NRLC prez reacts to Miss America’s Planned Parenthood internship
by Carder
It would be a tragedy if someone who is looked up to by many young women actually buys into the Planned Parenthood abortion agenda. Unfortunately, most people in the country don’t know that Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider.
This will cast a shadow on her entire reign.
~ National Right to Life president Carol Tobias, criticizing Miss America 2015, Kira Kazantsev, for having interned at Planned Parenthood, Fox News, September 17

I don’t know if anyone really looks up to beauty pageant winners in this country anymore. Can anyone name the last three Miss A winners without looking on the internet? They kind of seem like the winners of the X factor, the Voice, etc. In that they win a one way ticket to obscurity.
Phillymiss. I cant. I didnt even know they had a Miss America pagent anymore.
I would boycott the Miss America pageant over this, but I never have actually watched it.
Many people are indifferent to beauty pageants in Western nations, but in the developing world they are a big deal. There was even a Muslim beauty pageant last year (no swimsuit competition, of course):
Ms.Kazantsev’s parents are Russian. There are many Russians in the Philadelphia area and some are very nice people, but I’ve never met one who wasn’t pro-abortion. At most of the abortion clinics they have Russian speaking personnel.
The last Miss America whom I remember is Vanessa Williams, who resigned as Miss America after Penthouse magazine published some nude photos from an earlier “artfully” pornographic shoot. None of the graphic sex we so prevalent in today’s porn, but scandalous at the time.
This scandal may work to present Miss A’s advantage, granting her some notoriety that is usually denied to the wholesome women who win Miss America.
:: laughing… ::
Yeah, Vanessa is the last one I remember too.
I sincerely HOPE this was a set-up. If this wasn’t a set-up, think about what it means. It means that you can’t swing a cat in a room full of Miss America hopefuls and not find one who interned at Planned Parenthood.
I’m sure this New Miss America will be a very popular photo op for Democrat hopefuls. The publicity that’s been going out all over the place about her interning at Planned Barrenhood as a spokesperson in schools for the abortion giant will be remembered, even though her “cause” as Miss America has been announced to be against domestic violence. People will be haring “domestic violence” when she speaks at campaign rallies for Democrats but they will be thinking Planned Parenthood. It will give Planned Parenthood the burnished image if this marvelously American institution, complete with it’s own Beauty Queen. The New Miss America has been connected with two Democrat politician’s campaigns already in her young life. This HAS to be a set-up.
We’re coming up on the inevitable election of Hillary Roddam Clinton as our next president. Hollywood is pulling out all the stops to send messages out to the informed-by-the-popular-culture electorate that it’s time for a woman to be President of the US. There’s a TV series promo I saw the other day called “Madam Secretary.” I wonder what that’s all about? (not).
I still have a modicum of respect for women in the US who want to enter beauty pageants to get scholarships and to use the platform their titles afford them for some good social cause. Very few things in this life a purely good or purely evil. But this has GOT to be a set-up, in my humble opinion. And this woman will be speaking all over America on “domestic violence” when the greatest domestic violence occurs in the first homes for all of us: our mother’s womb.
Vanessa Williams was 1983. 31 years ago.
It would be kind to let this Russian gal fade into obscurity. Or if she has any talent, let succeed on her own merits…. Like Lee Meriwether (Miss A. 1955). Vanessa Williams did well for herself, in spite of the Miss A. scandal.
We should be satisfied that this Russian gal has scrubbed her PP internship from her personal history. It is embarrassing for the Miss American pageant that they insist on keeping this forward.
If Kira K. wants to devote herself to good works and developing her education or career, we should wish her well.
But if she intends to promote abortion and Planned Parenthood, she will be protested everywhere she goes. She’ll be famous, like Wendy Davis. Another Abortion Barbie.
Miss America 2003 was from Illinois, so I remember her and have met her. Erika Harold. And she’s kind of the polar opposite of a Planned Parenthood supporter. :)
But I’m with the rest of you… I think the only other one I remember besides Erika is Vanessa Williams.
Valerie Gatto, Miss Pennsylvania 2014, revealed that she was conceived in rape. Good thing her ma was not a Planned Parenthood intern.
Her life is not more valuable than anyone else’s just because she looks that great in a swim-suit, but it sure is a clear way to visualize what we are saying when we say that an innocent child ought to be the one to suffer when a rapist commits an evil act.
She has won a few beauty contests, she has a college degree, and has the love and support of her family. What is so wrong with all of that, that she should have been kilt off before even getting a chance at that life?
The judges selected Little Miss Red Solo Cup (the Planned Parenthood intern) over Valerie Gatto of Pennsylvania?
Ok, I got curious and watched her talent portion, and watched a few of those from the other contestants. Wow.
Guess they don’t count the talent portion very heavily – that’s all I have to say!
I recall Bess Myerson. She was the first (and I think the last) Jewish woman to wear the crown. This was in the thirties at a time of great anti-Semitism. Clothing companies did not want her wearing their designs and she was called “the Queen of the Jews.” She was super smart and articulate. Incredible that people actually thought that way.
Doc, I have to agree with you that we are headed toward the coronation of Hill as president. Just like with Obama the media will smooth over any gaffes or errors she makes. Its kind of frightening that the media wields that much power.
Has she spoken about her internship? Is it something she holds as a vital stepping stone to her accomplishments, or did she leave as soon as it was up because she started to catch on to what was actually happening there? Like it’s been said, many people don’t realize what Planned Parenthod is about. And not everyone is Jill Stanek – some will catch a glimpse of evil and simply flee from it and I don’t think that vilifying them for that helps. I haven’t followed this at all so maybe she has spoken glowingly about PP and I’m just not up to speed – but if not let’s not assume she’s a current fan based on history.
Vanessa Williams had an abortion.
@Phillymiss you forgot Americas next top model. ( please read my posts under Cosmo mag thread.) I only remember Adrianne Curry Selisia and and and…as far as winners go thats it! Oh yeah and Caradee and Jocyleen (sp?) Odd Ive never seen any of them on a Cosmo cover.
[…] National Right to Life president Carol Tobias noted, the revelation that newly crowned Miss America Kira Kazantsev interned last year at a New York […]
A guy I did pro life work with married a woman from Romania. She was pro Obama unlike her husband. She said to me that her aunt had had 20 YES 20 abortions and then killed herself. It was a good thing I was sitting down because she sent onto explain ” Her abortions were not a bad thing in her case.” “She was fine after shed had them.” I thought….But shes DEAD from suicide. She also has told me how bad Romanian orphanages are. They have no kids.
Vanessa Williams. Oh yes…..
@Phillymiss…there are a few American Idol winners I know but Ive never liked the show. The only FULL names I recall are Jennifer Hudson Ruban Studdard Kelly Clarkson and the country blonde Aaa its on the tip of my tongue. Carey ??? I will think of it later and Adam Lambert.Ruban was one of the first winners …seems his star has fallen..oh and Clay Aken (sp?)
Carey Underwood.