Hodari’s babies
We’ve talked much the last couple weeks about MI late-term abortionist Alberto Hodari, in the news for tossing aborted babies and medical records into his dumpsters. Read my Hodari archives here.
But just what does an abortionist do with all the money s/he makes from aborting poor mothers in crisis?
Pro-lifer Judy Papa has sidewalk counseled at Hodari’s Flint, MI, pole barn abortion mill for years and sent photos of Hodari’s hobby, classic car collecting. He even takes them to shows.
Where does Hodari keep his babies? Inside the mill, at the service entrance.
These first photos are of Hodari leaving the mill in his favorite car. He mentioned it during his infamous talk at Wayne State U last November…
See more photos on page 2.
Hodari’s driver is Geraldo, shown here in another of Hodari’s cars…
Parked by the service entrance…
And a couple others…
Baby killing is big $$$$$.
I wonder what kind of reaction he would get if he drove around with vanity plates:
Enjoy those automobiles now… because in the next life those whitewall tires ain’t worth squat in a lake of burning fire.
Hodari’s mill looks very rundown.
CC, that was my thought.
He can afford all of those nice cars, but he couldn’t splurge for a shredder.
I wonder how long it will take before the pcers start lecturing Jill about posting photos of his cars. Wouldn’t want to violate his privacy and all the jazz. :)
*sigh* Guys, Drs make a lot of money. It’s just the way it is. He’s earning it legally, and he’s entitled to do what he wants with it.
Jill: Is Hodari’s mill bigger than average? It seems enormous.
All that money made on the backs of dead babies.
Kind of like all those rich slaveowners who made money on the backs of their slaves.
Waiting for the comments about RCC priests….still waiting.
Nice cars. I should have gone to med school.
What does being an evangelist have to do with all the money he/she makes from telling lies to a church full of people?
Hmmmm…maybe we should abort those babies? So he would know what it feels like to lose something precious?
Hmmmm…maybe we should abort those babies? So he would know what it feels like to lose something precious?
Posted by: RSD at March 27, 2008 4:57 PM
I thought you all weren’t supposed to advocate for vandalism and property damage anymore. I thought it was part and parcel of the attempt to reverse the damage to the pro-life reputation after all the clinic bombings and doctor shootings.
RSD, you know, that’s probably why he keeps them in the mill in the first place.
You are soo right! IF all those cars are his, they are worth well over 200K. It’s just disgusting. We know what he thinks is more precious and important – CARS, instead of unborn babies. UGGGG!
Abortionist Says He’ll Obey Law Yet Bar Men from Room
By Penny Starr
CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
February 07, 2008
(CNSNews.com) – After gaining national media coverage of a videotaped speech at Wayne State University in Detroit where he told medical students it was acceptable to lie to patients, Dr. Alberto Hodari told Cybercast News Service he will no longer tell couples that Michigan state law prohibits the man from being in the room when an abortion is performed.
Hodari said in the speech that he lied about the state law because men who witnessed an abortion usually fainted and one man tried to sue him for an injury he suffered from the fall.
As a result, Hodari would tell the men they could not be in the room where abortions occurred, adding in his videotaped speech: “My wife says we doctors have a license to lie, and it’s true. It’s absolutely true. Sometimes you need to lie to a patient about things they want to do or no.”
But while Hodari told Cybercast News Service he will no longer invoke a non-existent state law, he vowed to continue banning men from the operating room.
“I don’t feel comfortable with the boyfriend or husband falling down,” Hodari said.
“Abortion does hurt,” Hodari said, adding that he thinks abortions are “more an emotional trauma” for men than women and that “women have much stronger personalities” than men.
But medical ethicists and Michigan’s ethical codes say that lying to patients is not acceptable in any case.
“Dr. Hodari is simply wrong and outside the boundaries of medical practice,” Arthur Caplan, chairman of the Department of Medical Ethics and director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, told Cybercast News Service.
