Pro-choice waitress donates Rush Limbaugh’s tips to abortion fund
by Carder
It felt like laundering the money in a good way…. He’s such an obvious target for any feminist or sane person. It was really bizarre to me that he gave me $2,000, and he’s evil incarnate in some ways.
~ Former waitress and executive director of the Texas Equal Access Fund, Merritt Tierce, describing how she donated $2,000 in tips from radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh to the cause of abortion rights, Dallas News via The Huffington Post, September 24
Let me start by saying I dont tune into Rush but the way things were written it made it look like he said to GIVE it to an abortion fund. He left a 1000$ tip for a waitress… The WRONG waitress who gave it to abortion fund twice. Many waitresses work hard and Rush was being generous. This pro choice nut is trying to paint him as a creep when the only CREEEP i see is the waitress who gave not 1 but 2000$ to fund abortion. Maybe some poor hard working mom would have appreciated that tip you heartless moonbat!
And from what I gather the waitress was Merit our friend who killed 2 children so the others could live better. Go get on your knees and repent lady. Take a look at Rush Limbaughs wife Merrit. No offense but I doubt he wanted anything from you. And while youre so busy crying the poor mouth over having to abort because you were abused..why not give the $$ to a DV shelter? The man paid 1 million$ for Elton John to play at his wedding. Looks like Rush can be friendly with the other side. 2000$ is a drop in the bucket to him. However Merrit is a mean person who did this out of spite. And while the PC crowd will cheer and call Rush the big fat Vicodin abuser I still say SHAME on YOU!
There are no fat pc Vicodin abusers.
And its too bad you gave the $ to abortion. Some deserving waitress could have put clothes on her baby or shoes. But you pro aborts are never happy or satisfied. You would complain if your icecream was cold. Merit…you didnt deserve the $$!
Heather: There are no fat pc Vicodin abusers.
So, then, all fat Vicodin abusers are pro-life?
“So, then, all fat Vicodin abusers are pro-life?”
Honestly, I’m not sure if enough research has been done in this area to say so conclusively.
Click the link at Dallas News. There’s a picture of Merritt.
Click Jill’s link at Merritt Tierce’s name. Another picture.
What a maroon! Evil’s in the mirror, lady. Helping other women kill their babies doesn’t make killing your own less evil. He left you two awesome tips, despite your surly attitude and ugly expression. I have one more tip for you: keep those waitressing skills sharp, honey, you’ll be needing them again.
9Ek…roflol …JDC you always crack me up. Doug Im fine with you as well. However I remember when libs…especially the handsome Howard Stern would always rip on Rush for being a fat Vicodin addict. Others pounced as well. Ok whatever. Substance abuse is what it is. BUT I know plenty of post abortive women who became drug addicted or alcoholics. The pain of abortion drove them to self loathing and numbing themselves with dope. And Howard is just so fine. NOT! Gross. Who is he to rip on anyone for their weight?
Also Merit called him an easy target or something. Let me teach you a lesson on the difference between being a lady and a slithering snake. If you hate this man the proper thing to do would be to be polite and say “Im sorry but I cant accept this.” Had it been me Id hug him and say “Why thank you”! You took the money and instead of giving it to a needy woman or a DV shelter your selfish backside gave it to kill babies and hurt women. I hope the next people you wait on stiff you on a tip!
Yeah, that’s pretty spiteful. Of course she could have given it to some one who needed it since she didn’t want it, but instead of giving it to a woman or child who was abused she gave it to the associates of their abusers. Of course that is just plain ignorant, but it’s also contributing to bullying. That is what spiteful thinking does, which is bear more spite.
She must work at a nice restaurant, and she prolly is not struggling at all financially. Not that a denny’s waitress wouldn’t do something like that, but it would be far more likely for her to be a waitress someplace fancy, like Ruth’s Chris… and of course she wanted publicity and of course she said she wanted to make a statement… so she gave it to a “charity” that “helps” women. Of course, all this makes logical sense to those who barter in none sense. Of course she doesn’t care about women, she’s better than most of them who are fools to be getting pregnant in the first place, don’t they know about birth control?
I will pray for her. Please pray for her to know and live in truth instead of this pathological arrogance that so many americans are using as an excuse to worship materials which the bible calls idolatrous.
A maroon?
Oh, and how did I know…
Pro-“Choicers” are too predictable.
Bugs Bunny, len, I’m quoting Bugs! :>)
9ek: Bugs Bunny, len, I’m quoting Bugs! :>)
Ain’t that supposed to be “ultra maroon”? Hmmm… upon checking, I guess not – Bugs did limit it to “maroon,” which, I would say, was the predecessor to the modern, “Gooby, please….” (commonly seen as “gooby pls”).
