Wendy Davis reveals her late-term “quieting of the heart” abortion
One of the plot lines in a movie I watched over the weekend involved a pregnant mother. The film was set in the 1940s, and I thought how blissfully ignorant were the days before ultrasounds and prenatal diagnoses gave mothers carrying ill or handicapped children the choice to bear them when nature decided or kill them beforehand.
Had Texas state senator and gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis been pregnant back then she would not have imagined the late-term baby girl doing flips inside her was “suffering.” Rather, Davis would have put her hand on her belly and smiled. Instead, quoting from Davis’ upcoming book, Forgetting to be Afraid, via the AP:
I could feel her little body tremble violently, as if someone were applying an electric shock to her, and I knew then what I needed to do,” Davis writes. “She was suffering.”
This was 1997. Davis and then husband had learned the brain of their preborn daughter “had developed in complete separation on the right and left sides” meaning the baby ”would be deaf, blind and in a permanent vegetative state if she survived delivery.”
So the couple decided “the most loving thing we could do for our daughter was to say good-bye,” as Davis explained in an “ABC Exclusive” that the Davis campaign scheduled to launch a book tour highlighting Davis’ abortion. “Say good-bye” in this case was code for “kill her,” which the Davises watched. Quoting MSNBC:
“In our doctor’s office, with tears flowing down both our faces, Jeff and I looked at our baby daughter’s beating heart on the sonogram screen for the last time,” Davis wrote. “And we watched as our doctor quieted it. It was over. She was gone. Our much-loved baby was gone.” She goes on to describe delivering the stillborn baby through cesarean section and how she and Jeff spent a day holding and mourning her.
Be still your heart
The Davises named their baby Tate Elise. “Quieting” little Tate’s heart in this case meant piercing it with a needle and injecting a drug, either Digoxin or potassium chloride, to cause a massive heart attack. Late-term abortionist George Tiller used the former. Quoting Matt Walsh:
Tiller said this was “painless” and “peaceful,” but why don’t you go and have a massive heart attack and then come back and tell us just how painless and peaceful it all was.
And quiet.
It is no wonder Davis then went into a funk, although I expect she’d say she was mourning and not suffering post-abortion guilt:
“An indescribable blackness followed. It was a deep, dark despair and grief, a heavy wave that crushed me, that made me wonder if I would ever surface … And when I finally did come through it, I emerged a different person. Changed. Forever changed,” Davis wrote.
Change for the worst
“Forever changed” for Davis meant turning into a late-term abortion zealot. On June 25, 2013, Davis conducted an 11-hr filibuster against a 20-week abortion ban in Texas. This would have seemed a good time to mention her own late-term abortion (as well as an earlier ectopic pregnancy), but she didn’t. Quoting Fox:
At one point during the filibuster, Davis said she almost felt compelled to talk about her failed pregnancies.
“But knowing such an unexpected and dramatically personal confession would overshadow the events of the day, I knew the time wasn’t right,” she wrote.
I’m not so sure. The emotional tug behind such a revelation might have impacted the outcome.
Another good time for Davis to mention her abortion would have been when she announced her candidacy for governor - to inoculate herself from “Abortion Barbie“ critiques.
A really good time to disclose her abortion would have been when a pro-lifer displayed “Abortion Barbie” posters in Los Angeles ahead of a celebrity fundraiser this past May. Knowing what we know now makes it pretty awful:
But Davis didn’t say anything then either.
Hail Mary pass
Now, with the election for governor less than two months away, and Davis losing in the polls to pro-life Republican Greg Abbott by double digits, Davis has decided to not only reveal her abortion but make it a large part of a book and her campaign. Quoting mysanantonio.com:
The story of her pregnancy with Tate, however, is a key part of her memoir. The book’s dedication begins, “For my daughters, Amber and Dru and Tate, who taught me a love deeper than I believed was possible.”
Amber is her daughter from her first marriage and Dru, from her second, to Jeff Davis….
Davis ends the book with a story of a time she felt Tate said good-bye to her, when she and her husband and friends were on a golf course and Davis was caught in a cylindrical swirl of leaves, lifted by the wind.
“And I felt her. I was sure of it. Tate. Moving through me, saying her good-byes to me. Letting me go,” Davis wrote.