David Orentlicher — who is a physician, Indiana state representative, former director of the division of medical ethics for the American Medical Association (AMA), and a professor of medical ethics at Indiana University — cited the second principal in the AMA’s Code of Medical Ethics, which says:
“A physician shall uphold the standards of professionalism, be honest in all professional interactions, and strive to report physicians deficient in character or competence, or engaging in fraud or deception, to appropriate entities.”
“Honesty is important,” Orentlicher told Cybercast News Service, adding that Hodari can ethically set his own policies for his clinic, but that lying should not be a part of that policy. “There is an obvious truthful way to deal with this by saying (no men in the operating room) is my policy.”
James McCurtis, spokesman with the Michigan Department of Community Health – the entity that licenses physicians in the state – told Cybercast News Service that Michigan’s code of ethics says that physicians have to have “the propensity to serve the public in a fair, open and honest manner.”
McCurtis said if a patient files a complaint with the department claiming harm resulting from a doctor lying, the state’s Board of Medicine can decide to investigate if the claim seems legitimate. McCurtis said depending on the results of such an investigation, a physician could be warned or face criminal charges.
No complaints have been filed against Hodari, who told Cybercast News Service that he thinks abortions are “necessary” and that partial-birth abortions should not be banned.
Students for Life of America videotaped Hodari when he spoke at Wayne State on Nov. 9, 2007, transcribed the speech, and posted the video and transcription on their Web site and on YouTube.
Posted by: heather at March 27, 2008 5:26 PM
Let’s remember what a creep he is.
I have no problem with this guy owning classic cars. I own a few myself. The diffeence is I share a great deal of my income with the poor and spend countless hours working with ministries. “To much has been given, much is required”.
However, his method of earning the money that enables him to buy these cars is despicable.
This reminds me of the story of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man represents this Dr., Lazarus represents the poor, disregarded children he neglects. We know where Lazarus and the rich man ended up. The rich man’s punishment also involved the torment of knowing that his relatives were on the way to where he already was. Hal, are you listening? Think about your daughters bud and what their future holds if they follow their dear old dad.
The problem wasn’t that the man was rich, the problem was that the rich man disregarded the poor man. Hodari could care less about the infants he kills and he too will be disregarded by God who is a consuming fire.
Dr. Hodari would do well to repent(turn away) from what he is doing, implore the Lord’s forgiveness and work to save children and mothers from the destruction of abortion. He could even keep his classic cars.
There is nothing wrong with getting wealth, for it is the Lord who gives power to get wealth.
By the way, God is the richest person in teh Universe.
Go bark up anoterh atheist loser tree.
Hey everyone, Bill Clinton showed up to my campus and is speaking tonight. Just thought you’d find it interesting. Also, Barack Obama is coming here on Sunday. Most excellent. :)
I wonder if he pays big auto insurance premiums for driving these expensive cars to work? Must be a lot more costly than keeping them in a garage somewhere.
Do you all ever think that maybe people would take you more seriously if you didn’t obsess over trivia? Like cars? And trash?
I can’t imagine there would be too many men wanting to come into the room to watch the abortion. It would seem incredible to me that a man would want to watch his baby being sucked out of the woman he supposedly loves (or used for his personal self-satisfaction). But then again, any man who takes his partner to get an abortion doesn’t have many positive qualities going for him IMO.
The funny thing though is that the spokesman for the AMA would talk about honesty when the American College of Ob & GYN is mandating that all ob/gyn’s do or at the very least refer for abortions! So if you honestly feel it’s wrong to do an abortion well, you’re not gonna get licensed!
I noticed one car had “Argentina” posted on it. Is he from Argentina?
Look at this guy, one despicable human being. Using blood money to purchase his cars. It’s looks like an old Mercedes (red) in the back and maybe a Rolls-Royce (blue) in the front there (big bucks)..
It’s amazing how this guy can sleep at night. His time is coming…
Do you all ever think that maybe people would take you more seriously if you didn’t obsess over trivia? Like cars? And trash?
Posted by: Hieronymous at March 27, 2008 6:47 PM
Nothing about abortion is trivial.
