Pro-life blog buzz 7-22-14
- American Life League’s Judie Brown discusses the latest idea in birth conrol technology – remote control contraception:
Technology Review says the wireless implant, if approved for safety and efficacy, could make it possible for a woman to turn her birth control on and off at will by using a remote-control device. The implanted chip contains the chemical levonorgestrel—the same ingredient in Plan B One-Step (emergency contraception)….
CBS News states, “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has committed funding to a preclinical trial on a user-controlled microchip that can effectively prevent unwanted pregnancies for up to 16 years. The futuristic birth control method could make it to the general market as early as 2018.”
But even some on the Left are concerned that such technology could be used on women against their wills, aiding both eugenicists and sex traffickers.