Sexual revolution replaced guillotines with Planned Parenthood
It’s especially bizarre, I think, when those on the Left turn out to enthusiastically celebrate any new revelation of a cultural figure having an abortion. The more they admire the person, it seems the happier they are at the “courage” of said person having had an abortion. A bit unintentionally insulting, don’t you think? I admire you so much! I’m so glad you terminated a child that might have had your talent or been a lot like you!
Revolutions, however, famously do not discriminate in their grim reaping of human life. The Sexual Revolution is no different, even though we’ve replaced guillotines with Planned Parenthood clinics. The crowds cheered both, and the similarity between a howling mob and a pro-choice rally is striking to say the least.
Perhaps it is Peter Hitchens who has the best explanation: “I think that abortion is much beloved by revolutionaries,” he noted gravely, “because they always like the mob to get their hands in blood and commit some sort of crime of their own.”
~ Jonathon Van Maren, “The abortion of JFK’s children was evil – but it’s also a tragic loss,”, July 21
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Very good article. I know that Christopher Hitchens was hostile towards religion (to put it mildly), especially Christianity, but at least he was intellectually honest enough to see abortion for what it is — the destruction of human life.
Also, what was wrong with Marilyn Monroe? If she had twelve abortions before she was thirty, she had issues. They had birth control back then — condoms, diaphraghms, etc. People idolize her, but I don’t. I don’t like women who help themselves to other women’s husbands (and vice versa), because I saw the devastation a cheating spouse can cause firsthand. My sister’s ex-husband cheated on her CONSTANTLY, almost from the beginning of their marriage, and their three children knew about it. His “girlfriends” even used to call their house. When he died of a heart attack, she (my sister) hated him so much that she didn’t even put headstone on his grave.
The fangirl says, “I love you so much! I’m so glad you killed your children!”
Perhaps this might open some eyes to the insanity of murdering children for fun and profit. I will remember it, along with some famous parent/child dynasties of performers. Hank Williams & Hank Williams Jr….
If Henry Fonda had killed his children, we would not have the life and works of Peter and Jane Fonda — so beloved by abortion supporters. But Jane Fonda’s mother had nine abortions before her…. what did the world lose when they lost their lives?
Jane is a famously life-long abortion supporter. Those nine other potentially famous allies in her support for abortion are dead.
The fangirl would actually say that she’s glad they acknowledged they weren’t ready to have kids, and that they had an abortion before there would have been a child. In these modern times, there is no need to be having babies unless the parents want it and are really ready for it.
“what did the world lose when they lost their lives?”
We don’t know. It is constantly happening all around us. Lots of pregnancies never even start because of failed implantation. Tens or hundreds of millions of lives end this way each year. Some would have been actors, doctors, lawyers, indian chiefs… Others would have been tyrants, murderers, torturers, terrorists….
“In these modern times, there is no need to be having babies unless the parents want it and are really ready for it.”
Maybe if the parents don’t want or aren’t “really ready” for “it” other people are. It’s called ADOPTION.
What does the world lose when we cheer and support the death of others? That, to me, is an even deeper question.
What do we become when we callously disregard the lives of others, especially those who are weaker and dependent on others for help?
We’re seeing, more and more, what we become. We become a society that is stunned when someone does a kind act for someone else – SO stunned that the YouTube videos of those kind acts go viral.
We become a society that has disdain for those who abuse and molest children, but we have no problem paying someone to dismember them before they see the light of day.
We become a society that cares more for its animals than its people, because animals are easier to love. They’re less complicated. You don’t have to send your cat to college if she lives 18 years. They require less care and less investment, and when we go out, they don’t cramp our style quite as much as those pesky human offspring do.
We become a wholly narcissistic society.
As a side note, this “cheering” of death is the main reason I can no longer support the death penalty. Not because some people don’t deserve the death penalty – but because of what I’ve seen among those who have cheered the deaths of murderers outside the prisons during executions. It turns my stomach.
“As a side note, this “cheering” of death is the main reason I can no longer support the death penalty. Not because some people don’t deserve the death penalty – but because of what I’ve seen among those who have cheered the deaths of murderers outside the prisons during executions. It turns my stomach.”
Interesting, as it’s after the fact of the crimes themselves.
I favor the death penalty, even for crimes where potential deadly force is used. If you use a knife or gun, for example, then before the fact of your crime, there is usually the possibility that you may end killing somebody. Whether you are taking the weapons with specific intent to kill someone, or just to be able to threaten them, if you do kill them, they are dead either way.
Once you have decided to take the weapons, I think you should be liable to be executed.
“there is no need to be having babies unless the parents want it and are really ready for it”
What if the parents decide they don’t want ‘it’ and are not really ready for ‘it’ after ‘it’ is born? Don’t bring up adoption either because the parent(s) just may not be able to handle the trauma of knowing another family is raising their child and they may not be able to bring themselves to give the baby away.
Some days I’m not really ready for teenagers and a husband. :)
Narcissistic society, indeed.
I agree with you Kel on the death penalty. I supported it at one time as well but no longer do.
There was also a story recently I read about regarding a man who left an injured puppy at a rest stop. People were calling for his head and wanted him to pay humongous fines. While I agree what he did was very wrong, I doubt these same people are yelling for justice for the small humans being slaughtered among us.
Paul: I favor the death penalty, even for crimes where potential deadly force is used. If you use a knife or gun, for example, then before the fact of your crime, there is usually the possibility that you may end killing somebody. Whether you are taking the weapons with specific intent to kill someone, or just to be able to threaten them, if you do kill them, they are dead either way.
