’s read my comments enough is well aware of) so I always feel like I’m failing at both my goals, that I’m not doing my best for my kids and that I’m not affecting the people I meet positively. On my darker days I believe the pro-choicers, that maybe it would have been better if my mom had just been able to kill me like she wanted. I feel a lot like I take a lot emotionally from other people because of my illnesses (it’s draining to deal with people with severe mental illness like me, there’s a reason I don’t have friends) and that I don’t give anything back, which makes me a lot like my parents and it kills me to think I’m anything like them.
So you saying this, that even just online I was able to help you, that I was the first person who got your husband’s addiction, and that I have helped you a lot, I can’t describe how that makes me feel. At the very least, I affected someone positively who was having a hard time. Thank you Heather, been having a really hard time (like I always do, I really wish I was more “normal”), and I needed to hear that I’ve done something good for someone at least once.
“Thanks, DLPL, for the work you do with abused and addicted persons. It is so important! Alcohol and drug abuse can cause very foggy thinking and once people sober up, they may realize they were wrong on a few other issues as well.”
I do my best to help. I’m good with the teens I think because I’m one of the few volunteers there that was actually an abused, addicted teen so I can relate. I wish I could do more, we have some saves but there are so many more that just keep going down that path. I think that if I could remain consistently sober I would do better, but I relapse on alcohol every few months (then I have to stop volunteering, it’s impossible to help others with addiction when you’re drinking a fifth of vodka every night), so do not congratulate me too much. The only truly good in regards to helping addicts I’ve done is never relapsing on opiates, not even once. Clean for almost eight years now. At least I can positively show them that it’s possible to be clean from opiates forever, though the urges never go away and sometimes nothing sounds better than the drug.
If I could solidly get my alcoholism under control I will accept your thank you for helping addicts lol. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but ever since my divorce (didn’t drink my entire marriage) I’ve relapsed every two to three months like clockwork. I’ve gotten help, therapy, psychiatrists, AA, NA, church, everything and it still happens and I don’t know why I am like this when I try so hard. Please pray, I just want to be a good dad and persons and drunk losers don’t make good dads or people even if I’m a “functioning” alcoholic.
“My oldest already drinks a lot and he’s only 24. He has a heart of gold and I don’t want him to drink his life away like so many of our relatives have. Please keep him in your prayers. God bless you and your family too, heather.”
I will pray for him as hard as I can. He probably has the genetic propensity for alcoholism/addiction from his father’s genetics (and probably yours, you have shared your father was an alcoholic as well). Everyone in my family is an addict of some sort, almost without exception. I am terrified my kids will someday turn out like me, I can’t imagine how scared and worried you feel Prax. I will pray for you and him.
If you need to talk to someone who knows what it’s like to be in your son’s shoes you’re always free to get my email from Hans or Kel or another mod and talk privately. That goes for anyone who struggles with addiction or just needs someone to listen to them. I can always listen!
And thanks to those who are happy I’m alive rather than dead. I am sorry, I really feel guilty when I speak of my childhood when pro-choicers trigger that rage when they use the “better aborted than unwanted/abused/criminal/whatever ‘undesirable'” example for why babies should be allowed to be killed. It always ends up with all the pro-lifers here reassuring me, and the conversation turns on me, and I feel bad because I’m just trying to make the pro-choicer see that me and other criminals, unwanted people, abused people, drug addicts, homeless people, and all the other people that get thrown away by society are human. I try to make them see my humanity so maybe they can see the babies that they want to be dead humanity as well.
I’m really sorry the conversation turned to me like that I didn’t mean to.
“Clean for almost eight years now”
“He probably has the genetic propensity for alcoholism/addiction from his father’s genetics”
Both sides are filled with alcoholic men and co-dependent women. My great grandfather shot himself on Christmas Eve after drinking moonshine for years. I read an article recently that said about 50% of alcoholism is genetic. I have gotten drunk in my life time and at the end of my marriage I drank way too much and even once drank alone which scared me.
