Abortion groups breathlessly go “undercover” – at a public pro-life meeting
Although pro-choicers admit over and over and over (and over and over and over) that they are losing the epic battle over abortion, they continue to be shocked and awed by pro-life prowess.
I can only deduce they think they are losing not because we’re so smart but because they’re so stupid.
Which may actually be true, a case in point being that NARAL Pro-Choice Texas and Progress Texas are under the mistaken impression they conducted a super sleuth undercover investigation of pro-lifers. LiberalAmerica.org excitedly reported that “a member of the Progress Texas team managed to slip into the Texas State Capitol last Monday for ‘Keeping Abortion Clinics Closed,’ a training seminar sponsored by the Texas Alliance for Life.”
Hello, the meeting was open to the public.
This was the same as going “undercover” to report on a speech given by President Barack Obama.
Nevertheless, on August 12 the two groups breathlessly released “undercover audio” (not technologically savvy enough, even in tandem, to get video) “reveal[ing] intimidation tactics of Texas anti-abortion groups.”
One appalling tactic they uncovered was that we have the wherewithal to learn the names and addresses of abortionists. Abortion proponents must have heretofore thought an anti-abortionist fairy puts this information under the pillows of good pro-lifers.
As stated on the video of the audio, pro-lifers in Texas do this to police whether abortionists are getting admitting privileges at local hospitals as per law, or sneaking in and out.
And yes, pro-lifers also do this to conduct home protests as a means of deterring and shaming abortionists as well as alerting neighbors that they have a paid assassin living among them. I’d sure want to know.
Liberal groups also employ this tactic. So what. Abortion zealots are free to protest pro-life homes and businesses, although they don’t. What would their signs say, “Person who believes abortion is murder lives here”?
NARAL and Progress Texas also “revealed” pro-lifers have a system for counting the mothers going into mills to abort their babies, this to determine the number who complete the awful deed, and the number who don’t.
To do this pro-lifers write down the make, model, and license plate number of cars entering abortion mill parking lots.
This is legal, but pro-choice groups would apparently not know how to accomplish this feat. Liberalamerica.org deemed this “the most disturbing revelation” of all, the “capability to track the license plates of those coming into abortion clinics,” like we’re MacGyver or something, rather than simply observationists with pen and paper.
And our goal is certainly “not to look for identity,” a statement allowed to remain in the “heavily edited” tape, to coin a favorite pro-abortion phrase used when complaining about Live Action’s videos. (Speaking of which, where is NARAL/Progress Texas’s unedited tape, which Live Action also releases?) No, this is just a way to separate one car from another.
The abortion groups also took issue with pro-lifers for “lining sidewalks outside clinics to dissuade patients from entering clinics,” as if they’ve never heard of a union picket. At least pro-lifers don’t use huge, inflatable rats.
The point of this pro-abortion “undercover” investigation was to inaccurately portray the pro-life movement as sinister and violent.
In reality, the pro-life movement is the most peaceful social justice movement in history. On any given day pro-lifers conduct dozens to hundreds of prayer vigils or pickets across the country with no incident other than pro-abortion vandalism or assault.
In any movement there is always a fringe element. In our movement this element has murdered eight abortion workers, mostly during a small window of time in the mid-1990s. Each of these deaths is a lamentable as each of the 55+ million children murdered by the pro-abortion side over the past 41 years.
At any rate, I don’t care that the abortion crowd tries to paint pro-lifers as violent. I think most know what’s really up, as recently evidenced by the United States Supreme Court, which unanimously overturned Massachusetts’ abortion clinic buffer zone, presumably enacted to abate pro-life violence.
And such attempts only boomerang on them. It keeps doctors from becoming abortionists, makes their people even more neurotic, and forces them to spend money on security systems and personnel. So be it.
By the way, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, your name is as obsolete as your “undercover” investigation techniques.
[Photo of rat via inthesetimes.com]
Is anybody else slightly offended that pro-choicers and pro-lifers have reduced the slaughter of millions of babies to a game in which one “wins” or “loses”.