Once you have decided to take the weapons, I think you should be liable to be executed.
Paul, I think a problem here is that the death penalty does not scare people away from committing the crimes, too much of the time.
Then, even if they are charged, the mandatory court appeals process takes many years, decades, usually, and it costs literally millions of Dollars. It’s usually cheaper to keep them in prison for the rest of their life.
There too, depending on the state, it’s $20,000 to $60,000 per inmate per year. What a mess….
Megan says:
July 22, 2014 at 2:37 pm
In these modern times, there is no need to be having babies unless the parents want it and are really ready for it.
In ancient times, infanticide was very common — even ritualized and socially compelled. There was never a need to keep babies if the parents or grandparents didn’t want them.
Fortunately, humanity grew beyond that barbarism and learned to appreciate the value of life for many centuries.
Most unfortunately, these modern times have turned back the clock to ancient barbarism, murder and socially compelled slaughter.
We need to move the clock forward again.
I still support the death penalty Kel, but your point hits close to the mark, so many people bring out their knives and rejoice over death, it certainly makes one think twice.
Chris: I still support the death penalty Kel, but your point hits close to the mark, so many people bring out their knives and rejoice over death, it certainly makes one think twice.
Chris, why would it matter? Person A commits a capital crime, against person B. Who cares how person C feels?
The death penalty is bad for society. We have the ability to lock dangerous people up for the rest of their lives, and I only think the state should be allowed to use lethal violence in cases of “no other option”.
It hasn’t been shown to reduce crime. It costs much more than life in prison. There have been hundreds of cases where death row inmates, whether already put to death or not, have been either exonerated after their lives were wasted or taken. It’s heavily racially biased, black and Hispanic people are put to death at greater proportions even when whites commit similar crimes.
It is vengeance, in my opinion, and has no place in a civilized society.
Kel, excellent commentary.
The thing I disagree with is that the cheering on of death is something new. It’s been going on for centuries. We had gladiator fights, “witch” hanging that was gladly watched by others, lynchings of black and Hispanic people where people watched and cheered. This ugly callous part of human nature has always existed and I don’t actually think it’s worse now.
No, it’s not new, and it probably isn’t “worse” now. But this form of apathetic narcissism seems to really permeate our so-called “civilized” society.
We, in our great “enlightenment,” look back on the gladiators and the slave traders and the people who slaughtered their own children for better crops and think, how “ignorant” they were, while we’re no better. Totally blind to it.
You would think, after learning the lessons of history, we wouldn’t be slaughtering our own children for better crops… er… I mean, a college education.
It’s just all packaged differently now. Same penchant for death and bloodshed, but we’re supposed to “know better” now.
We haven’t come a long way, baby.
human nature doesn’t change
“It’s just all packaged differently now. Same penchant for death and bloodshed, but we’re supposed to “know better” now.”
Yep. Even Norway, which has much less violent crime than the US and no capital punishment, had that guy who slaughtered dozens of teens and you had people on the internet saying the kids deserved it because it was a “socialist” camp!!!
I had capital crimes (obviously not death, lol) committed against me as a child and I still don’t see more death and violence as the solution. It would have been extremely traumatic for me to see people cheering on the death of my abuser, I think it’s creepy and ugly to be happy when people die. Even those who have done horrible, disgusting things.
You even have people celebrating when petty thieves, unarmed, get shot and die. Or drunk people criminally trespassing through someone’s yard. Or people cheering when a bar fight ends in death. I really don’t like or understand this part of human nature.
And of course, we have hundreds of people with the life goal of making the legal ability to kill humans in utero endemic more then it already is, and they are at least nominally supported by half the population. Awful.
“I doubt these same people are yelling for justice for the small humans being slaughtered among”
Nope. They save their ire for not only animal abusers, but for parents who make a mistake (not talking about deliberately neglecting your child) amd leave their child in a car accidentally and the child dies of hyperthermia. I read one of the few articles that ever made me cry, Pulitzer winning, about the phenomenon of leaving kids in cars accidentally that ended up dying. It’s heartbreaking. But people call for these parent’s blood ( the comments are horrendous), but I am sure at least half of them ignore the millions of babies deliberately being killed.
Here’s the article, warning: if it can make ME cry it’s an absolutely devastating read.
Why kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?
Also, whatever happened to Denise? She would be all over this thread lol.
Navi: Why kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?
Why “do anything” to them? On the face of it, I don’t think there is a good answer to your question. I also don’t think that is really what is going on.
I think the existence of laws is an assumption in place, from the get-go. And that there will be penalties for those who break the laws. We’re not, in effect, showing the perpetrator that breaking the law was wrong in society’s eyes – he already knew that.
We’re doing what all societies may have to do, what all societies of sufficient size have to do all the time – remove individuals from society, either partially or totally.
As a society, we’re really a group of people with things in common, and to the extent that we want to be in society, then we want individuals to get along fairly well, and for things to function without too much strife. When an individual gets too far beyond the bounds of what society considers acceptable behavior, then he’s going to be put out of society, i.e. killed, imprisoned, etc.
“When an individual gets too far beyond the bounds of what society considers acceptable behavior, then he’s going to be put out of society, i.e. killed, imprisoned, etc.”
Growing in mommy’s womb is obviously too far beyond what our society considers acceptable behavior anymore. Barbaric.