Stanek wkend Q: Thoughts on defeat of “war on women” meme?
The 5th rule in Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, which is the playbook of the Left (even taught by President Barack Obama when he was a law professor), is:
Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
At 7:34p MST on October 7, 2014, was the exact moment when the Left’s “war on women” meme fell prey to Alinsky’s Rule #5 – after The Denver Post’s Lynn Bartels asked this question of pro-abortion Colorado Senator Mark Udall during a debate with challenger Cory Gardner:
Mr. Udall, you’ve talked so much about women’s issues you’ve been called “Mark Uterus.” Have you gone too far?
The one-two knockout punch came three days later, on October 10, when The Denver Post endorsed Gardner, in large part because:
Rather than run on his record, Udall’s campaign has devoted a shocking amount of energy and money trying to convince voters that Gardner seeks to outlaw birth control despite the congressman’s call for over-the-counter sales of contraceptives. Udall is trying to frighten voters rather than inspire them with a hopeful vision. His obnoxious one-issue campaign is an insult to those he seeks to convince.
Of course, we now know Udall went on to flaming defeat, as did a slew of other pro-abortion candidates around the country, most notably Wendy Davis and Sandra Fluke.
Since then, commentary from all sides has been proclaiming the “war on women” meme dead, a victim of overreach by the Left after successfully employing it in 2012. (Several of these commentaries can be accessed at
NARAL demonstrated the best example of this overreach in an ad against Gardner that threatened a condom shortage if he won. Bloomberg nominated NARAL’s ad for the “Backfire Award” of 2014 campaign ads.
So, what is your analysis of the death of the “war on women” meme? Or perhaps you don’t think it has died?
Leave a comment and respond to the poll!
I can’t answer the poll because it seems they won a trojan horse victory considering that the GOP candidate has endorsed OTC abortion. I don’t call that a win for the pro-life movement. It’s a win for the liberals in the GOP party.
Mark 8:36 For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?
Supporting OTC abortion may be a way to “neutralize” the feminist left but it’s certainly not pro-life.
Voters have short memories. The “war on women” meme may fade for awhile, but it will be back within a few election cycles.
We prolifers will have plenty more opportunities to ridicule it into lameity. Again.
Lisa, I’m from the opposite side of the country, so I may not be fully aware of Gardner’s positions on everything. But does he advocate for OTC sales of abortion pills or only of birth control pills that prevent conception? Since he had previously supported a person hood amendment, I find it hard to believe he is now advocating for abortion pills.
Condoms and other birth control??? Usage with and without = 110 Million prevalent STD/STIs per the CDC not to mention the number of abortions. What we really need is lessons in how to pick a good partner for life and marry them. Do not want their baby and/or disease? DON’T!!!
Jonathan, I am not aware of any exceptions in his OTC birth control position. The Pill itself has an abortifacient mechanism, therefore “OTC birth control” usually means OTC abortion.
Also, the Pill has been classified by the World Health Organization to be a Group One carcinogen, so anyone who promotes access to that is basically the Marlboro Man. I would have had a lot of trouble voting for Gardner. Glad I’m in Kentucky and did not have to make that decision.
But in answer to the poll question, I’d say the “war on women” meme has successfully been exposed for the silly hyperbolic caricature it always was. While abortion itself will continue to be a major campaign issue on the left, that stupid meme can no longer be used straight faced any longer. It has become a joke.
I would like to point out that Rick Santorum endorsed Gardner before he announced his position on OTC birth control, and while Santorum did not withdraw his endorsement, he also did not go and campaign for Gardner after the announcement. That is telling, considering that Santorum campaigned hard for many other candidates in various states.
Jonathan says the meme has become a joke. I would say the GOP is going to become a joke if they promote OTC abortion.
I asked Rick Santorum his position on this and he replied: “I don’t support OTC birth control pills.”
The ‘War on Women’ will never be won by killing the unborn!
Lisa, so to be completely fair, I’m sure you would agree that, “I am not aware” is hardly the same as what you definitively stated as fact in your first comment.