After my divorce I didn’t have a drink for ten years. I occasionally have a few drinks now and again but know I need to be careful too. We recently got together with a group of people and one fellow had 18 drinks in about six hours. I don’t understand that kind of drinking but my dad told me he could drink that many too back in the day and from what I hear, my son drinks the same darn way. I remember my dad often holding a beer but I didn’t realize how often that bottle was being replaced!
Don’t be sorry about the conversation. We are good people. Who knows? Maybe that young couple will be able to relate to some of the issues we discuss here and realize that preborn humans have a right to life just like they did.
Thanks for the prayers, DLPL. It is frustrating and sad to know that sometimes that is all we can do to help someone else. Talking to young people is so important though I believe. If they can wait until they are older to take that first drink or use that first drug, they are less likely to become addicted I’ve heard. Notice how Planned Parenthood targets the young people; they don’t want to see them make good choices. Get to them before they will make better decisions is their motto. Our brains are still growing until about age 25 and young people make better choices after that age. If they have already started making poor choices, we can encourage them to make better choices. One day at a time.
I dread going to my husband’s friend’s funeral next week.
It’s OK Jack. We are happy to reassure you here as much as we can. I will keep the prayers coming regarding the mental illness and the alcohol. With the redeeming grace of Christ through what he did for us on the cross we are not only forgiven but he can set us free and make us a new creation in him. Don’t give up Jack.
heather I am sorry to hear about your struggles with depression and grief. You will be in my prayers as well. Grief is a journey and a process “you don’t get over it, you have to go through it”. It sounds like your new husband is being very patient and understanding. Is there a Christian support group like Griefshare in your community. You can look them up at if you wish they are all over the country. I am sorry I did not get a chance to read your post. God bless you.
“We recently got together with a group of people and one fellow had 18 drinks in about six hours. I don’t understand that kind of drinking but my dad told me he could drink that many too back in the day and from what I hear, my son drinks the same darn way. ”
That’s the way I drink when I do. I simply don’t have the trigger in my brain that tells me to stop drinking, so I drink until there is no alcohol left or I pass out. It’s awful, it’s bad for the body and the brain and the soul. My psychiatrist says the inability to stop drinking once you’ve started is the genetic part of alcoholism. I’ve never just had one beer, not even once. It’s always been drink until black outs or no more alcohol. And it’s just getting worse this summer so my kids have been spending a lot of time with my ex’s aunt and uncle because I will not have them with me when I’m relapsing. I’m hoping your son will realize this isn’t normal social drinking and that it’s definitely alcoholism, and that he gets help. I will pray and worry for him. Sometimes God will help.
“Talking to young people is so important though I believe. If they can wait until they are older to take that first drink or use that first drug, they are less likely to become addicted I’ve heard. Notice how Planned Parenthood targets the young people; they don’t want to see them make good choices. Get to them before they will make better decisions is their motto. Our brains are still growing until about age 25 and young people make better choices after that age. If they have already started making poor choices, we can encourage them to make better choices. One day at a time.”
Exactly, that’s why I focus my work on teens. Alcohol and drug use in your teens can rewire your brain and make staying clean and sober much harder than people who become addicts as adults (though that is so difficult too, it’s a bit different when you have literally trained your brain a certain way from adolescence). My psychiatrist says part of my problem staying sober, why it’s so difficult, is because my dad started giving me alcohol and opiate pills when I was really young, at least by nine or ten that I remember. Me letting him do that caused me some brain damage because children that age are still developing and those poisons cause so much harm. I realize it was my responsibility to say no to the drugs and alcohol my dad gave me, but I think I was too young to realize how it would affect my life so maybe I am not too bad of a person for accepting the substances. I don’t know what age your son started drinking but I really hope it was later, at least eighteen or nineteen hopefully even later.
And you’re totally right about the brain still developing until you’re 25 or so. I turned 26 in May, unfortunately, lol I wanted my brain more fixed first before it finished developing!
“It’s OK Jack. We are happy to reassure you here as much as we can. I will keep the prayers coming regarding the mental illness and the alcohol. With the redeeming grace of Christ through what he did for us on the cross we are not only forgiven but he can set us free and make us a new creation in him. Don’t give up Jack.”