Heather: So that’s all there is behind this “Hodari lies to patients” BS? He tells them state law prohibits men being present during abortions?
Hardly a significant lie. And it’s told in the best interest of the patient and boyfriend, so the boyfriend doesn’t pass out and break his head against the floor.
I thought there would be more to it than that.
He’s entitled to enjoy his life. I’m sure he knows that every day might be the day some anti-choice nut shoots him.
Elizabeth said: “Kind of like all those rich slaveowners who made money on the backs of their slaves.”
*sigh* Elizabeth, plantation owners made a lot of money. That’s just the way it was. They earned it legally, and they were entitled to do what they wanted with it.
/pro-abort logic
Lyssie said: “Hey everyone, Bill Clinton showed up to my campus and is speaking tonight. Just thought you’d find it interesting. Also, Barack Obama is coming here on Sunday. Most excellent. :)”
Sweet, where can I sign up for the protest? I’ll have to get my “Pro-choice is a lie! Babies never choose to die!” sign ready.
In photo #5 he’s parked in the Handicap spot. Must be suffering from a cold, black heart.
John, I’ve never understood why you always have to be such a feminine hygiene wash.
Hey Hieronymous’ “I thought you all weren’t supposed to advocate for vandalism and property damage anymore”, “reverse the damage to the pro-life reputation after all the clinic bombings and doctor shootings.”
” Pro Life will no longer be what regulators like Dobson, Sekulow, and republicrats define it to be. We all need more in your face reality for baby killers and anyone supporting them. A REAL doctor takes an unhealthy body and performs medical procedures to rstore the body’s normal, good health. Baby killers take a healthy body and perform a medical procedure to destroy it. Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
theonlything, are you SUPPORTING terrorist actions of pro-life organizations?
Right On John Lewandowski! “Sweet, where can I sign up for the protest? I’ll have to get my “Pro-choice is a lie! Babies never choose to die!” sign ready.” When choice was redefined as ripping the arms and legs off of a living baby in the womb, I became anti-choice. Choice is yet another word, like abortion, or reproductive rights, etc., to dumb down women into believing their living baby isn’t real. Pro Life has substance and meaning. Pro baby killing is the label of truth for anyone stabbing the skull of a partially delivered baby, or injecting saline into it to end its life.
Erin, the only terrorist at an abortuary is the homicidal mom, and her blood lusting, baby killing accomplice, like Hodari, Hern, etc.
Erin, since you apparently missed it – A REAL doctor takes an unhealthy body and performs medical procedures to restore the body’s normal, good health. Baby killers take a healthy body and perform a medical procedure to destroy it. Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So…I’m pretty sure that’s a yes. You’re OK with people shooting abortionists and blowing up abortion clinics?
Look, guys, it’s Zeke Mach II!
Erin, you were too easy, sorry, I mean that was too easy. Assume, assume, assume. Look at where you’ve taken my words – “Pro Life will no longer be what regulators like Dobson, Sekulow, and republicrats define it to be. We all need more in your face reality for baby killers and anyone supporting them.” Well you do know what happens when you ass-u-me, don’t you? Did you have a point to make, or should we all get on the edge of our seats for your next fictional response?
You disagreed with a post that someone made about killers and bombers, and then said that the only bad people were the abortionists. That’s pretty much condoning terrorism. Let me guess, Army of God fan?
Also, a fetus, for the majority of gestation, hardly has a body. Heck, it hardly has functioning organs until the 2nd trimester.
Also, nice jab at my personal life, pretty sure that was unnecessary. This is supposed to be all nice and civil. We usually get along pretty well until the real crazies, like SoMG and Zeke pop up.
Who else wants to see a claymation deathmatch between SoMG and Zeke?
Claymation pwns.
I TOTALLY miss Celebrity Deathmatch, don’t you! Claymation at its finest
Lol, thanks, Pip. Now I’m going to spend all night on YouTube watching old episodes of Deathmatch.