Also, there is debate even within the pro-life community on whether or not the pill causes abortion. There have been conflicting studies and nothing conclusive has been established. See this:
Jonathan, the way politics works is that when someone says they are for “OTC birth control,” people assume the person means that to cover everything, therefore I must also assume that.
Re: the LifeNews article, we’re supposed to err on the side of life. If something might cause an abortion, it cannot be considered a pro-life position to support it, knowing that it might possibly cause an abortion.
Further, it’s not a pro-health of the mother position given that the Pill has side effects that should be monitored by a doctor.
The advantage of OTC hormonal contraception is that it defunds Planned Parenthood while appearing to give the feminists exactly what they have been demanding.
The disadvantage of OTC contraception is that the synthetic hormones are toxic to women and toxic to our culture. We expect that the OTC drugs will be used by more women and younger women. There will be more teen pregnancies, more abortions, and even more breast cancer (which is already epidemic).
The political maneuver is quite a giggle, but we need to put safety first. We care about women and their children and their health, above all else.
Lisa, I’m a Christian. So I care little “how politics works”. For me, as a Christian, how I need to work is to not say something is true and/or assume the worst about someone if I am not sure. Especially since Gardner has a history of being pro-life, I will not automatically jump to worst case assumptions I don’t know to be true and will definitely not present it as true to others if I don’t know it to be true.
Concerning the poll: Feminists, pro-borts, and the Democrats who pander to them are never going to give up their mythology that “Republicans hate women.”
But from the next several years, reasonable speakers will be able to dismiss that with a hand-wave. “Don’t dredge up that ‘War on Women’ stuff again. That so died in the Obama era.” Then remind the whiner that women vote for the future and well-being of their families, and here are the items by which this candidate seeks to help families.
Hopefully… by getting government out of our families’ concerns.
How is pushing for OTC abortion “getting government out of our families’ concerns?”
A few points.
1. People with great hearts who are 100% with the cause can disagree and do disagree all the time on strategy.
2. Personally, I happen to think it helps the cause when imperfect, moderately “pro-life” candidates defeat scoundrels who are 100% pro-abortion and favor funding the enemies of life (Planned Parenthood) with $500,000,000 a year in our tax dollars.
3. Our most important task is to change the culture, change hearts and minds, tirelessly persuade our friends and neighbors that unborn life is sacred. This is urgent. Start now, we need more 100% committed pro-life voters.
4. To win this battle for hearts and minds, we need a fair fight. Currently, Planned Parenthood gets half a billion dollars a year of our tax dollars. I would love to see the prolife Congress turn around and give that half billion to crisis pregnancy centers, pro-life education programs, and adoption centers. But for now, make it a fair fight. Planned Parenthood just spent $18 Million dollars on the election to defeat Republicans. The new Congress’ top priority should be to DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD.
5. Pray, educate and never give up. When we win the battle for our culture, political victories will follow. But great candidates will lose if we don’t first build a Culture of Life to vote and support them.
Jonathan, “I support OTC birth control” is vastly different from “I support some forms of OTC birth control.” If you doubt that, look at the Hobby Lobby case.
In reply to Tully’s points:
1. It’s not about strategy. It’s about a Republican supporting abortion, even over-the-counter, in order to win the election.
2. Abortion doesn’t help any cause.
3. Arguing that Gardner’s position is a pro-life position is a step backward in changing the culture.
4. We all agree that Planned Parenthood should be de-funded, but less because it’s a political organization and more because it pushes abortion, including through abortion pills.
5. Rick Santorum is a great candidate and if you think he is a loser, watch Caucus (documentary), available on Netflix.
Lisa, so no person ever has misspoke and not said exactly the correct phrase to convey what they meant? I’m not saying he might not support all of them being sold OTC. But I am saying stating something as fact that has not even been clarified (can I assume you never asked his campaign for clarification?) is not Christian.
Tully, I agree 100% with every point.
I criticized the campaign quite loudly for taking this position. Didn’t any of you? I would assume that you would if you’re pro-life.