I’m not giving up. They think they finally have my diagnoses right. They finally decided I have Bipolar 1, they think I inherited it from my mother and that I’ve been misdiagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder my entire life because I never thought manic episodes were bad, so I never reported them!). And I have severe PTSD, genetic addiction propensity obviously, and an attachment disorder, where I don’t “feel” love like normal people, I can love other people but I cannot feel loved by them. They have me on the medications and I am in the secular counseling AND Biblical counseling. But nothing seems to work very well.
I’m working on it but I don’t understand why prayers don’t seem to work for me like they do for all of you. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong, why God doesn’t give me peace. I repent of the sins of my childhood and adolescence and early adulthood and yesterday every single day, beg forgiveness and there’s no peace for me? I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or how I’m making God mad but I need his help. Do you have any suggestions about what I’m doing wrong? My church when I was a kid said that some people God just doesn’t love and that I was one of them, but that’s not really Biblical but it really feels like it to me that I’m making God mad because he doesn’t want me to feel peace or get any healing.
“I dread going to my husband’s friend’s funeral next week.”
I’m sorry, I missed this Prax. I’m sorry for you and your husband’s loss, and for the loss of a man who couldn’t escape his demons. What day is the funeral? I’ll pray all day for you and your husband.
And I’m sorry I’m commenting so much, the meds don’t work very well and I’m in a really manic state right now and it’s difficult, I don’t really have many people to talk to, I have one person who seems to be my friend at church, but I’m afraid of pushing him away like I’ve done all my friends except for the ones who died or went to prison, because people get sick of me quickly because I don’t act right and I’m exhausting to be involved with. That’s what my sisters always said, can’t be around me because I just make everyone fed up and tired with my issues. So I’m sorry I’m commenting so much and I hijacked the thread, Pilar’s comment triggered something and I don’t really have anyone to talk to, I need people praying for me or something I’m not sure if God is listening. So I’m really sorry, I don’t mean to be me or be like this but I’m trying to be moral and follow God. Please pray.
You have my prayers. I will pray for you at Mass tomorrow too. God loves you so much and is listening. Try to get some rest. Goodnight.
And I’m sorry if I’ve ever been mean or cruel to any of you and haven’t apologized yet. I don’t want to be like my mother, even if we have the same mental illness I don’t want to be mean or cruel or anything. I don’t think I generally am but maybe I don’t realize it? I’m sorry if I’ve ever hurt anyone.
Goodnight Prax I hope you sleep well, I will most likely not sleep, and that you are getting peace and love from God for what’s going on with your family.
And I hope God is listening. He listens always? Does God love everyone but just like some people less than others? That’s what I wonder. Like maybe he loves everyone but some people, like if they are bisexual or just annoying or whatever, he just doesn’t like them as much and doesn’t answer their prayers as much. And how long does God punish you for sins you’ve committed after you repented? Could that be the lack of peace or healing, maybe a punishment of some sort?
“I miss vanilla pepsi.”
Sounds like Coca-Cola. Main difference between Coke and Pepsi is that Coke has more vanilla taste, Pepsi more citrus.
God loves us all with an enormous intensity beyond our human ability to understand.
He can do that. He is infinite in every way…including his love for you.
Diluded im glad helping me meant that much to you. I know addiction is so misunderstood. It seems to go hand in hand with depression. One of the worst comments Ive heard about AA was from a woman who said “Its just a room full of low rent losers sitting around in self pity.” AA is a lifesaver for so many. My husbands brother is in the program and owns a home car and motorcycle. Its not about what you have but I guarentee he wouldnt have anything ( maybe not even his life) if he were still an alcoholic and coke addict. My husband was not a loser. He was sick. He did get a script for Soboxin before he died to stay off heroin. Thats what killed him. An accidental OD. He died batteling his demons.
Sorry Suboxin…..i hate hearing or thinking about that drug anymore since it killed my husband. All it is is synthetic heroin. I tried a tiny corner of it one time. Took all my pain away but i vomited for 7 hours and began to hallucinate because of dehydration. Never touched it again. I just wanted to see what it felt like. Thank God I didnt take a full square. So many people dismiss alcoholics and addicts. My exes sister was very short and probably weighed 100 pounds. I never saw that woman without a drink in her hand. She had wet brain and began talking to herself. Her husband drank too but he had a home and worked at LTV steel. He threw her out and she ended up living with different men. She didnt want help. Anyway at 49 she also lost her battle.