Erin, “You disagreed with a post that someone made about killers and bombers, and then said that the only bad people were the abortionists. That’s pretty much condoning terrorism. Let me guess, Army of God fan?” Just like I thought, nothing but fiction, no substance, laid a big egg. Did you mean by a nice jab that the truth hurts? Who’s Zeke? I’m Jon and the only thing 2 fear for a baby is it’s own mother and her homicidal accomplices.
It’s what I”m here for, Erin ;)
OK, let me ask you directly here then, OK, dude? Do you, or do you not, condone the actions of men and women who kill abortionists and blow up abortion clinics? No jumping around the question or being a poopy-head (I have been hanging out with you mommies at this site WAY too much), just a simple yes, or no. Yes…or no. Very easy.
Also, I really think that you should see this. Maybe it’ll make you behave like a decent human being towards other people.
Edited by Bethany at 11:02 AM (Sorry, Erin, but the link caused me, along with many others here to be forced to shut down our browser and I had to delete it.)
Stupid tinyurls, never working like they’re supposed to.
This one actually works.
Edited by Bethany at 11:02 AM (Sorry, Erin, but the link caused me, along with many others here to be forced to shut down our browser and I had to delete it.)
Billyton and Baracobama? You’re bragging that the filth and stench is coming to your university? I would rather dine with pigs.
These same swine would support a guy like Hodari who probably says this prayer every night: “Oh got, America, what a country, been berry, berry good to me. Thanks yous got for allowing me to, with mine own hands, kill babies that you intended for life. What a great got you are. And got, I want a Shelby Mustang autographed by the man, peeeze keep sending those babies, so I can make more money and blaspheme you at same time, what a great got, what an amazing got, got bless, i mean damn America, amen”. “Oh and got, please let Hillaby or Hilladeath or BamBam be the next President so I can buy Hitler’s limosine, for it will make such an appropriate addition to my hell hole garage”.
I wouldn’t want to risk being in in the same room with these reprobate moral midgets breathing the same air let alone listening to their lies.
How could anyone, especially any self-respecting woman, listen to a cheating, lying excuse for a male like Billydebobedeeboob. Ah, perhaps loser woman are drawn to these types? This guy single handedley destroyed the morals of a generation of kids who were told that “it’s not sex”.
And BO, he’s a freaking rookie who’s done absolutely nothing and wants to be Pres. The guy is psychotic because he’s been mentored for 20 years by someone who wants to destroy this country and who does not know the first thing about Jehovah. You want change America? You’ll get it…..a socialistic disaster. Why don’t you just save us the headache, and move to Cuba? You’ll be able to drive a 1960 Chevy Impala or Bel Air, spy on your neighbor, and be an atheist. Oh and you won’t need air conditioning is the sweltering, 98 degree, 80 pecent relative humidity climate because, well, your house will have aestheically placed holes in the cardboard exterior walls. And who needs plumbing when a 1000 gallon water truck will daily deliver water to your roof mounted cistern as least 2 times a week…maybe, and of course, while saving the endangered microbes in the water. And electricity…well….thank God for Cubans…they are examples of energy conservation. No contribution to the carbon footprint going on there. I mean…the government’s got them so brainwashed as to think they are lucky to have electic power maybe 2 or 3 hours a day. Don’t you dare piss off that government informant though. You got a good looking wife and he wants her?…..It’s over man, you just read a Bible or something, an imprisonable offense.
If BO thinks he’s going to get elected now after his genius pastor mocked every single Italian-American in this country by referring to them as garlic noses, hahahahaha. Let me say this, Barbariac’s pastor is no believer. The Christ he preaches does not exist. By the way, Michaelangelo, DaVinci, Enrico Fermi, Columbus, Marco Polo and well, me, were or are all garlic noses. I think Nancy Pelosi is a garlic nose by injection, so, don’t say I gotcha there, please.