From another mysanantonio.com article:
Republican consultant Matt Mackowiak said… he found it “really jarring and kind of amazing” that the Davis campaign was highlighting the book to try to “maximize the benefit of this revelation.”
Good Morning America is featuring a Davis appearance Monday, and ABC promoted a snippet of the interview Saturday after stories broke about the memoir.
Whether Davis’ abortion revelation might help her politically was the calloused topic of an MSNBC segment, with the determination being yes, it will “resonate with moderate women.”
Abortion sympathies
I utterly sympathize with parents who get devastating prenatal diagnoses such as that which the Davises received.
I even sympathize with mothers who decide to abort their babies in such cases. I know from viewing it firsthand the pressure placed upon them to abort while they are traumatized and vulnerable by a eugenic medical community that gives one-sided advice, either out of misplaced compassion or self-interest.
But I do not sympathize with a mother who bypasses less cynical opportunities to reveal her late-term abortion in lieu of a well-timed and financed book bombshell during the last weeks of a losing political campaign, and then to camouflage the reality of that abortion by calling it a “good-bye” done by “quiet[ing]” the heart.
And all the swooning by abortion sellers like Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, who praised Davis for her “unwavering courage,” makes me sick.
[Top photo via Associated Press]
I’d like to meet with Ms. Davis sometime (not ‘really’)
I AM one of the “hard cases”.
I was born with Hydrocephalus (spinal fluid that accumulates in the brain).
I was born with clubbed feet.
As a result of the hydrocephalus, I developed Strabismus (crossed eye)
If ultrasounds had been used then (1965), and the doctors had seen the ‘unusual’ size of my head, they would probably have told my mother that I would have “no quality of life”- They probably would have told her that I’d be ‘retarded/brain-damaged’, etc.
ALL my “birth defects” have been corrected by surgery (I’ve had 10 for those, and a C-section)
And, not only am I not “retarded” (what the doctors would have said back THEN), I was tested at 6 years old, and it was determined I have an above average I.Q.!
Doctors don’t know EVERYTHING. Tests can be WRONG.
Parents should be offered ‘Pre-natal Hospice’, not abortion.
And again – if you believe your baby is “suffering”…
What do you think being ABORTED does ???
I honestly think that some parents don’t want to be “bothered” with raising a baby with medical issues.
I have a husband, I have a child- I have a LIFE.
How many more could have had one too- were it not for their pre-natal “diagnosis” ?
Sobering thought.
Beautiful witness, Pamela. Thank you!
Love you Pamela!! I’m glad you’re here and you’re my friend.
I have to wonder though if the real reason behind so many parents aborting is that they don’t want a blind and deaf baby, not that they really think she is “suffering”. I’ve heard too many late-term aborting parents (in real life not in interviews) saying they don’t want a “retard” for a child etc… I truly doubt the root of their decision is concern for their baby. More like concern for themselves and the refusal to inconvenience their lives in any way.
I don’t have a special needs child myself but I have a few friends who have special needs children. To me my friends are “super parents”. They are in a league far above me. I wonder if I’d ever be able to sacrifice and rise to the challenge of raising a disabled child the way they have. But I truly believe God makes no mistakes. If He gave me a special needs child I know He would give me the grace to be a super parent too.
God Bless you, Pamela
A few years ago I told my friend that she should consider repentance for having two previous d & c’s. I know she had two ectopic pregnancies and believe she took a medication to hasten the miscarriage. I thought perhaps the medication may have killed the babay versus the baby dying naturally.
Well.. My friend (currently pregnant again) just revealed to me that she was originally told by doctor’s that she miscarried. She declined a d & c, stating “I’ve been through these before”. She did not elaborate much more on it, but I wonder if she held off this time because I suggested she may have killed her babies in the past? Her response a few years ago was to be angry with me, of course.
To make a long story short, she revisited the doctor a few weeks later and finds out the baby is alive and well! She is due in November! Imagine if she went through with the d& c?! Medical science is not always right!
Great post Pamela! Id read the other day about Wendy being post abortive. Does anyone know if C. Richards is too? Usually you dont throw your dark heart and black soul into fighting to keep abortion legal unless youve had one yourself. Just like feminist blogs like Lindy West..( abortion ) Jessica Valenti ( abortion ) Amanda Marcotte never has and I was surprised.