Who gives a flying rat’s a** about who is winning or losing? It’s pretty clear that there are a lot of babies losing, and a lot of people celebrating fake victories in the mean time.
Strange – the author did not make a big deal about attending a meeting started by prayer – or was the investigative journalist late, what with all of that hassle about getting the disguise together (shaving legs, over-powering the smell of patchouli and marijuana with some normal perfume, switching out of the Che Guevera t-shirt into something you might get off the rack at Dress Barn) and the hassle of sneaking in through some duct work or service elevator?
“Hello, the meeting was open to the public”
Interestingly enough, if you follow the link you can still pre-register for the event even though it has already occurred. I’m kind of tempted to fill out the form just to see what happens.
“In reality, the pro-life movement is the most peaceful social justice movement in history.”
This is so true, but is has been a while since I’ve seen any data to back it up. And it’s the kind of statement ya just gotta have back up on.
Anybody know where it might be?
I think its kinda funny when the choice crowd says that pro lifers expose the addresses and phone numbers of abortion providers in an attempt to expose them. Lol ….if I was seeking an abortion ( pick a state ) all I would have to do is punch in the name of the clinic and presto!!!! There it is the name address and phone number of the abortionist….duh!
Or to add to my above post type in the name of the abortionist. Preterm ….an abortion clinic in cleveland…will even give you an online tour of their clinic. It shows the waiting room procedure room and recovery room. Gives prices. How did these women find the clinic near them? Internet phone book or word of mouth. Its a service offered to women and all you have to do is pick up the yellow pages.
Then they bring up pro lifers killing abortionists or bombing clinics. We dont condone that nor are we responsible. Just as some mentally unstable people shoot up schools and their jobs or at random. Can we explain their final moments? We cant. Who do you blame when a kid goes on a shooting spree. Who do you blame? The mental health system? Their parents? Their teachers? How about a serial killer like Ted Bundy? His 4 siblings didnt kill and he did. Some people are murder minded. The majority are not. We are safe peaceful pro lifers.
I have seen that big rat at pro-union events. Its really big and nasty looking!
Many years ago I went undercover at a pro abort event at Howard University. I “revealed” myself to some attendees that I thought might be open to dialogue and had some interesting conversations.
OMG, last Dem your comment is great! “switching out of the Che Guevera t-shirt” gave me an especially good laugh!
Murder: a convenient way to solve just about every problem you have!
Ex, don’t toy with us. These now and again pro-life comments you make only tantalize us into thinking you can be convinced to stop being pro-choice. It’s not nice! You’re only going to disappoint us again later with “who are we to judge” and “oh the republicans are corrupt too-oooh!” as if one has to have a political party to be pro-life. Hmph.
So he made that comment to be snarky?
I don’t know why some people idolize Che. He hated gays and had a nasty habit of killing ppl who disagreed with him. He wasn’t a very nice person. I think a lot of people who wear Che buttons, t shirts, etc. do it because he was a nice looking guy in a cool beret. If you ask them who he was, they might say “he was, you know, like for the people” or something similarly vague.
9ek –
Many factual statements in what I said, and what you said:
– Yes, as a pro-lifer, I’m tired of this “winning vs losing” argument. This isn’t a game of momentum.
– Yes, I think Republicans are corrupt and pimp the pro-life side for votes with very little output, and with a lot of policies that contribute to economic situations for people that make them more likely to have abortions.
– Yes, there are a lot of comments where I say “who are you guys to judge”.
– Yes – I’ve had people directly say on this board that a person can’t be a Democrat and pro-life. so your last statement about having to have a political party to be pro-life – I think there are many people on this board that believe that.
– If I’m pro-choice – I’m the worst pro-choicer in the world – have three kids, never would think about abortion for our family – never participated in one, funded one, helped somebody with one – which is a heck of a lot better than a lot of people on this board that came to the party late.
All italics, all the time?
