
On April 25, the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s Gregg Cunningham debated Abolish Human Abortion’s T. Russell Hunter on the topic, “Pro-life Incrementalism vs. Abolitionist Immediatism.”

As faithful readers to my blog know, I followed up on Cunningham’s excellent dissection of Hunter’s flawed “immediatist” arguments with what ended up to be a nine-part series of posts.

But I wasn’t the only one who had points to make about the debate. Pro-life apologists Steve Hays of Triablogue, Scott Klusendorf of Life Training Institute, Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, Jonathon Van Maren of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, and Clinton Wilcox also of LTI had excellent thoughts of their own.

SO, we have compiled our writings into an ebook entitled, “Abolition of Reason: Pro-Life Apologists Deconstruct ‘Immediatist’ Ideology as Presented in Cunningham-Hunter Debate,” and are making it available free (by clicking on the title) to whoever would like to delve more into the cracked and dangerous theory of immediatism.

Chapters (click to enlarge)…


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