People want perfection. Ik a couple who have an autistic son. They didnt pick up on it right away but when Micheal was still a baby docs knew something was wrong. He is now 10 so should his parents kill him now? His mom was also post abortive x3. And that horrid prank on the autistic boy took place at MY high school! Shame on them! Drew Carey Jenny McCathey and Jennys new husband have put up a thirty thousand $ reward to have these punks prosecuted!
Like I tell people my kids were all born healthy as could be. My daughter had childhood cancer and went into remission. A few years ago she was dx with ovarian cancer. Shes 23 and loves life. She thanked God for another birthday on May 21st. Should I kill her because shes not in perfect health? Her time may be limited but shes a brave girl. Not a bit afraid to die. She told me ” Dont worry about me mom.” ” If I die I will be in paradise with God.”
To quote a wise man, “Trust, but verify.”
I want missy windy to release her medical records concerning that pregnancy.
She is , after all, a progressive democRAT and the poster girl fot the ‘dead babies r us’ mob and a card carrying member of the Kermit Gosnell fan club.
Syd. I know you would be a great mom to a special needs child. I believe maybe sometimes people have fear. Also a lot of older people think its funny to use the word retard. Especially people trying to be funny and they arent. Too many people care about what others think. I take care of mentally retarded young adults right now. They are high functioning. They all have jobs! One works at McDonalds the other Pizza Hut my pt works at a packaging plant and my older lady 77 goes to workshop. These people do more in life than I do!! They go to sporting events movies out to dinner bowling Cedar Point! They just had a block party. They go to the zoo and the mall. Then many go home for a visit with parents. I wonder if people who call them retards do half as much in life?
Not too long ago on facebook a woman posted a pic of her beautiful son on facebook. She also said he was retarded. Some troll wrote UGLY! The mother handled it well telling the bully off but WHY? So sad and the little boy was beautiful.
Pamela, you rock. :D
I was born at 28 weeks & our DD at 30 and we rock as well (I was 2 lbs & 10 oz). There are SO many cases when a doom-sayer has said that child won’t make it or won’t have a quality of life and that child turns out making the Dean’s list in college, being a college level athlete or rocking other things in life. Remember that Davis fashions herself as Abortion Barbie. Also, she’s someone who had*two* unplanned pregnancies. Is this woman too dumb to use birth control? But she wants to be elected? She views an unplanned pregnancy as a punishment (like Obummer) rather than a happy ‘accident’ (I’ve had a few friends who have happy accidents & wouldn’t trade them for the world).
Thank you all for your great posts .
I just realized, i had said “Pre-Natal” hospice. when I mean to say “Peri-Natal”.
I woke up at 5:30 this morning. I was still tired when i wrote that… Forgive me.
*Jules- my daughter was born at 33 weeks. Before she was born, doctors said she had “markers” for Down Syndrome .
They were wrong. She’s 7 now- and she doesn’t have DS. *
“Is this woman too dumb to use birth control?”
I don’t know if the curtains match the carpet, but based on missy windy’s propensity to lead with her lyin lips I would bet that she is a natural blonde. [I am obligated to give Tina Fey/Amy Poehler attribution for the ‘curtains/carpet’ metaphor.]
A physician tells me of a patient at the county hospital who came in with an unplanned pregnancy. In the course of the exam the doc asked her if she was using any kind of contraception. The lady answered, “Spermicidal jelly, but I stopped.” When the doc asked her why, the lady said, “It don’t tastes so good.” [The real threat of recriminations for HIPPA violations preclude me from revealing the identity of the health care provider who shared this true life experience with me.]
I recommend that missy windy try spreadin some peanut butter, honey and sliced bananas on her whole wheat toast to hide the unpleasant flavor of the ‘jelly’. Then windy can just keep doing what she has been doing and hope for a different outcome.
When that fails, missy windy can lie in wait to ambush another unsuspecting sugar daddy to bail her out. The bloom is off the rose so the pickins might be a bit tougher for her. Beggars like her can’t enjoy the luxury of being too discriminatin in their choosin.