As I said, I’m clear across the country. I didn’t know all the details of his position. Clearly you don’t either. You just assume you do. I didn’t ask if you criticized his campaign. I asked if you contacted it for clarification of if he truly was meaning what you just assumed he meant.
*Tearing hair out*
The American Association of Pro Life OB/GYNS is up in the air about whether the pill can cause abortion — and the research is pretty strong that it doesn’t. The hormonal dose in birth control pills is infinitesimal compared to the amount of hormones the woman’s body cranks out if there’s breakthrough ovulation.
So instead of being unified about stopping people from wantonly and deliberately killing babies that most definitely do exist, why are we getting bogged down in battles over something that MIGHT occasionally cause the inadvertent loss of a newly conceived entity that we can’t even confirm yet is an actual human being because it might actually be a blighted ovum or incipient hydatidiform mole?
Can we focus on the ACTUAL babies that we KNOW are being killed and get the focus off HYPOTHETICAL babies that MIGHT be subjected to a slightly lower chance of survival?
If birth control pills were truly so abortifacient, after all, the waiting rooms in abortion facilities wouldn’t be half full of women who were on the Pill when they got pregnant.
Again, we should err on the side of life.
By the way, what role does the federal government have in birth control? It seems to me that the only role of the federal government is through the FDA. Since the World Health Organization has classified the Pill as a Group One carcinogen, I would ask why so many of you have become the Marlboro Man.
The Republican Party needs to stop pushing the Pill. Period.
Jonathan, I assume he means what he said, that he supports OTC birth control pills, whereas Rick Santorum does not support OTC birth control pills.
Yes. He did say that. He DIDN’T say he promoted OTC abortion pills. Those were the words YOU put in his mouth.
Lisa, I’m not sure what the Marlboro man has to do with OTC birth control. Are you saying you believe cigarettes should be illegal to buy OTC?
So Lisa, if imperfect Republicans like Gardner strip Planned Parenthood of the $500,000,000 in tax dollars it receives annually, you don’t think that helps the pro-life cause?
You don’t think that that would make it easier for the pro-life cause to win hearts and minds? What if a tenth of that, $50,000,000 was re-directed to crisis pregnancy centers, adoption centers, pro-life education programs, a public service campaign on fetology…wouldn’t help?
Planned Parenthood spent $18 million dollars to defeat mostly imperfect Republican candidates for a reason.
Elections are just a reflection of where society stands at any given time. There is not, at this moment, a clear pro-life majority out there; and changing hearts and minds every days has to be our focus, not arguing over election strategy.
No matter what your pro-life calling – bloggers, writers, public speakers, picketers, mimes, teachers, students, pray-ers, tweeters – redouble your efforts and help create a clear cut pro-life majority. When we have that clear cut majority, it will be easy to find electable, 100% pro-life candidates.
I’m going to start a “Republicans For Contraception” parade, just because I hate being told what I “should” be doing or supporting according to my affiliations.
I wish *more* Republicans would more vocally support easier access to contraceptives (including hormonal birth control). It makes our pro-life stance much easier to maintain in the face of harsh criticism.
So are we saying Mark Uterus would have been against OTC birth control, or that we’d rather have him in the Senate?
As for the original question, I can’t be too optimistic at this point. The LIVs will be out in 2016, and they’re more receptive to the “war on women” propaganda. So it’s too early to say for sure that we’ve won for good.
I’ve explained my position in detail here. —>
The generation that has had the abortions after the condom broke or because the Pill or the IUD “worked” will soon pass away. The teachings of the Catholic Church won’t change, haven’t changed, and can’t change concerning the intrinsic evil of artificial contraception. Our country is divided on contraception: most people today have used it or are using it right now. Those who aren’t using it are going to either have babies inside or outside of matrimony. Many babies will be conceived outside of holy matrimony. Again, the teachings of the Catholic Church won’t change on matrimony, either.
