Midnite, one of our longtime commenters, is having a birthday today. Happy birthday, Midnite!
I thought this would be a good time to celebrate other site contributors….
Bethany, one of our stalwart moderators, is a skilled artist. Bethany recently completed her first sculpture – of her husband. Beautiful, Bethany!
And for many months this spring we tracked the pregnancy of another of our longtime commenters, Heather. We were “together” here when she went into labor and all excited when she delivered a beautiful little girl. Many have asked to see a photo, and Heather recently mailed me the birth announcement. She’s gorgeous, Heather! (Click to enlarge):
If you have something to celebrate today, please share!
I’m going to be a Grandma again in two weeks….
I hope it’s Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum so I can mix it with my Mountian Dew. Congrats on the new grandchild MK.
And thanks. Really, it means a lot to me. :-)
Midnite, you mean a lot to us… :)
Happy birfday! :D
*brings the Bailey’s and the techno-dance music*
Lovely sculpture Bethany! Have you ever tried using wire to make sculptures?
@Heather: How did you make your daughter sit so nice in her photo with the costume? She looks adorable! :)
Oh crap! Who’s bringing Queen music? We need some Freddie Mercury in hurrrr…
Happy Birthday Midnite!
Nice scupture Bethany, great job on your first one.
Heather, your little baby is adorable!
Rae, I am all over it. I got some Queen downloaded onto the iPod.
And Jill, comming from you, really means a lot to me…
@Midnite: “Hells Bells” yeah! :D
*cranks up Under Pressure*
::Rae: hahahahahaha….
Thanks Jasper
@midnite … congrats …. we luv you, too
Heather and Bethany creating IS a “yeah” …. for babies to sculptures … welcome Madison and new avenues for Bethany.
Midnite –
When my in-laws sing Happy Birthday to someone they all sing as loud and off key as possible. They also start singing at different times so it is almost a “row your boat” type song! Something tells me that if we could all get together and sing for you it would sound something like that. ;-)
I want a strawberry marquarita instead of Rum, so I think I’ll have to bring that. Anyone have a blender? Mine broke….
Love Ya!
Bethany – Your artwork is awsome. You are so talented, your family is so lucky to have you. Especially your kids with those wonderful murals you did for their bedrooms!
Heather – I love the name Madison! She is so adorable. I want another baby now.
Hey guys..what a surprise! I now have a blog baby! Happy B-day midnite. My B-day is on the 27th!! Go Libra girl! Bethany, nice sculpture!
The pose was strictly the work of “Babies Are Us.”
A very happy birthday to you! Let this be not only the start of another year of your life but a whole new beginning as well, if you catch my drift!
Bethany, Beautiful artwork. Being that I am totally talentless in the art dept., I mean my daughter has to advise me on color schemes, style, etc., I envy people who have such talent.
Heather, a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations to you and your family. She’s precious. They grow up so fast so enjoy them.
Woo hoo! Happy birthday, Midnite! And congrats on your little angel, Heather. Man, MK’s grandbaby is comming out in two weeks, my little girl will be out of the womb in 6 weeks… such an exciting time… God love all of you and your precious families.
@Bobby: Congrats! Have you and your wife picked out a name for your baby?
@MK: Congratses on the newbie grandkiddie! :D Spoil him or her rotten!
Yay, party!!!
Bring on the whisky for the southerners!
Happy Birthday, Midnite. I give you your choice of birthday songs. I know Chili’s, Pancho’s, Olive Garden, and TGI Fridays.
Bethany, you are amazingly gifted.
Heather- Your baby girl is precious. Can I have her? You have another baby and I don’t have any. That ain’t fair!
congrats on your grandson or granddaughter !!!
You did a beautiful job Heather! She’s beauuutiful!!
Congrats to the others too celebrating too!
Anyone have a blender? Mine broke….
Did I not tell you that you can’t get change for a quarter by putting in the blender? It just doesn’t work that way…
Switchin’ to marguarita’s eh? Can’t handle the rum, eh?
Well I’m drinking champagne…it is a celebration after all. And none of the spumante stuff…I’m bringin’ Dom!
I phoned Johnny, but he refuses to come unless Cameron does. Thing one and Thing two will come if SoMG will. Does anybody play guitar? And I’ve got a “Pin the handcuffs on mr. Tiller” game.