I would be remiss not to point out that missy windy and the boRAT are fellow alumnae of Harvard Law School. An inconvenient truth that Harvard is becoming more and more reluctant to acknowledge publicly.
“I don’t know if the curtains match the carpet, but based on missy windy’s propensity to lead with her lyin lips I would bet that she is a natural blonde.” – wow, two instances of offensive, gender based insults in one sentence!
Here are some children with agenesis of the corpus collosum (the tissue connecting the two halves of the brain fails to develop):
These are children who are available for international adoption. Not all are blind; not all are deaf; I don’t know if all of them are cognitively disabled, but they are mostly certainly not vegetables, and most are not in a vegetative state. Anyone want to prove that one of these kids is worthwhile and bring them home? Please?
I agree, too, that the timing makes me suspicious of the claim that she had two hard case abortions, and that unless she releases her medical records I wouldn’t believe it. There is nothing I could learn about my 24-week-old son that would lead me to think his life wasn’t worth living. And after almost 3 years of pregnancy, total, I’ve felt a lot of fetal movement–and sometimes even with a neurotypical child, I’ve felt a movement that feels like a violent trembling or a spasm.
Now we understand her motivation for filibustering and book writing. It’s all an attempt to self-medicate and seek affirmation from pro-aborts for the wrong she knows she did.
On August 20, 1989, Joseph Lyle Menendez, 21 and Erik Galen Menendez, 18 murdered their parents Jose and Kitty Menendez in the den of their families home. Jose was shot point-blank in the back of the head with a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun. Kitty was shot in the leg and then was shot several times in the arm, chest, and face, leaving her unrecognizable.
Both brothers were convicted of brutally murdering their parents and in the sentencing phase of the trial their attorney, attempting to play on the sympathies of the jury, appealed for leniency because both of the ‘boys’ were now…………orphans.
Similarly missy windy davis, in a desperate move to rejuvenate her flailing gubernatorial campaign, is proudly proclaiming that she killed her own pre-natal child. windy is attempting to profit politically from her act of felicide by playing the part of the grieving mother motivated solely by selfless love and compassion for her suffering baby daughter.
missy windy is marketing her new self as ‘Forever Changed’, a heroine for the ages, a ferocious and fearless feminista freedom fighter………..waging a world wide jihad on pre-natal children.
I have simple request: missy windy make public the medical records that prove that your prenatal child was diagnosed en utero with the claimed condition and that you were once diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy.
Real-stupid-ity says:September 8, 2014 at 11:58 pm
“I don’t know if the curtains match the carpet, but based on missy windy’s propensity to lead with her lyin lips I would bet that she is a natural blonde.” – wow, two instances of offensive, gender based insults in one sentence!
Have you notified Tina Fey and Amy Poehler that YOU are offended by their “offensive, gender based insults”, which as I recall were originally directed at a female. I laughed then and I am laughing now at you and at your faux indignation. When you have pouted enough to satisfy the demands of your social conscience and collective consciousnes then ‘get over it’ and put on your happy face.
Have you notified any males, natural or blonde, that YOU are offended and by your standard, they should be as well?
What color is your hair, blonde or bleached blonde?
I still have problems believing her since she is using her story for the sake of gaining votes. I would like her medical records to be released, after all she is the one who brought this up.
Without confirming evidence I don’t find Wendy Davis’s story believable.
There’s too much of a conflict of interest during a campaign.
Wow Ken, I’m so surprised at how gender-based, disturbingly sexual, and disgusting your comments are!! I never expect that out of you.
I feel bad for Wendy Davis and her dead babies. I hope she can find peace and change her opinion on abortion, she’d be a powerful ally. I don’t think mocking her helps any of our advocacy.
I’m inclined to believe her about the abortion. Dunno why. I never believe politicians lol. It just seemed like her grandstanding against the Texas bill was really personal for her. But again, she is a politician so it does seem a little convenient.
And what in the world do you have against blondes, Ken? This is like the tenth time I’ve seen you relate hair color to character before. Did a blonde girl dump you in high school or some fair-haired jock dude beat you up? Weirdest thing ever.
“Have you notified Tina Fey and Amy Poehler that YOU are offended by their “offensive, gender based insults”, which as I recall were originally directed at a female.” – context burper, look it up.
