
University of Texas-Arlington pro-abortion students have tried shutting down the Pro-Life Mavericks’ cross display with both petitions and vandalism, but to no avail.

They’ve now decided if they can’t beat ’em, they’ll join ’em. From The Shorthorn, March 21:

The Society for Social Justice for Women and Families will join in on the conversation about pro-choice versus pro-life on Monday, society President Prashant Hariharan said.

“We wanted to voice the pro-choice view through statistics,” Hariharan said….

Jenny Nguyen, president of Students for a Democratic Society, said she stood out in the rain with some members Friday to protest the display with a petition to ask the Pro-Life Mavericks to seize any future antiabortion displays.

“It’s not that we’re against people saying what’s on their mind, it’s just we think there’s a better way to for them to do so,” English junior Cody Needham said….

The [pro-abortion] display will include posters with infographics and links to online resources that students can easily view as they pass by.

I always love how crosses drive abortion supporters to madness. The irony is too rich.

550a4f6c99541.imageThe pro-choice students will be using “statistics” and “infographics” to gather support. Anything to take the attention off the baby.

But an honest abortion supporter would hold a photo of a victim of abortion with the caption, “Choose This!”

What else would honest abortion supporters include in their displays?

[Top photo via Pro-Life Mavericks; bottom photo via theshorthorn.com]


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