Also another creepy thing said to me was from a friend Ive had since 98. Shes 77 years old. I brought up Brad and she asked “Arent you over that yet? Its been a year.” Cringe…..yes people really do say such things. Shes been married for over 50 years and not happily but her husband is starting to decline. If her hussband dies I wont repeat the same hurtful??? And trust me he just got out of the hospital again. It may not be long. Also hes losing his memory. Doesnt know what day it is.
Jack Ive been depressed with OCD and panic disorder all my life. I used to self medicate with alcohol because I thought I was going nuts. But then the alcohol stopped working and the hangovers were worse than death.After seeking out doctors and trying different meds I went back to drinking. Drinking is a depressant. I finally found a great doctor and hes been my doc since 2004. Depression sucks!!! It sucks! I was blessed Id never turned to street
drugs. I would have ruined my nursing career and probably would have killed myself on accident. There are still pleny of things to be happy about but depression blinds you
Then when Brad died i began to decline more mentally and now physically. I have anemia and I have been admitted to the hospital twice with chest pain. Just try to thank God that you are able bodied and intelligent. Satan likes to blind us to our good points.
Hi Jack sorry I missed your posts earlier. I have been gone. Please know Jesus loves you and he does not want you to suffer with the problems you have. Your childhood church had it wrong that God loves some people more than others, and only gives his love, joy and peace to his favorites. I am going to be praying more for you that God will heal your brokenness and pain. Please accept a short prayer from me right now.
Dear Jesus, please give peace and reassurance to Jack that you truly love him. That you are going to bring him the healing and peace that he needs. That when he confessed his sins to you that you put them “as far as the east is from the west”, never to be remembered again. Please bless him with your perfect peace. Amen.
Praying Jack. I did quit drinking. I can drink a beer once in a while but I no longer enjoy it. I dont go to AA but. I dont mix my narcotics with alcohol. Plus im 44 and can no longer metabolize it.
“We recently got together with a group of people and one fellow had 18 drinks in about six hours. I don’t understand that kind of drinking but my dad told me he could drink that many too back in the day and from what I hear, my son drinks the same darn way. I remember my dad often holding a beer but I didn’t realize how often that bottle was being replaced!”
It’s not really all it seems. The human body gets rid of, basically, “a drink an hour,” and with low-power American beers, it’s about 1.5 drinks an hour. So if those were beers, then half were gone, just in the drinking time.
It’s still technically “binge drinking,” though. However, lots and lots of people will have a few drinks before dinner, and 3 or 4 drinks “isn’t even drinking” to them.
The girl with the Pepsi sign is very cute.
And then – the guy over on the right side, with red hair.. Is that Opie?
I am continuing to pray for you Jack and for you too heather. Blessings to you.
NARAL has written to this couple in support of what they do and added that the abortionist and his staff love the signs.
Imagine that: Abortionists and their supporters love signs like “Jesus slays” and “Honk if your horny” Not sure how anyone can take NARAL seriously.
How would it go over if the word “Jesus” was replaced with the name of other spiritual leaders/God heads in this couple’s signs?
They succeeded in what they set out to do: mock your position and get you riled-up. Look at all your posts in response!
OF COURSE turtles and Pepsi have nothing to do with the issue; that’s the clever joke!
Lastly, are they really PRO-abortion? No. It’s called “pro-choice” for a reason: they’re not encouraging women to have one, they’re saying the woman should be allowed to decide for herself. (Not you!) You’re more “anti-choice” than they are “pro-abortion.”
“Lastly, are they really PRO-abortion? No. It’s called “pro-choice” for a reason”
You mad, bro?
All they are doing is bringing more attention to the issue of abortion and the children who are being killed. For that we thank them.
Honk if you love Pepsi-drinking turtles, MarkD!
It’s hilarious, and a good send-up of the pro-lifers.