“I laughed then and I am laughing now at you and at your faux indignation.” – given your intimation that blondes are liars should I feel sorry for anyone I meet who’s name also happens to be ken?
“When you have pouted enough to satisfy the demands of your social conscience and collective consciousnes then ‘get over it’ and put on your happy face.” – do you know what those terms even mean?
“Have you notified any males, natural or blonde, that YOU are offended and by your standard, they should be as well?” – yes, you for a start. Do try to pay attention.
“What color is your hair, blonde or bleached blonde?” – neither, do have hair?
Im a blonde:)
That may support ken’s theory heather, but it doesn’t prove it.
So reality we already knew you were classless but what are you saying about blondes?
Reality that was mean. You should apologize to Heather.
Thanks Jack!!:)
It’s not what I said heather and LDPL, it was Ken’s theory. I was just pointing out the inanity of the concept. I disagree with it.
missy windy’s baby experienced a ‘quieting of the heart’ in much the same manner as journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley.
Tiny Fey and Amy Poehler’s comments were directed at a fellow female, who just coincidentally happened to be conservative.
Your indignation is as selective as your memory and your intellect.
No one ever accused me of having ‘class’, but my words leave little doubt as to their meaning.
My hair is turning white and turning loose and I am perfectly comfortable with both developments. At least it is not turning ‘blonde’, either by choice or by chance.
Not there is anything wrong with being ‘blonde’.
missy windy’s blonde hair is not as half as fake as her lame attempts at self victimization.
She is a self serving opportunist who, as she has repeatedly demonstrated, is quite willing to sacrifice others, even her own children, born and un-born to further her own political ambitions.
It is like the boRAT made a clone of herself.
According to wikipedia ‘caucasian’ is a race. Except for albinos, natural blondes are pretty well limited to the caucasian race. And albino’s hair is really more white than blonde, isn’t it? [My wife is the first one I can remember referring to me as ‘caucasian’.]
If I discriminate against blondes does that make me a racist?
If I prefer blondes, does that make me more or less of a racist?
I remember fondly on one of my several extended excursions to central Mexico I met a lovely blue eyed, blonde haired madamoiselle from France. I was smitten. When we parted company I asked Jocelyn if she knew where she would be in four weeks. She said somewhere in Guatemala.
I drove back to Texas and caught my flight to Alaska where I worked my four week hitch plundering mother earth of her hydrocarbons and as fate would have it I had to work an additional week because my relief did not show up as scheduled.
After I flew back to Texas I asked GOD to let me find Jocelyn and I began driving south. I stopped only to sleep and use the restroom and I fasted the three days it took me to reach the border of Guatemala.
When I crossed the border, I checked my map and selected a nearby town at random. When I reached the town I checked into a hotel and went to sleep.
The next morning I awoke and went to find a restaurant to eat breakfast. As I was walking down the street who should I encounter, but Jocelyn. What are the odds?
We visited and Jocelyn was gracious to me, but she was informed me that she already had a beau.
I ran into her one more time a few days later on the top of an extinct volcano near the city of Antigua. What are the odds?
I have wondered why GOD would help me find her if she was not the ‘one’, but I do remember when I was asking GOD for HIS help that I did not ask HIM to give me Jocelyn as my wife, only to find her. GOD honored my prayer, but HE had a better plan.
I was disappointed, but I was not hurt or angry. Say la vie!
Today I am married to a wonderful woman who is the exact opposite of the blonde haired blue eyed European. Mona’s ethnicity is Japanese and her nationality is Canadian. She is a documented legal alien. She has a ‘green card’.
Confession: Right after we were married in Canada there was a delay in processing Mona’s application for permanent residency so we avoided telling the immigration officers at the border we were married as long as possible because an American consular official told us the border agents would not let Mona in to the country if they knew she was my wife and did not have ‘documentation’. I learned thru experience to answer the border agents questions before they asked them and not to ‘offer information. That worked until one week before Mona was scheduled to receive her permanent residency. The border guard asked me directly if we were married and I was stuck. I had to tell him the truth. Mona spent that week with her parents in Canada. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Today we have five children who are half Japanese/Canadian and the other half is a mixture of Hebrew, European, and Cherokee and GOD only knows who else.