Laura, you up for givin’ free EMU rides? They’ll make great pictures for tomorrows post.
What are you guys gonna wear? Should I invite my son? Oh never mind, did that already with thing one and thing two. He’s thing two.
Okay, let’s git this wagon rollin’…
Heather: BEAUTIFUL baby! What a little doll!!
Bethany: BEAUTIFUL sculpture! Does it really look like your husband? I’m always so impressed when people can capture the look of other humans beings so wonderfully.
MK: Congrats on being an almost-grandma again!
Midnite: Happy birthday to you!!! Joyeux anniversaire!!! Insert other languages here!!!
My good news is still pending, but there’s some a-comin’… celebrations are on their way, people, so get on your dancing shoes (I like to polka) and come up to Detroit for my party which I am about to start throwing in my head for excellent news that is soon coming!!
Just believe me… there’s reason to be happy.
I love life…
I’m in for the party. I’m bringing wine because French wine=yummy.
ps, MK: Don’t forget the lemmings.
Bethany, congratulations on that fine sculpture – you are indeed talented. Methinks your husband must look a bit like Jude Law.
MK –
Horton just called and he wants to know if he, The Lorax and Yertle the Turtle can come? They promise that if The Grinch gets wind of this they will make him promise to wear his outfit 2 sizes to big. What are you going to do about the Cat in the Hat? I thought thing one and thing two couldn’t go anwhere without him? Or is SoMG the Cat? Where is Cameron anyway? Why doesn’t the Queen want to come?
(sorry – I accidently drank the bubbles again. You did say champaign right?)
Valerie, Valerie, Valerie…
That’s “BUBBLY”, not BUBBLES…
And I thought you were drinking margueritas! Get your paws off of my grapes!
Lemmings and mullets. Yes!
Hey, someone fix that CD…it’s skipping again! Or is it supposed to sound like that? Dang rap music…
Laura, what about those EMU rides?
I gotta go make dinner for the family before I’m too toasted to stand up anymore.
I’ll be back and we’ll have some cake…but I’m not telling you all who’s gonna be jumpin’ out of hit…It’s a surprise…
VALERIE! How many times do I have to tell you? Never, ever, ever put lemmings in the microwave…wait til your father gets home!
We need more ice.
Hey has anyone seen Rae? I saw her moped parked outside…
And where the heck is the birthday girl? When do we open presents?
It wasn’t me who put the Lemmings in the microwave! You always blame me! It was…. um…Bethany….yea that’s right, it was Bethany.
I’m so confused! Do some people know each other outside of this blog? Like ya’ll hang out and stuff?
Jill Thank you! You are so sweet. :)
I opened up the blog a minute ago and was like, Wait! Am I at the wrong blog? lol!
Rae, I am actually making a wire skeleton for hands I will be sculpting soon! My husband made an armature for his portrait sculpture above. It really worked out great!
Valerie, don’t lie! I saw you putting that lemming in the microwave this afternoon…don’t blame it on me! :D
Happy birthday, Midnite!
My cousin hit my sister in the head with a bat while playing pinata on her birthday. In my family, it isn’t a party until someone ends up with stitches lol.
“but I’m not telling you all who’s gonna be jumpin’ out of hit…It’s a surprise…”
I’ll jump out of it, I’ll wear my bunny costume. Haha, my Mom found it and was like, “why do you need this?” and I’m like, “you never know.”
Congratulations everyone!
@MK: Oy! I don’t ride those hippie mo-ped contraptions. I lurve my Mitsubishi. Safe and has excellent gas mileage. :)
@Bethany: That’s cool. I did a wire sculpture of a ballerina in junior high. Being the perfectionist I am, I didn’t like the way it turned out (though everybody else thought it was fine) and I never did sculpture again. It takes a lot of talent to do 3D art because it’s definitely more challenging than 2D. I hope you post pictures of the hands, I love hands…drawing hands and seeing hand sculptures.
*wanders off to bake some cookies for the party*
What a beautiful baby. Congratulations! And what cool announcements to show her off with. (And the bragging never stops, ya know? That’s the way cool thing about being a parent.) Oh … and … the wings are a great touch too! God love you, your family and your new addition.
Everyone, thank you for your kind words about my girl. Bobby, I can’t wait until you have your daughter. Girls are so much fun!