Our country can’t survive divided against itself. Contraception, abortion, sex outside of marriage, divorce and remarriage, illicit “other sex” modes will do what they will do. Some in the generation coming up now will see what theses things are doing and will be grateful the Catholic Church hasn’t changed her Teachings. They will find a home for their good consciences, and they will be asked to fight against whatever worldly effects are extant in the USA in their time.
The supernatural unity of the Teachings of the Catholic Church can unite the United States again. It’s the only way this idiot can see how that can happen. Hopefully, my generation will pass away without capitulating and saying on public forums that contraception, abortion and “marriage exceptions” are the legacy we want to pass on to those who are most in need of God’s Merciful Teachings on sexuality.
Okay. Well, that’s great. But call me when you realize that not everyone else in the world is Catholic.
A Former Catholic
You don’t have to be Catholic to understand that some issues are federal issues and some issues are state issues; nor to understand that it’s not pro-health to make political promises about drug approval. The FDA should not be a wing of any party.
“You don’t have to be Catholic to understand that some issues are federal issues and some issues are state issues; nor to understand that it’s not pro-health to make political promises about drug approval. The FDA should not be a wing of any party.”
Uh, I think x was addressing Doc Kimble with that remark.
Lots of happy, healthy, non-Catholic hippies use Natural Family Planning, xalisae. You can be a Catholic and know science; you can be a doctor and be a butcher.
A Recovering anti-Catholic
People need to get educated on Alinsky. He was a very clever political strategist, a Machiavellian type. Working the Hegelian Dialectic like a Boss. When you compromise toward “the center,” and keep doing that, eventually you’re at the edge of the cliff that the Alinskyite wants to push you over.
One Alinsky strategy is to “go along to get along” until you get a seat at the table. When you’ve put in your time on the outside edges of the group, you will have to at some point be given a position of authority of some kind. Push for “the middle.” Anyone on the Right side is “extreme.” Anyone on the Left side is “Moderate.” Push Left, using ridicule, man’s most potent political weapon. John Stewart is an example of using ridicule to push Left.
You know what Felix Unger says about when we “assume.”
But back to the original question: It’s so tempting to turn the tables on ridicule, but even though I’m not a Republican, I really hope and pray that many of the newly elected take the higher road. Stooping to the lib’s Alinsky methods will take the rest of us in this nation nowhere that we want to go.
We need to stick to the facts: there is not more bloody a war on women than to allow them (and little men) to be butchered in the womb via abortion.
“Uh, I think x was addressing Doc Kimble with that remark.”
And I was addressing you with mine. Having said that, some people are Catholic. Get over it.
“some people are Catholic. Get over it.”
I don’t think anyone cares that you are Catholic. They only care if you present a violation of catholic teaching as a violation of being pro-life, because they aren’t synonymous.
Lisa, I’m really confused. You seem to be saying that access to birth control and access to cigarettes are both state issues. Therefore a federal government should not seek to limit access to cigarettes but they should regarding birth control, correct? The FDA is the federal government unless I am missing something. That position doesn’t seem to add up.
Jonathan, you left that comment on my blog post and I responded to it, but if you insist on my responding here, as well, so be it. I will paste what I told you there.
The federal government’s interest is in public health alone, hence the FDA regulates it wherever it is legal. If a state wants to ban cigarettes, they have that authority. Same with contraception. The FDA’s role should be scientific only, and in defense of health, not political.
“I don’t think anyone cares that you are Catholic.”
I don’t need you to care.
Lisa,I posted it here because the blog wouldn’t post the comment without moderator approval on the blog. Therefore I had not seen your response there when I posted here.
But as to your response, it still makes no sense. Cigarettes pose a health risk. So it would be consistent for you to say that the FDA should restrict access to them. Yet you say they shouldn’t for cigarettes but should for birth control. That’s inconsistent.
“I don’t need you to care.”
Well that’s a silly response.
I don’t need you to care about that either. It was clearly the second sentence of that comment on that should be cared about.
Lisa, it would help me to know which article you would prefer interaction on. This conversation was started on this article but then you posted the blog post link so would you prefer interaction here or there?
I have important things to do. Have a blessed weekend, everyone.
