Abortionist describes the destruction of her abortion facility
I get teary just thinking about it. It was unbelievable that someone could feel that much hate to do what he did. He is a big guy, and he destroyed every possible thing you can imagine. Everything.
I have an old-fashioned Rolodex with numbers on it, and he even destroyed that. He put what looks like a screwdriver into the face of my grandson [in a photo]. Besides tearing up items and bending steel things, he put holes in my exam tables and rolling chairs, breaking the glass in every single picture.
I had a lot of artwork, and you have to realize I just spent $20,000 in improvements in this place — painted it, new window coverings, new artwork — and it was really lovely. He pulled the plants out of their pots. There was nothing he didn’t touch.
I was speechless. You just don’t know how to react to something like that.
~ Abortionist Susan Cahill describing the aftermath of the vandalism of her abortion facility in Montana, Cosmopolitan, April 10
When I lived in Miami, the pregnancy center’s sonogram machine was stolen and I had basically the same reaction. As far as I know the police never found out who did it.
Susan says in the Cosmo article regarding the man who destroyed some of her property, “The guy was armed. If I had walked in, he would have killed me. I know that, I absolutely know that.”
First, I do not condone Zachary destroying Susan’s property. It sounds like he needs to find constructive avenues for the anger he feels about the legal killing going on in our country, or maybe he has some other issues that need to be addressed.
Secondly, it is absolutely not fair for Susan to say she knows Zachary would have killed her. There is no way she could know that. She may feel he was angry enough to kill her, but that is different than knowing for a fact that he would have.
Destroying material items is not the same as killing humans. Killing humans is something Susan is much more familiar with.
I’m glad no one got hurt during the commission of the crime of destruction and vandalism. But I wish abortionists would find some other way to earn a living besides the willful destruction of living human beings.
I can so easily picture her in a black hooded robe holding a scythe.
Every healthy preborn baby who goes into her chamber of death is perfectly formed and equipped to fulfill an awesome destiny according to the plans and purposes of the Great God Almighty, Our Loving Heavenly Father. His hopes and dreams for every one of His children is to give them a future and a hope…Jer 29.11
Yet tragically, Cahill has allowed satan to deceive and harden her cruel, black heart. With a seared conscience she kills and dismembers, again and again and again.
She is one of satan’s most valuable servants…
a grim reaper indeed.
They are progressives, so it is a safe bet they are not being honest. I googled the attacker’s name.
The link below notes that he had mental illness problems, and drug problems. He broke into businesses other than hers so he could get money for drugs.
Incarceration helped him sober up, and when sober he was repentent.
Cosmo makes no note of this, although google works so well.
Nonetheless, in my opinion, this type of behavior should not be part of the pro-life movement.
It might be pretty safe to guess he did the vandalism because of his pro-life view combined with his drug-driven quest for money via break-ins.
We are not supposed to take the law into our own hands. God is keeping track of all of this. Outside of legal mechanisms, if you try to carry out justice, you are saying that you need to take over God’s role.
She is a liar at heart. So is Cosmo. The final paragraph:
“It’s just a complete disaster that abortion shouldn’t be offered. Why is religion allowed into women’s reproductive health? It’s wrong, and I don’t understand why people aren’t up in arms about this.”
There was no mention of religion in the article before. Where did this come from?
Abortion is not a religious issue. It is a human rights issue. She kills children for money. Her karma is begging for some sort of violent retribution from some unstable person or group, or from some form of legal justice.
Religious people often have an acute sense of right and wrong. We strive to protect the innocent from harm, just as we strive to provide charity to the poor. We would prevent the vandals and the lynch mobs from harming her, if we could.
perfectly formed and equipped to fulfill an awesome destiny – now you know that’s not necessarily so.
She is one of satan’s most valuable servants… – impossible. If she is a ‘servant’ of anything it is the care and freedom of women.
Abortion is not a religious issue. – perhaps you could tell Ed H and a few others that?
It is a human rights issue. – indeed. Which is why people should not be able to interfere in women’s reproductive rights and freedoms.
Religious people often have an acute sense of right and wrong. – or might ‘acute interpretation’ be the more accurate term?
Which is why we should not confuse murder with euphemisms like “reproductive rights” and “freedom.”
No, we shouldn’t. I certainly don’t.
Nor do I mistake those terms as euphemisms.
Its a no brainer that walking in during a break in is extremely dangerous, be it your home or business. Police will advise you leave the premises immediately should you notice a broken lock or window, or immediately notice something is amiss when you enter.
It can’t be assumed that an intruder like Klundt will kill, but it is very foolhardy to assume he won’t.
Looks like Klundt is no moral crusader but rather a common criminal.
If I wanted to walk into an abortion clinic and do as much damage as possibly I would spread as much salt and holy water as possible.
That would constitute entertainment and possibly harassment truthseeker.
It would also constitute a lot of baby saves…
I don’t think so. It may slow things up for a little while whilst things were cleaned up, and you were taken away but that’s about it.
It drives out evil spirits and would open the eyes of many women who might otherwise have been accomplices to Planned Parenthood’s plan to kill their unborn children.
Anyone who believes that salt and water drives out evil spirits wouldn’t be there in the first place. For the rest, it’s meaningless. Yes, it might open some peoples eyes – they’d be either highly amused or highly bemused by your actions.
I do hope you have no serious intent to commit such an act of vandalism truthseeker.
Vandalism is wrong. That’s equally true humanly, religiously, and legally. As has been pointed out, the perpetrator here has known mental problems, which led him to choose a wrong method to express his quite proper hatred of the inhuman and uncivilized evil of abortion. He needs to be held accountable for his actions but commended for his intentions.