Susan Cahill: All Families Healthcare will not reopen in the near futureby Carder

I get teary just thinking about it. It was unbelievable that someone could feel that much hate to do what he did. He is a big guy, and he destroyed every possible thing you can imagine. Everything.

I have an old-fashioned Rolodex with numbers on it, and he even destroyed that. He put what looks like a screwdriver into the face of my grandson [in a photo]. Besides tearing up items and bending steel things, he put holes in my exam tables and rolling chairs, breaking the glass in every single picture.

I had a lot of artwork, and you have to realize I just spent $20,000 in improvements in this place — painted it, new window coverings, new artwork — and it was really lovely. He pulled the plants out of their pots. There was nothing he didn’t touch.

I was speechless. You just don’t know how to react to something like that.

~ Abortionist Susan Cahill describing the aftermath of the vandalism of her abortion facility in Montana, Cosmopolitan, April 10

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