If at some point you have the chance to come back and clarify, it would be appreciated. Otherwise, I hope you have a nice weekend as well. God bless.
Eventually, people in the USA will completely fall in with the Pro-Contraception side and thus be FULLY Pro Abortion, because if there’s no contraception, there’s no HUGE temptation to sin and have sex outside of marriage, and if there’s no HUGE temptation to have sex outside of marriage, there will be fewer and fewer abortions, until abortions are relegated to a sad memory, and very, very rare, expensive, and illegal. I don’t see too many people who are Anti-Contraception here, so I’m guessing the future is bright for Planned Barrenhood, and for those Socialists who are needing for everyone to depend on the state to make legal that which is immoral and make illegal that which is moral.
Anyone who is Pro-Contraception is Pro-Temptation, just like anyone who is Pro-Pornography is Pro-Temptation. Now, if anyone can show me how to avoid sexual sin without grace, and how to receive grace without the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, I’ll be all ears. Maybe I’m an exceptionally impressionable person and sin comes easy for me, and the rest of the world doesn’t have a single problem with sexual temptation. I’m the naive one here. Never mind. Y’all go ahead on. Do wot u do.
“Y’all go ahead on. Do wot u do.”
No problem. I was going to, anyway, because I don’t need approval from you to do so. That’s the great thing about America. Basically, as long as you’re not harming anyone else, you may do as you like. That’s part of the reason I like contraception so much yet LOATHE abortion, and it follows logically that one should be legal while the other should be illegal.
Don’t you know teens can see right through the hypocrisy of “I LOVE contraception, but I HATE abortion?”
Artificial Contraception never stopped a single abortion; contraception is *supposed* to prevent pregnancy.
Abortion legalization came *after* the legalization of Artificial Contraception. Then came “No-fault Divorce.” Now we have all sorts of new forms of “marriage.” And a plague of sexually transmitted diseases. Nothing to see here; move along. Everything’s “Perfectly Normal.”
I don’t see any victims, do you? Except maybe women who are prosecuting a “War on Women,” and they can only win that war when enough of their offspring are killed in the womb. Or something. Who’s winning that war? Or is it white, male, Christians who are prosecuting this “War on Women?” You mean those “Bro Choice” teens? Or the ones who get tips from Planned Barrenhood on BDSM? You mean *that* “War on Women?”
“Basically, as long as you’re not harming anyone else, you may do as you like.”
“Y’all go ahead on. Do wot u do.”
The “war on women” is just an odd catch phrase – like the war on drugs or war on terror. The gender gap is the more important thing, and it still exists, though shows up less in midterms.
GOP has a massive fork in the road right now – if they stay pretty far to the right, I’d bet any amount of money that the Dems take the white house and senate in 2016.
They won a lot more seats because they picked more centrist candidates – the tea party was a huge loser in these elections – if the GOP moves more center – 2016 will be tight, as that gender gap still exists and is still important.
The “center” is exactly where the Hegelian Dialecticians would have all the cards in their hands. The “center” shifts farther and farther Left with every election cycle.
Politics becomes Pro Wrestling when politicians stay in the center of the ring and act like they’re fighting against each other, everyone gets entertained, and the “Promoter” hands out the money to the wrestlers, who go out to a bar and drink a beer, laughing at the rubes that bought tickets to see a “contest.”
Politics becomes real when we have just laws based on Natural Law, not the unnatural desires of human beings to make life a fairy tale. Politics becomes real when those Legislators and Administrators end up in jail for passing unjust laws that work against Natural Law. Let the “innocent guilty” go to jail where they can appeal their just sentences and are free to proclaim their innocence to all the other “innocent guilty” in the jails with them.
Science, evolution: if people believe the best thing is “anything goes” then families don’t stay together, and children don’t thrive, and less healthy children grow up to make more healthy children. With the availability of contraception, humans can deliberately have sex with people they don’t even like, much less love. When contraception fails, and oh it often does, they choose to destroy their children rather than be stuck with a bond to a person or family that they don’t want to be bound to. It’s all about want, and nobody is obligated to anybody.
