pro-lifeby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

  • Before Brittany Maynard followed through on her plan to commit suicide, Wesley J. Smith discussed the pro-assisted suicide group, Compassion & Choices, which used Brittany to solicit donations before and after her death. More than that, did the group actually encourage her suicide? Smith quotes Rita Marker from American Thinker:

    This explosion of coverage was due to a public campaign facilitated by Compassion & Choices (the former Hemlock Society) to legalize Oregon-style doctor-prescribed suicide in every state.The organization has established the Brittany Maynard Fund to raise money for political campaigns to legalize doctor-prescribed suicide in targeted states across the country.

    And, to strengthen the resolve of the young woman for whom the campaign is named, Compassion & Choices has posted “Brittany’s Card” on its website. “Let’s get 1 million people to sign Brittany’s card,” states the message, adding, “Sign the card and let Brittany know you support her bravery in this very tough time.”

    Smith doubts that C&C would have supported Brittany if she had instead sought hospice. “Rita is right,” he writes. “The card-signing campaign pushes Maynard to carry through with suicide. What else could be meant by ‘support her bravery’?”

  • Saynsumthn’s Blog highlights the link between Planned Parenthood and the assisted suicide group Compassion & Choices. Three of the group’s advisory board members were also board members for Planned Parenthood. And, of course, both organizations make money from death.


  • At The Vine, Breeanne Howe reports that actress Lena Dunham (pictured left) – who bared her breasts in a promotion for Planned Parenthood and who is currently under fire for writing about her own allegedly predatory sexual behavior toward her younger sister – now hopes to release a children’s movie which contains “incest and beatings.” Will Planned Parenthood support her in this venture?
  • Reflections of a Paralytic wishes more people understood that IVF is “just as much a human tragedy as abortion.” He outlines one woman’s journey through IVF which led her to eventually recognize the dehumanizing nature of the procedure:

    Earlier this year, I went on a retreat for post-abortive parents, since I felt that what I’d done to my babies through IVF was similar. I felt mixed vibes from others there, possibly because most people don’t understand the complexity of IVF. But if life starts at conception, then you can have sorrow and regret for denying your children life through IVF, the same as you do with abortion.

  • Secular Pro-Life writes about finding cures for genetic conditions without turning prenatal testing into a search-and-destroy mission:

    Jim Kelly… was a star quarterback for the University of Miami in the early 1980s and for the Buffalo Bills until 1996…. Jim’s son, Hunter, had a rare genetic disorder called Krabbe’s disease…. [H]e passed away at the age of 8. During his short life, he was profoundly disabled.The Kellys founded Hunter’s Hope to fund research into the possible treatments and cures that were unknown when Hunter was diagnosed. Too often, work on lethal genetic disorders is focused not on curing the disease, but on developing prenatal tests so that those afflicted with the disease can be aborted (ostensibly to spare them suffering). But the Kellys — who I should, in all fairness, acknowledge are devout Christians — did not take that approach.

    And in fact, a cure has emerged for Krabbe’s disease: umbilical cord blood from a healthy baby is transplanted into the affected child. But an umbilical cord blood transplant only works if done early, before the person with Krabbe’s disease is symptomatic. Therefore, Hunter’s Hope does advocate for testing: but in newborns, not in the preborn.


  • Right to Life of Michigan outlines how union dues – especially those from the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers – are funneled into Planned Parenthood’s PAC:

    Michigan Planned Parenthood Votes is their new super PAC which was just formed in August of 2014. According to their October quarterly report, they basically have only 1 major donor. That donor is America Votes Action Fund which is located in Washington, D.C., and [which] gave them $425,000 this cycle after the August primary of the $430,100 direct contributions they’ve received. The majority of Planned Parenthood’s Super PAC money has been used to pay the canvassers $12 an hour to go door to door for pro-abortion candidates. Other funds have been used for what appear to be mailing pieces and robocalls….

So union money goes to America Votes Action Fund and then gets dispersed to various state level groups, some of which have nothing to do with unions (such as Planned Parenthood) except for their Democratic Party leanings.

Every member of the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers should be made aware their unions are contributing money to another organization which then funnels that money to pro-abortion groups with the sole goal of electing pro-abortion legislators.

[Dunham photo via; NEA AFT via]

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