Bobby –
“I’m so confused! Do some people know each other outside of this blog? Like ya’ll hang out and stuff? ”
Its a cyber party! We just make it up as we go along.
Last party we had was a gay wedding. One of our regulars at the time, Cameron, got married to a Queen (or was it THE Queen? or a member of Queen? I can’t remember – must have been the Rum with Johnny).
Bethany –
Phooey on you!
“Its a cyber party! We just make it up as we go along.”
Oh my! In that case, I’ll be the guy who is inauspiciously sitting in the corner with a math book. Cheers!
Jess, that was so cute!!
I’m back everyone…
Valerie, so help me, if you drank all of my champagne!
I think bethany should do a sculpture of all of us…
Rae, then who’s moped was that?
Let’s open presents…
Laura, still waiting on the EMU rides…
Where’s Enigma, Edyt, Jacqueline, Carrie, Carder,
Valerie, you’re trailing something on your shoe…
at least it’s pink!
@Bobby: No! You will NOT be sitting in a corner reading a math book!
*Squirts math book with lighter fluid, strikes match*
*grabs marshmallows and hunkers down*
Who wants S’mores a la Calculus? :-p
Who’s bringing the karaoke?
@MK: I have no idea who’s moped it is, perhaps it’s the Late, Great Freddie Mercury’s, joining us for such a special occasion. :)
“Tooooniiiiiight, we’re gonna have ourselves… a real good time. I feel aliii-hii-hii-hiiiiive…”
Yeah, the parish priest is here!
Where is JM? I’m worried about her. She quit her job. I’ll bring the Bud Lite, but I risk Somg calling me a drunk again!! *throws confetti*
Nooooooooooo! I needed that book! I begin teaching tomorrow! How am I supposed to teach without the text?
I am hiding in a corner
Let’s all meet at the DC march. We’ll go have a heck of a party after that!!
@Rae: I’m a rocket ship on my way to Mars on a collision course!
I leaving the party already( and all I did was hide in a corner). SpongeBob is on..
Don’t worry Bobby, after tonight you’ll be too hung over to teach anyway. Just read ’em a Dr. Seuss book!
Hey…The twits are here…Nigel and Simon!
@Bobby: Eep! Sorry! Glad I secretly replaced your actual textbook with my old calculus text book. :D
*hands book back*
@Heather: JM quit her job!? Oh no! What happened!?
Noooo Carrie don’t go…
Rae, I don’t know, but she posted and said that she quit. It just got to be too much for her. She really didn’t elaborate, and I haven’t seen her since:@
Bobby –
You can’t sit in the corner! That is where we hid the mullets! You’ll freak them out! oh wait – aren’t they already a bit freaky? um….never mind.
I have no idea where the champagne is! I just drank all the bubbles though.
Where’s midnite? do you think she went to a different party and didn’t invite us?
I hope you are all treating Father Guido with the respect he deserves……
Rae, Here’s your Karaoke…
speaking of the future…
> HEADLINES FROM THE YEAR 2030 Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California . White minority fails to have English recognized as Mexifornia’s third language. Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock. Baby conceived naturally. Scientists stumped. Mississippi couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage. Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory of the Middle East (formerly known as Iraq , Afghanistan , Syria and Lebanon ). Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels. France pleads for global help after being taken over by Jamaica ..
> Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking. George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2032. Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only. 85 year study costing $75.8 billion reveals diet and exercise as keys to weight loss. Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs. Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative. Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals, violates their civil rights. Average height of NBA players is now nine feet, seven inches. New federal law requires that al l nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2032. Congress authorizes direct deposit of formerly illegal political contributions to their campaign accounts. IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.
> Florida voters having trouble with voting machines.
again with goldfish in the kegger? Why won’t you learn…drunk fish are bad fish…I’m not cleaning it up when they start heavin’…
Helen Thomas was supposed to jump out of the cake but she couldn’t decide on a lipstick shade…
Shots anyone? Yaegermeister? lemon drop? jello?
Rae, did you remember the Olea europaea?
Laura just called. Apparently the emu’s got into Val’s margueritas and they are, well, see for yourself…
LOL after five years of Spanish I ONLY know how to conjugate verbs. I just don’t know any verbs in Spanish. o/as/a/amos/ais/an
(Pony eats Bobby’s book)
Picture this. Helen Thomas in a red bikini to match her red lipstick…OH I’m being bad!! LOL!
oops…back to plan B Bobby…Dr. Seuss it is…
Do you not love Father Guido?