And Billy thinks his lesbo wife will get elected if she just promises the farm and delivers the outhouse? Let’s see, free healthcare, you don’t have to pay your mortgage, she’ll kill the oil industry, homosexual marriage – OK, killing unborn babies – OK, taxes up the kazoo. It’s a literal zoo and I am sorry if I am insulting animals here. I mean, I think I would see more intelligence in zoo cages than in the DNC and their brainless candidates.
Does anyone know what’s going on in NY State where Hillabeansramrod is one of the two Senators? Buffalo, Syracuse, and Rochester are literal ghost towns where most of the people are either collecting disability, Social Security, or by some other scam. The Democrats have singlehandedley killed Kodak, Xerox, Bausch and Lomb, Carrier, General Electric and many other formally Fortune 500 companies who had a strong presence there. I mean, when I used to call a company’s service center (like HP) I would get somebody in India I couldn’t understand. Now I get somebody in Rochester because I guess they’ll work for less than the people in India. OK, way to go Hillary for at least solving one problem. The property taxes have people moving out in droves. Kodak has turned their once sprawling industrial complex into parking lots so they don’t have to pay property taxes on empty buildings. Now that’s a clintonesque idea, “let’s turn America into a parking lot”. At least she’d be consistent.
Literally, this is insanity institutionalized.
The Democratic Party and aclu are doing something the Germans, the Japanese, the Soviets, the Cubans, and the Chinese were not able to do in two World Wars and a 50 year Cold War: Bring down this country. It’s obvious that it’s their goal because all you have to do is to look at the results of taking prayer and God out of schools, legalizing infanticide, supporting gay marriage, raising taxes, etc., etc. Lyndon Johnson was an idiot along with his Great Society fiasco.
The pc people that blog on this site are evidence that we have lost a generation to perversion, immorality, ignorance, godlessness and foolishness.
Hey John, my friend, on a lighter note, how’s it going? Love your responses. Is Lewandowski Polish or Italian? You gotta have some wopaho in ya….you’re just too smart.
John, it’s looneytunes man. I just cannot understand how pc people think. They have no moral compass, they have lost their way. We’re in trouble bud.
Hey everyone, Bill Clinton showed up to my campus and is speaking tonight. Just thought you’d find it interesting. Also, Barack Obama is coming here on Sunday. Most excellent. :)
Posted by: Lyssie at March 27, 2008 5:47 PM—————– I’d rather watch paint dry. That’s a major downer.
Hisman, the first part of your post cracked me up! That was good.
Hodari’s cars are his chariots to hell.
Carrie, 4:31p: I don’t know how big Hodari’s mills are. Haven’t seen any in person.
Is that what you think?
That a baby hardly “has a body” for the majority of gestation? Or hardly has any functioning organs until the 2nd trimester?
is that what they told you when you had your abortion? I am sure it is what you want to believe.
You are a very intelligent young woman, driven, talented, well spoken. Do some research on fetal development. Then write me a paper, 10 pages, cite your sources and have it on my desk by Monday morning. No talking.(Sorry I used to be a teacher.)
Hey Erin – here’s a piece of your beast:
I’m just sayin…ya neva know…
cuz I got the source, and I can get an IP address…
here’s a licence plate idea. LOSER1.
..or Blood$$ Mobile.
@Erin: R-r-r-r-r-r-r-ick Roll! :D
“The Christ he preaches does not exist. ”
Finally, something HisMan and I can agree on.
Okay…am I the only one who thought HisMan’s rant to be mildly disturbing?
Rae —
Nope. It was like “uninformed stereotype” bingo.
@Alexandra: *phew* I thought I was the only one who thought what he said wasn’t terribly funny or amusing (as he apparently thought what he was saying was).
Rea, I agree. The guy has some seriously disturbing ideas. And he’s so self-righteous about his dillusions too. Also, he wants to meet me and “talk” some sense into me. What a joke.
Yeah, no one else should click that link. Sorry, couldn’t help myself!
@Hal: Maybe you should? Lol. It could prove amusing.
(Kind of like an Yllas vs. Zeke Celebrity Deathmatch…claymation and everything!)