That’s kind of an over-simplification, but, you can make a case against contraception without quoting a religious dogma.
“And I was addressing you with mine.”
How could you be addressing me when I had not yet commented on this thread?
“Having said that, some people are Catholic.”
I’m aware.
“Get over it.”
I am.
Reality does not change, simply because one changes his faith.
Christians want to live according to God’s plan for us. Whether God designed sex and marriage to be fertile and bring forth children, or whether God desires us to take hormones and induce artificial sterility — we want to get it right.
There are many who want to bash Catholicism for refusing to change in the mid-20th century, when all of the non-Catholic Christian denominations embraced contraception. But whether Catholic teaching is right or contraception use is right — God did not change His mind.
The “war on women” is just an odd catch phrase – like the war on drugs or war on terror. The gender gap is the more important thing, and it still exists, though shows up less in midterms.
But that’s not because women are significantly less pro-life than men are. You’d get the same gender gap if you ran a pro-life Democrat against a pro-choice Republican (women would be more likely to vote for the Democrat). The issues that differ between women and men are things like education, military policy, and size of the government.
“the tea party was a huge loser in these elections”
Seriously Ex-RINO? omg
“you can make a case against contraception without quoting a religious dogma.”
Great post @ 9:43pm, 9ek. Can I steal it — to discuss in my religious education class? I’ll put it in my own words. :)
truth (and the three other people that liked his post, besides himself)
You must not read much political commentary – this really wasn’t my brainchild – but is the subject of numerous articles. One below to start with.
Essentially, we can thank the tea party for the 60 seats that allowed health care reform to pass – and there were several seats in the last election (2012) that went from easier GOP pick-ups to Dem wins because the candidate ended up being a looney tea party member.
This election, very few tea party members won their primaries – it was more old breed conservatives – and those candidates did better on election night. It was a less radical brand of conservatism. Again, I won’t do your homework for you (beyond the article below) – do some reading on it if you really care.
A good government is one which makes it possible and easy to be good, not difficult or impossible to be good, or easy to do evil.
Different theories of law can complement one another or compete against one another. Two theories of law are Positive Law, and another is Natural Law. Positive Laws are laws which compel all to follow . Natural Law is a higher law because it derives from our nature as human persons.
Positive laws , laws which all are compelled to follow, may complement Natural Law, which is the higher form of law, because those laws derive from our nature as human persons, and human persons should strive to be as good as we can for the sake of God and others (The Golden Rule).
Positive laws may also compete against Natural Law, and thus subvert the keeping of the higher law. An example of this would be the provisions in the Affordable Care Act that compel Christians to buy abortafacient drugs for women. Another example, hypothetical but related, would be to compel all citizens by positive law to build churches, mosques or synagogues for those religions for which those buildings are sacred spaces. Another example, not hypothetical, is to compel bakeries, wedding photographers and bed and breakfasts to cater to homosexual weddings when they feel that would offend God and go against the tenets of their religion, and, ultimately, to be an unloving service to perform for their neighbor.
There are many more examples today than in the past in the USA where positive law is interfering with Natural Law. We will eventually tank as a nation when the weight of keeping immoral, positive laws becomes so burdensome on the Natural Rights of Freeborn, God-fearing and Peaceful American Citizens that they can no longer keep to the tents of their religion without being arrested and incarcerated, or harassed by petty gov’t functionaries through violence, extortion, surveillance, coercion or niggling and/or catastrophic fines, like often happens under tin-pot dictators and petty tyrants in other (Communist, atheist) countries.
“No man in the wrong can stand up against a fellow that’s in the right and keeps on a-comin’.”
~William Jesse McDonald~
Texas Rangers Hall of Fame…/Natural_Law_Theory_VS…
“Governments are made for man, not man for governments.”
