Planned Parenthood report touts their birth control as savior
Birth control has changed my life. It has allowed me to attend college, travel and be a working woman. I get my birth control at Planned Parenthood because it is accessible and affordable, and because Planned Parenthood advocates for women like me – a young woman of color – every day.
~ “Shireen,” a woman quoted in Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s latest annual report, as posted by, December 31
Also revealed in the report: Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in FY2013 (up 487 from previous year) and provided fewer contraceptives.

Let’s see:
Fewer abortion facilities but more abortions concentrated in Planned Parenthood’s hands.
Over $1,000,000 taxpayer dollars a day for birth control services aka “abortion prevention” but fewer contraceptives provided and more abortions performed.
With fewer preventative services being provided, they might have to bump that “abortion accounts for 3%” figure up to 4.
Shireen, I’ve got news for you. Plenty of women have traveled, attended college, and worked without the contraceptives. You don’t need Planned Parenthood’s chemical cocktails and devices screwing with your body to achieve your dreams.
I don’t think “Shireen” is a real person.
Do young Black women ever refer to themselves as “women of color”? That sounds more like one of those polite racist euphemisms favored by Planned Parenthood and others of white privilege.
And only Planned Parenthood imagines that a young women “needs” contraception to “attend college, travel and be a working woman.”
This is not a testimony. This is ad copy.
“Birth control has changed my life. It has allowed me to attend college”
Huh, and I thought it was good grades that allowed someone to attend college. My wife and I went to college based on grades while keeping our pants on. Admissions must have screwed up letting us in.
Also revealed in the report: Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in FY2014 (up 487 from previous year) and provided fewer contraceptives.
It is sad that their maiming-and-killing numbers are not down…. but this is encouraging news, all the same. In spite of their increasing market share and their new and remodeled clinics, their abortion business increased by just 0.15%.
And if PP dispensed out less contraception, then their billings and fraud to insurance and MedicAid also decreased.
“Do young Black women ever refer to themselves as “women of color”?”
Well, it’s not unheard of but it tends to be used by oddball activist types more than anyone else.
Is there any place in the report where they actually list the number of PATIENTS seen as opposed to the number of “services”?
Because the whole “services” thing is really deceptive. You can go in there for an abortion and at the same time receive a pregnancy test, breast exam, and STD test. But you’re really there for an abortion.
Kel, in a footnote on page 17 of the annual report:
“In 2013, Planned Parenthood health centers saw 2.7 million patients, who collectively received 10.6 million services during 4.6 million clinical visits.”
OMG – she wouldn’t have been able to travel, to work and to attend college if she didn’t take birth control? How did she figure that? I was attending college, traveling and working in my 20s and there was no birth control pill in sight…. I must have some superpowers or something… It’s a known fact that women without birth control are as good as completely disabled… :))) LOL!
Which means that 1-in-8 of PP’s clients are abortion clients. 12%.
Another woman who somehow managed to get into college (on a full ride academic scholarship no less) without nary a birth control pill in sight! Ironically I focused on schooling and not on having sex. I also managed to work for several years, and even do some traveling, all without birth control of any kind.
Thanks, Lrning and Del!
” Planned Parenthood advocates for women like me – a young woman of color – every day.” Young women of color but sure NOT the youngest i.e. those in still in the womb.
Does PP break down their customer’s demographics by race, age and being M?F or bi/trans/others? How about how many STD/STI/HIV? We all do know that BC does not stop STDs/etc. or what some might call an unplanned or unintended consequence. A cooler head might say “Surprise! Surprise!” The CDC has figures that amount to 1 in 3 on a “prevalent” number of 110 million for a population of 330 million.
The following site has a breakdown of STD/etc. by state. Would be interesting to compare that to PP’s report for abortions by state. If their abortionists do not practice good ‘hand hygiene’ or correctly sterilize their instruments as some, in general, do not, one could pick up a disease as a freebie. ;(
Check out
“Birth control has changed my life. It has allowed me to attend college, travel and be a working woman.”
How many BC pills does United charge for a round trip ticket to Kona? And, do they also take condoms?
What is this patronizing mentality of treating men and women “of color” like they’re children who always need just a little extra help?
We can see for ourselves the esteem and respect that PP has for people “of color”.