That’s exactly what she was wearing…
But now who’s gonna jump out of the cake?
Is this pro life Jess or PC Jess?
Put the rum away…there’s only one Jess, and she’s both of them…
Pass that bottle over this way…
I love him I wish he was my professor mk, something tells me I could get away with A LOT in that class : )
No heather, I’m a bunny remember? Remember that bunny costume I have in my closet?
MK, Helen. Jess was the girl with the B/F. Let’s see who’s missing. Samantha T., Heather B.,Cameron, Diana, JM, JJ, Love my 5 kids, His Man, Danielle, Amanda, anyone else??
OMG it’s my boyfriends birthday too! I was trying to look up a birthday poem for him so I typed in Happy****ingbirthday.com and it brought me to a porno site!!!! Maybe I can get someone from there to jump out of the cake?
(Porn star jumps out of cake, no one wants to eat the cake anymore)
Operation Rescue, Bronx Roman Catholic Bishop Josu Iriondo, accompanied by friars, nuns, and congregants from St. Roch’s Church, marched to Dr. Emily’s death Clinic in NYC
…Look at the seventh picture down of the pro-choice woman, I swear they’re wiccans or witches, all dressed in black… ..but then again, when I first met my wife, I use to think she was a wiccan because she frequently dressed in black but she turned out to be very Catholic.
Jasper… http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news1007/zerowiccans.html
I knew a Wiccian. She didn’t dress in black though, she was actually very pretty. She was a flaming racist though.
jasper, interesting.
Alyssa is missing! And Gretchen.
Jasper, Jasper, Jasper…have a jello shot and join the party…
My great grandmother only wore black. She wasn’t Wiccan, she was just Austrian.
OOHHHH Jess, I want him to jump out of the cake!
Where the heck is Valerie?
And did anybody bother to tell the birthday girl that there is a party going on in her honor?
My b/day is the 27th.
Back off mk he’s all mine! He has two brothers though…prrrr
How about a hen with one tube?
momof3 is another.
I’m enjoying a red wine in your honor. This party is a blast. Any Southern Comfort?
Ok I’m going…i have to go to the library then my roommate and I are going to a fried dough party thing at our dinning commons.
Remember! don’t drink and post!
There is no talent involved in living to another birthday or gestating a child. Bethany is gifted. If this is her first sculpture, I would love to see what follows while she matures and finds her voice as an artist.
Rae – “Under Pressure” – you might like this version:
Any Southern Comfort?
Midnite is from Alabama and I can tell you I’d sure be comforted if SHE CAME TO HER OWN PARTY!
Headlines from the year 2030 – hilarious!
(The green-colored guy on the back porch looking quizically at the cigar the MK gave him.)
We’ll miss you! Bring your friends back with you…
Of course there is no talent in turning older…but it’s a great excuse to PARTAY!!!!
Jello shot Sally? Or are you a Tequila girl?
WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause you to thay shings like thish.
Mary, mom of 3 was me!
Let me show you…you snip off the end. Then light the other end…then…oh give it to me. You know it’s my valuation that ain’t done this before…
Have a jello shot, it’ll settle your stomach…
Where the heck did Val go. The last time she disappeared early from a party we found her the next morning in the garage with a pirate…
At a local bar we have a T shirt that reads TAKE ME DRUNK, I’M HOME> LOL..
Okay Dougie,
We’re cuttin’ you off…
Put the jello shot down and step away from the table…
Now where did I put those wiccans?
Oh, Heather, that’ll make a great present for Midnite…IF SHE EVER SHOWS UP!
Sally, what can I get you to drink…
Laura, I know you brought the emus cuz there are feathers in the cake! Ooops, those are from Steve Trombleys boa!
Mary, you’re gonna have to explain the one egged hen thing…I must have been cleaning the goldfish out of the kegger and missed that one.
Doug, can you hear me Doug? How many fingers am I holding up?
Heather invited all of us from another thread, even those chicks who had tubal ligations.
Well, I’m a lot closer to being a hen than a chick, plus, I have only one tube left, the other had to be removed along with an ovary a few years ago. Sooo, does that make me half a hen? This wine tastes good and the party is fun!
So you’re momof3. Another mystery solved.