“This was the same as going “undercover” to report on a speech given by…[the boRAT].”
Only if the boRAT were lying publicly. She has lied frequently in meetings that were not open to the public.
Live Action has scored tremendous success by sending young women into the abortion clinics and recording how the abortion industry treats them. Their work has been vital to the effort to penalize and regulate the abortion industry.
The pro-borts complain about the charitable CPC services. They work to pass laws to penalize and regulate the CPC’s.
And yet, is it strange that they have not sent a young woman into a CPC to secretly record free ultrasound, the loving encouragement, the offers of long-term care and assistance — all without charge or fee. If they had any case against us at all, you’d think that they would have not trouble finding evidence.
Instead, they “sneak” into public seminars and “spy” on the pro-life movement.
Next thing you know, they’ll be counting our numbers at the March For Life!
“Who gives a flying rat’s a**…”
Are you referring to a pigeon or the boRAT aboard Air Farce One in route to yet another round of ‘ceasing to rest’?
[184 rounds without ‘resting’, if you don’t count the vacations.]
Obama should take off more time than he does – he spent his first years digging the country out of the hole the Republicans had left us in – the great recession – and now, what is he going to do anyways? it’s not like he can read through any laws that are getting passed since we have the worst, most dysfunctional US House in the history of this country. Can we impeach every single one of them? Round up the tea party and send them to siberia?
Ex-GOP — Serious question: Are you defending Obama’s record of economic stewardship?
My basic premise is that the Reagan/Bush I/Clinton era will be remembered as “good times.” Clinton, in particular, deserves much credit for his statesmanship. He worked with Republicans and achieved a balanced budget with them.
The Bush II/Obama era will be remembered as “bad times.” Obama, in particular, will be blamed for deficits that were much worse than Bush’s overspending. Meanwhile, Obama will be blamed (unfairly, in my opinion) for Pelosi’s healthcare debacle. In any case, the ACA delayed the economic recovery by four years, as employers avoided hiring and investment until they could determine how much the ACA would cost them.
To be fair, it took America several years to recognize the value of Clinton’s contribution to our success. Also, Clinton has not received a well-deserved Nobel Peace Prize for his brokerage of the long-lasting truce in Northern Ireland.
Did Obama do something to aid the economic recovery that Americans have not realized yet?
(It feels like we are in a recovery. Is this real, or just brief relief now that the fear of Obamacare is behind us?)
And did Obama do something to earn his Peace Prize that the world has not recognized yet?
Ex-GOP says:
Round up the tea party and send them to siberia?
Dude — The TEA Party was America’s reaction to Pelosi’s Democrats. The TEA Party is made of families who blame the Republicans for not doing enough to stop Pelosi & Obama.
If guys like you want to take the wind out of the TEA Party, you’ve got to work at fixing your Democrats. They have lost the trust of American families, who just want government to do its job and stay out of our lives.
Seriously — Do you realize that Obama’s HHS Mandate alone moved thousands of unaffiliated families into activism with the TEA Party?
The TEA Party is a populist reaction to our current situation. Democrats hate them with elitist disdain for the mob. Republicans are trying to woo them and control them, but the defeat of Eric Cantor has shown them that they have a tiger by the tail. The teeth and claws are not just straining for the Democrats.
American families are tired of being played by both major parties.
Del –
First post.
I think you’ve got your conservative colored glasses on. The hate for Obama is so deep on the right that he could literally save a bunch of orphans from a burning building, and conservatives would yell that he didn’t stop the building from burning – so let’s get that out of the way first.
Let’s remember back to a few months after Obama took office. The economy had shed millions of jobs in late 08/early 09. Many millions. I think the stimulus, the handling of Detroit, and the bank reforms all contributed to what we have now, which is millions of jobs back, record wall street numbers, and a sustained recovery.