Heather: However I remember when libs…especially the handsome Howard Stern would always rip on Rush for being a fat Vicodin addict. Others pounced as well.
Heather, were you being sarcastic about Howard Stern and “handsome”? I imagine that even Howard himself would agree that he’s always been a bit dorky-looking.
As far as Rush Limbaugh – hey, he does come up with a boatload of really silly stuff.
I can’t stand Rush, Hannity, O’Reilly, etc., but evil incarnate? I just think of them as entertainers who say some really dumb things, often with racial overtones.
My brother watches that smug O’Reilly then calls me up absolutely furious about something he said. I told him not to watch or listen but he does anyway. Someday he’s going to have a heart attack.
Well Doug of course I was being sarcastic about Howie. Ive often wondered why so many women will go on his show so that he may validate their self worth. Oh baby..youre smokin hot. Tell us about your sex life and so on. These girls gush…oooooh Howard. It gets old. Speaking of a racist and mysogynist..I really cant think of a bigger one than Howard. Hes been using the n word for years yet nobody calls for his resignattion. Is it okay b/c Robin laughs? Also women are all just sex objects to him. Hes bedded supermodels and porn stars and if I were his second wife I wouldnt trust him.
I believe his first marriage went south after he mocked Allisons miscarriage. He said “I saw blood in the toilet and said lets name it.” His wife called in and told him to stop. Im so glad hes off regular radio.
Anyway my point remains about what was done with the tip.
Speaking of ORiley a girl I work with showed me an old video of him. Idk he used to be on inside edition! Anyway Bill kept saying there was nothing on the cue cards. He finally became so angry he threw his jacket on the floor annd yelled “Oh blank it”!!!
Phillymiss: that smug O’Reilly
:P He is pretty darn smug, eh? ;)
That said, I have seen him have some good shows and good commentary, too.
Heather: Anyway my point remains about what was done with the tip.
I used to have a job at the circus, circumcising elephants. The pay wasn’t much, but the tips were enormous.
I don’t even see the point of Tierce talking about this other than to gain more notoriety for herself.
Who cares if she not only took Rush’s tip plus all of the other tips given to her by other customers and donated the whole wad for abortion?
She can do whatever she wants. Once it’s out of his hands, it’s her money. She’s accountable over her funds. She can choose to be a good steward of what she’s been given, or she can choose to use the money to kill babies.
Bottom line is, it doesn’t do anything to Rush Limbaugh. It just kills more babies.
I agree Kel. Just sayin didnt this woman blame at least 1 abortion on a violent relationship? She could have chosen to do good works with the $ or evil. Shes chosen evil along with the evil of her 2 abortions. She has to live in her own skin. Bottom line…you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink. Her $ her choice.
And to be clear I dont listen to Rush yet I know some who do. Their radio their choice.
Looks to me like she cant manage her loot or her body when it comes to sex. Also didnt shr say she was having $ troubles? Take care of your kids before you make a donation to kill others kids. Perhaps those women will pull themselves out of bad circumstances and keep their children. You threw in the sponge.
Ik a post abortive woman and a good friend. She did the pill abortion. She has 2 kids and she put the drop in Shop till ya drop! I love her much but the problem is no amt of shopping ever satisfies her. Granted I cant prove this is post abortive behavior but she had some odd need to always announce what a great mom she is. It gets annoying. She has already started Christmas shopping for her kids yet all of the shopping leaves her empty.
Oh, Doug, you did not go there! lol!
Doooooug!!!:)… well one article has already mocked Rush for confusing the waitress with his Oxycontin dealer. Maybe he gave Merit $ for a new hairdo!:)
Say Rush perhaps you should just tip the next waitress 5$ and call it a day. Then you will be a cheap creep.
And again let me say I do not listen to Rush at all. I dont watch much TV anymore. I like shows like Forensic Files and Snapped and The First 48. Also Cristian radio. It has nothing to do with being pro Rush. Im just saying that the man was out eating and did something nice for a hard working waitress and despite the fact that her 2 abotions were blamed on DV and $ problems she sure didnt go out of her way to help another woman. Just ABORT! I did!
Yes, its your money and you can throw it in the fireplace if you want. But if you had any kind of class, you would just say “thank you” and leave it at that.
Rush has no business yapping about morals. He is on his fourth wife. He left a tip. It was hers to do what she wanted with it. It doesn’t change the fact that he gets a new wife or girlfriend more often than I get a new car. He was in fact a doctor hopping drug addict as proved in court records while he was yapping that people caught with an ounce of pot should be tossed in jail. Hypocrite. Just like Newt who railed about Clinton all the while having an affair with his now third wife. I don’t see how any of this is part of the so-called culture of life or why conservatives worship these hypocrites.