Happy Birthday on Thursday heather!
I turned 40 on Aug 19th (same birthdate as Bill Clinton…boooo)
My baby picture:
Hee hee hee. MK, how many fingers am I holding up?
Of course there is no talent in turning older…but it’s a great excuse to PARTAY!!!!
Jello shot Sally? Or are you a Tequila girl?
Posted by: mk at September 25, 2007 8:13 PM
A Hot Flash for me.
happy belated birthday, jasper!
Ohhhh Doug,
Jill’s not here and you’re drunk so I’m gonna let that slide til someone calls us on it…
But I am definitely cutting you off…or at least your fingers!
But the way, prolifers refer to that gesture as “pointing to heaven”…
What’s in a hot flash? I’d look it up in the bartending book, but there’s a group of out of control partiers here that got ahold of some lighter fluid and started burning books…last I saw of them, they were roasting marshmallows over the pile.
So what’s in this hot flash?
I’m back. What did I miss?? Am I going to have to be the designated driver?
Doug LOL!!!! thats hilarious…..
Hey Carrie. No need to drive. I have the feeling half of these people couldn’t make it out to the car…
How’s the sponge guy doin?
Ohhhh Doug,
Jill’s not here and you’re drunk so I’m gonna let that slide til someone calls us on it…
But I am definitely cutting you off…or at least your fingers!
But the way, prolifers refer to that gesture as “pointing to heaven”…
Posted by: mk at September 25, 2007 8:46 PM
mk, you are most certainly obsessing over drunkeness while sounding the epitomy of such tonight. Are you OK?
MK –
I’m here! You have just been too busy putting your head in the keg! I told you the fish weren’t in there. Bobby took them and his reading Math to them…..
Tequila Tookillya
Oh Jasper,
For shame! You shouldn’t be laughing at stuff like that! Or at least not admitting it! I know I said lighten up, but sheesh.
sally, can’r pro lifers have a drink? My body, my choice.
mk, you are most certainly obsessing over drunkeness while sounding the epitomy of such tonight. Are you OK?
Mk who? where? what? something about hot flashes and emus…And I am most certainly NOT drunk…why I never…now where did I leave those gold fish…oh, yes, back to the kegger…*hic*
oh, I didn’t know that directed towards you!
that brings me to my next point. Doug, how can you look at your baby and think abortion should be legal.
*Hic* Galileo had it wrong. The earth doesn’t revolve around the sun *Hic*…the room revolves around me…*hic*
My long lost feather…I mean friend…where did you go…you still have toilet paper on your shoe…whaddya mean theres no goldfish in the kegger? I just drank half of it looking for them…
Is it hot in here? I keep hearing voices talking about hot flashes…
Feather, I mean Heather,
sally, can’r pro lifers have a drink? My body, my choice.
We most certainly cannot have a drink. But we can have two…
MK, lol! Meant can’t….haven’t had a single drop, and can’t spell tonight.
MK –
You are the one having hot flashes.
The voices is just Bobby and the fish reading math.
There is no toilet paper on my shoe, it is just the pink pony’s that keep following me.
Where did you say the bubbly went?
Where’s Johnny? Is he still in the garage?
Where’e Midnite?
How come I’m here and everyone else is lost?
Well for heavens sake Heather pull up a cheer, I mean chair, and have a snake, I mean drink…
Sally is having hot flashes, Val is drinking lighter fluid, I just finish a goldfish free kegger, his Lordship is drinking white whine, I mean wine, and um…
I forgot what I was talking about…
Heather, pull up a chore, I mean chair, and have a pickle, I mean drink…where am I? Something about a rocket ship and the moon…
It’s the cow and the moon, not the rocketship!
Where’s the spoon?
I’m not drinking lighter fluid….That’s would be Bethany….yea, thats right…it’s all Bethany!
Speaking of rotten kids…
My teenager just called my curfew! Seems he has to write a paper for school…kid is so boring! So I’m being kicked off the computer…
It’s probably for the best. All the goldfish are gone anyway and I misplaced my boa. Not to mention I broke the heel on my shoe. What with that and the bum leg, people are apt to think I’ve had too much to drink *hic*…
Is my dress supposed to zip up the front?
Oh never mind. It’s not my dress. Wait a minute,
Dang, he’s beepin’ the horn…
If midnite shows up tell her theres a lemming in the basement for her, but all the books are gone.