~Junius “June” Kimble ~
~Company “A”—14th Tennessee Volunteers~
When the Pill was first introduced, it was classified as an abortaficient. The AMA afterwards changed the definition of pregnancy from the point of conception to the point of implantation. If pregnancy doesn’t start until implantation then snuffing out the life that exists prior to implantation doesn’t seem like a big deal, and it’s easier to perpetuate the lie that the Pill isn’t an abortaficient. Does human life begin at conception? Yes. Do you want the eternal responsibility of ending human life at its earliest stage of development? That has an effect on ones eternal soul, and it isn’t a positive effect.
“The “war on women” is just an odd catch phrase – like the war on drugs or war on terror. The gender gap is the more important thing, and it still exists, though shows up less in midterms.”
I think many women are feeling (I know I am!) that there really is a War on Women but don’t think everything through enough to realize that contraception and abortion are not the answer.
In actuality, contraception and abortion have caused way more issues for women than they have ever solved. The warring messages we have received since early on tend to clutter our minds, I believe. They did mine anyway. The disrespect directed at young women, by both genders btw, is at an all-time high I believe.
Now we are at a point where the opposing messages are being screamed more than discussed and causing more clutter to young minds. From my perspective, more parents are less vigilant about the garbage that is being fed to their children via all sources. Heck, a good chunk of parents don’t even see what their children are into as garbage (13 year-old Brendan Jordan who recently appeared on Queen Latifah comes to mind)!
I do see the desperation coming out through some venues though (example: NARAL ad above) which is a positive. Also, I am very encouraged by the election results in my state.
“less healthy children grow up to make more healthy children.”
I think you meant ‘less healthy children grow up to make more less healthy children’, 9ek. Please correct me if you were thinking something else altogether though. Sorry to be picky, but if I’m gonna steal it, it needs to be accurate. :)
Prax –
You definitely make some good points. I think those that just talked about contraception and abortion made it sound like a bunch of rapid sex addicts weren’t getting their way. There is indeed, a lot of key issues (gender pay, healthcare, education, maternity policies) that women do really care about – and I don’t understand why the parties don’t talk about those things very often.
While rationalists and relativists scramble to find that “sweet spot” in the middle, where the “I don’t know and I don’t care” crowd live and breathe, the real War on Women goes on at full speed, hardly skipping a beat. Occasionally, some legislative body or some parliament somewhere looks at the world, says, “Omigosh!” and responds to a crisis with females, and then passes a law. Better late than not at all, but who really knows where the real war is being fought? Who really cares?
First guy: “Why is there so much ignorance and indifference today?”
Second guy: “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”
The war on women won’t be over until the GOP surrender on the issues that create it.
Christians want to live according to God’s plan for us. Whether God designed sex and marriage to be fertile and bring forth children, or whether God desires us to take hormones and induce artificial sterility — we want to get it right. – years of observation of christians and what they say and do leads me to believe that they must have all been given rather variant individual plans.
This pretty much sums up many of my thoughts on WOW…
“Christians want to live according to God’s plan for us…”
Fine, as long as you don’t expect to make every other person try and live by those plans as well using the law.
“You must not read much political commentary”,
No Ex-RINO, I am just a tea party conservative who didn’t feel like I lost on election night. I don’t pay attention to pundits in order to feel good or bad. The people I voted for this election won.
Fine, as long as you don’t expect to make every other person try and live by those plans as well using the law. – ah, if only xalisae, if only…..
ROFL, Ex-gop! That politico article you linked was something else! It definitely demonstrates why a politico article is good for nothing more than lining a bird cage! (Well, that and the entertainment value.)
So the article tells us the chamber of commerce defeated the tea party. How do they reinforce that conclusion? Well their vast evidence amounts to 3 House races and 1 Senate race. That’s a lot of evidence, isn’t it?
So let’s look at the 4 races they chose to hi light.
Perhaps they left the most compelling example to close their article? Let’s see. It’s a race where the chamber of commerce endorsed an incumbent Democrat (in California mind you) and the Democrat won reelection over the challenger. What an upset!!!! I would have never seen it coming! I guess the chamber of commerce really turned the tide in that one…
It’s going to be hard for politico to top that example! Can they do it? I think they can!
