Stanek weekend Q: Explain breathtaking liberal blind spot on abortion vs animal cruelty?
These tweets are literally posted one on top the other in pro-abortion Democrat Ted Deutch’s Twitter feed:
The practice of animal crushing is a sexual fetish of the sickest kind.
About his introduction of the PACT Act, Rep. Deutch wrote:
Too many animals are subjected to unfathomable cruelty and abuse, out of no fault of their own and no recourse for protection. These inhumane acts have no place in our society.
Yet, incomprehensibly, particularly by comparison – and on the very same day as he introduced his animal cruelty bill – Deutch, pictured right, blew off the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act as a Republican stunt in his floor speech opposing the 20-wk abortion ban (beginning at 1:08:26 on the video):
Motivation behind H.R. 36 couldn’t be more transparent. They want to make abortion after 20 weeks illegal and abortions before 20 weeks impossible.
Never mind ”abortion” equals human slaughter, and never mind it is a well-established fact that babies feel pain by the age of 20 gestational weeks. Babies much younger than this routinely receive anesthesia during prenatal surgery.
This cognitive disconnect is beyond my capability to comprehend. Can anyone help me?
[HT: Chris C.]
Hi Jill, they really believe their BS. That is why. You don’t understand it because you are not living and believing lies. They are committed to their cause and will brook no compromise because they have decided in their own deluded minds that you are the enemy, that we are the enemy, that the babies are the enemy. There’s no other explanation. They are blind and stupid on purpose.
Hitler liked dogs but exterminated people.
The very day in which the Kansas House of Representatives debated the first-in-the-nation Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Act, legislators voted on a bill that included a provision prohibiting the use of carbon monoxide chambers to euthanize pets. Coincidentally, every one of the 26 representatives who later voted against the dismemberment bill had earlier voted for the “more humane way to kill animals” bill.
“This cognitive disconnect is beyond my capability to comprehend. Can anyone help me?”
Money. These politicians have accepted large donations from the abortion lobby. Perhaps they even fear the consequences and bullying from the abortion lobby and their Democratic leadership if they fail to kow-tow to the abortion lobby.
Whereas they are free to do the right and human thing concerning cruelty to animals.
Politicians live in an atmosphere of lies, doublespeak, and cognitive dissonance. They are comfortable with their inconsistency.
You know…. It is entirely possible that Rep Deutch may have timed this intentionally, just to shine some light on his own Party’s inconsistency. Do we know if he has personal friendships among the pro-life congressmen and women?
We should be thanking him for his subtle cleverness.
As a vegetarian pro-lifer, I think that they hold body autonomy so high over other rights that they end up with this blind spot. I’m against harming or killing beings that cannot consent and when there is any other option available. That means I’m anti-animal cruelty, anti-war, anti-abortion, and anti-death penalty among other things. The pro-choice anti-animal cruelty, however, just doesn’t extend the same humane rights to fetuses that they do to other beings. I don’t know how to shock them out of their cognitive dissonance.
I don’t know how this confuses people. Everybody with a strong stance will see hypocrisy in others.
I find it mind-blowing that Jill and others on this board are in favor of the death penalty, but still say they are ‘pro-life’.
Many on this board find it bizarre that I am pro-life, and see no issue voting for Democrats.
I have found it crazy that pro-lifers on this board have openly said they’d be fine with kids with bad illnesses losing insurance coverage just so they can get rid of Health Care Reform.
Bottom line is, the abortion debate has gotten so polarized that there’s no middle ground that either side will typically concede. Probably the money influence more than anything – but now, any hint of ‘compromise’ and people scream for a person’s head. Heck, we see it on this board all the time!
And it isn’t just abortion – look at gun control. If the terrorists hadn’t flown plans, but instead would have shot people all over the WTC, the right would have come out in mass yelling “oh, it’s just bad people – no issues with guns”. No compromise, no middle ground.
I find it nuts – I really do. But this is what we vote for. This is what we ask for.
Dear Ex — You have a extreme notion of conservatives. Because we desire immigration reform, welfare reform, and repeal of the ACA, you jump quickly to assuming that we want to deport all the immigrants, cancel all welfare, and take away all the healthcare assistance.
There are some extremist conservatives, but they are just a few nutters. Most of us desire justice, and we happen to believe that Big Government programs (beloved by Democrats) do not provide the justice that we seek.
Del – I have no idea what you see as extreme in my posts.
Are not most conservatives for the death penalty?
Don’t most GOPers right now support repealing Obamacare, even without a replacement?
Don’t most right wingers reject any new laws that might regulate guns or gun purchases?
I don’t understand what you think I’m over exaggerating.
And I think your last statement needs some explanation – because on the surface, it’s a joke. So the way to give ‘justice’ to the poor, in your mind, is hacking social assistance programs with no counter balance of education, living wage legislation or anything else? It’s a joke to say “oh, we’re more concerned about you – we’re going to cut assistance as much as possible to help ‘motivate’ you.”.
Come on Del.
I see a HUGE connection between post abortive women and a compulsion to rescue and protect small helpless animals. Post abortive cat ladies, we knows it!
Ex-GOP says:
May 16, 2015 at 4:02 pm
Del – I have no idea what you see as extreme in my posts.
I didn’t say that you were extreme. I said that you have an extreme impression of conservatives. You think all conservatives are extreme.
Are not most conservatives for the death penalty?
Not in my experience. Most conservative voters want the keep the death penalty around as a deterrent, but they do not like to see it used. Whereas most Democrats love abortion and want more of it, and want us to pay for it.
Don’t most GOPers right now support repealing Obamacare, even without a replacement?
I don’t care too much about about posturing of GOP politicians. I am talking about real people. Among voters, there is still a cautious skepticism about whether or not we are worse off under the ACA than we were without it. Most of us are grudgingly willing to go along with it for a while, to see if it will work.
Don’t most right wingers reject any new laws that might regulate guns or gun purchases?
I don’t know. I don’t pay attention. I don’t care about gun-control issues, one way or the other. The NRA are extremists, but they do not represent most American families.
I don’t understand what you think I’m over exaggerating.
You think that the positions of the loud activists represent the opinions of most conservative families. I wish this were so! — I wish that most conservatives were ardently pro-life!
And I think your last statement needs some explanation – because on the surface, it’s a joke. So the way to give ‘justice’ to the poor, in your mind, is hacking social assistance programs with no counter balance of education, living wage legislation or anything else? It’s a joke to say “oh, we’re more concerned about you – we’re going to cut assistance as much as possible to help ‘motivate’ you.”.
I never said anything about cutting anything. You just leapt to that conclusion, because you have an extreme view of what conservative families would like to see our government’s programs accomplish.
Ex-GOP: Bottom line is, the abortion debate has gotten so polarized that there’s no middle ground that either side will typically concede. Probably the money influence more than anything – but now, any hint of ‘compromise’ and people scream for a person’s head. Heck, we see it on this board all the time!
Good article by economist Paul Krugman on some of the goofy tribalism that’s going on.
I find it mind-blowing that Jill and others on this board are in favor of the death penalty, but still say they are ‘pro-life’.
The death penalty for certain crimes has nothing to do with the abortion issue.
Likewise, there have been several wars that the US has been in, where many people, pro-life and pro-choice alike, would say the wars and the deaths that our participation caused were justified.
Likewise, if somebody came screaming into this room right now, raising an ax over their head and coming toward me, and I had a gun handy, I’m going to put as much lead into that sucker as I can. Has nothing to do with my thoughts on the abortion issue.
I don’t think a person can claim to be pro-life if they support the death penalty.