Pro-life blog buzz 8-30-13
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- At Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, Reggie Littlejohn reports on Lili Zeng of China, who was forced to abort her first child at nine months pregnant and watch him die in her arms. She has attempted suicide three times since this horrific event. Where is the outrage from feminists and pro-choicers?
Her experience shows that full-term babies born alive after a botched forced abortion may be left to die. Her experience also shows that a woman can be forcibly aborted up to the ninth month of pregnancy with the consent of her presumed husband.
Finally, Ms. Zeng’s experience shows that – even when a woman is pregnant with her first child – if it is her husband’s second child, she can be forcibly aborted.