We’ve talked much the last couple weeks about MI late-term abortionist Alberto Hodari, in the news for tossing aborted babies and medical records into his dumpsters. Read my Hodari archives here.
But just what does an abortionist do with all the money s/he makes from aborting poor mothers in crisis?
Pro-lifer Judy Papa has sidewalk counseled at Hodari’s Flint, MI, pole barn abortion mill for years and sent photos of Hodari’s hobby, classic car collecting. He even takes them to shows.
Where does Hodari keep his babies? Inside the mill, at the service entrance.
These first photos are of Hodari leaving the mill in his favorite car. He mentioned it during his infamous talk at Wayne State U last November…
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See more photos on page 2.

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Hodari’s driver is Geraldo, shown here in another of Hodari’s cars…
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Parked by the service entrance…
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And a couple others…
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