God arranged our marriage, but I will wait til Valentine’s Day to again share that story. It defies the odds even more than finding Jocelyn in country the size of Tennessee and a population of over ten million.
Maybe GOD will give a song about the experience to preserve the memory. That would be excellent and it would earn me a lot of non-color specific points with Mona.
What happened to the first kenthebirther? Why is there a second one?
“Tiny Fey and Amy Poehler’s comments were directed at a fellow female, who just coincidentally happened to be conservative.” – like I said, context. Yours was a double whammy and you ain’t no comedian.
“Your indignation is as selective as your memory and your intellect.” – is it? And where exactly did I say that what Tina and Amy said was fine?
“No one ever accused me of having ‘class’, but my words leave little doubt as to their meaning.” – yes, if only they were meaningful.
“My hair is turning white and turning loose and I am perfectly comfortable with both developments.” – good for you.
“At least it is not turning ‘blonde’, either by choice or by chance.” – what is it that you have against blondes?
“Not there is anything wrong with being ‘blonde’” – yet you say….
“missy windy’s blonde hair is not as half as fake as her lame attempts at self victimization.” – she’s not playing the victim, she’s telling her story.
“She is a self serving opportunist who, as she has repeatedly demonstrated, is quite willing to sacrifice others, even her own children, born and un-born to further her own political ambitions.” – and yet she’s not in the gop!
“What happened to the first kentthebirther? Why is there a second one?”
my original handle was yorbroken.
‘kenthebirther’ is the moniker which the exRINO laid on me because I question the authenticity of the boRAT’ s obviously fabricated birth certificate. exRINO intended an insult.
but ‘kenthebirther’ has an unintentional doble entendre. Unlike the ‘dead babies r us mob’ I am ‘pro birth’.
yorbroken once banned himself for 30 days for violating the house rules.
As ‘kenthebirther’, I re-offended and I believe the ‘house’ banned me. I am unsure of the exact nature of my grievous offenses, but I do not quarrel with the verdict or the penalty.
I was a passive observer for quite a while. Then one day kenthebirther re-emerged from exile as the next generation, ‘kenthebirther2.0’. pretty much just another verse of the same old song.
My exile may have had something to do with my graphic depictions of homosexuals violent demonstrations of affection for one another or I may have offended one or more of the more sensitive commenters with my ad hominen attacks on one or more of the ‘dead babies r us’ mob.
“I came to bring fire on the earth , and how I wish it were already set ablaze ! But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how it consumes Me until it is finished ! Do you think that I came here to give peace to the earth ? No , I tell you , but rather division ! ”
A word of caution to the butchers of the little ones. A millstone is not a personal flotation device.
The weasels who hold the coats of the murderers should not assume that they will escape the flames just because they cast no stones.
“Rescue those being taken off to death , and save those stumbling toward slaughter . If you say , “But we didn’t know about this ,” won’t He who weighs hearts consider it? Won’t He who protects your life know ? Won’t He repay a person according to his work ?”
“’On that day many will say to Me , ‘Lord , Lord , didn’t we prophesy in Your name , drive out demons in Your name , and do many miracles in Your name ?’ Then I will announce to them , ‘I never knew you ! Depart from Me , you lawbreakers !’
“When the Son of Man comes in His glory , and all the angels , with Him , then He will sit on the throne of His glory . All the nations , will be gathered before Him , and He will separate them one from another , just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats . He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on the left . Then the King will say to those on His right , ‘Come , you who are blessed by My Father , inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world .”
“Do you think that I came here to give peace to the earth ? No , I tell you , but rather division ! ”
The mill stone collars, stained with the blood of the innocent, will make it easy to divide the goats from the sheep.
“For the time has come for judgment to begin with God’s household , and if it begins with us , what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God ? And if a righteous person is saved with difficulty , what will become of the ungodly and the sinner ?”
or as the ungodly are want to say, “Life’s a Hillary and then you die!”
Maybe kenthebirther2 is the other half of the brain Navi? I’m just guessing.
Or is it that he intends to make every effort to be twice as wrong as before? Again, just speculation.