I dunno. That doesn’t sound much like Hisman. He is more a scriptural kind of guy. Hmmmm….
@Erin: Oh, I didn’t click it, I just recognized the URL, my buddy Hugo used to try to get me to click it all the time. I think it’s hilarious myself…
Uh…that ‘prayer’ was pretty racist, HisMan. Also, your internet link isn’t leading to where it usually does.
Mods, can you confirm it’s him, because I agree with Carla. Too much blatant nasty and not enough bible verses for typical HisMan.
“Nope. It was like “uninformed stereotype” bingo.”
Let’s deal with my “uninformedness” point by point, OK brainiac:
1: Bill Clinton is a good guy. He didn’t have a young woman give him a BJ in the Oval Office and disgrace this country, nor did he lie to a Grand Jury about it. And his “it’s not sex comment” made while he was the leader of this country had absolutely no effect on the morals of the younger generation that heard those words played over, and over, and over again on CNN, MSNBC, etc.,etc.,etc.
2. BO is a seasoned veteran politician whose resume includes, well: ???????? and has not actually sat under the rants of a black racist.
3. Hillaboob is not a socialist who wants to fundamentally change this country. She wants to give what I have risked and worked very hard for to those who have, well, not worked or ever risked anything. She wants to reditribute my wealth to others in exchange for power. That is not called the textbook definition of theft.
4. And this one’s for you Hal, the hateful messages of BO’s Pastor is the message of the Christ in the Bible. And, Hal you disagree with me about this, let me be clear.
5. And, the Christ in the Bible does not exist despite a mountain of evidence that he does. And Hal, you agree with me here, correct? Of course this is based on the values of a man who killed his first two unborn children demsonstrating the ability to make heroic decisions despite the adversity he found himself in, thereby demonstrating that he is not a situational coward.
6. Hodari is just a nice guy trying to save woman from their situation and getting rich off of it becasue well, these aren’t babies, there just blobs of tissue and killing them is not wrong becasue it is legal to do so.
6: And BO’s pastor’s commnet on Italians won’t have a negative effect on his election.
7: And NY State is prospering and ot becoming like a Third World country. Hi-tech industries can’t wait to relocate there so they can attract new socialist enployees with the possibility of having to give all their hard earned income to the government in the form of the highest property taxes in the country. And Islanders aren’t moving to Florida in droves where thre is no income tax. Kodak and Xerox are prospering companies. Heck, Kodak was removed from the Dow Jones Industrial average and that’s good because it was an evil corporation and the parking lots in Rochester they created are now homes for more animals, disease carrying pack rats. And econmic devastation is a good thing. And Hiilabad has caused this new New York prosperity and wants to make it national…..I see now.
8: The Democrats are not responsible for taking prayer and God out of schools, muzzled the church with 501c3 legislation, legalizing infanticide and promoting the self-destructive lifetyle of homosexuality, all of which have not led to schools that are out of control, the 50,000,000 brutal murders of children in the womb and the resulting devastation to their tax base and the need to allow over 12,000,000 illegals into this country. The Democrat philosophy does not represent a house divided against itself.
You know, I understand what is means to be a PCer now. That is, one must be willing to ignore overwhelming evidence and facts in order to preserve one’s flawed views of well, just about everything. They must become experts at self-deception and embrace all that is a lie. I see now. Thank you. I am now “informed”.
Carla: This guy sounds like the imposter that showed up a few months ago.
Here’s another reason we should vote for Obama and Hillary because we wouldn’t want our enemies to be at a disadvantage if they decided to attack us:
Please read this story: “Homer Hickam made an interesting comment on FOX. In case you don’t know who he is, Homer was a poor West Virginia miner’s son, who worked his way up to being a scientist for NASA. He wrote a book alled “Rocket
Boy” which was later made into a great movie called “October Sky.”
