Stop Charlie
6/14, 4:25p: Coming soon to FL via Truth Trucks on the highways and byways and aerial displays along coastal beaches (click to enlarge): Donations to USA Today…
6/14, 4:25p: Coming soon to FL via Truth Trucks on the highways and byways and aerial displays along coastal beaches (click to enlarge): Donations to USA Today…
by JivinJ, host of the blog, has scrubbed his U.S. Senate campaign web site of its page proclaiming him to be “pro-life.” I don’t think this bodes well for FL’s ultrasound legislation which Crist NY Times has an article on Planned Parenthood of the Heartland’s abortion drugs prescription by video conference scheme….
by JivinJ, host of the blog, Philadelphia Inquirer printed an editorial by former Sen. Rick Santorum about the 2nd birthday of his daughter Isabella, who has trisomy 18: Next week, we will mark Bella’s second birthday. Over these 2 years, we have endured 2 close brushes with death, lots of sleepless nights, more than a […]
I thought this American Life League wrote in a press release entitled, “Planned Parenthood fail: Endorsement ‘kiss of death’ for Deeds, Scozzafava, Corzine”: What do Dede Scozzafava, Creigh Deeds and Gov. Jon Corzine have in common? All were endorsed by abortion mammoth Planned Parenthood. All 3 candidates were virulent supporters of abortion rights and opponents […]
UPDATE, 3:33p: Breaking per writes today about Newt’s endorsement of Scozzafava, “Today Newt Gingrich takes himself out of the 2012 running.” [HT: Matt Lewis] _______________ Every election season the Republican establishment angers pro-lifers by supporting pro-abort candidates. While this year is no different, enter the tea partiers, who are boisterously organized in every state. […]
The new poll question is up: This weekend GOP presidential candidate John McCain is hosting several possible vice presidential picks at his home. He said last month there were ~20 in his pool. Of these top names floated, who would you choose? The poll site, Vizu, only allows 10 spots for answers, which made it […]