Give her a hug and wish her happy anniversary.
Okay, Okay, I’m coming!
MK –
What were you doing with those fish that made you get out of your dress?
Laura, what about those EMU rides?
(My big emu has only one leg. He mangled the other when he tried to sexually assault a Jeep.)
The YouTube emu footage is priceless…
First we have MK doing something fishy with the Goldfish in the keg, now we have a jeep trying to get in on with a jeep. Helen Thomas is wearing a red dress and red lipstick and is just wondering around looking for a cake to pop out of. Doug has smoked too many cigars and thinks he is a baby again…….
Who spiked the drinks! Fess up!
AND I forgot that Rae is running around burning school books and has no idea what it is that she is driving. Not that she should drive with all she has drank tonight!
And where is Cameron and the Queen?
MK stole my boa.
oops…not a jeep getting it on with a jeep. Geesh.. what was I thinking, that would be just way to weird. It was Laura’s Emu that thought the jeep looked vaguely familiar….. He had that look in his eye ya know!
Occiffer…Drunk I’m not…
Oy…I fink I need to cut back on der Bailey’s and “House”.
*passes out*
I need to get back to my apartment, the parentals are kickin’ me out. G’nite folks!
Good nite Rae, Laura, MK, Valerie, Heather, Jasper, and everyone else. This old hen with one tube is done partying and heading for the sack. Some of us DO have to work in the morning! Keep partying everyone else. I do hope the guest of honor shows up soon! If not, well that’s no excuse to stop a party!
What’s in a hot flash? I’d look it up in the bartending book, but there’s a group of out of control partiers here that got ahold of some lighter fluid and started burning books…last I saw of them, they were roasting marshmallows over the pile.
So what’s in this hot flash?
Posted by: mk at September 25, 2007 8:48 PM
Tuaca served with a slice a lime doused in sugar and bitters as a chase.
Well for heavens sake Heather pull up a cheer, I mean chair, and have a snake, I mean drink…
Sally is having hot flashes, Val is drinking lighter fluid, I just finish a goldfish free kegger, his Lordship is drinking white whine, I mean wine, and um…
I forgot what I was talking about…
Heather, pull up a chore, I mean chair, and have a pickle, I mean drink…where am I? Something about a rocket ship and the moon…
Posted by: mk at September 25, 2007 9:05 PM
Damn chica. Are you a stoner?
My, you guys certainly had some fun tonight. Too bad I missed out.
Lol, those effects are from neither weed nor alcohol. I am thinking someone slipped a roofie of acid in one of MKs martinis.
Good Heavens People…
Look at this mess…Jill is going to have a cow!
(swallows 3 aleve and drinks 4 glasses of water chased by 4 cups of coffee)
Who’s emu is passed out in Midnites new jeep?
(It’s supposed to be her birthday present. I hope she like the color. And now there is a one legged emu sleeping in it!)
How did I get a goldfish up my nose?
The cops called. Helen Thomas is missing. Come to think of it, so is Doug…hmmmmmm….nah. That’s just too creepy. On the other hand…Val? Go check the garage!
Sally, that drink would sound yummy if my head wasn’t pounding. Next birthday.
Thing One and Thing Two are still singing anime tunes on the Karaoke machine…someone pull the plug…
And what is with this dress? Is it me, or is it on backwards…?
How are you all this morning? Someone grab a broom. I’ll start picking up Heather. I mean feathers…
Let’s blame the whole mess on Bethany! :)
Okay, I admit it- the mess was entirely my fault… Including the mess the emu made in the Jeep.
Mk, stop snorting Goldfish! LOL
Bethany is gifted. If this is her first sculpture, I would love to see what follows while she matures and finds her voice as an artist.
Sally, I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. Thank you!
Aww… I can’t believe I missed the party…
I was at class last night. Stupid education class (which I love)… always interfering with my social life (which doesn’t exist)…
Don’t worry about it! Just clean up the mess the Emu left in Midnites new jeep and we’ll call it even!
My head is POUNDING!!
I was at my parents house pretty late last night and then I went and met my friends at a local Irish Pub. Work is going to be hell on earth today!!
And thanks for my Jeep and Emu! I love them…
If this is what happens when we have a party, we better clean up before Jill gets back ; )
Hey Midnite!
I hope you had a great birthday!