And I fail to see how any of the bumps in the road on health care reform come close the what we saw under Bush – which was the yearly family premium going up from roughly $5K a year to over $12K a year (I could pull numbers if you want) – the rate of those uninsured increasing, and the rate of those insured by employers decreasing. I mean, sure, some people pay a bit more (and a lot pay less) – but I’d put the record of health care under Obama up against any other recent President.
The economy is far from perfect. I think the middle class has taken the brunt and neither party know how to respond with meaningful reform. But I think if somebody takes an objective look at the economy – where it was and where it is now, I think they’d be beyond foolish to not see a lot of successes.
Del –
Second post.
The tea party is not made up primarily of families – they are made up of right wing, older people (statistically), and they were born out of fear and anger – much like the misguided Occupy Wall-Street.
They seem to be some of the last places where racism is allowed and tolerated – whether it’s the treatment of immigrants of the general view of minorities in this country. Their leaders are nut bag heretics like Sarah Palin – and I’m glad to see that their support has plunged and approval ratings are almost as low as Congress.
I do agree with you that families are (or should be) tired of the two parties. The right cares about the rich, the left cares about the poor – but things like health care costs, day care costs, education – neither party have dramatic views to really change the dynamics of what families are facing.
Sorry for the strong feelings – but I just see them as a bunch of fearful, uneducated, misguided Americans.
Anybody know where it might be?
The data came from the collective backsides of people pretending that the difference between Cheryl Sullenger and Eric Rudolph is one of conscience rather than competence.
I’m not a “conservative.” And I am not a “liberal.” We have got to break out of those black-and-white definitions before we will solve anything.
I see the TEA Party as harmless. They are shaking up the Establishment (the Big Two), and that should be good.
I don’t know why you hate the TEA Party so much. You may have great reasons, but I don’t know them. I see a lot of obvious bigotry. What did Sarah Palin do to earn your vitriol?
Most Americans are still scared to death by Obamacare and want to see it repealed. Harry Reid insists that we’ll love it…. but I still see it as throwing gasoline on the fire. Healthcare costs too much because there is too much insurance…. and now we have an expensive government mandate to purchase more insurance.
Suppose a village doctor wants to open a local clinic and accept cash payments? Is that even legal anymore? (We have a charity clinic in Madison that does this very thing. We are afraid that we will lose it.)
Who was the last Democrat you voted for?
The tea party is harmless if they had no influence what-so-ever. But their policies are simply bad for America – if the tea party ran things, we’d be a third world country in no time. I just don’t think they get it.
I don’t hate them – I just think they have very little to offer. They believe we’re better off shutting down the country. They believe we’re better off not paying bills we said we’d pay. They believe that there’s huge segments of the population that should simply be forgotten about. That’s all unacceptable to me as a Christian, an American, and an education person.
Sarah Palin was always a train wreck, When she said “waterboarding is how we’d baptize terrorists if I was in charge” – that’s unacceptable. That’s worse than when Obama said “God bless Planned Parenthood” – and I thought that was pretty bad. I read my Bible, and baptism is an important spiritual event. To twist it into torturing people shows either an ignorance of Christianity, or just zero tact.
I’d not seen polls lately saying people want Health care reform repealed. CBS poll in July had 35% repeal/replace (which is what I would vote for – Universal care) – and 60% simply said “improve – but not repeal”
CNN’s most recent poll found people opposed to the law in general – but 40% were in favor of it, and another 20% were opposed because it wasn’t liberal enough. So 60% of people either support, or want it more liberal (which is consistent with CNN0.
Bloomberg found in June that 32% say it should be repealed.
So what polls are you reading?
Suppose a village doctor wants to open a local clinic and accept cash payments? Is that even legal anymore?
Del: My basic premise is that the Reagan/Bush I/Clinton era will be remembered as “good times.” Clinton, in particular, deserves much credit for his statesmanship. He worked with Republicans and achieved a balanced budget with them.
Oh lawd – Clinton “did” almost nothing for the economy. He was in the right place and time, as far as higher-than-expected tax receipts leading to the heinous sham of the claimed “surplus,” but if there is something to be said for Slick Willie, economically, it’s that he left things alone (almost always better than the gov’t messing with them).