Ken: Then one day kenthebirther re-emerged from exile as the next generation, ‘kenthebirther2.0?. pretty much just another verse of the same old song.
So, in essence you gave birth to yourself. :P
Reality: Maybe kenthebirther2 is the other half of the brain Navi? I’m just guessing.
Lawd-a-mercy, that would be one widely-ranging brain, there, Reality.
“So, in essence you gave birth to yourself.” – is there a certificate? Or is the whole event fabricated?
“that would be one widely-ranging brain” – ’tis a mind which seems fairly narrow to me Doug ;-)
So I totally called it, you were basically dumped/spurned by a blonde. I’m a genius.
“My exile may have had something to do with my graphic depictions of homosexuals violent demonstrations of affection for one another or I may have offended one or more of the more sensitive commenters with my ad hominen attacks on one or more of the ‘dead babies r us’ mob”
I’m dying of laughter. I do think it was the incessant descriptions of sex that got you banned though, would be my guess. Or repeatedly making really creepy rape jokes and gendered sexual comments (the peanut butter, honey, and sliced bananas thing is a new classic Ken now).
I’m being totally serious now. Do you really think God is pleased when you make comments about women like that, regardless of their views and actions on certain things? Somehow I can’t see Jesus smiling and agreeing when you talk about how a woman you don’t like should smear food on her nethers, no matter how metaphorical or edgy you think it is. I’m pretty sure Jesus respected women and protected them, considering how he treated the woman at the well, and the adultress.
“that would be one widely-ranging brain”
Reality: ’tis a mind which seems fairly narrow to me Doug ;)
Well, I guess stranger things have happened, but I jist cain’t see it.
I love you Pamela and am blessed to call you friend.
If I had stilled and quieted my heart and soul, I wouldn’t have aborted 24 years ago.
Call it whatever you would like…abortion kills.
Kenthebirther2 has gone round the bend. The mad rantings have certainly become worse and more incoherent. Those of you that pray, this is one guy that needs some help from somewhere.
“I do think it was the incessant descriptions of sex that got you banned though, would be my guess. Or repeatedly making really creepy rape jokes and gendered sexual comments (the peanut butter, honey, and sliced bananas thing is a new classic Ken now).”
I related a true story about a pregnant woman who was so ignorant she thought spermicidal jelly was a contraceptive that was to be taken orally.
Nothing sexual about that.
The reference to the peanut butter, honey and sliced bananas in no know way suggested that it was to be smeared on the genitals. It implied that a woman who would lobby against any regulation of 3rd trimester abortion is either ignorant or wickedly dishonest or both.
Personally I believe windy davis is profoundly and willfully ignorant on many levels, just like most members of the dead babies r us mob.
The allusion to making spermicidal jelly more palatable
by attempting to cover up the foul taste by using it on a sandwich with peanut butter, honey and sliced bananas is in no way ‘sexual’.
Maybe you have never eaten a peanut butter, honey and jelly sandwich with sliced bananas.
That you would find the repeating the rather tame innuendo of the ‘curtains and carpet’ comment beyond the bounds of propriety says more about you than me. This comment was originally broadcast on Saturday Night Live, as in ‘live’ television. I don’t recall the FCC ever threatening Lorne Michaels or NBC with a license revocation or even a fine.
If I cut and pasted some the more graphic sexually explicit passages from the bible would you ask folks to pray for GOD?
God is not deaf or blind and HE is not a prude.
Jesus is not always gentle, meek and mild.
I knew if a I dropped enough depth charges you would eventually re-surface.
GOD bless you.
I do appreciate your concern for my well being. I would covet your prayers even if you don’t believe there is a GOD who is listening and answering. If you can’t or won’t do that then send some of your positive energy my way or at least think warm and fuzzy thoughts about me.
Next time I am going to Seattle I will ask GOD to let me find you and we can drink some green tea and eat some yogurt and discuss the good things in life.
I am considering converting some Washington property that I own into a combination pot farm and same sex unification temple. I think I am going to call it the Ganja Gaia Go-Go Palace.
If I apply for a 501c3 religious designation from the IRS as a member of a federally recognized indigenous tribe and give the pot away to the celebrants in a sort of pick your own enterprise, can I get around the federal law prohibiting the banks from accepting money from drug sales.