This morning he was interviewed and said this, about the one-shot shoot-down of the crippled satellite
” If this Country’s head was on straight they would be holding a ticker tape parade for the crew of the cruiser, USS Lake Erie”…
This one rocket firing boosted our national defense 100-fold. North Korea, Iran, China, Russia, all know now that we have a safety net
that can accurately stop their incoming missiles even if they are out of the earth’s atmosphere. Of course, that was the plan all along. And it
was a dandy plan. I just hope that the next person in the White House doesn’t scrap the system and begin baking cookies for the enemy. Hillary or Obama will do just that, and that makes me a little nervous.”
Just a comment from one, “uninformed blogger”.
At any rate, kudos to the officers and crew of the USS Lake
Mods? This isn’t HisMan. ‘Tis our copycat. Hit him with the banhammer!
I can assure you it’s HisMan.
What? Can’t handle the truth?
I’m pretty doubtful, dude. This doesn’t sound like HisMan at all. HisMan sounds like the guy from yesterday at 5:47. Either way, I’d like a mod to confirm it, especially considering you aren’t using your usual url.
Also, HisMan is many things I disagree with, but he’s never been blatantly racist. And I’ve never seen him use the word ‘freaking’. I’m used to more religious spiel.
Hisman would use the term sodomy instead of “bj”.
Also, HisMan is many things I disagree with, but he’s never been blatantly racist. And I’ve never seen him use the word ‘freaking’. I’m used to more religious spiel.
HisMan, you believe that a doctor being well paid for his services is more shady than an evangelist profiting off his flock?
Why should a minister or preacher have a mansion and six cars? Why isn’t he giving that money away for good?
I don’t think that’s HisMan Edyt, but I find a preacher with a mansion and six cars to be a bit shady as well as Hodari.
Good catch you guys. It’s not our usual HisMan. Sorry I took the bait.
Geez, all the sociopaths look alike.
If it was HisMan, I’d ask for his opinion of Bob Casey, pro-life Catholic from Pennsylvania, endorsing Obama.
Unfortunately, it was raining last night and there was a line 8000-people long outside of the place where Bill Clinton was speaking. I wasn’t willing to stand out there for hours, especially when Hillary’s coming sometime later. (Yes, I said eight THOUSAND people). So I went to the free Greg Giraldo comedy show last night instead. Very excellent. Plus I can definitely go to the Obama speech on Sunday- it’s put on by a pro-Obama group of which my lovely roommate is part. :)
Oh, fake HisMan, I delight in your rants. *skips merrily to class when she should be getting married and submitting to a husband*
Who said anything about being married and submitting to a husband?
I’m sure you are happy giving your body away to whomever you choose, whenever, wherever, however. As long as you FEEL like they love you…for the moment of course according to Clinton’s worldview. I am encourgaed about one thing, that you weren’t willing to wait in an 8,000 person line to see BJClinton and instaed went to another clown performance. At least your behavior is Clinton and proved governed by your lack of committemetn and loyalty. Oops did I use BJ, oh, I’m sorry for not being totally PC.
And Hal, seems like you like the religious types that act well, like you, godless and cowardly.
And Edyt, most preachers I know don’t have mansions and six cars. In fact, when I was down at the homeless shelter this morning, one of my favorite pastors Ramon was on his way to Mexico to build houses for poor Mexican families because the governemnt down there is filled with corrputed and godless liberals.
My only regret was that I couldn’t go with him because I selfishly wanted to stay home with my family and the wife I submit to this weekend, go to my 11 year old son-who-I-didn’t-abort’s football game, and have lunch with a potential McCain cabinet member so we could discuss how we are going to destroy Roe v. Wade.
Hal, Senator Casey is a right-to-lifer, but not a very enthusiastic one.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he voted to break the inevitable filibuster against the Freedom of Choice Act, when the time comes.
Faux-HisMan, I’m pretty sure that Catholic Mexico has a pretty conservative government.
BTW, what are everyone’s thoughts on this?
(It’s not another Rickroll, I promise.)