The Office of Management and Budget, which is non-partisan, used to put out a yearly report that detailed the true cost of gov’t. I have not seen one since 2006. Freedom of Information Act, whatever, I just can’t find it since.
What was nice about the OMB’s report was that there was no BS, no accounting shenanigans, no forgetting about liabilities nor “off-budget” items. Going through all the Clinton years, one could see that the red ink flowed unabated, there was never less than a true yearly deficit in the hundreds of billions of Dollars.
Here – I make $4000 a month, and I have $3800 in expenses. This neglects the $1000 I have to spend on other, “off-budget” items. So, nice surplus, eh?
Del: My basic premise is that the Reagan/Bush I/Clinton era will be remembered as “good times.”
Yeah, high interest rates declined, the Federal Reserve Board had an exceedingly “easy-money” policy, and debt creation served to boost purchasing power for many people.
It’s actually still going on. The moves down that we had in 2002/2003 and 2007/2008 are no big deal in the grand scheme of things. Debt-creation, rather than real wealth creation, is still the order of the day, real interest rates are near zero, and the gov’t engages in the rankest of fictions with its presentation of economic numbers.
The music, for now, is still playing.
Ex-GOP: Let’s remember back to a few months after Obama took office. The economy had shed millions of jobs in late 08/early 09. Many millions. I think the stimulus, the handling of Detroit, and the bank reforms all contributed to what we have now, which is millions of jobs back, record wall street numbers, and a sustained recovery.
The “recovery” is horrendously weak. I read today that if the US Gov’t followed the methodology that Statistics Canada uses, our unemployment rate would be 23%.
“Bank reforms”? The laws have been overturned or watered-down to the point that they really don’t matter. The Fed is buying back the worthless or nearly-worthless debt securities that were behind the “crash” of 2007/2008 Dollar-for-Dollar from banks that are holding them, and how many people went to jail? Heh.
No arguments about Detroit and the Stimulus. Far from the worst things the gov’t could have done at the time. In the long run, though, really no biggie.
Really can’t lay the debt-securities “crash” at Bush Jr’s feet. It came from Phil Gramm and the law change that he sponsored, which allowed banks, insurance companies, etc., to act as traders, creating their own little “Las Vegas” where all was fine as long as real estate prices didn’t go down.
If nothing went wrong, they made a ton of money. If something went wrong – and of course it did – then we taxpayers bail them out, and the gov’t is still covering their debts as we speak.
If the address of the Officer involved in the Ferguson shooting can be revealed by the Press, which follows day after day of rioting and violence, then Pro Lifers picketing the homes and businesses of abortionists should be a lesson in how American should respond to unjust laws.
When Pro Lifers picket an abortionist’s home or business, no violence in the streets follows these pickets, no mayhem or looting. Pro Life demonstrators have shown America how to respond to injustice and how to object to laws that are not laws. And it has been showing this dignified approach to such objection for more than 40 years.
What is relevant to the issue is how the media responds to the picketing of abortionists’ homes and businesses. Biased and uneven media coverage of Americans peacefully and legally demonstrating their grievances turns journalism on its head, and protects the immoral law keepers from the moral law defenders.
Doug –
I’m a firm believer as well that the deregulation of the banking industry led to the collapse.
It did happen under Bush’s watch though – and you know darn well if something happened like that next year, people would be screaming for Obama’s head.
Ex-GOP: I’m a firm believer as well that the deregulation of the banking industry led to the collapse.
It did happen under Bush’s watch though – and you know darn well if something happened like that next year, people would be screaming for Obama’s head.
Heh, indeed. He’s not out of the woods yet, though – deflationary forces are strong, despite the gov’t’s efforts to stave it off, and the world’s seemingly nearly-endless willingness to finance our increasing debt, and regardless of what the official “cause” is, it won’t take much to have another “crisis.”