In a surprising but welcome move, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus is, according to The Washington Times:
… delaying the start of the party’s annual winter meeting so he and other committee members can join the March for Life on the Mall….
Mr. Priebus, in his second term as elected chairman of the Republican National Committee, chose to delay the start of the four-day winter meeting of the GOP governing body, also scheduled in Washington, to allow himself and RNC members to attend the march. The delay is unprecedented for a major U.S. political party, several state Republican Party chairmen and other RNC members said in telephone interviews.
Mr. Priebus also decided that the RNC will charter a bus to and from the march for those among the RNC’s 168 members who wish to attend….
I’m, of course, pleased by this visible show of support by the RNC. It will certainly garner the March for Life much deserved attention that MSM usually avoids while demonstrating some respect for the pro-life issue at the Republican leadership level. That this is even news demonstrates the perceived lack thereof. Were Chairman Preibus’s counterpart, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, to announce she were attending an abortion fest sponsored by Planned Parenthood, the response would be, “But, of course.”