screen-shot-2015-02-02-at-9-46-21-pmYou will note a missing word in the description of the rape/incest exceptions in the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, i.e., 20-week abortion ban, passed in the U.S. House May 13:


the pregnancy is the result of rape against an adult woman….

the pregnancy is a result of rape against a minor or incest against a minor….

Do you see it? The missing word is “incest against an adult woman.”

This is because adult consensual incest is, well, consensual. If it is not consensual, then it is rape and covered in the bill. Under the rape exception it is irrelevant whether or not the assailant is related to the victim.

This same logic could have been used to exclude “incest” from the minor rape exception, but as was explained to me by a person close to the bill, “The word ‘incest’ is not ‘needed’ in the minor rape exception, but it does no harm – it does not increase the number of people in the class who qualify for abortions.  It is simpler to have it there than to have to explain why it is not there.  With respect to adults, the contrary is true.”

74162351Actually there was never any version of this bill under which a consenting adult would qualify for a post-20 week abortion on grounds that her chosen sex partner was related to her.

Nor was any such change ever contemplated during the review process. Granting special status to adults who choose to engage in sex with their relatives was never an option.

But at least one Democrat decided during debate on the 20-week ban Wednesday to champion the cause of adult consensual incest, Congressman Steve Cohen (pictured above left) from Tennessee.

Note in this comedic clip how Cohen steps into it, but then falters a bit…


If a person is pregnant – a woman is pregnant because of incest, under this law, if the lady is under 18 years of age, there’s one rule.

But if she’s 18 years of age or older, there’s another rule. And what it says is if you’re 18 or over and you’re pregnant as a result of incest, then you cannot get an abortion. You cannot! But if you’re under 18, you can if you report it to the law enforcement authorities.

In a discussion last night at Rules Committee, the Vice Chair of the Rules Committee errantly compared rape and incest.

Incest does not necessarily involve rape. It involves intercourse between parties that are not legally supposed to have intercourse, and issues which could result in problems for the child. Incest should always be an exception….

So here we had Cohen advocating for special abortion rights for adults he admitted were involved in consensual but illegal incest.

And “problems for the child“? Major terminology gaffe.

And placing this adult consensual sex on the same plane as rape?

Is this really the next sexual taboo Democrats want to champion?

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