UPDATE 4/16, 9:50a: The Atlantic has posted 14 possible reasons for the media blackout.
UPDATE 4/14, 5:10p: The Gospel Coalition has posted eight reasons for the media blackout, which are good.

4/11, 4:34p: Living in Chicago, I’ve observed press coverage up close on three of the most notorious mass murderers ever apprehended: Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, and Richard Speck.
Speck tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses in Chicago in 1966. Dahmer murdered 17 boys and men in the Milwaukee/Chicago area between 1978-1991, keeping and eating some of their body parts. Gacy raped and murdered at least 33 boys and men between 1972-1978, burying many in the crawl space of his Chicago suburban home.
In each case the press tripped over themselves to recount every morbid detail, anxious to feed the public’s fascination with the macabre (click to enlarge)…