(fake?)HisMan, who says I give my body away whenever I want? That’s pretty damn presumptuous….and besides, who says I support what Bill did? Did I mention ONCE that I was all excited that it was BILL? I was more interested in the fact that powerful politicians are making a point to come speak at my university, and never ONCE mentioned my support for any of them. Get your self-righteous head out of your holier-than-thou ass and actually read for once….although that might be too hard for someone always looking for sentences that start with “Thou shalt not” and “On the seventh day..”
Get a grip.
By the way, Giraldo’s performance rocked. I definitely recommend seeing his comedy tour to anyone here….he’s a bit different than on TV, in my opinion. Good day. :)
You define YOURSELF when you say stupid things like this: “Oh, fake HisMan, I delight in your rants. *skips merrily to class when she should be getting married and submitting to a husband*”
You also said this: “Hey everyone, Bill Clinton showed up to my campus and is speaking tonight. Just thought you’d find it interesting. Also, Barack Obama is coming here on Sunday. Most excellent. :)”
“Most excellent…..Most excellentz”. Is this NOT an expression of delight and approval? I think most of the intelligent woman on this site would puke at the thought of seeing Cill Blinton.
Also, try being honest for once in your short little arrogant life.
@HisMan: Hush please. You know it’s a sad state of affairs when even people who actually like you (who know’s why) question whether it’s really you or an imposter…
You’re being very rebellious lately, why the change?
Hush? OK.
Excuse me, I’m sorry, you’re right, please like me, save the whale, hug a tree, save the ozone layer, eat veggies, save Tibet, imagine whirled peas, change for change sake, a new direction, it’s not sex, can’t we just all get along.
@HisMan: I have no idea what you’re talking about. And I used “hush” because it is more polite than “shut-up”. I’m sorry that you find politeness offensive.
(fake)HisMan, you dimwitted old codger, I would have said “most excellent” had it been McCain or Huckabee making a stop at my school, because NOTICE, where I spoke earlier, I said it was interesting because high-powered politicians were coming to visit. I expressed a wish to see them speak. I OBVIOUSLY didn’t admire Bill Clinton enough to stand in line to see him speak, so get over yourself when you say I approve of him. If I really gave a damn, I would’ve stayed and refrained from going to see a comedy show with my beloved boyfriend. By the way, Ann Coulter is coming next week. I’m definitely going to see her, and I don’t even like her. What say you, oh paragon of personal judgment?
And my “delight in your rants” quip was because you view everyone through a self-righteous, presumptuous, bigoted filter. Automatically, at the mention of Bill Clinton or Obama, if the person speaks without a derogatory term attached to either politician, you determine the person speaking to be a godless lowlife. Guess what, I don’t have to attach an insult to every politician or big wig that you or I disagree with. If that’s what gets you up in the morning, by insulting politicians you hate every time they’re mentioned, have at it. I can be more mature than that. I simply expressed an interest in the fact that they were visiting here. Here, if you can’t read that, I’ll make it easier:
There, all better?
Oh, and Jasper…rebellion is defined as “opposition to authority”. Since none of the people I disagree with here,including yourself and HisMan, have any authority over me, the word “rebellious” is fallacious when used in the context you intended. Sorry, try again. (Hint: try the word “argumentative”.)
I think the fake hisman is actually a pro-choice plant trying to start a fight. He’s no crazier than the real guy, but he does write different.
Wow Hal, what insight, what genius, what vision. A pro-choice plant.
Not surprising logic from one who aborted two kids.
Like I said Hal, why do you bother? What sort of sick pleasure do you get out of being on this site?
Lyssie: Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…..
Dimwitted old codger? I could run circles around your sweetie, physically and mentally.
Hal, I think you’re right. He’s definitely got a different writing style, plus this one’s too dumb to know the difference between “you” and “your” (EX:”I could run circles around your sweetie, physically and mentally.”), especially when he’s trying to say he’s mentally superior to me. It’s also painfully evident that he had nothing of substance with which to reply to us, so he resorted to vapid one-liners and personal insults. How sad. He gives a bad name to the real HisMan…and that’s tough to swallow for some people on this site to begin with. :)