Actress: Fetuses aren’t people because they “cannot talk”
by Kelli
News flash…a fetus cannot talk. It is not a person. Not even a baby, not even an infant. Nope. Sorry.
— Ellen Barkin (@EllenBarkin) November 1, 2014
News flash… a fetus cannot talk. It is not a person. Not even a baby, not even an infant. Nope. Sorry.
~ Actress Ellen Barkin, tweeting her beliefs on what constitutes personhood, via, November 1
LOL. My 3-month-old son can’t talk either. Next argument, please?
Another abortaholic slurring her words.
Look, Ellen, why don’t you and your fellow abortion fans put your big girl pants on and own what you advocate: the murder of human beings too small to defend themselves. It is YOU who lack humanity, not the developing human child.
I’ve noticed that people like Ellen Barkin (whoever she is) spend a great deal of time sleeping. Several hours, every day!
And they don’t talk, or respond, or even seem to be aware of their surroundings. A paid assassin could walk into the room and bash her head in with a club — and she would not even defend herself or say a word.
By her own logic, that would be okay…. because she is hardly worthy of our bother in protecting her human dignity while she is in such a state of quiet and vulnerability.
To be sure, she might wake up at some time and start acting like something she would respect as being human, but who cares about that? We have to decide if her life is worth protecting right now, and she ain’t doing nuthin but lying there asleep.
The real question here is how long before someone comes on here defending her by claiming the tweet was “taken out of context.” Of course, such a defender will never provide any context because that’s too much work or something.
Tweets need context now?
I thought the whole point of Twitter was to state one’s entire point in two or three lines.
Barkin’s “point” is that pre-born children are not human because they do not talk, and that anyone who disagrees with her is an idiot.
As an ironic contrapositive statement, we observe that Barkin is an idiot who direly needs to stop talking.
“Tweets need context now?”
Not really. But a certain percentage of the population seems to think that saying something was “taken out of context” is is an universally effective way to dismiss the significance of stupid/offensive comments.
She’s the same “genius” (SARCASM) who said this:
JDC: The real question here is how long before someone comes on here defending her by claiming the tweet was “taken out of context.” Of course, such a defender will never provide any context because that’s too much work or something.
No need for all that. ;)
Just take what she said in the context of the tweet itself. Nobody here, to this point, seems able to do that.
a certain percentage of the population seems to think that saying something was “taken out of context” is is an universally effective way to dismiss the significance of stupid/offensive comments.
If the comment is stupid, in the first place, then what, really, does it matter if the author took it in or out of context? :P
When things are taken out of context, it often indeed diminishes the significance, whether stupid/offensive or not.
A fetus is not a person because it can’t talk? Really!?
What about all the people who can talk, but can’t think.
Attention: if you rely on sign language to communicate, please know that according to Ellen Barkin you are NOT a person.
When I ask my talkative 8 year old to PLEASE be quiet for 5 minutes so mommy doesn’t lose her mind, I am in effect asking him to take a step back from his personhood.
My 2 1/2 year old is very bright but doesn’t speak. Doctor isn’t worried yet but maybe I should be. All this time I thought he was sentient and a PERSON…my SON– but apparently because he doesn’t speak he isn’t a person. I’ve been raising a non-person all this time!!!!
Ellen…thank you for your stellar argument. I can’t argue against it. It makes total sense. Thank you for setting me straight. Next time I see a mute person I’m gonna punch them in the face. They’re not people after all so pffft…no one can blame me.
And maybe I ought to seriously consider my reproductive choices at this time. It is kinda hard having a toddler. Maybe a post-natal abortion would be alright with you? My son can’t speak yet so you won’t judge.
I read the quote before reading the author, and my first impression was that it had been written by a junior high student.
It sounds incredibly ignorant of science.
Remember people: This a Hollywoodite speaking.
Let’s move along, shall we ?
One last comment Mike.
Like so many others, Ellen has no clue. She finds herself in the company of those described by Isaiah and Jesus, “having ears, but cannot hear, and having eyes but cannot see.”
Like Abel’s blood (Ge 4.10), the blood of all of the innocent children murdered in our country and around the world has a voice. Their blood cries out with the martyrs from the Book of Revelation, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”
If Ellen and others of her ilk will humble themselves and seek the Lord with all their hearts they will find Him and will be given an opportunity to repent from their sins and escape the coming judgment. But if they don’t, they will die with the blood of innocent children on their hands and it will not go well for them in eternity.
Yes, Ed H you hit the nail on the head…
Psalm 115:
But their idols are silver and gold,
made by human hands.
They have mouths, but cannot speak,
eyes, but cannot see.
They have ears, but cannot hear,
noses, but cannot smell.
They have hands, but cannot feel,
feet, but cannot walk,
nor can they utter a sound with their throats.
Those who make them will be like them,
and so will all who trust in them.
Stephen Hawking is a super genuis but cannot talk, does that mean he is not human?
Ellen Barkin had two children by ex-husband Gabriel Byrne. So what was she carrying around inside her during those nine months? Whatchamacallits? Ham sandwiches? Some unspecified carbon entities? Inquiring minds want to know!
what about deaf people who can’t talk or speak? blind? ppl who can’t walk? oh the list goes on.
other stupid quotes from barkin I’d take my per teen daughter kicking and screaming for an abortion. I’d hate to have her for a mom. also I hope a hurricane wipes out every pro life SOB… Ellen you’re not that pretty and your acting stinks…maybe the world should do away with you…
maybe folks with big crooked noses aren’t human and we should knock them off the planet…bark in can go first
Phillymiss: Stephen Hawking is a super genuis but cannot talk, does that mean he is not human?
No, and nothing in the quote says that there are no non-talking persons.
However, go Eagles, especially in those three remaining games against the Cowboys and Giants.