Pro-life blog buzz 5-12-15
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
- Secular Pro-Life responds to Amnesty International’s recommendation that a 10-year-old rape victim in Paraguay should be made to undergo an abortion at 22 weeks – for her “safety”:
An abortion on a pregnancy this advanced is performed by lethal injection to the unborn baby’s heart, after which the mother goes into labor to expel the corpse. That means this poor 10-year-old is going to experience labor no matter what happens….The only question is whether she will give birth to a live baby or a dead one. But Amnesty International doesn’t even consider the idea of allowing this baby to take a breath. They’re just using this case to push a “safe abortion” agenda. I’m afraid the days when Amnesty International actually stood up for human rights are long gone.