NARAL president was afraid to tell people she was pregnant
by Kelli
I admit, I had trepidation about telling people…. Is it going to change the way they look at me? Are they going to treat me differently?…
There is this whole mentality that anyone who fights for the rights that we fight for must hate children and not want to parent. So to have the leader of a reproductive rights organization — an abortion rights organization — show up pregnant, it’s just jaw-dropping….
[This pregnancy] is amazing for me. Because it was my own decision to do it.
~ 45-year-old NARAL president Ilyse Hogue, who is 36 weeks pregnant with twins, as quoted by The Washington Post, June 7
[Photo via]
“[This pregnancy] is amazing for me. Because it was my own decision to do it.” Ummmm, a man involved anywhere??? anywhere??
You don’t hate the ones you allow to live? Is that it?
To have someone that advocates and celebrates the deliberate and intentional killing of babies in the womb “show up pregnant” may be “jaw dropping” to you and yours but not to those of us that understand human reproduction and biology.
Don’t forget you can still “choose” to kill your twinsies up until your due date!! Because you are so empowered and all that jazz!!
Ilyse is married. But to be pregnant with twins at age 46 seems a bit of a rarity to me, unless some sort of assisted reproductive technology was involved.
She’s the perfect poster child for “choice.” (Isn’t it telling that she, at age 46 and super empowered and all that, would be afraid to tell the people she works with about her pregnancy that she proudly “chose”? It speaks volumes to me. After all, in a profession that so often pushes population control – at least among minorities – I should think it could be awkward to say, “Hey, I’m adding two kids to the earth to suck up all the resources on the planet!”)
Abort/contracept all through your fertile years and then just before you hit menopause, go and “choose” to thumb your nose once again at nature through use of IVF.
I’m not saying Ilyse did this, but many women do.
It’s the American “feminist” way.
“There is this whole mentality”
So, choosing to have kids is a kind of social betrayal within the “choice” movement? Who would have thunk…
Weird, I could have sworn she was only 32 (or somewhere around that age) when she became the head of NARAL about two years ago. However, the picture of her that accompanies the quote does make her look closer to 45 so perhaps I was mistaken before now.
Like Hitler sponsoring a scholarship for Jews.
“Is it going to change the way they look at me?”
Really Ms Hogue, my wife and I work with our 12-year old daughter not to worry about what other people think of her if what she decides is right. I would have hoped a 45-year old would have outgrown that.
Its donor eggs at that age, especially with twins. The chance of a woman producing viable embryos at that age is less than 5%. Look at the SART stats. A lot of fertility clinics will even refuse to let women use their own eggs(unless previously frozen) past 43.
I don’t know if she used fertility treatments or not, but it’s possible she became pregnant on her own. I just delivered my 8th baby, conceived naturally, and I am well past 40. (Pregnant twice past 40, both no fertility treatments). Had my first at 23, but fertility has never been an issue for me. Lol!
That being said, this woman is screwy with her thinking.
Just wanted to add all my kids are very healthy, no abnormalities that can show up with older mothers.
If only the pregnancy, ultrasounds, heartbeats, kicks, etc. would have opened her mind to the humanity of her twins. That would have been jaw dropping to NARAL. Both have danced around that concept with some lingual and mental gymnastics in the past.
“who is 36 weeks pregnant with twins”
Shouldn’t it say ‘potential twins’??
Well… yeah, Ilyse. When you spend 100% of your time trying to convince the world that babies are, objectively, worthless pieces of trash that can be thrown away at a woman’s whim, people will probably look at you strangely when you do a 180 and decide that YOUR children are subjectively valuable by virtue of being yours.
They would only be potential twins if they were unwanted. In this case the mother ‘wants’ her two little choices so we can call those choices actual twins even prior to birth.
Hi Kristen,
It is entirely possible she became pregnant the usual way, no IVF or anything. A co worker of my mother’s was 48 when she became pregnant for twins, and it was definitely NOT expected!
You don’t hate the ones you allow to live? Is that it? – – terminated fetuses aren’t hated either.
‘Celebrated’? No, Relieved.
Shouldn’t it say ‘potential twins’?? – twin fetuses.
Mary says :
It is entirely possible she became pregnant the usual way, no IVF or anything. is. I was pregnant this January -at 49.
(suffered another miscarriage, though)
It certainly possible that Ms. Hogue became pregnant naturally, but the odds are against it.
Is this the future we are to embrace? One where women delay pregnancy until the age of a grandma, purchase viable eggs from a young woman and ta-da whip up a baby in a lab?
I guess I do have to acknowledge that she actually chose to be pregnant. She could have hired a third world surrogate.
And honestly, she looks older than 45.
I really don’t think assumptions should be made. We don’t know the details of their conception and do we really want to know? Let’s just welcome two children into the world.
It is not the norm but for these children life gets safer after birth.
This mom’s story is all over the internet, and someday she will more than likely be questioned by her children on what made her think that she was so special that she should get to decide whether or not they would be killed.
If she was afraid to tell others she was pregnant, just wait!:
One outspoken proabort mother nearing retirement plus twins will no doubt equal getting through the teenage years more interesting than average.
IIRC, being of advanced maternal age (35+) actually increases your chances of conceiving twins.
“my wife and I work with our 12-year old daughter not to worry about what other people think of her if what she decides is right.”
You and your wife may want to ponder a bit over this statement, Eric TL.
Princess shorty-shorts and all ya know.
“Princess shorty-shorts and all ya know”
Exactly my point, Praxedes, we have been involved with her to make good choices, and she thinks shorty shorts and the hoochy momma look are low class. She doesn’t worry about what other people at school think about her, and she says she feels more than half the kids in her class appear to have little moral compass when it comes to work ethic, cheating, dressing, sexual jokes, etc. Some in her class were getting a group together to see Pitch Perfect 2… not a movie for 12-year olds.
I’ve never heard of Pitch Perfect 2 until now, but who knows, it might make it into one of your daughter’s classrooms someday! She would walk out of class if it did, right?
Some of the teen boys in my area think it is cool to have their prom pictures taken in front of a strip joint. I haven’t seen any of their dates in the Facebook pics so maybe the girls were told to stay in the limo.
The worth came in the mother’s wanting.
For the life of me, no pun intended, I will never get the proabortion moral gymnastics. Chills me to the bone.
I can understand this. Choice is only choice if you are killing.
JoAnna: IIRC, being of advanced maternal age (35+) actually increases your chances of conceiving twins.
Yes indeed – more of certain hormones, higher chance of more than one egg coming down the pipe.
“She doesn’t worry about what other people at school think about her, and she says she feels more than half the kids in her class appear to have little moral compass when it comes to work ethic, cheating, dressing, sexual jokes, etc.”
Sounds like her school needs a new moral compass.
Courtnay: The worth came in the mother’s wanting. For the life of me, no pun intended, I will never get the proabortion moral gymnastics. Chills me to the bone.
No need for “gymnastics.” What do you think “worth” is? It comes from wanting, or not. That’s what it is, here.