Next up, we’ll observe them contradicting their own earlier article! David Jolly is now their next example we can observe. He demonstrates the establishment besting the tea party, right? …Funny thing about that, an earlier politico headline proclaimed that the national GOP was turned against him… …oops!
But I’m sure if Jolly was the establishment chamber of commerce backed guy, he supported the Senate immigration bill and supports a pathway to citizenship for illegals…. Wait! He said he was against both and furthermore said he was for the repeal of obamacare? OK, I’m confused…
Next we come to Bradley Byrne and his win over the self proclaimed tea party candidate, Dean Young. Finally! We have a solid example this time! Right? Well sure. That is, if you discount that the tea party groups weren’t actively supporting Young in the first place…
By the way, it probably not relevant to the argument that Byrne said the following about his position on immigration, is it? I mean he’s the chamber of commerce pick after all!
“I will oppose any proposed legislation that would grant amnesty to people who are here in violation of our laws. As this debate moves forward, I will work with my conservative colleagues and my home state Senator Jeff Sessions to advocate for strong and accountable border security protections first, and to force President Obama to do his job enforcing our existing laws.”
…Well that was interesting… Hmmm, one more…
Next we have Cochran winning election over Chris McDaniel. (For one millisecond, I’ll turn off the sarcasm and acknowledge I did save Politico’s most solid example of the four, for last.) I do agree the establishment candidate beat the tea party candidate in this race. He did so by getting democrats to vote in a Republican primary because even a long time incumbent such as himself couldn’t win that GOP primary with only votes from his own party.
If you think that’s a great example to hi light, more power to you.
There’s our vast mountain of evidence; four solid examples. They were so solid that they completely overshadow David Bratt knocking off the sitting House majority leader! They also make tea party winners such as Mia Love,Joni Earnst, Ben Sasse, David Perdue and Tom Cotton not even worth a mention in the Politico article.
You’re right! Now how could I have been so blind! Thanks for sharing such a compelling article!
“You definitely make some good points.”
I know but the compliment is welcomed anyway, Ex-GOP.
I think you you might have meant ‘rabid’ instead of ‘rapid’? I guess both could work in that sentence though. Or maybe ‘rapid rabid’?
Anyway, it’s not that hard to figure out what most women want. Aretha even sings a song about it. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the money to demand what she is singing about so we are left at the whims of you all of the less-fair gender.
The gathering sentiment that the “War on Women” was just a sad, forgotten episode in American history would be true, except history records otherwise. When the trains pulled in to Auschwitz, there was a transport vehicle within plain sight of the passing trains. On that vehicle was the symbol for the International Red Cross. Seeing this vehicle gave the passengers on the train the false impression that within the walls of this work camp would be trained medical professionals who would care for the sick, the elderly and the children. Such, of course we know now, was not the case. The transport vehicle with the Red Cross on it was simply a deception which made the people in the trains docile to the guards at the camp.
But that transport vehicle served another purpose. It was becoming increasingly difficult for German soldiers to kill in cold blood. Even in the work camps, it was becoming difficult to keep the guards from having low morale, even though the extermination was being done now by gas instead of bullet. That transport vehicle served the purpose of deceiving the consciences of the guards. It gave them a means to talk down their consciences, making them believe that they were called to a higher duty, exemplified by the Red Cross on the transport vehicle outside of Auschwitz.
The Abortion Giant needs to have its own “Red Cross transport vehicle” at this moment in time. There is no “War on Women.” See that fine vehicle over there that represents some semblance of decency, health and comfort for the suffering? Even those who oppose abortion are here to give us aid and comfort. The Barbarian Ruling Elites need to have a way to give everyone involved in the abortion industry, those opposing it and those involved in it, and all those legislators who contemplate laws concerning it, a way to think of abortion as being part of a noble calling, certainly not involved in eliminating generations of human beings selected out by those who have the power to control populations, mind, soul and body. Those being led to their slaughter, and those leading them, can’t handle the whole truth about abortion. But then, Who can?