Kwanzaa’s political roots
by Carder
While taking the “best of early Chinese and Cuban socialism” — excluding, one hopes, mass murder, forced abortions, imprisonment of homosexuals and forced labor — Karenga said Kawaida practitioners believe one’s racial identity “determines life conditions, life chances and self-understanding.”
There’s an inclusive philosophy for you!
~ Conservative pundit Ann Coulter exposing the Marxist/socialist roots of Kwanzaa, Townhall, December 24
[Photo via OB Rag reads: Whether it’s Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or Anti-Life… Happy Holidays!! ]
All I want for Christmas is to get a little island with no communications to the rest of the world – and send Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Al Sharpton, and Glenn Beck to live there forever and ever and ever.
We have worked so hard to purge the racism and eugenics of the 20th century from our culture. Why are the liberal elites so intent on bringing this back to life?
Anybody who thinks racism exists in just one pocket of society (liberal elites) is either naive, trolling, or simply ignorant.
Del – I don’t believe you are ignorant, so I’ll go with one of the first two.
If you have facts to either contradict or confirm those presented about the origins of Kwanzaa and the political roots, please share them.
It is important to know the origins of movements, especially if one intends to support a movement publicly. Frankly, I have read / listened to a great deal from Anne Coulter and others who discuss movements/organized groups, like Robert Spencer, Janet E. Smith. Fr Mitch Pacwa. They tend to back up what they say with verifiable data.
A joyous New Year to all!
I am no fan of Ann Coulter but that doesn’t make her wrong. If anyone can disprove what she says in her article, I’m ready to hear what he/she has to say.
Gin –
A good article on Coulter’s article:
I’m a Christian – so Coulter’s hateful ways have always run contrary to what a person should be. Furthermore, when she bashed missionaries a few months back – I think she showed her true colors. She’s a desperate lady trying to hang on to any sort of shred of popularity. She’s Kim Kardashian with a political lean – and she’ meaner.
Your source, while vilifying Ann, does not disprove anything she says concerning the origins of this “holiday”. Also, my source verifies what she says about Kwanzaa’s origins.
If you or anyone has a source that disproves what either writer says, please post it.
Mary –
My question is – who cares?
Is the indication that nobody should celebrate the holiday because the guy who started it had a dubious past?
I agree. So he tortured a couple of women with a hot iron and a vice. Who’s perfect?
Mary –
We could have a great brainstorm of things done wrong by Christians/ Catholics/ Republicans / Democrats/ Doctors/ Dentists/ (insert any role in life).
Just because a person affiliated with something did something bad in life doesn’t automatically mean all affiliations are bad. Common sense.
The guy only tortured two women with a hot iron and a vise. He concocted a “holiday” that has no connection to the West African culture(s), that most black Americans descend from.
But what are a few minor flaws in an otherwise sterling character? Like I said, who’s perfect?
So what’s your point? Second time I’m asking.
Is your point that society should outlaw it? Are you just saying that you don’t celebrate it?
My point is that Ann Coulter, whatever you think of her, is correct when she writes that its a phony “holiday” that was concocted by a vicious criminal and has no basis in the W African culture most black Americans descend from.
No it shouldn’t be outlawed. If you want to celebrate it, be my guest.
I’m just tired of people yelling and screaming about “phony holidays” – who the f*&^ cares? I’ve seen people bash just about every holiday out there – if a person wants to celebrate it, they should celebrate it, and if a person doesn’t want to, they should shut the hell up about it. Ann Coulter especially.
At least she took a break from bashing Christian missionaries.
You ask “who the f*&^ cares” yet you seem to be the one taking this personally.
If people want to celebrate Kwanzaa…be my guest. If someone wants to dance naked around a campfire celebrating the festival of the forest dieties…be my guest.
I take personally that the pro-life crowd seems to bend over backwards to look like hateful, racist, ugly Americans.
People like the pro-life message and hate pro-lifers. I wonder why that is?
Junk like this.
This has nothing to do with racism. The facts are what they are.
Again, I wholeheartedly support anyone’s right to celebrate any holiday they choose.
BTW, I have no idea if the author of my article is a member of the pro life movement, and don’t really care either way.
The article isn’t racist – except that there have been articles written about her article, saying that is it racist – so at least the perception is there – and now a pro-life site, in the interest of love and education, has posted a perceived racist article from a hateful person.
They will know we are Christians by our continued hateful ways!
OK we agree, the article is not racist. Well if people want to claim its racist, fine. People will think what they want. What they need to do though is two things:
1. Prove what she says is wrong
2. Directly quote her saying something racist
Criticizing Obama is perceived by many as racist, and the accusation has been hurled at me. I just ask them to directly quote me saying something racist. Of course they can’t, they can at best argue “racism” is being “insinuated”i.e. I read what I want into what you say. I just perceive myself as exercising my right to free speech and to criticize the president and government.
A “perceived” racist article, that you acknowledge was not racist, was posted here. This is “hateful”?
Mary –
I was writing sarcastically – you said the article isn’t racist – I was saying “sure, it’s not racist except for the people saying it is racist”.
It is racist. Reread the cute little song at the end. “Whitey has to pay. Burning, shooting, oh what fun”. Come on Mary.
The information she provides is not racist. The article itself is not racist. The jingle is stupid and racist and detracts from the very valid point she makes in the article.
My source provides the same information minus any jingles and I see nothing racist about it.