Abortion enthusiasts promote illegal abortions
During the last week of May abortion proponent Dawn Porter and members of the National Network of Abortion Funds traversed southern Texas and upper Mexico to film footage for an upcoming documentary, Trapped.
Trapped will “look at the impact of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws in the southern United States, and their disproportionate effect on women living in poverty.”
There are currently no abortion clinics in the Rio Grande Valley, which borders Mexico. The nearest one in the U.S. is 230 miles north in San Antonio.
The group filmed themselves crossing the border to buy Misoprostol, an ulcer drug that is used off-label to induce abortions.
Misoprostol is available only by prescription in the U.S. and can only be dispensed by doctors for abortions. But it can be purchased over-the-counter in Mexico.
After the purchase, NNAF tweeted photos, along with instructions on how to use Misoprostol illegally to self-induce an abortion…
Texas side of the Mexican border. We're on our way across to buy misoprostol at a pharmacy w/@dawnporterm #TrappedDoc pic.twitter.com/ze7rvKBZOw
— NNAF Abortion Funds (@AbortionFunds) May 30, 2014
Success! $45 for 28 pills. It takes just 12 pills if you are under 12 weeks @TrappedDoc pic.twitter.com/phBzAkkr58
— NNAF Abortion Funds (@AbortionFunds) May 30, 2014
Back in the day abortion proponents claimed the only way to avoid back alley hack job abortions was to legalize it.
Now that legal abortion is becoming scarcer in places, proponents are reversing course and promoting the very same illegal abortions they protested against four decades ago.
Abortion zealots need a death
This is a dangerous game – of which abortion zealots are fully aware. One such illegal abortion pill provider wrote at Jezebel:
I send women what I can - misoprostol, or mifepristone/misoprostol in combination [JLS note: RU-486 abortion cocktail] when I have some stocked. I know, when I do it, that it could be a devil’s bargain - that this could be the envelope that gets traced back to me. This could be the one that lands me in prison. Or, even worse, it could be the one that kills someone. The abortion drugs rarely cause major complications (less often than birth), but they do happen. I don’t know what I would do with that on my conscience. I haven’t had to find out yet.
“Yet.” They know the day is coming. They’ll, of course, deny it, but abortion zealots actually salivate for that coming day. They are playing Russian Roulette with women’s lives on purpose, precisely to have someone end up dead.
They need another Gerri Santoro, and quick. Otherwise, their claims that abortion must stay legal to avoid needless deaths will prove false. Recall how they preplanned to exploit and lie about the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland in 2012 to promote legalized abortion. They need tragedies to sway public opinion and pressure politicians.
I’ve actually been somewhat surprised they haven’t yet gotten the dead poster child they long for. Which brings me to a post yesterday by Tim Graham at Newsbusters that may explain why we may not have seen it.
Texas abortionist profitted from illegal abortions
Graham wrote about an article in the September issue of Cosmopolitan, written by Amanda Robb, who bragged how Texas abortionist Lester Minto (pictured right) circumvented the law for a time at his now closed Reproductive Services of Harlingen, near the Mexican border.
After a Texas law took effect last November 1 forcing abortionists to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinics, which Minto could not get, he began encouraging pregnant mothers to purchase Misoprostol across the border or at a flea market and then come to him one week after ingesting the drug for “miscarriage management” – at $550 a pop.
The article (not available online) made an interesting point:
Before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion nationwide in its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, miscarriage management was a common end-run around laws prohibiting the procedure. In order to get medical care, a woman had to find a way to make herself bleed vaginally. A sharp object stabbed through the cervix often did the trick.
“But I’m not seeing that now,” Dr. Minto told me. “So far, women today try drugs.”
For years pro-lifers have been saying we are not getting an accurate read on the danger of medical abortions due to inconsistent reporting requirements and because emergency room physicians may not even know they are dealing with abortion complications – because they are not told.
National Network of Abortion Funds’ “how-to” guide on lying
In fact, this is precisely what abortion advocates tell women to do – lie. NNAF hosts a web page explaining how to use Misoprostol illegally, with instructions to lie to medical staff at the hospital emergency room one drags herself to:
Misoprostol causes a miscarriage. The symptoms of a miscarriage and an abortion with pills are EXACTLY the same and the treatment is EXACTLY the same. You do not need to say that you took the medication. If you took it as instructed at Women on Waves, it dissolves and there is no test that can tell a doctor or nurse that you took medicines. In every hospital in the world, doctors know how to treat a miscarriage or a complication from a miscarriage.
It is important to remember that in many states in the US, causing an abortion by yourself is a crime. Any person who knows you used abortion medication by yourself might feel obliged to report you.
This means abortion proponents won’t readily get the complications they need. The game has changed. Their only recourse may be to launch a PR campaign saying the abortion complications are out there, we’re just not seeing them.
I doubt that’ll happen, but you never know. Abortion proponents still manage to every now and then “shock the hell outta me,” to steal a line from Pretty Woman.
Another possibility is the eventual publicized death from an illegal abortion – which will tragically happen sooner or later – will be traced back to one of these illegal abortion pushers, like Dawn Porter or members of the National Network of Abortion Funds.
We’ll see how long they keep smiling.
[HT: Saynsumthn; Top graphic via Jezebel; photo of Minto via Yahoo.com]

The lengths they’ll go to, to avoid offering real solutions like adoption or referring women to pro-life pregnancy resource agencies…
Just keep in mind that our work does not end when abortion is illegal. Our work does not end when the abortion industry is defeated.
The Pro-Life movement must adapt and keep working until we have rebuilt a Culture of Life. Abortion must be unthinkable, and unwanted, once again.
[…] to a blog post published by Jill Stanek, Dawn Porter and members of the National Network of Abortion Funds traveled to Texas […]
“Or, even worse, it could be the one that kills someone.”
It does kill someone, every time it works the way you intend it to. Let that be on your conscience.
It’s called personal liberty.
You’re trying to destroy it.
Those of us who value it will fight for it.
Woohoo, self-aborting & risking serious complications & death out of desperation in difficult circumstances, how liberating & empowering! *end sarcasm*
Real empowerment comes from treating pregnant women as equal to those without children (not less) & comes from giving women the help & resources needed to break the cycle of poverty, abuse, or even to continue to work or further their education while pregnant & parenting.
The fact that it is legal to exercise one’s personal liberty by killing another human being is a grave injustice, the most serious of human rights violations, and those who value the life of ALL human beings will continue to fight against abortion.
Liberty is the freedom to do what is right — not to do whatever you want.
“It’s called personal liberty.
You’re trying to destroy it.
Those of us who value it will fight for it.”
Really? So is “Russell” going to have an illegal abortion once we’re successful, or is HE going to shut up and let the WOMEN talk about abortion for what it is-sh** rolling downhill-pushing off the oppression of women onto our own children and pretending that we are exercising our “personal liberty” as we stand upon a pile of corpses?
Hi xalisae. How are you doing? It is great to see your post. I pray that things are going well for you. At times I think of you and say a prayer for you. Take care.
Thank you for your kind thoughts and words. :)
We’re doing okay. Not perfect, but nothing is. And I only trust it will get better and better all the time.