Pro-life blog buzz 1-24-14
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Pro-Life in TN shares an article by David French at National Review Online that captures the hubris and “me first” mindset of many who support abortion on demand:
I’m still shaking my head at Wendy Davis — not that she lied about her biography (sometimes it seems as if every politician springs out of some kind of heroic narrative) — but that she, as a very young lawyer doing the simple, ordinary work that thousands of young lawyers do, conceded custody of her child on the grounds that “it’s not a good time for me right now” to be the custodial parent.I’m also shaking my head at the president of the United States, speaking on the anniversary of the legalized killing of tens of millions of children, justifying this slaughter because it gives the former parents the ability to “fulfill their dreams.”